Addition of Element Methods (finally), explanation of common parms, addition of Image element, window methods

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MikeTheWatchGuy 2018-10-12 14:39:23 -04:00
parent 43ca7ed837
commit d7a624df11
2 changed files with 658 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ You've already seen a number of examples above that use blocking windows. The c
## Window Object - Beginning a window
# Window Object - Beginning a window
The first step is to create the window object using the desired window customization.
with Window('Everything bagel', auto_size_text=True, default_element_size=(30,1)) as window:
@ -1235,6 +1235,81 @@ There are a few methods (functions) that you will see in this document that act
window.Enable() - Re-enable a Disabled window
window.FindElement(key) - Returns the element that has a matching key value
## Window Methods
There are a number of operations you can do on a window after you've created the window. You call these after creating your Windows object.
#### Layout(rows)
Call to set the window layout. Must be called prior to Read. Most likely "chained" in line with the Window creation.
window = sg.Window('My window title').Layout(layout)
#### Finalize()
Call to force a window to go through the final stages of initialization. This will cause the tkinter resources to be allocated so that they can then be modified.
#### Read()
Read the Window's input values and button clicks in a blocking-fashion
Returns button, values
#### ReadNonBlocking()
Read the Window's input values and button clicks but without blocking. It will immediately return.
#### Refresh()
Cause changes to the window to be displayed on the screen. Normally not needed unless the changes are immediately required or if it's going to be a while before another call to Read.
#### Fill(values_dict)
Populates the windows fields with the values shown in the dictionary.
#### FindElement(key)
Rerturns the Element that has a matching key. If the key is not found, an Error Element is returned so that the program will not crash should the user try to perform an "update". A Popup message will be shown
#### SaveToDisk(filename)
Saves the window's values to disk
#### LoadFromDisk(filename)
Fills in a window's fields based on previously saved file
#### GetScreenDimensions()
Returns the size (w,h) of the screen in pixels
#### CloseNonBlocking()
Closes a non-blocking window
#### Disable()
Stops a window from responding until Enable is called
#### Enable()
Re-enables a previously disabled window
#### Hide()
Completely hides a window, including removing from the taskbar
#### UnHide()
Restores a window hidden using Hide
#### Disappear()
Makes a window disappear while leaving the icon on the taskbar
#### Reappear()
Makes a window reappear that was previously made to disappear using Disappear()
# Elements
@ -1272,16 +1347,62 @@ There are a few methods (functions) that you will see in this document that act
Redirect Python Output/Errors to scrolling Window
"Higher level" APIs (e.g. MessageBox, YesNobox, ...)
#### Common Parameters
## Common Element Parameters
Some parameters that you will see on almost all Elements are:
- key - Used with window.FindElement and with return values
- tooltip - Hover your mouse over the elemnt and you'll get a popup with this text
- size - (width, height) - usually measured in characters-wide, rows-high. Sometimes they mean pixels
- font - specifies the font family, size, etc
- colors - Color name or #RRGGBB string
- pad - Amount of padding to put around element
#### Tooltip
Tooltips are text boxes that popup next to an element if you hold your mouse over the top of it. If you want to be extra kind to your window's user, then you can create tooltips for them by setting the parameter `tooltip` to some text string. You will need to supply your own line breaks / text wrapping. If you don't want to manually add them, then take a look at the standard library package `textwrap`.
Tooltips are one of those "polish" items that really dress-up a GUI and show's a level of sophistication. Go ahead, impress people, throw some tooltips into your GUI.
#### Size
Specifies the amount of room reserved for the Element. For elements that are character based, such a Text, it is (# characters, # rows). Sometimes it is a pixel measurement such as the Image element. And sometimes a mix like on the Slider element (characters long by pixels wide).
#### Colors
A string representing color. Anytime colors are involved, you can specify the tkinter color name such as 'lightblue' or an RGB hex value '#RRGGBB'. For buttons, the color parameter is a tuple (text color, background color)
#### Pad
The amount of room around the element in pixels. The default value is (5,3) which means leave 5 pixels on each side of the x-axis and 3 pixels on each side of the y-axis. You can change this on a global basis using a call to SetOptions, or on an element basis.
If you want more pixels on one side than the other, then you can split the number into 2 number. If you want 200 pixels on the left side, and 3 pixels on the right, the pad would be ((200,3), 3). In this example, only the x-axis is split.
