3.20.0 & 1.20.0
This commit is contained in:
@ -252,6 +252,8 @@ ELEM_TYPE_TREE = 'tree'
# STRETCH == ERROR ELEMENT as a filler
# ------------------------- Popup Buttons Types ------------------------- #
@ -912,8 +914,7 @@ Check = Checkbox
class Spin(Element):
# Values = None
# TKSpinBox = None
def __init__(self, values, initial_value=None, disabled=False, change_submits=False,enable_events=False , size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, font=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, key=None, pad=None,
tooltip=None, visible=True):
def __init__(self, values, initial_value=None, disabled=False, change_submits=False,enable_events=False , size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, font=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, key=None, pad=None, tooltip=None, visible=True):
Spinner Element
:param values:
@ -1372,6 +1373,8 @@ class Button(Element):
self.TKButton = None
self.Target = target
self.ButtonText = button_text
if sys.platform == 'darwin' and button_color is not None:
print('Button *** WARNING - Button colors are not supported on the Mac ***')
self.ButtonColor = button_color if button_color else DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR
self.ImageFilename = image_filename
self.ImageData = image_data
@ -1528,11 +1531,13 @@ class Button(Element):
def Update(self, text=None, button_color=(None, None), disabled=None, image_data=None, image_filename=None, visible=None):
def Update(self, text=None, button_color=(None, None), disabled=None, image_data=None, image_filename=None, visible=None, image_subsample=None, image_size=None):
if text is not None:
self.ButtonText = text
if sys.platform == 'darwin' and button_color != (None, None):
print('Button.Update *** WARNING - Button colors are not supported on the Mac***')
if button_color != (None, None):
self.TKButton.config(foreground=button_color[0], background=button_color[1])
@ -1543,7 +1548,12 @@ class Button(Element):
self.TKButton['state'] = 'normal'
if image_data is not None:
image = tk.PhotoImage(data=image_data)
if image_size is not None:
width, height = image_size
width, height = image.width(), image.height()
if image_subsample:
image = image.subsample(image_subsample)
self.TKButton.config(image=image, width=width, height=height)
self.TKButton.image = image
if image_filename is not None:
@ -1878,6 +1888,13 @@ class Graph(Element):
return None
def DeleteFigure(self, id):
print('DeleteFigure - bad ID {}'.format(id))
def Update(self, background_color, visible=None):
if self._TKCanvas2 is None:
print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***')
@ -2407,6 +2424,7 @@ class Column(Element):
self.ReturnValuesDictionary = {}
self.DictionaryKeyCounter = 0
self.ParentWindow = None
self.ParentPanedWindow = None
self.Rows = []
self.TKFrame = None
self.TKColFrame = None
@ -2416,7 +2434,7 @@ class Column(Element):
super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_COLUMN, background_color=background_color, size=size, pad=pad, key=key, visible=visible)
super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_COLUMN, background_color=bg, size=size, pad=pad, key=key, visible=visible)
def AddRow(self, *args):
@ -2446,9 +2464,15 @@ class Column(Element):
def Update(self, visible=None):
if visible is False:
if self.TKColFrame:
if self.ParentPanedWindow:
elif visible is True:
if self.TKColFrame:
if self.ParentPanedWindow:
def __del__(self):
@ -2462,6 +2486,52 @@ class Column(Element):
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Pane #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Pane(Element):
def __init__(self, pane_list, background_color=None, size=(None, None), pad=None, orientation='vertical', show_handle=True, relief=RELIEF_RAISED, handle_size=None, border_width=None, key=None, visible=True):
Container for elements that are stacked into rows
:param layout:
:param background_color:
:param size:
:param pad:
:param scrollable:
:param vertical_scroll_only:
:param key:
self.UseDictionary = False
self.ReturnValues = None
self.ReturnValuesList = []
self.ReturnValuesDictionary = {}
self.DictionaryKeyCounter = 0
self.ParentWindow = None
self.Rows = []
self.TKFrame = None
self.PanedWindow = None
self.Orientation = orientation
self.PaneList = pane_list
self.ShowHandle = show_handle
self.Relief = relief
self.HandleSize = handle_size or 8
self.BorderDepth = border_width
bg = background_color if background_color is not None else DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR
