Demos using Gauge class
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import psutil
import sys
import math
Another simple Desktop Widget using PySimpleGUI
This time a CPU Usage indicator using a custom Gauge element
The Gauge class was developed by the brilliant PySimpleGUI user and support-helper @jason990420
It has been hacked on a bit, had classes and functions moved around. It could be cleaned up some
but it's "good enough" at this point to release as a demo.
This is a good example of how you can use Graph Elements to create your own custom elements.
This Gauge element is created from a Graph element.
Copyright 2020
class Gauge():
def mapping(func, sequence, *argc):
Map function with extra argument, not for tuple.
: Parameters
func - function to call.
sequence - list for iteration.
argc - more arguments for func.
: Return
list of func(element of sequence, *argc)
if isinstance(sequence, list):
return list(map(lambda i: func(i, *argc), sequence))
return func(sequence, *argc)
def add(number1, number2):
Add two number
: Parameter
number1 - number to add.
numeer2 - number to add.
: Return
Addition result for number1 and number2.
return number1 + number1
def limit(number):
Limit angle in range 0 ~ 360
: Parameter
number: angle degree.
: Return
angel degree in 0 ~ 360, return 0 if number < 0, 360 if number > 360.
return max(min(360, number), 0)
class Clock():
Draw background circle or arc
All angles defined as clockwise from negative x-axis.
def __init__(self, center_x=0, center_y=0, radius=100, start_angle=0,
stop_angle=360, fill_color='white', line_color='black', line_width=2, graph_elem=None):
instance = Gauge.mapping(isinstance, [center_x, center_y, radius, start_angle,
stop_angle, line_width], (int, float)) + Gauge.mapping(isinstance,
[fill_color, line_color], str)
if False in instance:
raise ValueError
start_angle, stop_angle = Gauge.limit(start_angle), Gauge.limit(stop_angle)
self.all = [center_x, center_y, radius, start_angle, stop_angle,
fill_color, line_color, line_width]
self.figure = []
self.graph_elem = graph_elem
def new(self):
Draw Arc or circle
x, y, r, start, stop, fill, line, width = self.all
start, stop = (180 - start, 180 - stop) if stop < start else (180 - stop, 180 - start)
if start == stop % 360:
self.figure.append(self.graph_elem.DrawCircle((x, y), r, fill_color=fill,
line_color=line, line_width=width))
self.figure.append(self.graph_elem.DrawArc((x - r, y + r), (x + r, y - r), stop - start,
start, style='arc', arc_color=fill))
def move(self, delta_x, delta_y):
Move circle or arc in clock by delta x, delta y
if False in Gauge.mapping(isinstance, [delta_x, delta_y], (int, float)):
raise ValueError
self.all[0] += delta_x
self.all[1] += delta_y
for figure in self.figure:
self.graph_elem.MoveFigure(figure, delta_x, delta_y)
class Pointer():
Draw pointer of clock
All angles defined as clockwise from negative x-axis.
def __init__(self, center_x=0, center_y=0, angle=0, inner_radius=20,
outer_radius=80, outer_color='white', pointer_color='blue',
origin_color='black', line_width=2, graph_elem=None):
instance = Gauge.mapping(isinstance, [center_x, center_y, angle, inner_radius,
outer_radius, line_width], (int, float)) + Gauge.mapping(isinstance,
[outer_color, pointer_color, origin_color], str)
if False in instance:
raise ValueError
self.all = [center_x, center_y, angle, inner_radius, outer_radius,
outer_color, pointer_color, origin_color, line_width]
self.figure = []
self.stop_angle = angle
self.graph_elem = graph_elem
def new(self, degree=0):
Draw new pointer by angle, erase old pointer if exist
degree defined as clockwise from negative x-axis.
