Programming course with PySimpleGUI lessons

This commit is contained in:
MikeTheWatchGuy 2018-09-27 05:18:35 -04:00
parent 78c31358be
commit 8b4185988f
12 changed files with 582 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#PySimple examples (v 3.8)
#Tony Crewe
#Sep 2018
import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [
[sg.Text('Celcius'), sg.InputText()], #layout, Text, Input
[sg.Submit()], #button on line below
#setup window with Title
window = sg.Window('Temperature Converter').Layout(layout)
button, value = window.Read() #get value (part of a list)
fahrenheit = round(9/5*float(value[0]) +32, 1) #convert and create string
result = 'Temperature in Fahrenheit is: ' + str(fahrenheit)
sg.Popup('Result', result) #display in Popup

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#PySimple examples (v 3.8)
#Tony Crewe
#Sep 2018
import PySimpleGUI as sg
#Set formatting options for all elements rather than individually.
sg.SetOptions (background_color = 'LightBlue',
element_background_color = 'LightBlue',
text_element_background_color = 'LightBlue',
font = ('Arial', 10, 'bold'),
text_color = 'Blue',
input_text_color ='Blue',
button_color = ('White', 'Blue')
#adjust widths
layout = [
[sg.Text('Celcius', size =(12,1)), sg.InputText(size = (8,1))],
window = sg.Window('Converter').Layout(layout)
button, value = window.Read()
fahrenheit = round(9/5*float(value[0]) +32, 1)
result = 'Temperature in Fahrenheit is: ' + str(fahrenheit)

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#PySimple examples (v 3.8)
#Tony Crewe
#Sep 2018
import PySimpleGUI as sg
sg.SetOptions (background_color = 'LightBlue',
element_background_color = 'LightBlue',
text_element_background_color = 'LightBlue',
font = ('Arial', 10, 'bold'),
text_color = 'Blue',
input_text_color ='Blue',
button_color = ('White', 'Blue')
#update (via list) values and and display answers
#value[0] is celcius input, value[1] is input to place result.
#Use ReadButton with while true: - keeps window open.
layout = [ [sg.Text('Enter a Temperature in Celcius')],
[sg.Text('Celcius', size =(8,1)), sg.InputText(size = (15,1))],
[sg.Text('Result', size =(8,1)), sg.InputText(size = (15,1))],
[sg.ReadButton('Submit', bind_return_key = True)]] #Return = button press
window = sg.Window('Converter').Layout(layout)
while True:
button, value = window.Read() #get result
if button is not None: #break out of loop is button not pressed.
fahrenheit = round(9/5*float(value[0]) +32, 1)
window.FindElement(1).Update(fahrenheit) #put result in 2nd input box

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#PySimple examples (v 3.8)
#Tony Crewe
#Sep 2018
import PySimpleGUI as sg
sg.SetOptions (background_color = 'LightBlue',
element_background_color = 'LightBlue',
text_element_background_color = 'LightBlue',
font = ('Arial', 10, 'bold'),
text_color = 'Blue',
input_text_color ='Blue',
button_color = ('White', 'Blue')
#name inputs (key) uses dictionary- easy to see updating of results
#value[input] first input value te c...
layout = [ [sg.Text('Enter a Temperature in Celcius')],
[sg.Text('Celcius', size =(8,1)), sg.InputText(size = (15,1),key = 'input')],
[sg.Text('Result', size =(8,1)), sg.InputText(size = (15,1),key = 'result')],
[sg.ReadButton('Submit', bind_return_key = True)]]
window = sg.FlexForm('Temp Converter').Layout(layout)
while True:
button, value = window.Read()
if button is not None:
#catch program errors for text or blank entry:
fahrenheit = round(9/5*float(value['input']) +32, 1)
window.FindElement('result').Update(fahrenheit) #put result in text box
except ValueError:
sg.Popup('Error','Please try again') #display error