self.Rows = [pane_list]
super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_PANE, background_color=bg, size=size, pad=pad, key=key, visible=visible)
def Update(self, visible=None):
if visible is False:
elif visible is True:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Calendar #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
@ -3027,7 +3097,7 @@ class Window(object):
progress_bar_color=(None, None), background_color=None, border_depth=None, auto_close=False,
auto_close_duration=DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_TIME, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, force_toplevel=False,
alpha_channel=1, return_keyboard_events=False, use_default_focus=True, text_justification=None,
no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, resizable=False, disable_close=False):
no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, resizable=False, disable_close=False, disable_minimize=False):
Main window object where Elements will be laid out in rows
:param title:
@ -3103,6 +3173,7 @@ class Window(object):
self.TimeoutKey = '_timeout_'
self.TimerCancelled = False
self.DisableClose = disable_close
self.DisableMinimize = disable_minimize
self._Hidden = False
self._Size = size
self.XFound = False
@ -3918,6 +3989,18 @@ def BuildResultsForSubform(form, initialize_only, top_level_form):
if element.ReturnValues[0] is not None: # if a button was clicked
button_pressed_text = element.ReturnValues[0]
if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_PANE:
element.DictionaryKeyCounter = top_level_form.DictionaryKeyCounter
element.ReturnValuesList = []
element.ReturnValuesDictionary = {}
BuildResultsForSubform(element, initialize_only, top_level_form)
for item in element.ReturnValuesList:
AddToReturnList(top_level_form, item)
if element.UseDictionary:
top_level_form.UseDictionary = True
if element.ReturnValues[0] is not None: # if a button was clicked
button_pressed_text = element.ReturnValues[0]
if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB_GROUP:
element.DictionaryKeyCounter = top_level_form.DictionaryKeyCounter
element.ReturnValuesList = []
@ -4123,6 +4206,10 @@ def _FindElementFromKeyInSubForm(form, key):
matching_elem = _FindElementFromKeyInSubForm(element, key)
if matching_elem is not None:
return matching_elem
if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_PANE:
matching_elem = _FindElementFromKeyInSubForm(element, key)
if matching_elem is not None:
return matching_elem
if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB:
matching_elem = _FindElementFromKeyInSubForm(element, key)
if matching_elem is not None:
@ -4207,7 +4294,7 @@ if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
i += 1
def AddMenuItem(top_menu, sub_menu_info, element, is_sub_menu=False, skip=False):
if isinstance(sub_menu_info, types.StringType):
if isinstance(sub_menu_info, (str,unicode)):
if not is_sub_menu and not skip:
# print(f'Adding command {sub_menu_info}')
pos = sub_menu_info.find('&')
@ -4234,7 +4321,7 @@ else:
while i < (len(sub_menu_info)):
item = sub_menu_info[i]
if i != len(sub_menu_info) - 1:
if not isinstance(sub_menu_info[i + 1], types.StringType):
if not isinstance(sub_menu_info[i + 1], (str, unicode)):
new_menu = tk.Menu(top_menu, tearoff=element.Tearoff)
pos = sub_menu_info[i].find('&')
if pos != -1:
@ -4306,31 +4393,64 @@ def PackFormIntoFrame(form, containing_frame, toplevel_form):
# ------------------------- COLUMN element ------------------------- #
if element_type == ELEM_TYPE_COLUMN:
if element.Scrollable:
col_frame = TkScrollableFrame(tk_row_frame, element.VerticalScrollOnly) # do not use yet! not working
PackFormIntoFrame(element, col_frame.TKFrame, toplevel_form)
element.TKColFrame = TkScrollableFrame(tk_row_frame, element.VerticalScrollOnly) # do not use yet! not working
PackFormIntoFrame(element, element.TKColFrame.TKFrame, toplevel_form)
if element.Size == (None, None): # if no size specified, use column width x column height/2
height=col_frame.TKFrame.winfo_reqheight() / 2)
height=element.TKColFrame.TKFrame.winfo_reqheight() / 2)
col_frame.canvas.config(width=element.Size[0], height=element.Size[1])
element.TKColFrame.canvas.config(width=element.Size[0], height=element.Size[1])
if not element.BackgroundColor in (None, COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT):
col_frame.TKFrame.config(background=element.BackgroundColor, borderwidth=0,