#### Font
Specifies the font family, size, and style. Font families on Windows include:
* Arial
* Courier
* Comic,
* Fixedsys
* Times
* Verdana
* Helvetica (the default I think)
If you wish to leave the font family set to the default, you can put anything not matching one of the above names. The examples use the family 'Any'. You could use "default" if that's more clear.
There are 2 formats that can be used... a string, and a tuple
Tuple - (family, size, styles)
String - "Family Size Styles"
To specify an underlined, Helvetica font with a size of 15 the values would be
('Helvetica', 15, 'underline italics')
'Helvetica 15 underline italics'
#### Key
If you are going to do anything beyond the basic stuff with your GUI, then you need to understand keys.
Keys are a way for you to "tag" an Element with a value that will be used to identify that element. After you put a key in an element's definition, the values returned from Read will use that key to tell you the value. For example, if you have an input field:
And your read looks like this:
button, values = Read()
Then to get the input value from the read it would be:
You also use the same key if you want to call Update on an element. Please see the section below on Updates to understand that usage.
### Output Elements
@ -1338,9 +1459,7 @@ The default font setting is
("Helvetica", 10)
**Color** in PySimpleGUI are in one of two format. They can be a single color or a color pair. Buttons are an example of a color pair.
(foreground, background)
**Color** in PySimpleGUI are in one of two formats - color name or RGB value.
Individual colors are specified using either the color names as defined in tkinter or an RGB string of this format:
@ -1349,12 +1468,22 @@ The default font setting is
A `True` value for `auto_size_text`, when placed on Text Elements, indicates that the width of the Element should be shrunk do the width of the text. The default setting is True.
- [ ] List item
**Shortcut functions**
The shorthand functions for `Text` are `Txt` and `T`
### Text Methods
#### Update
Update(value = None, background_color=None, text_color=None, font=None)
value - new value to set text element to
background_color - new background color
text_color - text color to display
font - font to use to display
## Multiline Text Element
layout = [[sg.Multiline('This is what a Multi-line Text Element looks like', size=(45,5))]]
@ -1383,7 +1512,15 @@ This Element doubles as both an input and output Element.
size - Element's size
auto_size_text - Bool. Change width to match size of text
#### Output Element
### Multiline Methods
Update(value=None, disabled=None, append=False):
value - string to set the text field to
disabled - set to True to disable the element
append - rather than replacing the current text with new text, add the new text onto the end
## Output Element
Output re-routes `Stdout` to a scrolled text box. It's used with Async windows. More on this later.
@ -1443,6 +1580,18 @@ Output re-routes `Stdout` to a scrolled text box. It's used with Async windows.
Shorthand functions that are equivalent to `InputText` are `Input` and `In`
### TextInput Methods
Update(value=None, disabled=None):
Update - Change the Element
value - new value to display in field
disabled - if True will disable the element
Get - Returns the current value for the element (you can get also from a call to Read)
## Combo Element
Also known as a drop-down list. Only required parameter is the list of choices. The return value is a string matching what's visible on the GUI.
@ -1475,6 +1624,17 @@ Also known as a drop-down list. Only required parameter is the list of choices.
pad - (x,y) Amount of padding to put around element in pixels
tooltip - Text string. If set, hovering over field will popup the text
Shortcut functions - Combo, DropDown, Drop
### Combo Methods
Update(value=None, values=None, set_to_index=None, disabled=None)
value - change which value is current selected
values - change list of choices
set_to_index - change selection to a particular choice
disable - if True will disable element
## Listbox Element
The standard listbox like you'll find in most GUIs. Note that the return values from this element will be a ***list of results, not a single result***. This is because the user can select more than 1 item from the list (if you set the right mode).
@ -1530,6 +1690,22 @@ The `select_mode` option can be a string or a constant value defined as a variab
ListBoxes can cause a window to return from a Read call. If the flag change_submits is set, then when a user makes a selection, the Read immediately returns.
Another way ListBoxes can cause Reads to return is if the flag bind_return_key is set. If True, then if the user presses the return key while an entry is selected, then the Read returns. Also, if this flag is set, if the user double-clicks an entry it will return from the Read.
### Listbox Methods
Update(values=None, disabled=None)
Update - Change element
values - new list of choices
disabled - if True disables the element
SetValue - Sets selection to one or more values
GetListValues - Return the list of values to choose from
## Slider Element
Sliders have a couple of slider-specific settings as well as appearance settings. Examples include the `orientation` and `range` settings.