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#PySimple examples (v 3.8)
#Tony Crewe
#Sep 2018
import PySimpleGUI as sg
#Can use a variety of themes - plus individual options
sg.SetOptions (font = ('Arial', 10, 'bold'))
layout = [ [sg.Text('Enter a Temperature in Celcius')],
[sg.Text('Celcius', size =(8,1)), sg.InputText(size = (15,1),key = 'input')],
[sg.Text('Result', size =(8,1)), sg.InputText(size = (15,1),key = 'result')],
[sg.ReadButton('Submit', bind_return_key = True)]]
window = sg.FlexForm('Temp Converter').Layout(layout)
while True:
button, value = window.Read()
if button is not None:
#catch program errors for text, floats or blank entry:
#Also validation for range [0, 50]
if float(value['input']) > 50 or float(value['input']) <0:
sg.Popup('Error','Out of range')
fahrenheit = round(9/5*int(value['input']) +32, 1)
window.FindElement('result').Update(fahrenheit) #put result in text box
except ValueError:
sg.Popup('Error','Please try again') #display error

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#PySimple examples (v 3.8)
#Tony Crewe
#Sep 2018
import PySimpleGUI as sg
sg.ChangeLookAndFeel('GreenTan') #Set colour scheme
sg.SetOptions (font =('Calibri',12,'bold') ) #and font
#One checkbox and three radio buttons (grouped as 'Radio1'
layout = [[sg.Text('Membership Calculator', font = ('Calibri', 16, 'bold'))],
[sg.Checkbox(' Student? 10% off', size = (25,1)), #value[0]
sg.ReadButton('Display Cost', size = (14,1))],
[sg.Radio('1 month $50', 'Radio1', default = True), #value[1]
sg.Radio('3 months $100', 'Radio1'), #value[2]
sg.Radio('1 year $300', 'Radio1')], #value[3]
[sg.Text('', size = (30,1), justification = 'center', font =('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), key = 'result')]]
window = sg.Window('Gym Membership').Layout(layout)
while True:
button, value = window.Read()
if button is not None:
if value[1]:
cost = 50
elif value[2]:
cost = 100
cost = 300
if value[0]:
cost = cost*0.9 #apply discount
#format as currency $ symbol and 2 d.p. - make a string
result = str(' Cost: ' + '${:.2f}'.format(cost))
window.FindElement('result').Update(result) #put the result in Textbox

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import PySimpleGUI as sg
#pip install PyInstaller
#windows command prompt pyinstaller -wF
#must CD to directory where py file is
sg.ChangeLookAndFeel('GreenTan') #Set colour scheme
sg.SetOptions (font =('Calibri',12,'bold') ) #and font
form = sg.FlexForm('Gym Membership')
layout = [[sg.Text('Membership Calculator', font = ('Calibri', 16, 'bold'))],
[sg.Checkbox('CGS student?', size = (22,1)), #value[0]
sg.ReadButton('Display Cost', size = (14,1))],
[sg.Radio('One Month', 'Radio1', default = True), #value[1]
sg.Radio('Three Month', 'Radio1'), #value[2]
sg.Radio('One Year', 'Radio1')], #value[3]
[sg.Text('', size = (30,1), justification = 'center', font =('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), key = 'result')]]
while True:
button, value = form.Read()
if button is not None:
if value[1]:
cost = 50
elif value[2]:
cost = 100
cost = 300
if value[0]:
cost = cost*0.9
result = str(' Cost: ' + '${:.2f}'.format(cost)) #format as currency - make a string
form.FindElement('result').Update(result) #put the result in Textbox

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#PySimple examples (v 3.8)
#Tony Crewe
#Sep 2018
import PySimpleGUI as sg
sg.SetOptions(font = ('Courier New', 12))
layout = [
[sg.Text('Enter and Add Data to Display', font = ('Calibri', 14,'bold'))],
[sg.Text('Race:', size = (5,1)), sg.InputText(size = (8,1)),
sg.Text('Club:', size = (5,1)), sg.InputText(size = (8,1))],
[sg.Text('Name:', size = (5,1)), sg.InputText(size = (8,1)),
sg.Text('Time:', size = (5,1)), sg.InputText(size = (8,1)),sg.Text(' '),
sg.ReadButton('Add Data', font = ('Calibri', 12, 'bold'))],
[sg.Text(' Race Club Name Time')],
[sg.Multiline(size =(40,6),key = 'Multiline')]
window = sg.Window('Enter & Display Data').Layout(layout)
string = ''
while True:
button, value = window.Read()
if button is not None:
#use string formatting - best way? plus Courier New font - non-proportional font
S = S + ['{:^9s}{:<11s}{:<10s}{:>8s}'.format(value[0],value[1],value[2],value[3])]
for s in S:
string = string + s + '\n'
string =''