element.TKColFrame.TKFrame.config(background=element.BackgroundColor, borderwidth=0,
col_frame.config(background=element.BackgroundColor, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
element.TKColFrame.config(background=element.BackgroundColor, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
col_frame = tk.Frame(tk_row_frame)
PackFormIntoFrame(element, col_frame, toplevel_form)
col_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=elementpad[0], pady=elementpad[1], expand=True, fill='both')
element.TKColFrame = tk.Frame(tk_row_frame)
PackFormIntoFrame(element, element.TKColFrame, toplevel_form)
element.TKColFrame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=elementpad[0], pady=elementpad[1], expand=True, fill='both')
if element.Visible is False:
element.TKColFrame = col_frame
element.TKColFrame = element.TKColFrame
if element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT and element.BackgroundColor is not None:
col_frame.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor, highlightbackground=element.BackgroundColor,
element.TKColFrame.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor, highlightbackground=element.BackgroundColor,
# ------------------------- Pane element ------------------------- #
if element_type == ELEM_TYPE_PANE:
bd = element.BorderDepth if element.BorderDepth is not None else border_depth
element.PanedWindow = tk.PanedWindow(tk_row_frame,
orient=tk.VERTICAL if element.Orientation.startswith('v') else tk.HORIZONTAL,
if element.Relief is not None:
if element.ShowHandle:
if element.Size != (None, None):
element.PanedWindow.config(width=element.Size[0], height=element.Size[1])
if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
for pane in element.PaneList:
pane.TKColFrame = tk.Frame(element.PanedWindow)
pane.ParentPanedWindow = element.PanedWindow
PackFormIntoFrame(pane, pane.TKColFrame, toplevel_form)
if pane.Visible:
if pane.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT and pane.BackgroundColor is not None:
pane.TKColFrame.configure(background=pane.BackgroundColor, highlightbackground=pane.BackgroundColor,
element.PanedWindow.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=elementpad[0], pady=elementpad[1], expand=True, fill='both')
if element.Visible is False:
# ------------------------- TEXT element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_TEXT:
# auto_size_text = element.AutoSizeText
@ -4419,7 +4539,9 @@ def PackFormIntoFrame(form, containing_frame, toplevel_form):
tkbutton.config(foreground=bc[0], background=bc[1], activebackground=bc[1])
if border_depth == 0:
element.TKButton = tkbutton # not used yet but save the TK button in case
wraplen = tkbutton.winfo_reqwidth() # width of widget in Pixels
if element.ImageFilename: # if button has an image on it
@ -4502,11 +4624,25 @@ def PackFormIntoFrame(form, containing_frame, toplevel_form):
element.TKStringVar = tk.StringVar()
if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
combostyle = tkinter.ttk.Style()
# style.map("C.TButton",
# foreground=[('pressed', 'red'), ('active', 'blue')],
# background=[('pressed', '!disabled', 'black'), ('active', 'white')]
# )
# combostyle.map('PSG.TCombobox', background=[('selected', 'green')])
# combostyle.configure('PSG.TCombobox.Listbox',fieldbackground='green')
# combostyle.configure('PSG.TCombobox', foreground=text_color)
# combostyle.configure('PSG.TCombobox', selectbackground='gray70')
# combostyle.map('PSG.TCombobox', background=[('readonly','red')])
# combostyle.configure('PSG.TCombobox.TEntry', background='red')
# combostyle.configure('PSG.TCombobox', selectforeground=element.BackgroundColor)
# combostyle.configure('PSG.TCombobox', fieldbackground='blue')
{'selectbackground': element.BackgroundColor,
{'selectbackground': 'gray50',
'fieldbackground': element.BackgroundColor,
'foreground': text_color,
'background': element.BackgroundColor}
@ -4516,7 +4652,7 @@ def PackFormIntoFrame(form, containing_frame, toplevel_form):
{'selectbackground': element.BackgroundColor,
{'selectbackground': 'gray50',
'fieldbackground': element.BackgroundColor,
'foreground': text_color,
'background': element.BackgroundColor}
@ -4525,6 +4661,7 @@ def PackFormIntoFrame(form, containing_frame, toplevel_form):
# ATTENTION: this applies the new style 'combostyle' to all ttk.Combobox
element.TKCombo = tkinter.ttk.Combobox(tk_row_frame, width=width, textvariable=element.TKStringVar, font=font)
if element.Size[1] != 1 and element.Size[1] is not None:
