Ticket Reservation Example This program duplicates the window that this tutorial creates. https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/dk3rff/python_gui_project_ticket_reservation_style_and/ When using tkinter 41 lines of code are used. This PySimpleGUI program uses 19 That makes the PSG program roughly 43% the size of the tkinter program, which is within the estimates of 1/2 to 1/10. Because this is a "data entry" type window, care was taken to clear the fields after the record was submitted and the cursor (focus) was placed back up at the name field, ready for a new record to be added. This is a screenshot of the tkinter version ![SNAG-0505.jpg](/api/files/5dabab97793af61f3b448fe1/snag-0505.jpeg "SNAG-0505.jpg") And this is what the PySimpleGUI window produces ![SNAG-0507.jpg](/api/files/5dabad3a793af61f3b449245/snag-0507.jpeg "SNAG-0507.jpg")