@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
version = __version__ = "4.18.0 Released 26 Mar 2020"
version = __version__ = " Unreleased - Print and MLine.Print fixed sep char handling, popup_get_date"
port = 'PySimpleGUI'
@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ from math import fabs
from functools import wraps
from subprocess import run, PIPE
from threading import Thread
import calendar as cal
import itertools
import os
warnings.simplefilter('always', UserWarning)
@ -11434,10 +11436,17 @@ class _DebugWin():
event, values = self.window.Read(timeout=0)
# print(f'Printing {ObjToStringSingleObj(self.output_element)}')
if self.do_not_reroute_stdout:
end_str = str(end) if end is not None else '\n'
sep_str = str(sep) if sep is not None else ' '
outstring = ''
for arg in args:
outstring += str(arg) + sepchar
outstring += endchar
num_args = len(args)
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
outstring += str(arg)
if i != num_args - 1:
outstring += sep_str
outstring += end_str
self.output_element.Update(outstring, append=True, text_color_for_value=text_color, background_color_for_value=background_color)
print(*args, sep=sepchar, end=endchar)
@ -11530,13 +11539,17 @@ def _print_to_element(multiline_element, *args, end=None, sep=None, text_color=N
:param background_color: The background color of the line
:type background_color: (str)
sepchar = sep if sep is not None else ' '
endchar = end if end is not None else '\n'
end_str = str(end) if end is not None else '\n'
sep_str = str(sep) if sep is not None else ' '
outstring = ''
for arg in args:
outstring += str(arg) + sepchar
outstring += endchar
num_args = len(args)
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
outstring += str(arg)
if i != num_args-1:
outstring += sep_str
outstring += end_str
multiline_element.update(outstring, append=True, text_color_for_value=text_color, background_color_for_value=background_color)
@ -14219,6 +14232,110 @@ def PopupGetText(message, title=None, default_text='', password_char='', size=(N
return path
def popup_get_date(start_mon, start_day, start_year, begin_at_sunday_plus=0, location=(None, None)):
Display a calendar window, get the user's choice, return as a tuple (mon, day, year)
:param start_mon: The starting month
:type start_mon: int
:param start_day: The starting day - optional. Set to 0 if no date to be chosen at start
:type start_day: int
:param start_year: The starting year
:type start_year: int
:param begin_at_sunday_plus: Determines the left-most day in the display. 0=sunday, 1=monday, etc
:type begin_at_sunday_plus: int
:return: Tuple containing (month, day, year) of chosen date or None if was cancelled
:rtype: None or (int, int, int)
day_font = 'TkFixedFont 8'
mon_year_font = 'TkFixedFont 10'
arrow_font = 'TkFixedFont 8'
def update_days(window, month, year, begin_at_sunday_plus):
[window[(week, day)].update('') for day in range(7) for week in range(6)]
weeks = cal.monthcalendar(year, month)
month_days = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([[0 for _ in range(8 - begin_at_sunday_plus)]] + weeks))
if month_days[6] == 0:
month_days = month_days[7:]
if month_days[6] == 0:
month_days = month_days[7:]
for i, day in enumerate(month_days):
offset = i
if offset >= 6 * 7:
window[(offset // 7, offset % 7)].update(str(day) if day else '')
def make_days_layout():
days_layout = []
for week in range(6):
row = []
for day in range(7):
row.append(T('', size=(4, 1), justification='c', font=day_font, key=(week, day), enable_events=True, pad=(0, 0)))
return days_layout
cur_month = start_mon
cur_year = start_year
cur_day = start_day
days_layout = make_days_layout()
layout = [[B('◄', font=arrow_font, border_width=0, key='-MON-DOWN-'),
Text('{} {}'.format(cal.month_name[cur_month], cur_year), size=(16,1), justification='c', font=mon_year_font, key='-MON-YEAR-'),
B('►', font=arrow_font,border_width=0, key='-MON-UP-')]]
layout += [[Col([[T(cal.day_abbr[i - (8 - begin_at_sunday_plus) % 7], size=(4,1), font=day_font, background_color=theme_text_color(), text_color=theme_background_color(), pad=(0,0)) for i in range(7)]], background_color=theme_text_color(), pad=(0,0))]]
layout += days_layout
layout += [[Button('Ok', border_width=0,font='TkFixedFont 8'), Button('Cancel',border_width=0, font='TkFixedFont 8')]]
window = Window('Window Title', layout, no_titlebar=True, grab_anywhere=True, keep_on_top=True, font='TkFixedFont 12', use_default_focus=False, location=location, finalize=True)
update_days(window, cur_month, cur_year, begin_at_sunday_plus)
prev_choice = chosen_mon_day_year = None
if cur_day:
chosen_mon_day_year = cur_month, cur_day, cur_year
for week in range(6):
for day in range(7):
if window[(week,day)].DisplayText == str(cur_day):
window[(week,day)].update(background_color=theme_text_color(), text_color=theme_background_color())
prev_choice = (week,day)
while True: # Event Loop
event, values =
if event in (None, 'Cancel'):
chosen_mon_day_year = None
if event == 'Ok':
if event in ('-MON-UP-', '-MON-DOWN-'):
cur_month += 1 if event == '-MON-UP-' else -1
if cur_month > 12:
cur_month = 1
cur_year += 1
elif cur_month < 1:
cur_month = 12
cur_year -= 1
window['-MON-YEAR-'].update('{} {}'.format(cal.month_name[cur_month], cur_year))
update_days(window, cur_month, cur_year, begin_at_sunday_plus)
if prev_choice:
window[prev_choice].update(background_color=theme_background_color(), text_color=theme_text_color())
elif type(event) is tuple:
if window[event].DisplayText != "":
chosen_mon_day_year = cur_month, int(window[event].DisplayText), cur_year
if prev_choice:
window[prev_choice].update(background_color=theme_background_color(), text_color=theme_text_color())
window[event].update(background_color=theme_text_color(), text_color=theme_background_color())
prev_choice = event
return chosen_mon_day_year
# --------------------------- PopupAnimated ---------------------------
def PopupAnimated(image_source, message=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, font=None, no_titlebar=True, grab_anywhere=True, keep_on_top=True, location=(None, None), alpha_channel=None, time_between_frames=0, transparent_color=None, title=''):
Reference in New Issue