A Text Adventure GUI Mockup A quick mockup for a GUI in response to this Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/comments/dza038/is_there_a_way_to_request_and_save_user_input/ This program creates a window that takes in user input and displays "results" in the window. The results are displayed using simple "print" statements. On Windows, the window look like this: ![SNAG-0572.jpg](/api/files/5ddc0cc520a3a5c051b2c955/snag-0572.jpeg "SNAG-0572.jpg") Note that colored text output to an `Output Element` is not currently supported. You can have colored text in the main window itself but not in these scrolling type Elements. However, that was a very recent change to PySimpleGUIQt that DOES allow colored text to be sent to a scrolling output Element (the Multiline). Looking at adding it to the tkinter (plain PySimpleGUI) port very soon.