Added auto-save of window location upon exit. This is going to be a new design pattern to be applied to all desktop widgets eventually

This commit is contained in:
PySimpleGUI 2021-08-15 17:54:15 -04:00
parent 3b093e1c4a
commit 8cef4831e8
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def make_window(location):
layout = [[sg.Image(k='-IMAGE-', enable_events=True)],
[, key='-REFRESH INFO-', element_justification='c', visible=sg.user_settings_get_entry('-show refresh-', True)))]]
window = sg.Window('Photo Frame', layout, location=location, no_titlebar=True, grab_anywhere=True, margins=(0, 0), element_justification='c', element_padding=(0, 0), alpha_channel=alpha, finalize=True, right_click_menu=right_click_menu, keep_on_top=True)
window = sg.Window('Photo Frame', layout, location=location, no_titlebar=True, grab_anywhere=True, margins=(0, 0), element_justification='c', element_padding=(0, 0), alpha_channel=alpha, finalize=True, right_click_menu=right_click_menu, keep_on_top=True, enable_close_attempted_event=True)
return window
@ -115,7 +115,10 @@ def main():
# -------------- Start of normal event loop --------------
timeout = time_per_image * 1000 + (random.randint(int(-time_per_image * 500), int(time_per_image * 500)) if vary_randomly else 0) if single_image is None else None
event, values =
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event in (sg.WIN_CLOSE_ATTEMPTED_EVENT, 'Exit'):
sg.user_settings_set_entry('-location-', window.current_location()) # The line of code to save the position before exiting
if event == 'Edit Me':