@ -1577,6 +1753,15 @@ Sliders have a couple of slider-specific settings as well as appearance settings
key- Dictionary key to use for return values
tooltip - Tooltip to display when hovered over wlement
### Slider Methods
Update(self, value=None, range=(None, None), disabled=None):
value - set current selection to value
range - change range of valid values
disabled - if True disables element
## Radio Button Element
Creates one radio button that is assigned to a group of radio buttons. Only 1 of the buttons in the group can be selected at any one time.
@ -1613,6 +1798,14 @@ Creates one radio button that is assigned to a group of radio buttons. Only 1 o
tooltip - tooltip to show when mouse hovered over element
### Radio Button Methods
Update(value=None, disabled=None)
value - bool - if True change to selected
disabled - if True disables the element
## Checkbox Element
Checkbox elements are like Radio Button elements. They return a bool indicating whether or not they are checked.
@ -1649,6 +1842,19 @@ Checkbox elements are like Radio Button elements. They return a bool indicating
pad - Padding around element in window
tooltip - text to show when mouse is hovered over element
Shortcut functions - CBox, CB, Check
### Checkbox Methods
Update(value=None, disabled=None)
Update - changes the element
value - Bool if True checks the checkbox
disabled - if True disables the element
Get - returns current state
## Spin Element
@ -1670,7 +1876,10 @@ An up/down spinner control. The valid values are passed in as a list.
key = None.
pad = None,
tooltip = None):
Parameter definitions
values - List of valid values
initial_value - String with initial value
@ -1685,6 +1894,46 @@ An up/down spinner control. The valid values are passed in as a list.
pad - padding around element in the window
tooltip - text to show when mouse hovered over element
### Spin Methods
Update(value=None, values=None, disabled=None)
value - set the current value
values - set available choices
disabled - if True disables the element
## Image Element
Images can be placed in your window provide they are in PNG, GIF, PPM/PGM format. JPGs cannot be shown because tkinter does not naively support JPGs. You can use the Python Imaging Library (PIL) package to convert your image to PNG prior to calling PySimpleGUI if your images are in JPG format.
size=(None, None),
Parameter definitions
filename - file name if the image is in a file
data - if image is in RAM (PIL format?)
background_color - Color of background
size - Size (Width, Height) of image in pixels
pad - Padding around Element in the window
key - Key used to find the element
tooltip - text to show when mouse if hovered over image
### Image Methods
Like other Elements, the Image Element has an update method. Call Update if you want to change the image.
def Update(self, filename=None, data=None):
Choose **either** a filename or in-ram data image to use to replace current image
## Button Element
Buttons are the most important element of all! They cause the majority of the action to happen. After all, it's a button press that will get you out of a window, whether it be Submit or Cancel, one way or another a button is involved in all windows. The only exception is to this is when the user closes the window using the "X" in the upper corner which means no button was involved.
@ -1958,6 +2207,20 @@ This code produces a window where the Browse button only shows files of type .TX
The Enter Key can be "bound" to a particular button so that when the key is pressed, it causes the window to return as if the button was clicked. This is done using the `bind_return_key` parameter in the button calls.
If there are more than 1 button on a window, the FIRST button that is of type Close window or Read window is used. First is determined by scanning the window, top to bottom and left to right.
### Button Methods
Update(value=None, text=None, button_color=(None, None), disabled=None, image_data=None, image_filename=None)
Update - Change the button element
value - sets default value
text - sets button text
button color - (text, background)
disabled - if True disables the button
image_data - sets button image to in-ram image
image_filename - sets button image using a file
## ProgressBar Element
The `ProgressBar` element is used to build custom Progress Bar windows. It is HIGHLY recommended that you use OneLineProgressMeter that provides a complete progress meter solution for you. Progress Meters are not easy to work with because the windows have to be non-blocking and they are tricky to debug.
@ -2027,7 +2290,14 @@ Here's a complete solution for a chat-window using an Async window with an Outpu
### ProgressBar Methods
UpdateBar(current_count, max=None)
current_count - sets the current value
max - changes the max value
## Column Element
Starting in version 2.9 you'll be able to do more complex layouts by using the Column Element. Think of a Column as a window within a window. And, yes, you can have a Column within a Column if you want.
