Graph Element, Alternative Font support
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QWidget, QLineEdit, QComboBo
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QSlider, QCheckBox, QRadioButton, QSpinBox, QPushButton, QTextEdit, QMainWindow, QDialog, QAbstractItemView
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QSpacerItem, QFrame, QGroupBox, QTextBrowser, QPlainTextEdit, QButtonGroup, QFileDialog, QTableWidget
# from PySide2.QtWidgets import
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QTableWidgetItem
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QTableWidgetItem, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsItemGroup
from PySide2.QtGui import QPainter, QPixmap, QPen, QColor, QBrush, QPainterPath, QFont
from PySide2.QtCore import Qt,QProcess, QEvent
import PySide2.QtGui as QtGui
import PySide2.QtCore as QtCore
@ -287,7 +288,12 @@ class Element():
self.Type = type
self.AutoSizeText = auto_size_text
self.Pad = DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PADDING if pad is None else pad
self.Font = font
if font is not None and len(font) == 2:
self.Font = font
elif font is not None:
self.Font = font.split(' ')
self.Font = font
self.TKStringVar = None
self.TKIntVar = None
@ -1501,13 +1507,15 @@ class Graph(Element):
self.CanvasSize = canvas_size
self.BottomLeft = graph_bottom_left
self.TopRight = graph_top_right
self._TKCanvas = None
self._TKCanvas2 = None
self.x = self.y = 0
super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_GRAPH, background_color=background_color, size=canvas_size, pad=pad, key=key,
def _convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(self, x_in, y_in):
scale_x = (self.CanvasSize[0] - 0) / (self.TopRight[0] - self.BottomLeft[0])
scale_y = (0 - self.CanvasSize[1]) / (self.TopRight[1] - self.BottomLeft[1])
@ -1518,13 +1526,14 @@ class Graph(Element):
def DrawLine(self, point_from, point_to, color='black', width=1):
converted_point_from = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(point_from[0], point_from[1])
converted_point_to = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(point_to[0], point_to[1])
if self._TKCanvas2 is None:
print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***')
print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation')
return None
return self._TKCanvas2.create_line(converted_point_from, converted_point_to, width=width, fill=color)
qcolor = QColor(color)
pen = QPen(qcolor, width)
line = self.QT_QGraphicsScene.addLine(self.x+converted_point_from[0],self.y+ converted_point_from[1], self.x+converted_point_to[0],self.y+ converted_point_to[1], pen=pen)
# self.QT_QGraphicsItemGroup.addToGroup(line)
def DrawPoint(self, point, size=2, color='black'):
converted_point = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(point[0], point[1])
if self._TKCanvas2 is None:
print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***')
@ -1536,13 +1545,13 @@ class Graph(Element):
def DrawCircle(self, center_location, radius, fill_color=None, line_color='black'):
converted_point = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(center_location[0], center_location[1])
if self._TKCanvas2 is None:
print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***')
print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation')
return None
return self._TKCanvas2.create_oval(converted_point[0] - radius, converted_point[1] - radius,
converted_point[0] + radius, converted_point[1] + radius, fill=fill_color,
qcolor = QColor(fill_color)
pen = QPen(qcolor)
qcolor = QColor(line_color)
brush = QBrush(qcolor)
line = self.QT_QGraphicsScene.addEllipse(self.x+converted_point[0], self.y+converted_point[1],
radius, radius, pen=pen, brush=brush)
def DrawOval(self, top_left, bottom_right, fill_color=None, line_color=None):
converted_top_left = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(top_left[0], top_left[1])
@ -1577,13 +1586,16 @@ class Graph(Element):
def DrawText(self, text, location, color='black', font=None, angle=0):
converted_point = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(location[0], location[1])
if self._TKCanvas2 is None:
print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***')
print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation')
return None
text_id = self._TKCanvas2.create_text(converted_point[0], converted_point[1], text=text, font=font, fill=color,
return text_id
qcolor = QColor(color)
qpath = QPainterPath()
_font = font or ('courier', 12)
qfont = QFont(_font[0], _font[1])
# qfont.setWeight(.5)
qpath.addText(self.x+converted_point[0], self.y+converted_point[1], qfont, str(text))
self.QT_QGraphicsScene.addPath(qpath, qcolor)
def Erase(self):
if self._TKCanvas2 is None:
@ -1600,14 +1612,17 @@ class Graph(Element):
def Move(self, x_direction, y_direction):
x_direction = -x_direction
y_direction = -y_direction
zero_converted = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(0, 0)
shift_converted = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(x_direction, y_direction)
shift_amount = (shift_converted[0] - zero_converted[0], shift_converted[1] - zero_converted[1])
if self._TKCanvas2 is None:
print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***')
print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation')
return None
self._TKCanvas2.move('all', shift_amount[0], shift_amount[1])
rect = self.QT_QGraphicsScene.sceneRect()
rect.translate(shift_amount[0], shift_amount[1])
self.x += shift_amount[0]
self.y += shift_amount[1]
def MoveFigure(self, figure, x_direction, y_direction):
zero_converted = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(0, 0)
@ -2761,12 +2776,7 @@ class Window:
# return None, None
return self
def Refresh(self):
if self.TKrootDestroyed:
return self
rc = self.TKroot.update()
self.QTApplication.processEvents() # refresh the window
return self
def Fill(self, values_dict):
@ -2930,7 +2940,8 @@ class Window:
self._AlphaChannel = alpha
self.TKroot.attributes('-alpha', alpha)
if self._AlphaChannel:
def AlphaChannel(self):
@ -4064,6 +4075,14 @@ def PackFormIntoFrame(window, containing_frame, toplevel_win):
# ------------------------- Graph element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_GRAPH:
width, height = element_size
element.QT_QGraphicsView = QGraphicsView()
# element.QT_QGraphicsView.setGeometry(0,0,element.CanvasSize[0],element.CanvasSize[1])
element.QT_QGraphicsScene = QGraphicsScene()
element.QT_QGraphicsItemGroup = QGraphicsItemGroup()
# ------------------------- MENUBAR element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_MENUBAR:
menu_def = element.MenuDefinition
@ -129,14 +129,13 @@ These Elements are "complete" (a relative term... more are more complete than ot
* change_submits events
* Updates
* Image as a background (new feature)
* Graph - Draw line, draw circle, draw text
## Missing Features
Notable MISSING features at the moment include:
* Graphs Element
* Graphs Element - erasing, draw arc, etc
* Image Element
* Tree Element - the more complex Elements have not yet been ported. Stay tuned, new ones being added daily!
* Tab & tab group Elements
Reference in New Issue