(center_x, center_y, angle, inner_radius, outer_radius,
outer_color, pointer_color, origin_color, line_width) = self.all
if self.figure != []:
for figure in self.figure:
self.figure = []
d = degree - 90
self.all[2] = degree
dx1 = int(2 * inner_radius * math.sin(d / 180 * math.pi))
dy1 = int(2 * inner_radius * math.cos(d / 180 * math.pi))
dx2 = int(outer_radius * math.sin(d / 180 * math.pi))
dy2 = int(outer_radius * math.cos(d / 180 * math.pi))
self.figure.append(self.graph_elem.DrawLine((center_x - dx1, center_y - dy1),
(center_x + dx2, center_y + dy2),
color=pointer_color, width=line_width))
self.figure.append(self.graph_elem.DrawCircle((center_x, center_y), inner_radius,
fill_color=origin_color, line_color=outer_color, line_width=line_width))
def move(self, delta_x, delta_y):
Move pointer with delta x and delta y
if False in Gauge.mapping(isinstance, [delta_x, delta_y], (int, float)):
raise ValueError
self.all[:2] = [self.all[0] + delta_x, self.all[1] + delta_y]
for figure in self.figure:
self.graph_elem.MoveFigure(figure, delta_x, delta_y)
class Tick():
Create tick on click for minor tick, also for major tick
All angles defined as clockwise from negative x-axis.
def __init__(self, center_x=0, center_y=0, start_radius=90, stop_radius=100,
start_angle=0, stop_angle=360, step=6, line_color='black', line_width=2, graph_elem=None):
instance = Gauge.mapping(isinstance, [center_x, center_y, start_radius,
stop_radius, start_angle, stop_angle, step, line_width],
(int, float)) + [Gauge.mapping(isinstance, line_color, (list, str))]
if False in instance:
raise ValueError
start_angle, stop_angle = Gauge.limit(start_angle), Gauge.limit(stop_angle)
self.all = [center_x, center_y, start_radius, stop_radius,
start_angle, stop_angle, step, line_color, line_width]
self.figure = []
self.graph_elem = graph_elem
def new(self):
Draw ticks on clock
(x, y, start_radius, stop_radius, start_angle, stop_angle, step,
line_color, line_width) = self.all
start_angle, stop_angle = (180 - start_angle, 180 - stop_angle
) if stop_angle < start_angle else (180 - stop_angle, 180 - start_angle)
for i in range(start_angle, stop_angle + 1, step):
start_x = x + start_radius * math.cos(i / 180 * math.pi)
start_y = y + start_radius * math.sin(i / 180 * math.pi)
stop_x = x + stop_radius * math.cos(i / 180 * math.pi)
stop_y = y + stop_radius * math.sin(i / 180 * math.pi)
self.figure.append(self.graph_elem.DrawLine((start_x, start_y),
(stop_x, stop_y), color=line_color, width=line_width))
def move(self, delta_x, delta_y):
Move ticks by delta x and delta y
if False in Gauge.mapping(isinstance, [delta_x, delta_y], (int, float)):
raise ValueError
self.all[0] += delta_x
self.all[1] += delta_y
for figure in self.figure:
self.graph_elem.MoveFigure(figure, delta_x, delta_y)
Create Gauge
All angles defined as count clockwise from negative x-axis.
Should create instance of clock, pointer, minor tick and major tick first.
