Flashes colors when making a move, removed unusued code.

This commit is contained in:
MikeTheWatchGuy 2018-10-12 15:07:03 -04:00
parent 989d13d66c
commit aaa7ebcce7
1 changed files with 19 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import os
import io
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageTk, ImageFont
import sys
from random import randint as rand
import chess
import chess.pgn
import copy
import time
button_names = ('close', 'cookbook', 'cpu', 'github', 'pysimplegui', 'run', 'storage', 'timer')
# path to the chess pieces
CHESS_PATH = '.' # path to the chess pieces
BLANK = 0 # piece names
@ -49,17 +46,9 @@ queenW = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'queenW.png')
kingB = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'kingb.png')
kingW = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'kingw.png')
images = {BISHOPB: bishopB, BISHOPW: bishopW, PAWNB: pawnB, PAWNW: pawnW, KNIGHTB: knightB, KNIGHTW: knightW,
ROOKB: rookB, ROOKW: rookW, KINGB: kingB, KINGW: kingW, QUEENB: queenB, QUEENW: queenW, BLANK: blank}
def get_a_move():
pgn = open('C:/Python/PycharmProjects/GooeyGUI/Chess/game.pgn')
first_game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn)
for move in first_game.main_line():
yield move
def open_pgn_file(filename):
pgn = open(filename)
first_game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn)
@ -73,14 +62,10 @@ def render_square(image, key, location):
color = '#F0D9B5'
return sg.RButton('', image_filename=image, size=(1, 1), button_color=('white', color), pad=(0, 0), key=key)
def redraw_board(window, board):
for i in range(8):
for j in range(8):
if (i+j) % 2:
color = '#B58863'
color = '#F0D9B5'
color = '#B58863' if (i+j) % 2 else '#F0D9B5'
piece_image = images[board[i][j]]
elem = window.FindElement(key=(i,j))
elem.Update(button_color = ('white', color),
@ -91,11 +76,12 @@ def PlayGame():
menu_def = [['&File', ['&Open PGN File', 'E&xit' ]],
['&Help', '&About...'],]
sg.SetOptions(auto_size_buttons=True, margins=(0,0))
# sg.SetOptions(margins=(0,0))
# create initial board setup
board = copy.deepcopy(initial_board)
# the main board display layout
board_layout = [[sg.T(' ')] + [sg.T(f'{a}', pad=((23,27),0), font='Any 13') for a in 'abcdefgh']]
board_layout = [[sg.T(' ')] + [sg.T('{}'.format(a), pad=((23,27),0), font='Any 13') for a in 'abcdefgh']]
# loop though board and create buttons with images
for i in range(8):
row = [sg.T(str(8-i)+' ', font='Any 13')]
@ -105,7 +91,7 @@ def PlayGame():
row.append(sg.T(str(8-i)+' ', font='Any 13'))
# add the labels across bottom of board
board_layout.append([sg.T(' ')] + [sg.T(f'{a}', pad=((23,27),0), font='Any 13') for a in 'abcdefgh'])
board_layout.append([sg.T(' ')] + [sg.T('{}'.format(a), pad=((23,27),0), font='Any 13') for a in 'abcdefgh'])
# setup the controls on the right side of screen
openings = ('Any', 'Defense', 'Attack', 'Trap', 'Gambit','Counter', 'Sicillian', 'English','French', 'Queen\'s openings', 'King\'s Openings','Indian Openings')
@ -131,7 +117,7 @@ def PlayGame():
layout = [[sg.Menu(menu_def, tearoff=False)],
sg.Tab('Controls', controls_layout),
sg.Tab('Statistics', statistics_layout)]]),
sg.Tab('Statistics', statistics_layout)]], title_color='red'),
[sg.Text('Click anywhere on board for next move', font='_ 14')]]
@ -164,6 +150,16 @@ def PlayGame():
row = move_from // 8
col = move_from % 8
piece = board[row][col] # get the move-from piece
button = window.FindElement(key=(row,col))
button.Update(button_color = ('white', 'red'))
button.Update(button_color = ('white', 'white'))
button.Update(button_color = ('white', 'red'))
board[row][col] = BLANK # place blank where piece was
row = move_to // 8 # compute move-to square
col = move_to % 8