import PySimpleGUI as sg import time """ Demo Program - Periodic Timer Event How to use a thread to generate an event every x seconds One method of getting periodic timer event that's more predictable than using The problem with using a timeout with is that if any event happens prior to the timer expiring, the timer event will not happen. The timeout parameter is not designed to provide a "heartbeat" type of timer but rather to guarantee you will get an event within that amount of time, be it a user-caused event or a timeout. Copyright 2022 PySimpleGUI """ timer_running = {} def timer_status_change(timer_id, start=None, stop=None, delete=None): """ Encapsulates/manages the timers dictionary :param timer_id: ID of timer to change status :type timer_id: int :param start: Set to True when timer is started :type start: bool :param stop: Set to True when timer is stopped :type stop: bool :param delete: Set to True to delete a timer :type delete bool """ global timer_running if start: timer_running[timer_id] = True if stop: timer_running[timer_id] = False if delete: del timer_running[timer_id] def timer_is_running(timer_id): """ :param timer_id: The timer ID to check :type timer_id: int :return: True if the timer is running :rtype: bool """ if timer_running[timer_id]: return True return False def periodic_timer_thread(window, interval, timer_id): """ Thread that sends messages to the GUI after some interval of time :param window: Window the events will be sent to :type window: sg.Window :param interval: How frequently to send an event :type interval: float :param timer_id: A timer identifier :type timer_id: int """ while True: time.sleep(interval) # sleep until time to send a timer event window.write_event_value(('-THREAD-', '-TIMER EVENT-'), timer_id) if not timer_is_running(timer_id): # If timer has been stopped, delete it and return from thread timer_status_change(timer_id, delete=True) return def main(): layout = [[sg.Text('Window with periodic time events')], [sg.Text(key='-MESSAGE-')], [sg.Text('Timer Status:'), sg.Text(key='-TIMER STATUS-')], [sg.Text('Duration:'), sg.In(s=3, key='-DURATION-'), sg.Button('Start')], [sg.Text('Timer ID:'), sg.In(s=3, key='-STOP ID-'), sg.Button('Stop'),], [ sg.Button('Dummy'), sg.Button('Exit')], ] window = sg.Window('Blinking LED Window', layout) timer_counter = 0 # --------------------- EVENT LOOP --------------------- while True: event, values = if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Exit'): break window['-MESSAGE-'].update(f'{event} {values}') window['-TIMER STATUS-'].update(f'{timer_running}') if event == 'Start': if values['-DURATION-']: timer_status_change(timer_counter, start=True) window.start_thread(lambda: periodic_timer_thread(window, float(values['-DURATION-']), timer_counter), ('-THREAD-', '-THREAD ENDED-')) timer_counter += 1 else: window['-MESSAGE-'].update('Please enter a numeric duration') elif event == 'Stop': if values['-STOP ID-']: timer_status_change(int(values['-STOP ID-']), stop=True) window.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()