def __init__(self, center=(0, 0), start_angle=0, stop_angle=180, major_tick_width=5, minor_tick_width=2,major_tick_start_radius=90, major_tick_stop_radius=100, major_tick_step=30, clock_radius=100, pointer_line_width=5, pointer_inner_radius=10, pointer_outer_radius=75, pointer_color='white', pointer_origin_color='black', pointer_outer_color='white', pointer_angle=0, degree=0, clock_color='white', major_tick_color='black', minor_tick_color='black', minor_tick_start_radius=90, minor_tick_stop_radius=100, graph_elem=None):
self.clock = Gauge.Clock(start_angle=start_angle, stop_angle=stop_angle, fill_color=clock_color, radius=clock_radius, graph_elem=graph_elem)
self.minor_tick = Gauge.Tick(start_angle=start_angle, stop_angle=stop_angle, line_width=minor_tick_width, line_color=minor_tick_color, start_radius=minor_tick_start_radius, stop_radius=minor_tick_stop_radius, graph_elem=graph_elem)
self.major_tick = Gauge.Tick(start_angle=start_angle, stop_angle=stop_angle, line_width=major_tick_width, start_radius=major_tick_start_radius, stop_radius=major_tick_stop_radius, step=major_tick_step, line_color=major_tick_color, graph_elem=graph_elem)
self.pointer = Gauge.Pointer(angle=pointer_angle, inner_radius=pointer_inner_radius, outer_radius=pointer_outer_radius, pointer_color=pointer_color, outer_color=pointer_outer_color, origin_color=pointer_origin_color, line_width=pointer_line_width, graph_elem=graph_elem)
self.center_x, self.center_y = = center
| = degree
self.dx = self.dy = 1
def move(self, delta_x, delta_y):
Move gauge to move all componenets in gauge.
self.center_x, self.center_y = (
self.center_x+delta_x, self.center_y+delta_y)
if self.clock:
self.clock.move(delta_x, delta_y)
if self.minor_tick:
self.minor_tick.move(delta_x, delta_y)
if self.major_tick:
self.major_tick.move(delta_x, delta_y)
if self.pointer:
self.pointer.move(delta_x, delta_y)
def change(self, degree=None, step=1):
Rotation of pointer
call it with degree and step to set initial options for rotation.
Without any option to start rotation.
if self.pointer:
if degree != None:
self.pointer.stop_degree = degree
self.pointer.step = step if self.pointer.all[2] < degree else -step
return True
now = self.pointer.all[2]
step = self.pointer.step
new_degree = now + step
if ((step > 0 and new_degree < self.pointer.stop_degree) or
(step < 0 and new_degree > self.pointer.stop_degree)):
return False
return True
ALPHA = 0.8
THEME = 'Dark purple 6 '
def human_size(bytes, units=(' bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB')):
""" Returns a human readable string reprentation of bytes"""
return str(bytes) + ' ' + units[0] if bytes < 1024 else human_size(bytes >> 10, units[1:])
def main(location):
gsize = (100, 55)
layout = [
[sg.T('CPU', font='Any 20', background_color='black')],
[sg.Graph(gsize, (-gsize[0] // 2, 0), (gsize[0] // 2, gsize[1]), key='-Graph-')],
[sg.T(size=(5, 1), font='Any 20', justification='c', background_color='black', k='-gauge VALUE-')]]
window = sg.Window('CPU Usage Widget Square', layout, location=location, no_titlebar=True, grab_anywhere=True, margins=(0, 0), element_padding=(0, 0), alpha_channel=ALPHA, background_color='black', element_justification='c', finalize=True, right_click_menu=[[''], 'Exit'])
gauge = Gauge(pointer_color=sg.theme_text_color(), clock_color=sg.theme_text_color(), major_tick_color=sg.theme_text_color(),
minor_tick_color=sg.theme_input_background_color(), pointer_outer_color=sg.theme_text_color(), major_tick_start_radius=45,
minor_tick_start_radius=45, minor_tick_stop_radius=50, major_tick_stop_radius=50, major_tick_step=30, clock_radius=50, pointer_line_width=3, pointer_inner_radius=10, pointer_outer_radius=50, graph_elem=window['-Graph-'])
while True: # Event Loop
cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1)
if gauge.change():
new_angle = cpu_percent*180/100
window['-gauge VALUE-'].update(f'{int(cpu_percent)}%')
gauge.change(degree=new_angle, step=new_angle)
# ----------- update the graphics and text in the window ------------
# update the window, wait for a while, then check for exit
event, values =
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
location = sys.argv[1].split(',')
location = (int(location[0]), int(location[1]))
location = (None, None)
@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import psutil
import sys
import math
Another simple Desktop Widget using PySimpleGUI
This time a RAM Usage indicator using a custom Gauge element
The Gauge class was developed by the brilliant PySimpleGUI user and support-helper @jason990420
It has been hacked on a bit, had classes and functions moved around. It could be cleaned up some
but it's "good enough" at this point to release as a demo.