@ -5286,6 +5423,9 @@ def StartupTK(my_flex_form):
if not my_flex_form.Resizable:
root.resizable(False, False)
if my_flex_form.DisableMinimize:
root.attributes("-toolwindow", 1)
if my_flex_form.KeepOnTop:
root.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1)
@ -5410,20 +5550,18 @@ class QuickMeter(object):
layout = []
if self.orientation.lower().startswith('h'):
col = []
for arg in args:
col.append([T('', size=(30,10), key='_STATS_')])
col.append([ProgressBar(max_value=self.max_value, orientation='h', key='_PROG_', size=self.size)])
col.append([Cancel(button_color=self.button_color), Stretch()])
layout += [Column(col)]
col += [[T(arg)] for arg in args]
col += [[T('', size=(30,10), key='_STATS_')],
[ProgressBar(max_value=self.max_value, orientation='h', key='_PROG_', size=self.size)],
[Cancel(button_color=self.button_color), Stretch()]]
layout = [Column(col)]
col = [[ProgressBar(max_value=self.max_value, orientation='v', key='_PROG_', size=self.size)]]
col2 = []
for arg in args:
col2.append([T('', size=(30,10), key='_STATS_')])
col2.append([Cancel(button_color=self.button_color), Stretch()])
layout += [Column(col), Column(col2)]
col2 += [[T(arg)] for arg in args]
col2 += [[T('', size=(30,10), key='_STATS_')],
[Cancel(button_color=self.button_color), Stretch()]]
layout = [Column(col), Column(col2)]
self.window = Window(self.title, grab_anywhere=self.grab_anywhere, border_depth=self.border_width)
@ -5524,23 +5662,32 @@ def GetComplimentaryHex(color):
# ======================== EasyPrint =====#
# ===================================================#
_easy_print_data = None # global variable... I'm cheating
class DebugWin(object):
debug_window = None
def __init__(self, size=(None, None), location=(None, None), font=None, no_titlebar=False, no_button=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False):
def __init__(self, size=(None, None), location=(None, None), font=None, no_titlebar=False, no_button=False,
grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, do_not_reroute_stdout=True):
# Show a form that's a running counter
self.size = size
self.location = location
self.font = font
self.no_titlebar = no_titlebar
self.no_button = no_button
self.grab_anywhere = grab_anywhere
self.keep_on_top = keep_on_top
self.do_not_reroute_stdout = do_not_reroute_stdout
win_size = size if size != (None, None) else DEFAULT_DEBUG_WINDOW_SIZE
self.window = Window('Debug Window', no_titlebar=no_titlebar, auto_size_text=True, location=location, font=font or ('Courier New', 10), grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top)
self.output_element = Output(size=win_size)
self.window = Window('Debug Window', no_titlebar=no_titlebar, auto_size_text=True, location=location,
font=font or ('Courier New', 10), grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top)
self.output_element = Multiline(size=win_size, autoscroll=True, key='_MULTILINE_') if do_not_reroute_stdout else Output(size=win_size)
if no_button:
self.layout = [[self.output_element]]
self.layout = [
[DummyButton('Quit'), Stretch()]
self.window.Read(timeout=0) # Show a non-blocking form, returns immediately
@ -5554,28 +5701,28 @@ class DebugWin(object):
sepchar = sep if sep is not None else ' '
endchar = end if end is not None else '\n'
if self.window is None: # if window was destroyed already, just print
print(*args, sep=sepchar, end=endchar)
if self.window is None: # if window was destroyed alread re-open it
self.__init__(size=self.size, location=self.location, font=self.font, no_titlebar=self.no_titlebar, no_button=self.no_button, grab_anywhere=self.grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=self.keep_on_top, do_not_reroute_stdout=self.do_not_reroute_stdout)
event, values = self.window.Read(timeout=0)
if event == 'Quit' or event is None:
self.__init__(size=self.size, location=self.location, font=self.font, no_titlebar=self.no_titlebar, no_button=self.no_button, grab_anywhere=self.grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=self.keep_on_top, do_not_reroute_stdout=self.do_not_reroute_stdout)
if self.do_not_reroute_stdout:
outstring = ''
for arg in args:
outstring += str(arg) + sepchar
outstring += endchar
self.output_element.Update(outstring, append=True)
print(*args, sep=sepchar, end=endchar)
# Add extra check to see if the window was closed... if closed by X sometimes am not told
# try:
# state = self.window.TKroot.state()
# except:
# self.Close()
def Close(self):
if self.window is None:
