Floating toolbar, Cookbook update
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,45 +1,40 @@
#!/usr/bin/env Python3
#!/usr/bin/env Python3
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import PySimpleGUI as sg
def Everything():
form = sg.FlexForm('Everything bagel', default_element_size=(40, 1), grab_anywhere=False)
form = sg.FlexForm('Everything bagel', default_element_size=(40, 1), grab_anywhere=False)
column1 = [[sg.Text('Column 1', background_color='#F7F3EC', justification='center', size=(10, 1))],
[sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), initial_value='Spin Box 1')],
[sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), initial_value='Spin Box 2')],
[sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), initial_value='Spin Box 3')]]
column1 = [[sg.Text('Column 1', background_color='black', justification='center', size=(10, 1))],
layout = [
[sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), initial_value='Spin Box 1')],
[sg.Text('All graphic widgets in one form!', size=(30, 1), font=("Helvetica", 25))],
[sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), initial_value='Spin Box 2')],
[sg.Text('Here is some text.... and a place to enter text')],
[sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), initial_value='Spin Box 3')]]
[sg.InputText('This is my text')],
[sg.Checkbox('Checkbox'), sg.Checkbox('My second checkbox!', default=True)],
[sg.Radio('My first Radio! ', "RADIO1", default=True), sg.Radio('My second Radio!', "RADIO1")],
[sg.Multiline(default_text='This is the default Text should you decide not to type anything', size=(35, 3)),
sg.Multiline(default_text='A second multi-line', size=(35, 3))],
[sg.InputCombo(('Combobox 1', 'Combobox 2'), size=(20, 1)),
sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='h', size=(34, 20), default_value=85)],
[sg.InputOptionMenu(('Menu Option 1', 'Menu Option 2', 'Menu Option 3'))],
[sg.Listbox(values=('Listbox 1', 'Listbox 2', 'Listbox 3'), size=(30, 3)),
sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v', size=(5, 20), default_value=25),
sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v', size=(5, 20), default_value=75),
sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v', size=(5, 20), default_value=10),
sg.Column(column1, background_color='#F7F3EC')],
[sg.Text('_' * 80)],
[sg.Text('Choose A Folder', size=(35, 1))],
[sg.Text('Your Folder', size=(15, 1), auto_size_text=False, justification='right'),
sg.InputText('Default Folder'), sg.FolderBrowse()],
[sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]
layout = [
button, values = form.LayoutAndRead(layout)
[sg.Text('All graphic widgets in one form!', size=(30, 1), font=("Helvetica", 25))],
[sg.Text('Here is some text.... and a place to enter text')],
[sg.InputText('This is my text')],
[sg.Checkbox('Checkbox'), sg.Checkbox('My second checkbox!', default=True)],
[sg.Radio('My first Radio! ', "RADIO1", default=True), sg.Radio('My second Radio!', "RADIO1")],
[sg.Multiline(default_text='This is the default Text should you decide not to type anything', size=(35, 3)),
sg.Multiline(default_text='A second multi-line', size=(35, 3))],
[sg.InputCombo(('Combobox 1', 'Combobox 2'), size=(20, 1)),
sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='h', size=(34, 20), default_value=85)],
[sg.InputOptionMenu(('Menu Option 1', 'Menu Option 2', 'Menu Option 3'))],
[sg.Listbox(values=('Listbox 1', 'Listbox 2', 'Listbox 3'), size=(30, 3)),
sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v', size=(5, 20), default_value=25),
sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v', size=(5, 20), default_value=75),
sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v', size=(5, 20), default_value=10),
sg.Column(column1, background_color='black')],
[sg.Text('_' * 80)],
[sg.Text('Choose A Folder', size=(35, 1))],
[sg.Text('Your Folder', size=(15, 1), auto_size_text=False, justification='right'),
sg.InputText('Default Folder'), sg.FolderBrowse()],
[sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]
button, values = form.LayoutAndRead(layout)
sg.Popup('Title', 'The results of the form.', 'The button clicked was "{}"'.format(button), 'The values are', values)
sg.Popup('Title', 'The results of the form.', 'The button clicked was "{}"'.format(button), 'The values are', values)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import subprocess
import os
import sys
Demo_Toolbar - A floating toolbar with quick launcher
One cool PySimpleGUI demo. Shows borderless windows, grab_anywhere, tight button layout
You can setup a specific program to launch when a button is clicked, or use the
Combobox to select a .py file found in the root folder, and run that file.