This is a good example of how you can use Graph Elements to create your own custom elements.
This Gauge element is created from a Graph element.
Copyright 2020
ALPHA = 0.8
THEME = 'Dark Green 5'
class Gauge():
def mapping(func, sequence, *argc):
Map function with extra argument, not for tuple.
: Parameters
func - function to call.
sequence - list for iteration.
argc - more arguments for func.
: Return
list of func(element of sequence, *argc)
if isinstance(sequence, list):
return list(map(lambda i: func(i, *argc), sequence))
return func(sequence, *argc)
def add(number1, number2):
Add two number
: Parameter
number1 - number to add.
numeer2 - number to add.
: Return
Addition result for number1 and number2.
return number1 + number1
def limit(number):
Limit angle in range 0 ~ 360
: Parameter
number: angle degree.
: Return
angel degree in 0 ~ 360, return 0 if number < 0, 360 if number > 360.
return max(min(360, number), 0)
class Clock():
Draw background circle or arc
All angles defined as clockwise from negative x-axis.
def __init__(self, center_x=0, center_y=0, radius=100, start_angle=0,
stop_angle=360, fill_color='white', line_color='black', line_width=2, graph_elem=None):
instance = Gauge.mapping(isinstance, [center_x, center_y, radius, start_angle,
stop_angle, line_width], (int, float)) + Gauge.mapping(isinstance,
[fill_color, line_color], str)
if False in instance:
raise ValueError
start_angle, stop_angle = Gauge.limit(start_angle), Gauge.limit(stop_angle)
self.all = [center_x, center_y, radius, start_angle, stop_angle,
fill_color, line_color, line_width]
self.figure = []
self.graph_elem = graph_elem
def new(self):
Draw Arc or circle
x, y, r, start, stop, fill, line, width = self.all
start, stop = (180 - start, 180 - stop) if stop < start else (180 - stop, 180 - start)
if start == stop % 360:
self.figure.append(self.graph_elem.DrawCircle((x, y), r, fill_color=fill,
line_color=line, line_width=width))
self.figure.append(self.graph_elem.DrawArc((x - r, y + r), (x + r, y - r), stop - start,
start, style='arc', arc_color=fill))
def move(self, delta_x, delta_y):
Move circle or arc in clock by delta x, delta y
if False in Gauge.mapping(isinstance, [delta_x, delta_y], (int, float)):
raise ValueError
self.all[0] += delta_x
self.all[1] += delta_y
for figure in self.figure:
self.graph_elem.MoveFigure(figure, delta_x, delta_y)
class Pointer():
Draw pointer of clock
All angles defined as clockwise from negative x-axis.
def __init__(self, center_x=0, center_y=0, angle=0, inner_radius=20,
outer_radius=80, outer_color='white', pointer_color='blue',
origin_color='black', line_width=2, graph_elem=None):
instance = Gauge.mapping(isinstance, [center_x, center_y, angle, inner_radius,
outer_radius, line_width], (int, float)) + Gauge.mapping(isinstance,
[outer_color, pointer_color, origin_color], str)
if False in instance:
raise ValueError
self.all = [center_x, center_y, angle, inner_radius, outer_radius,
outer_color, pointer_color, origin_color, line_width]
self.figure = []
self.stop_angle = angle
self.graph_elem = graph_elem
def new(self, degree=0):
Draw new pointer by angle, erase old pointer if exist
degree defined as clockwise from negative x-axis.