@ -2173,6 +2443,12 @@ To get a tkinter Canvas Widget from PySimpleGUI, follow these steps:
See `` for a Recipe you can copy.
### Canvas Methods
TKCanvas - not a method but a property. Returns the tkinter Canvas Widget
## Graph Element
All you math fans will enjoy this Element... and all you non-math fans will enjoy it too.
@ -2207,6 +2483,34 @@ This Element is relatively new and may have some parameter additions or deletion
key - key used to lookup element
tooltip - tooltip text
### Graph Methods
DrawLine(self, point_from, point_to, color='black', width=1)
DrawPoint(self, point, size=2, color='black')
DrawCircle(self, center_location, radius, fill_color=None, line_color='black')
DrawOval(self, top_left, bottom_right, fill_color=None, line_color=None)
DrawArc(self, top_left, bottom_right, extent, start_angle, style=None, arc_color='black')
DrawRectangle(self, top_left, bottom_right, fill_color=None, line_color=None)
DrawText(self, text, location, color='black', font=None, angle=0)
Move(self, x_direction, y_direction)
MoveFigure(self, figure, x_direction, y_direction)
All of the Drawing methods return a "figure" that can be used move the figure
DrawLine - draws a line
DrawPoint - draws a single point
DrawCircle - draws a circle
DrawOval - draws an oval
DrawArc - draws an arc
DrawRectangle - draws a rectangle
DrawText - draws text
Erase - erases entire graph
Update - changes background color
Move - moves everything an x,y direction
MoveFigure - moves an individual figure
## Table Element
@ -2363,6 +2667,13 @@ The definition of a Tab Element is
Tab Groups now return a value when a Read returns. They return which tab is currently selected. There is also a change_submits parameter that can be set that causes a Read to return if a Tab in that group is selected / changed. The key or title belonging to the Tab that was switched to will be returned as the value
### Tab Element Methods
Update(disabled = None)
WARNING - This Update method does not yet work!
## Colors
Starting in version 2.5 you can change the background colors for the window and the Elements.
@ -2473,7 +2784,7 @@ These settings apply to all windows `SetOptions`. The Row options and Element o
Each lower level overrides the settings of the higher level. Once settings have been changed, they remain changed for the duration of the program (unless changed again).
## Persistent windows (Window stays open after button click)
# Persistent windows (Window stays open after button click)
There are 2 ways to keep a window open after the user has clicked a button. One way is to use non-blocking windows (see the next section). The other way is to use buttons that 'read' the window instead of 'close' the window when clicked. The typical buttons you find in windows, including the shortcut buttons, close the window. These include OK, Cancel, Submit, etc. The Button Element also closes the window.
@ -2598,7 +2909,7 @@ Note the `else` statement on the for loop. This is needed because we're about t
## Updating Elements (changing elements in active window)
# Updating Elements (changing elements in active window)
Persistent windows remain open and thus continue to interact with the user after the Read has returned. Often the program wishes to communicate results (output information) or change an Element's values (such as populating a List Element).
@ -2679,7 +2990,7 @@ The takeaway from this exercise is that keys are key in PySimpleGUI's design. T
window.UpdateElements(('name', 'address', 'phone'), ('Fred Flintstone', '123 Rock Quarry Road', '555#'))
## Keyboard & Mouse Capture
# Keyboard & Mouse Capture
Beginning in version 2.10 you can capture keyboard key presses and mouse scroll-wheel events. Keyboard keys can be used, for example, to detect the page-up and page-down keys for a PDF viewer. To use this feature, there's a boolean setting in the Window call `return_keyboard_events` that is set to True in order to get keys returned along with buttons.
Keys and scroll-wheel events are returned in exactly the same way as buttons.
@ -2738,7 +3049,7 @@ Use realtime keyboard capture by calling
elif value is None:
## Menus
# Menus
Beginning in version 3.01 you can add a menubar to your window. You specify the menus in much the same way as you do window layouts, with lists. Menu selections are returned as button clicks, so be aware of your overall naming conventions. If you have an Exit button and also an Exit menu option, then you won't be able to tell the difference when your window.Read returns. Hopefully will not be a problem.