self.window = None
def PrintClose():
@ -5583,6 +5730,8 @@ def PrintClose():
def EasyPrint(*args, **_3to2kwargs):
if 'do_not_reroute_stdout' in _3to2kwargs: do_not_reroute_stdout = _3to2kwargs['do_not_reroute_stdout']; del _3to2kwargs['do_not_reroute_stdout']
else: do_not_reroute_stdout = False
if 'keep_on_top' in _3to2kwargs: keep_on_top = _3to2kwargs['keep_on_top']; del _3to2kwargs['keep_on_top']
else: keep_on_top = False
if 'grab_anywhere' in _3to2kwargs: grab_anywhere = _3to2kwargs['grab_anywhere']; del _3to2kwargs['grab_anywhere']
@ -5602,8 +5751,69 @@ def EasyPrint(*args, **_3to2kwargs):
if 'size' in _3to2kwargs: size = _3to2kwargs['size']; del _3to2kwargs['size']
else: size = (None, None)
if DebugWin.debug_window is None:
DebugWin.debug_window = DebugWin(size=size, location=location, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, no_button=no_button, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top)
DebugWin.debug_window = DebugWin(size=size, location=location, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar,
no_button=no_button, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, do_not_reroute_stdout=do_not_reroute_stdout)
DebugWin.debug_window.Print(*args, end=end, sep=sep)
# class DebugWin():
# debug_window = None
# def __init__(self, size=(None, None), location=(None, None), font=None, no_titlebar=False, no_button=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False):
# # Show a form that's a running counter
# win_size = size if size != (None, None) else DEFAULT_DEBUG_WINDOW_SIZE
# self.window = Window('Debug Window', no_titlebar=no_titlebar, auto_size_text=True, location=location, font=font or ('Courier New', 10), grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top)
# self.output_element = Output(size=win_size)
# if no_button:
# self.layout = [[self.output_element]]
# else:
# self.layout = [
# [self.output_element],
# [DummyButton('Quit')]
# ]
# self.window.AddRows(self.layout)
# self.window.Read(timeout=0) # Show a non-blocking form, returns immediately
# return
# def Print(self, *args, end=None, sep=None):
# sepchar = sep if sep is not None else ' '
# endchar = end if end is not None else '\n'
# if self.window is None: # if window was destroyed already, just print
# self.__init__()
# print(*args, sep=sepchar, end=endchar)
# return
# event, values = self.window.Read(timeout=0)
# if event == 'Quit' or event is None:
# self.Close()
# print(*args, sep=sepchar, end=endchar)
# # Add extra check to see if the window was closed... if closed by X sometimes am not told
# # try:
# # state = self.window.TKroot.state()
# # except:
# # self.Close()
# def Close(self):
# if self.window is None:
# return
# self.window.Close()
# self.window.__del__()
# self.window = None
# def PrintClose():
# EasyPrintClose()
# def EasyPrint(*args, size=(None, None), end=None, sep=None, location=(None, None), font=None, no_titlebar=False, no_button=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False):
# if DebugWin.debug_window is None:
# DebugWin.debug_window = DebugWin(size=size, location=location, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, no_button=no_button, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top)
# DebugWin.debug_window.Print(*args, end=end, sep=sep)
Print = EasyPrint
@ -5618,6 +5828,10 @@ def EasyPrintClose():
# ======================== Scrolled Text Box =====#
# ===================================================#
def PopupScrolled(*args, **_3to2kwargs):
if 'non_blocking' in _3to2kwargs: non_blocking = _3to2kwargs['non_blocking']; del _3to2kwargs['non_blocking']
else: non_blocking = False
if 'title' in _3to2kwargs: title = _3to2kwargs['title']; del _3to2kwargs['title']
else: title = None
if 'location' in _3to2kwargs: location = _3to2kwargs['location']; del _3to2kwargs['location']
else: location = (None, None)
if 'size' in _3to2kwargs: size = _3to2kwargs['size']; del _3to2kwargs['size']
@ -5633,7 +5847,7 @@ def PopupScrolled(*args, **_3to2kwargs):
if not args: return
width, height = size
width = width if width else MESSAGE_BOX_LINE_WIDTH
form = Window(args[0], auto_size_text=True, button_color=button_color, auto_close=auto_close,
window = Window(title=title or args[0], auto_size_text=True, button_color=button_color, auto_close=auto_close,
auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration, location=location)
max_line_total, max_line_width, total_lines, height_computed = 0, 0, 0, 0
complete_output = ''