(center_x, center_y, angle, inner_radius, outer_radius,
outer_color, pointer_color, origin_color, line_width) = self.all
if self.figure != []:
for figure in self.figure:
self.figure = []
d = degree - 90
self.all[2] = degree
dx1 = int(2 * inner_radius * math.sin(d / 180 * math.pi))
dy1 = int(2 * inner_radius * math.cos(d / 180 * math.pi))
dx2 = int(outer_radius * math.sin(d / 180 * math.pi))
dy2 = int(outer_radius * math.cos(d / 180 * math.pi))
self.figure.append(self.graph_elem.DrawLine((center_x - dx1, center_y - dy1),
(center_x + dx2, center_y + dy2),
color=pointer_color, width=line_width))
self.figure.append(self.graph_elem.DrawCircle((center_x, center_y), inner_radius,
fill_color=origin_color, line_color=outer_color, line_width=line_width))
def move(self, delta_x, delta_y):
Move pointer with delta x and delta y
if False in Gauge.mapping(isinstance, [delta_x, delta_y], (int, float)):
raise ValueError
self.all[:2] = [self.all[0] + delta_x, self.all[1] + delta_y]
for figure in self.figure:
self.graph_elem.MoveFigure(figure, delta_x, delta_y)
class Tick():
Create tick on click for minor tick, also for major tick
All angles defined as clockwise from negative x-axis.
def __init__(self, center_x=0, center_y=0, start_radius=90, stop_radius=100,
start_angle=0, stop_angle=360, step=6, line_color='black', line_width=2, graph_elem=None):
instance = Gauge.mapping(isinstance, [center_x, center_y, start_radius,
stop_radius, start_angle, stop_angle, step, line_width],
(int, float)) + [Gauge.mapping(isinstance, line_color, (list, str))]
if False in instance:
raise ValueError
start_angle, stop_angle = Gauge.limit(start_angle), Gauge.limit(stop_angle)
self.all = [center_x, center_y, start_radius, stop_radius,
start_angle, stop_angle, step, line_color, line_width]
self.figure = []
self.graph_elem = graph_elem
def new(self):
Draw ticks on clock
(x, y, start_radius, stop_radius, start_angle, stop_angle, step,
line_color, line_width) = self.all
start_angle, stop_angle = (180 - start_angle, 180 - stop_angle
) if stop_angle < start_angle else (180 - stop_angle, 180 - start_angle)
for i in range(start_angle, stop_angle + 1, step):
start_x = x + start_radius * math.cos(i / 180 * math.pi)
start_y = y + start_radius * math.sin(i / 180 * math.pi)
stop_x = x + stop_radius * math.cos(i / 180 * math.pi)
stop_y = y + stop_radius * math.sin(i / 180 * math.pi)
self.figure.append(self.graph_elem.DrawLine((start_x, start_y),
(stop_x, stop_y), color=line_color, width=line_width))
def move(self, delta_x, delta_y):
Move ticks by delta x and delta y
if False in Gauge.mapping(isinstance, [delta_x, delta_y], (int, float)):
raise ValueError
self.all[0] += delta_x
self.all[1] += delta_y
for figure in self.figure:
self.graph_elem.MoveFigure(figure, delta_x, delta_y)
Create Gauge
All angles defined as count clockwise from negative x-axis.
Should create instance of clock, pointer, minor tick and major tick first.