@ -2777,7 +3088,7 @@ menu_def = [['&File', ['&Open', '&Save', '---', 'Properties', 'E&xit' ]],
## Sample Applications
# Sample Applications
Use the example programs as a starting basis for your GUI. Copy, paste, modify and run! The demo files are:

View File

@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ You've already seen a number of examples above that use blocking windows. The c
## Window Object - Beginning a window
# Window Object - Beginning a window
The first step is to create the window object using the desired window customization.
with Window('Everything bagel', auto_size_text=True, default_element_size=(30,1)) as window:
@ -1235,6 +1235,81 @@ There are a few methods (functions) that you will see in this document that act
window.Enable() - Re-enable a Disabled window
window.FindElement(key) - Returns the element that has a matching key value
## Window Methods
There are a number of operations you can do on a window after you've created the window. You call these after creating your Windows object.
#### Layout(rows)
Call to set the window layout. Must be called prior to Read. Most likely "chained" in line with the Window creation.
window = sg.Window('My window title').Layout(layout)
#### Finalize()
Call to force a window to go through the final stages of initialization. This will cause the tkinter resources to be allocated so that they can then be modified.
#### Read()
Read the Window's input values and button clicks in a blocking-fashion
Returns button, values
#### ReadNonBlocking()
Read the Window's input values and button clicks but without blocking. It will immediately return.
#### Refresh()
Cause changes to the window to be displayed on the screen. Normally not needed unless the changes are immediately required or if it's going to be a while before another call to Read.
#### Fill(values_dict)
Populates the windows fields with the values shown in the dictionary.
#### FindElement(key)
Rerturns the Element that has a matching key. If the key is not found, an Error Element is returned so that the program will not crash should the user try to perform an "update". A Popup message will be shown
#### SaveToDisk(filename)
Saves the window's values to disk
#### LoadFromDisk(filename)
Fills in a window's fields based on previously saved file
#### GetScreenDimensions()
Returns the size (w,h) of the screen in pixels
#### CloseNonBlocking()
Closes a non-blocking window
#### Disable()
Stops a window from responding until Enable is called
#### Enable()
Re-enables a previously disabled window
#### Hide()
Completely hides a window, including removing from the taskbar
#### UnHide()
Restores a window hidden using Hide
#### Disappear()
Makes a window disappear while leaving the icon on the taskbar
#### Reappear()
Makes a window reappear that was previously made to disappear using Disappear()
# Elements
@ -1272,16 +1347,62 @@ There are a few methods (functions) that you will see in this document that act
Redirect Python Output/Errors to scrolling Window
"Higher level" APIs (e.g. MessageBox, YesNobox, ...)
#### Common Parameters
## Common Element Parameters
Some parameters that you will see on almost all Elements are:
- key - Used with window.FindElement and with return values
- tooltip - Hover your mouse over the elemnt and you'll get a popup with this text
- size - (width, height) - usually measured in characters-wide, rows-high. Sometimes they mean pixels
- font - specifies the font family, size, etc
- colors - Color name or #RRGGBB string
- pad - Amount of padding to put around element
#### Tooltip
Tooltips are text boxes that popup next to an element if you hold your mouse over the top of it. If you want to be extra kind to your window's user, then you can create tooltips for them by setting the parameter `tooltip` to some text string. You will need to supply your own line breaks / text wrapping. If you don't want to manually add them, then take a look at the standard library package `textwrap`.
Tooltips are one of those "polish" items that really dress-up a GUI and show's a level of sophistication. Go ahead, impress people, throw some tooltips into your GUI.
#### Size
Specifies the amount of room reserved for the Element. For elements that are character based, such a Text, it is (# characters, # rows). Sometimes it is a pixel measurement such as the Image element. And sometimes a mix like on the Slider element (characters long by pixels wide).
#### Colors
A string representing color. Anytime colors are involved, you can specify the tkinter color name such as 'lightblue' or an RGB hex value '#RRGGBB'. For buttons, the color parameter is a tuple (text color, background color)
#### Pad
The amount of room around the element in pixels. The default value is (5,3) which means leave 5 pixels on each side of the x-axis and 3 pixels on each side of the y-axis. You can change this on a global basis using a call to SetOptions, or on an element basis.
If you want more pixels on one side than the other, then you can split the number into 2 number. If you want 200 pixels on the left side, and 3 pixels on the right, the pad would be ((200,3), 3). In this example, only the x-axis is split.
