**Browse Matplot Examples - Click on list, See the Plot** This Demo Program was adapted to run on Trinket by shrinking down the size of the display window from 650,650 to 500,500. Shrinking the area makes the plots look a little crowded. These screenshots are from Windows. Click on the list on the left to view a plot. ![SNAG-0634.jpg](/api/files/5e0a152992f24fc47d8b9ed9/snag-0634.jpeg "SNAG-0634.jpg") Slide up the "pane" on the bottom to reveal the source code for the plot you're viewing. ![SNAG-0635.jpg](/api/files/5e0a153192f24fc47d8b9eed/snag-0635.jpeg "SNAG-0635.jpg") Your application doesn't have to be this fancy. You could display your raw data in the hidden pane so that you can slide it up and view the underlying data.