@ -5652,18 +5866,19 @@ def PopupScrolled(*args, **_3to2kwargs):
height_computed = MAX_SCROLLED_TEXT_BOX_HEIGHT if height_computed > MAX_SCROLLED_TEXT_BOX_HEIGHT else height_computed
if height:
height_computed = height
form.AddRow(Multiline(complete_output, size=(max_line_width, height_computed)))
window.AddRow(Multiline(complete_output, size=(max_line_width, height_computed)))
pad = max_line_total - 15 if max_line_total > 15 else 1
# show either an OK or Yes/No depending on paramater
button = DummyButton if non_blocking else Button
if yes_no:
form.AddRow(Text('', size=(pad, 1), auto_size_text=False), Yes(), No())
button, values = form.Read()
return button
window.AddRow(Text('', size=(pad, 1), auto_size_text=False), button('Yes'), button('No'))
form.AddRow(Text('', size=(pad, 1), auto_size_text=False), Button('OK', size=(5, 1), button_color=button_color))
button, values = form.Read()
window.AddRow(Text('', size=(pad, 1), auto_size_text=False), button('OK', size=(5, 1), button_color=button_color))
if non_blocking:
button, values = window.Read(timeout=0)
button, values = window.Read()
return button
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@






[Announcements of Latest Developments](https://github.com/MikeTheWatchGuy/PySimpleGUI/issues/142)
@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ While simple to use, PySimpleGUI has significant depth to be explored by more ad
Option Menu
Frame with title
@ -205,6 +206,7 @@ While simple to use, PySimpleGUI has significant depth to be explored by more ad
Progress Bar Async/Non-Blocking Windows
Tabbed windows
Paned windows
Persistent Windows
Redirect Python Output/Errors to scrolling window
'Higher level' APIs (e.g. MessageBox, YesNobox, ...)
@ -589,8 +591,7 @@ Note that you should not call Popup yourself with different button_types. Rely
There is a scrolled version of Popups should you have a lot of information to display.
PopupScrolled(*args, button_color=None, yes_no=False, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None,
size=(None, None), location=(None, None))
PopupScrolled(*args, button_color=None, yes_no=False, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None, size=(None, None), location=(None, None), title=None, non_blocking=False)
Typical usage:
@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ sg.PopupScrolled(my_text, size=(80, None))
Note that the default max number of lines before scrolling happens is set to 50. At 50 lines the scrolling will begin.
If `non_blocking` parameter is set, then the call will not blocking waiting for the user to close the window. Execution will immediately return to the user. Handy when you want to dump out debug info without disrupting the program flow.
### PopupNoWait
The Popup call PopupNoWait or PopupNonBlocking will create a popup window and then immediately return control back to you. All other popup functions will block, waiting for the user to close the popup window.
@ -766,6 +769,7 @@ Another call in the 'Easy' families of APIs is `EasyPrint`. It will output to a
print = sg.EasyPrint
at the top of your code.
There are a number of names for the same EasyPrint function. `Print` is one of the better ones to use as it's easy to remember. It is simply `print` with a capital P.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
@ -787,8 +791,9 @@ Just like the standard print call, `EasyPrint` supports the `sep` and `end` keyw
You can change the size of the debug window using the `SetOptions` call with the `debug_win_size` parameter.
*A word of caution.* There are known problems when multiple PySimpleGUI windows are opened. If you open one of these debug windows, if you close it using the Quit button, it can have the side-effect of causing other visible windows to also close. It's a known architectural issue.
There is an option to tell PySimpleGUI to reroute all of your stdout and stderr output to this window. To do so call EasyPrint with the parameter `do_not_reroute_stdout` set to True. After calling it once with this parameter set to True, all future calls to a normal`print` will go to the debug window.
If you close the debug window it will re-open the next time you Print to it.
# Custom window API Calls (Your First window)
@ -1368,7 +1373,8 @@ Window( title,
Parameter Descriptions. You will find these same parameters specified for each `Element` and some of them in `Row` specifications. The `Element` specified value will take precedence over the `Row` and `window` values.