#### Font
Specifies the font family, size, and style. Font families on Windows include:
* Arial
* Courier
* Comic,
* Fixedsys
* Times
* Verdana
* Helvetica (the default I think)
If you wish to leave the font family set to the default, you can put anything not matching one of the above names. The examples use the family 'Any'. You could use "default" if that's more clear.
There are 2 formats that can be used... a string, and a tuple
Tuple - (family, size, styles)
String - "Family Size Styles"
To specify an underlined, Helvetica font with a size of 15 the values would be
('Helvetica', 15, 'underline italics')
'Helvetica 15 underline italics'
#### Key
If you are going to do anything beyond the basic stuff with your GUI, then you need to understand keys.
Keys are a way for you to "tag" an Element with a value that will be used to identify that element. After you put a key in an element's definition, the values returned from Read will use that key to tell you the value. For example, if you have an input field:
And your read looks like this:
button, values = Read()
Then to get the input value from the read it would be:
You also use the same key if you want to call Update on an element. Please see the section below on Updates to understand that usage.
### Output Elements
@ -1338,9 +1459,7 @@ The default font setting is
("Helvetica", 10)
**Color** in PySimpleGUI are in one of two format. They can be a single color or a color pair. Buttons are an example of a color pair.
(foreground, background)
**Color** in PySimpleGUI are in one of two formats - color name or RGB value.
Individual colors are specified using either the color names as defined in tkinter or an RGB string of this format:
@ -1349,12 +1468,22 @@ The default font setting is
A `True` value for `auto_size_text`, when placed on Text Elements, indicates that the width of the Element should be shrunk do the width of the text. The default setting is True.
- [ ] List item
**Shortcut functions**
The shorthand functions for `Text` are `Txt` and `T`
### Text Methods
#### Update
Update(value = None, background_color=None, text_color=None, font=None)
value - new value to set text element to
background_color - new background color
text_color - text color to display
font - font to use to display
## Multiline Text Element
layout = [[sg.Multiline('This is what a Multi-line Text Element looks like', size=(45,5))]]
@ -1383,7 +1512,15 @@ This Element doubles as both an input and output Element.
size - Element's size
auto_size_text - Bool. Change width to match size of text
#### Output Element
### Multiline Methods
Update(value=None, disabled=None, append=False):
value - string to set the text field to
disabled - set to True to disable the element
append - rather than replacing the current text with new text, add the new text onto the end
## Output Element
Output re-routes `Stdout` to a scrolled text box. It's used with Async windows. More on this later.
@ -1443,6 +1580,18 @@ Output re-routes `Stdout` to a scrolled text box. It's used with Async windows.
Shorthand functions that are equivalent to `InputText` are `Input` and `In`
### TextInput Methods
Update(value=None, disabled=None):
Update - Change the Element
value - new value to display in field
disabled - if True will disable the element
Get - Returns the current value for the element (you can get also from a call to Read)
## Combo Element
Also known as a drop-down list. Only required parameter is the list of choices. The return value is a string matching what's visible on the GUI.
@ -1475,6 +1624,17 @@ Also known as a drop-down list. Only required parameter is the list of choices.
pad - (x,y) Amount of padding to put around element in pixels
tooltip - Text string. If set, hovering over field will popup the text
Shortcut functions - Combo, DropDown, Drop
### Combo Methods
Update(value=None, values=None, set_to_index=None, disabled=None)
value - change which value is current selected
values - change list of choices
set_to_index - change selection to a particular choice
disable - if True will disable element
## Listbox Element
The standard listbox like you'll find in most GUIs. Note that the return values from this element will be a ***list of results, not a single result***. This is because the user can select more than 1 item from the list (if you set the right mode).
@ -1530,6 +1690,22 @@ The `select_mode` option can be a string or a constant value defined as a variab
ListBoxes can cause a window to return from a Read call. If the flag change_submits is set, then when a user makes a selection, the Read immediately returns.
Another way ListBoxes can cause Reads to return is if the flag bind_return_key is set. If True, then if the user presses the return key while an entry is selected, then the Read returns. Also, if this flag is set, if the user double-clicks an entry it will return from the Read.
### Listbox Methods
Update(values=None, disabled=None)
Update - Change element
values - new list of choices
disabled - if True disables the element
SetValue - Sets selection to one or more values
GetListValues - Return the list of values to choose from
## Slider Element
Sliders have a couple of slider-specific settings as well as appearance settings. Examples include the `orientation` and `range` settings.