ROOT_PATH = './'
def Launcher():
def print(line):
namesonly = [f for f in os.listdir(ROOT_PATH) if f.endswith('.py') ]
sg.SetOptions(element_padding=(0,0), button_element_size=(12,1), auto_size_buttons=False)
layout = [[sg.Combo(values=namesonly, size=(35,30), key='demofile'),
sg.ReadFormButton('Run', button_color=('white', '#00168B')),
sg.ReadFormButton('Program 1'),
sg.ReadFormButton('Program 2'),
sg.ReadFormButton('Program 3', button_color=('white', '#35008B')),
sg.SimpleButton('EXIT', button_color=('white','firebrick3'))],
[sg.T('', text_color='white', size=(50,1), key='output')]]
form = sg.FlexForm('Floating Toolbar', no_titlebar=True, keep_on_top=True)
# ---===--- Loop taking in user input and using it to query HowDoI --- #
while True:
(button, value) = form.Read()
if button is 'EXIT' or button is None:
break # exit button clicked
if button is 'Program 1':
print('Run your program 1 here!')
elif button is 'Program 2':
print('Run your program 2 here!')
elif button is 'Run':
file = value['demofile']
print('Launching %s'%file)
ExecuteCommandSubprocess('python', os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, file))
def ExecuteCommandSubprocess(command, *args, wait=False):
if sys.platform == 'linux':
arg_string = ''
for arg in args:
arg_string += ' ' + str(arg)
sp = subprocess.Popen(['python3' + arg_string, ], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
sp = subprocess.Popen([command, list(args)], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if wait:
out, err = sp.communicate()
if out:
if err:
except: pass
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ Use the upper half to generate your hash code. Then paste it into the code in t
password_hash = sha1hash.hexdigest()
password_hash = sha1hash.hexdigest()
if password_hash == hash:
if password_hash == hash:
return True
return True
return False
return False
login_password_hash = '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8'
login_password_hash = '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8'
@ -1089,6 +1089,81 @@ You can easily change colors to match your background by changing a couple of pa
## Desktop Floating Widget
This is a little widget you can leave running on your desktop. Will hopefully see more of these for things like checking email, checking server pings, displaying system information, dashboards, etc
Much of the code is handling the button states in a fancy way. It could be much simpler if you don't change the button text based on state.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import time
Timer Desktop Widget Creates a floating timer that is always on top of other windows You move it by grabbing anywhere on the window Good example of how to do a non-blocking, polling program using PySimpleGUI Can be used to poll hardware when running on a Pi NOTE - you will get a warning message printed when you exit using exit button.
It will look something like: invalid command name "1616802625480StopMove""""
# ---------------- Create Form ----------------
# Make a form, but don't use context manager
# Create the form layout
form_rows = [[sg.Text('')],
[sg.Text('', size=(8, 2), font=('Helvetica', 20), justification='center', key='text')],
[sg.ReadFormButton('Pause', key='button', button_color=('white', '#001480')), sg.ReadFormButton('Reset', button_color=('white', '#007339')), sg.Exit(button_color=('white','firebrick4'))]]
# Layout the rows of the form and perform a read. Indicate the form is non-blocking!
form = sg.FlexForm('Running Timer', no_titlebar=True, auto_size_buttons=False, keep_on_top=True, grab_anywhere=True)
# ---------------- main loop ----------------
current_time = 0
paused = False
start_time = int(round(time.time()*100))
while (True):
# --------- Read and update window --------
if not paused:
button, values = form.ReadNonBlocking()
current_time = int(round(time.time()*100)) - start_time
button, values = form.Read()
# --------- Do Button Operations --------
if values is None or button == 'Exit':
if button is 'Reset':
start_time = int(round(time.time()*100))
current_time = 0
paused_time = start_time
elif button == 'Pause':
paused = True
paused_time = int(round(time.time()*100))
element = form.FindElement('button')
elif button == 'Run':
paused = False
start_time = start_time + int(round(time.time()*100)) - paused_time
element = form.FindElement('button')
# --------- Display timer in window --------
form.FindElement('text').Update('{:02d}:{:02d}.{:02d}'.format((current_time // 100) // 60,
(current_time // 100) % 60,
current_time % 100))
# --------- After loop --------
# Broke out of main loop. Close the window.
## Menus
## Menus
Menus are nothing more than buttons that live in a menu-bar. When you click on a menu item, you get back a "button" with that menu item's text, just as you would had that text been on a button.
Menus are nothing more than buttons that live in a menu-bar. When you click on a menu item, you get back a "button" with that menu item's text, just as you would had that text been on a button.
Reference in New Issue