@ -1398,6 +1404,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions. You will find these same parameters specified for each
keep_on_top - if True then window will always stop on top of other windows on the screen. Great for floating toolbars.
resizable - if True - user can manually changge the wize of the window. Defaults to False
disable_close - if True user will not be able to close using the X.
disable_minimize - if True user will not be able to minimize the window
### Window Location
@ -2893,12 +2900,13 @@ DrawArc(self, top_left, bottom_right, extent, start_angle, style=None, arc_color
DrawRectangle(self, top_left, bottom_right, fill_color=None, line_color=None)
DrawText(self, text, location, color='black', font=None, angle=0)
Move(self, x_direction, y_direction)
MoveFigure(self, figure, x_direction, y_direction)
All of the Drawing methods return a "figure" that can be used move the figure
All of the Drawing methods return a "***figure***" that can be used move and delete the figure
DrawLine - draws a line
DrawPoint - draws a single point
@ -2911,6 +2919,7 @@ Erase - erases entire graph
Update - changes background color
Move - moves everything an x,y direction
MoveFigure - moves an individual figure
DeleteFigure - delete an individual figure
## Table Element
@ -3123,6 +3132,27 @@ Update(disabled = None)
WARNING - This Update method does not yet work!
## Pane Element
New in version 3.20 is the Pane Element, a super-cool tkinter feature. You won't find this one in PySimpleGUIQt, only PySimpleGUI. It's difficult to describe one of these things. Think of them as "Tabs without labels" that you can slide.

Pane(pane_list, background_color=None, size=(None, None), pad=None, orientation='vertical', show_handle=True, relief=RELIEF_RAISED, handle_size=None, border_width=None, key=None, visible=True):
***Each "Pane" of a Pane Element must be a Column Element***. The parameter `pane_list` is a list of Column Elements.
Calls can get a little hairy looking if you try to declare everything in-line as you can see in this example.
sg.Pane([col5, sg.Column([[sg.Pane([col1, col2, col4], handle_size=15, orientation='v', background_color=None, show_handle=True, visible=True, key='_PANE_', border_width=0, relief=sg.RELIEF_GROOVE),]]),col3 ], orientation='h', background_color=None, size=(160,160), relief=sg.RELIEF_RAISED, border_width=0)
Combing these with *visibility* make for an interesting interface with entire panes being hidden from view until neded by the user. It's one way of producing "dynamic" windows.
## Colors
Starting in version 2.5 you can change the background colors for the window and the Elements.
@ -4256,6 +4286,16 @@ Emergency patch release... going out same day as previous release
* Buttons - remove highlight when border depth == 0
* OneLineProgressMeter - better layout implementation
## 3.20.0 & 1.20.0 18-Dec-2018
* New Pane Element
* Graphh.DeleteFigure method
* disable_minimize - New parameter for Window
* Fix for 2.7 menus
* Debug Window no longer re-routes stdout by default
* Can re-route by specifying in Print / EasyPrint call
* New non-blocking for PopupScrolled
* Can set title for PopupScrolled window
### Upcoming
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@






[Announcements of Latest Developments](https://github.com/MikeTheWatchGuy/PySimpleGUI/issues/142)
@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ While simple to use, PySimpleGUI has significant depth to be explored by more ad
Option Menu
Frame with title
@ -205,6 +206,7 @@ While simple to use, PySimpleGUI has significant depth to be explored by more ad
Progress Bar Async/Non-Blocking Windows
Tabbed windows
Paned windows
Persistent Windows
Redirect Python Output/Errors to scrolling window
'Higher level' APIs (e.g. MessageBox, YesNobox, ...)
@ -589,8 +591,7 @@ Note that you should not call Popup yourself with different button_types. Rely
There is a scrolled version of Popups should you have a lot of information to display.
PopupScrolled(*args, button_color=None, yes_no=False, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None,
size=(None, None), location=(None, None))
PopupScrolled(*args, button_color=None, yes_no=False, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None, size=(None, None), location=(None, None), title=None, non_blocking=False)
Typical usage:
@ -609,6 +610,8 @@ sg.PopupScrolled(my_text, size=(80, None))
Note that the default max number of lines before scrolling happens is set to 50. At 50 lines the scrolling will begin.
If `non_blocking` parameter is set, then the call will not blocking waiting for the user to close the window. Execution will immediately return to the user. Handy when you want to dump out debug info without disrupting the program flow.
### PopupNoWait
The Popup call PopupNoWait or PopupNonBlocking will create a popup window and then immediately return control back to you. All other popup functions will block, waiting for the user to close the popup window.