@ -1577,6 +1753,15 @@ Sliders have a couple of slider-specific settings as well as appearance settings
key- Dictionary key to use for return values
tooltip - Tooltip to display when hovered over wlement
### Slider Methods
Update(self, value=None, range=(None, None), disabled=None):
value - set current selection to value
range - change range of valid values
disabled - if True disables element
## Radio Button Element
Creates one radio button that is assigned to a group of radio buttons. Only 1 of the buttons in the group can be selected at any one time.
@ -1613,6 +1798,14 @@ Creates one radio button that is assigned to a group of radio buttons. Only 1 o
tooltip - tooltip to show when mouse hovered over element
### Radio Button Methods
Update(value=None, disabled=None)
value - bool - if True change to selected
disabled - if True disables the element
## Checkbox Element
Checkbox elements are like Radio Button elements. They return a bool indicating whether or not they are checked.
@ -1649,6 +1842,19 @@ Checkbox elements are like Radio Button elements. They return a bool indicating
pad - Padding around element in window
tooltip - text to show when mouse is hovered over element
Shortcut functions - CBox, CB, Check
### Checkbox Methods
Update(value=None, disabled=None)
Update - changes the element
value - Bool if True checks the checkbox
disabled - if True disables the element
Get - returns current state
## Spin Element
@ -1670,7 +1876,10 @@ An up/down spinner control. The valid values are passed in as a list.
key = None.
pad = None,
tooltip = None):
Parameter definitions
values - List of valid values
initial_value - String with initial value
@ -1685,6 +1894,46 @@ An up/down spinner control. The valid values are passed in as a list.
pad - padding around element in the window
tooltip - text to show when mouse hovered over element
### Spin Methods
Update(value=None, values=None, disabled=None)
value - set the current value
values - set available choices
disabled - if True disables the element
## Image Element
Images can be placed in your window provide they are in PNG, GIF, PPM/PGM format. JPGs cannot be shown because tkinter does not naively support JPGs. You can use the Python Imaging Library (PIL) package to convert your image to PNG prior to calling PySimpleGUI if your images are in JPG format.
size=(None, None),
Parameter definitions
filename - file name if the image is in a file
data - if image is in RAM (PIL format?)
background_color - Color of background
size - Size (Width, Height) of image in pixels
pad - Padding around Element in the window
key - Key used to find the element
tooltip - text to show when mouse if hovered over image
### Image Methods
Like other Elements, the Image Element has an update method. Call Update if you want to change the image.
def Update(self, filename=None, data=None):
Choose **either** a filename or in-ram data image to use to replace current image
## Button Element
Buttons are the most important element of all! They cause the majority of the action to happen. After all, it's a button press that will get you out of a window, whether it be Submit or Cancel, one way or another a button is involved in all windows. The only exception is to this is when the user closes the window using the "X" in the upper corner which means no button was involved.
@ -1958,6 +2207,20 @@ This code produces a window where the Browse button only shows files of type .TX
The Enter Key can be "bound" to a particular button so that when the key is pressed, it causes the window to return as if the button was clicked. This is done using the `bind_return_key` parameter in the button calls.
If there are more than 1 button on a window, the FIRST button that is of type Close window or Read window is used. First is determined by scanning the window, top to bottom and left to right.
### Button Methods
Update(value=None, text=None, button_color=(None, None), disabled=None, image_data=None, image_filename=None)
Update - Change the button element
value - sets default value
text - sets button text
button color - (text, background)
disabled - if True disables the button
image_data - sets button image to in-ram image
image_filename - sets button image using a file
## ProgressBar Element
The `ProgressBar` element is used to build custom Progress Bar windows. It is HIGHLY recommended that you use OneLineProgressMeter that provides a complete progress meter solution for you. Progress Meters are not easy to work with because the windows have to be non-blocking and they are tricky to debug.
@ -2027,7 +2290,14 @@ Here's a complete solution for a chat-window using an Async window with an Outpu
### ProgressBar Methods
UpdateBar(current_count, max=None)
current_count - sets the current value
max - changes the max value
## Column Element
Starting in version 2.9 you'll be able to do more complex layouts by using the Column Element. Think of a Column as a window within a window. And, yes, you can have a Column within a Column if you want.