def __init__(self, center=(0, 0), start_angle=0, stop_angle=180, major_tick_width=5, minor_tick_width=2,major_tick_start_radius=90, major_tick_stop_radius=100, major_tick_step=30, clock_radius=100, pointer_line_width=5, pointer_inner_radius=10, pointer_outer_radius=75, pointer_color='white', pointer_origin_color='black', pointer_outer_color='white', pointer_angle=0, degree=0, clock_color='white', major_tick_color='black', minor_tick_color='black', minor_tick_start_radius=90, minor_tick_stop_radius=100, graph_elem=None):
self.clock = Gauge.Clock(start_angle=start_angle, stop_angle=stop_angle, fill_color=clock_color, radius=clock_radius, graph_elem=graph_elem)
self.minor_tick = Gauge.Tick(start_angle=start_angle, stop_angle=stop_angle, line_width=minor_tick_width, line_color=minor_tick_color, start_radius=minor_tick_start_radius, stop_radius=minor_tick_stop_radius, graph_elem=graph_elem)
self.major_tick = Gauge.Tick(start_angle=start_angle, stop_angle=stop_angle, line_width=major_tick_width, start_radius=major_tick_start_radius, stop_radius=major_tick_stop_radius, step=major_tick_step, line_color=major_tick_color, graph_elem=graph_elem)
self.pointer = Gauge.Pointer(angle=pointer_angle, inner_radius=pointer_inner_radius, outer_radius=pointer_outer_radius, pointer_color=pointer_color, outer_color=pointer_outer_color, origin_color=pointer_origin_color, line_width=pointer_line_width, graph_elem=graph_elem)
self.center_x, self.center_y = = center
| = degree
self.dx = self.dy = 1
def move(self, delta_x, delta_y):
Move gauge to move all componenets in gauge.
self.center_x, self.center_y = (
self.center_x+delta_x, self.center_y+delta_y)
if self.clock:
self.clock.move(delta_x, delta_y)
if self.minor_tick:
self.minor_tick.move(delta_x, delta_y)
if self.major_tick:
self.major_tick.move(delta_x, delta_y)
if self.pointer:
self.pointer.move(delta_x, delta_y)
def change(self, degree=None, step=1):
Rotation of pointer
call it with degree and step to set initial options for rotation.
Without any option to start rotation.
if self.pointer:
if degree != None:
self.pointer.stop_degree = degree
self.pointer.step = step if self.pointer.all[2] < degree else -step
return True
now = self.pointer.all[2]
step = self.pointer.step
new_degree = now + step
if ((step > 0 and new_degree < self.pointer.stop_degree) or
(step < 0 and new_degree > self.pointer.stop_degree)):
return False
return True
def human_size(bytes, units=(' bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB')):
""" Returns a human readable string reprentation of bytes"""
return str(bytes) + ' ' + units[0] if bytes < 1024 else human_size(bytes >> 10, units[1:])
def main(location):
gsize = (100, 55)
layout = [
[sg.T('RAM', font='Any 20', background_color='black')],
[sg.Graph(gsize, (-gsize[0] // 2, 0), (gsize[0] // 2, gsize[1]), key='-Graph-')],
[sg.T(size=(5, 1), font='Any 20', justification='c', background_color='black', k='-gauge VALUE-')],
[sg.T(size=(8, 1), font='Any 14', justification='c', background_color='black', k='-RAM USED-')],
window = sg.Window('CPU Usage Widget Square', layout, location=location, no_titlebar=True, grab_anywhere=True, margins=(0, 0), element_padding=(0, 0), alpha_channel=ALPHA, background_color='black', element_justification='c', finalize=True, right_click_menu=[[''], 'Exit'])
gauge = Gauge(pointer_color=sg.theme_text_color(), clock_color=sg.theme_text_color(), major_tick_color=sg.theme_text_color(),
minor_tick_color=sg.theme_input_background_color(), pointer_outer_color=sg.theme_text_color(), major_tick_start_radius=45,
minor_tick_start_radius=45, minor_tick_stop_radius=50, major_tick_stop_radius=50, major_tick_step=30, clock_radius=50, pointer_line_width=3,
pointer_inner_radius=10, pointer_outer_radius=50, graph_elem=window['-Graph-'])
while True: # Event Loop
ram = psutil.virtual_memory()
ram_percent = ram.percent
if gauge.change():
new_angle = ram_percent*180/100
window['-gauge VALUE-'].update(f'{ram_percent}')
window['-RAM USED-'].update(f'{human_size(ram.used)}')
gauge.change(degree=new_angle, step=new_angle)
# ----------- update the graphics and text in the window ------------
# update the window, wait for a while, then check for exit
event, values =
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
location = sys.argv[1].split(',')
location = (int(location[0]), int(location[1]))
location = (None, None)
Reference in New Issue