@ -766,6 +769,7 @@ Another call in the 'Easy' families of APIs is `EasyPrint`. It will output to a
print = sg.EasyPrint
at the top of your code.
There are a number of names for the same EasyPrint function. `Print` is one of the better ones to use as it's easy to remember. It is simply `print` with a capital P.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
@ -787,8 +791,9 @@ Just like the standard print call, `EasyPrint` supports the `sep` and `end` keyw
You can change the size of the debug window using the `SetOptions` call with the `debug_win_size` parameter.
*A word of caution.* There are known problems when multiple PySimpleGUI windows are opened. If you open one of these debug windows, if you close it using the Quit button, it can have the side-effect of causing other visible windows to also close. It's a known architectural issue.
There is an option to tell PySimpleGUI to reroute all of your stdout and stderr output to this window. To do so call EasyPrint with the parameter `do_not_reroute_stdout` set to True. After calling it once with this parameter set to True, all future calls to a normal`print` will go to the debug window.
If you close the debug window it will re-open the next time you Print to it.
# Custom window API Calls (Your First window)
@ -1368,7 +1373,8 @@ Window( title,
Parameter Descriptions. You will find these same parameters specified for each `Element` and some of them in `Row` specifications. The `Element` specified value will take precedence over the `Row` and `window` values.
@ -1398,6 +1404,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions. You will find these same parameters specified for each
keep_on_top - if True then window will always stop on top of other windows on the screen. Great for floating toolbars.
resizable - if True - user can manually changge the wize of the window. Defaults to False
disable_close - if True user will not be able to close using the X.
disable_minimize - if True user will not be able to minimize the window
### Window Location
@ -2893,12 +2900,13 @@ DrawArc(self, top_left, bottom_right, extent, start_angle, style=None, arc_color
DrawRectangle(self, top_left, bottom_right, fill_color=None, line_color=None)
DrawText(self, text, location, color='black', font=None, angle=0)
Move(self, x_direction, y_direction)
MoveFigure(self, figure, x_direction, y_direction)
All of the Drawing methods return a "figure" that can be used move the figure
All of the Drawing methods return a "***figure***" that can be used move and delete the figure
DrawLine - draws a line
DrawPoint - draws a single point
@ -2911,6 +2919,7 @@ Erase - erases entire graph
Update - changes background color
Move - moves everything an x,y direction
MoveFigure - moves an individual figure
DeleteFigure - delete an individual figure
## Table Element
@ -3123,6 +3132,27 @@ Update(disabled = None)
WARNING - This Update method does not yet work!
## Pane Element
New in version 3.20 is the Pane Element, a super-cool tkinter feature. You won't find this one in PySimpleGUIQt, only PySimpleGUI. It's difficult to describe one of these things. Think of them as "Tabs without labels" that you can slide.

Pane(pane_list, background_color=None, size=(None, None), pad=None, orientation='vertical', show_handle=True, relief=RELIEF_RAISED, handle_size=None, border_width=None, key=None, visible=True):
***Each "Pane" of a Pane Element must be a Column Element***. The parameter `pane_list` is a list of Column Elements.
Calls can get a little hairy looking if you try to declare everything in-line as you can see in this example.
sg.Pane([col5, sg.Column([[sg.Pane([col1, col2, col4], handle_size=15, orientation='v', background_color=None, show_handle=True, visible=True, key='_PANE_', border_width=0, relief=sg.RELIEF_GROOVE),]]),col3 ], orientation='h', background_color=None, size=(160,160), relief=sg.RELIEF_RAISED, border_width=0)
Combing these with *visibility* make for an interesting interface with entire panes being hidden from view until neded by the user. It's one way of producing "dynamic" windows.
## Colors
Starting in version 2.5 you can change the background colors for the window and the Elements.
@ -4256,6 +4286,16 @@ Emergency patch release... going out same day as previous release
* Buttons - remove highlight when border depth == 0
* OneLineProgressMeter - better layout implementation
## 3.20.0 & 1.20.0 18-Dec-2018
* New Pane Element
* Graphh.DeleteFigure method
* disable_minimize - New parameter for Window
* Fix for 2.7 menus
* Debug Window no longer re-routes stdout by default
* Can re-route by specifying in Print / EasyPrint call
* New non-blocking for PopupScrolled
* Can set title for PopupScrolled window
### Upcoming
Reference in New Issue