@ -2173,6 +2443,12 @@ To get a tkinter Canvas Widget from PySimpleGUI, follow these steps:
See `` for a Recipe you can copy.
### Canvas Methods
TKCanvas - not a method but a property. Returns the tkinter Canvas Widget
## Graph Element
All you math fans will enjoy this Element... and all you non-math fans will enjoy it too.
@ -2207,6 +2483,34 @@ This Element is relatively new and may have some parameter additions or deletion
key - key used to lookup element
tooltip - tooltip text
### Graph Methods
DrawLine(self, point_from, point_to, color='black', width=1)
DrawPoint(self, point, size=2, color='black')
DrawCircle(self, center_location, radius, fill_color=None, line_color='black')
DrawOval(self, top_left, bottom_right, fill_color=None, line_color=None)
DrawArc(self, top_left, bottom_right, extent, start_angle, style=None, arc_color='black')
DrawRectangle(self, top_left, bottom_right, fill_color=None, line_color=None)
DrawText(self, text, location, color='black', font=None, angle=0)
Move(self, x_direction, y_direction)
MoveFigure(self, figure, x_direction, y_direction)
All of the Drawing methods return a "figure" that can be used move the figure
DrawLine - draws a line
DrawPoint - draws a single point
DrawCircle - draws a circle
DrawOval - draws an oval
DrawArc - draws an arc
DrawRectangle - draws a rectangle
DrawText - draws text
Erase - erases entire graph
Update - changes background color
Move - moves everything an x,y direction
MoveFigure - moves an individual figure
## Table Element
@ -2363,6 +2667,13 @@ The definition of a Tab Element is
Tab Groups now return a value when a Read returns. They return which tab is currently selected. There is also a change_submits parameter that can be set that causes a Read to return if a Tab in that group is selected / changed. The key or title belonging to the Tab that was switched to will be returned as the value
### Tab Element Methods
Update(disabled = None)
WARNING - This Update method does not yet work!
## Colors
Starting in version 2.5 you can change the background colors for the window and the Elements.
@ -2473,7 +2784,7 @@ These settings apply to all windows `SetOptions`. The Row options and Element o
Each lower level overrides the settings of the higher level. Once settings have been changed, they remain changed for the duration of the program (unless changed again).
## Persistent windows (Window stays open after button click)
# Persistent windows (Window stays open after button click)
There are 2 ways to keep a window open after the user has clicked a button. One way is to use non-blocking windows (see the next section). The other way is to use buttons that 'read' the window instead of 'close' the window when clicked. The typical buttons you find in windows, including the shortcut buttons, close the window. These include OK, Cancel, Submit, etc. The Button Element also closes the window.
@ -2598,7 +2909,7 @@ Note the `else` statement on the for loop. This is needed because we're about t
## Updating Elements (changing elements in active window)
# Updating Elements (changing elements in active window)
Persistent windows remain open and thus continue to interact with the user after the Read has returned. Often the program wishes to communicate results (output information) or change an Element's values (such as populating a List Element).
@ -2679,7 +2990,7 @@ The takeaway from this exercise is that keys are key in PySimpleGUI's design. T
window.UpdateElements(('name', 'address', 'phone'), ('Fred Flintstone', '123 Rock Quarry Road', '555#'))
## Keyboard & Mouse Capture
# Keyboard & Mouse Capture
Beginning in version 2.10 you can capture keyboard key presses and mouse scroll-wheel events. Keyboard keys can be used, for example, to detect the page-up and page-down keys for a PDF viewer. To use this feature, there's a boolean setting in the Window call `return_keyboard_events` that is set to True in order to get keys returned along with buttons.
Keys and scroll-wheel events are returned in exactly the same way as buttons.
@ -2738,7 +3049,7 @@ Use realtime keyboard capture by calling
elif value is None:
## Menus
# Menus
Beginning in version 3.01 you can add a menubar to your window. You specify the menus in much the same way as you do window layouts, with lists. Menu selections are returned as button clicks, so be aware of your overall naming conventions. If you have an Exit button and also an Exit menu option, then you won't be able to tell the difference when your window.Read returns. Hopefully will not be a problem.
@ -2777,7 +3088,7 @@ menu_def = [['&File', ['&Open', '&Save', '---', 'Properties', 'E&xit' ]],
## Sample Applications
# Sample Applications
Use the example programs as a starting basis for your GUI. Copy, paste, modify and run! The demo files are: