#PySimple examples (v 3.9) #Tony Crewe #Oct 2018 MacOS import PySimpleGUI as sg #Can use a variety of themes - plus individual options #Not on MacOS #sg.ChangeLookAndFeel('SandyBeach') #use set Options see previous sg.SetOptions (font = ('Calbri', 12, 'bold')) layout = [ [sg.Text('Enter a Temperature in Celcius')], [sg.Text('Celcius', size =(8,1)), sg.InputText(size = (6,1),key = '_input_')], [sg.Text('Result', size =(8,1)), sg.InputText(size = (6,1),key = '_result_')], [sg.ReadButton('Submit', bind_return_key = True)]] window = sg.Window('Temp Converter').Layout(layout) while True: button, value = window.Read() if button is not None: #catch program errors for text, floats or blank entry: #Also validation for range [0, 50] try: if float(value['_input_']) > 50 or float(value['_input_']) <0: sg.Popup('Error','Out of range') else: fahrenheit = round(9/5*int(value['_input_']) +32, 1) window.FindElement('_result_').Update(fahrenheit) except ValueError: sg.Popup('Error','Please try again') else: break