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#PySimple examples (v 3.8)
#Tony Crewe
#Sep 2018
import PySimpleGUI as sg
column1 = [
[sg.Text('Pick operation', size = (15,1), font = ('Calibri', 12, 'bold'))],
[sg.InputCombo(['Add','Subtract','Multiply','Divide'], size = (10,6))],
[sg.Text('', size =(1,4))]]
column2 = [
[sg.ReadButton('Submit', font = ('Calibri', 12, 'bold'), button_color = ('White', 'Red'))],
[sg.Text('Result:', font = ('Calibri', 12, 'bold'))],[sg.InputText(size = (12,1), key = 'result')]
layout = [
[sg.Text('Slider and Combo box demo', font = ('Calibri', 14,'bold'))],
[sg.Slider(range = (-9, 9),orientation = 'v', size = (5,20), default_value = 0),
sg.Slider(range = (-9, 9),orientation = 'v', size = (5, 20), default_value = 0),
sg.Text(' '), sg.Column(column1), sg.Column(column2)]]
window = sg.Window('Enter & Display Data', grab_anywhere=False).Layout(layout)
while True:
button, value = window.Read()
if button is not None:
if value[2] == 'Add':
result = value[0] + value[1]
elif value[2] == 'Multiply':
result = value[0] * value[1]
elif value[2] == 'Subtract':
result = value[0] - value[1]
elif value[2] == 'Divide':
if value[1] ==0:
sg.Popup('Second value can\'t be zero')
if value[0] == 0:
result = 'NA'
result = value[0] / value[1]

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#PySimple examples (v 3.8)
#Tony Crewe
#Sep 2018
import PySimpleGUI as sg
sg.SetOptions(font= ('Calibri', 12, 'bold'))
layout = [
[sg.Text('Spinner and Combo box demo', font = ('Calibri', 14, 'bold'))],
[sg.Spin([sz for sz in range (-9,10)], initial_value = 0),
sg.Spin([sz for sz in range (-9,10)], initial_value = 0),
sg.Text('Pick operation', size = (13,1)),
sg.InputCombo(['Add','Subtract','Multiply','Divide'], size = (8,6))],
[sg.Text('Result: ')],[sg.InputText(size = (6,1), key = 'result'),
sg.ReadButton('Calculate', button_color = ('White', 'Red'))]]
window = sg.Window('Enter & Display Data', grab_anywhere=False).Layout(layout)
while True:
button, value = window.Read()
if button is not None:
val = [int(value[0]), int(value[1])]
if value[2] == 'Add':
result = val[0] + val[1]
elif value[2] == 'Multiply':
result = val[0] * val[1]
elif value[2] == 'Subtract':
result = val[0] - val[1]
elif value[2] == 'Divide':
if val[1] ==0:
sg.Popup('Second value can\'t be zero')
result = 'NA'
result = round( val[0] / val[1], 3)

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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#PySimple examples (v 3.8)
#Tony Crewe
#Sep 2018
import PySimpleGUI as sg
sg.SetOptions (font =('Calibri',12,'bold'))
#setup column (called column1) of buttons to sue in layout
column1 = [[sg.ReadButton('Original list', size = (13,1))],
[sg.ReadButton('Default sort', size = (13,1))],
[sg.ReadButton('Sort: selection',size = (13,1))],
[sg.ReadButton('Sort: quick', size = (13,1))]]
layout =[[sg.Text('Search and Sort Demo', font =('Calibri', 20, 'bold'))],
[sg.Text('',size = (14, 11),relief=sg.RELIEF_SOLID,font = ('Calibri', 12), background_color ='White',key = 'display'), sg.Column(column1)],
[sg.Text('_'*32,font = ('Calibri', 12))],
[sg.InputText(size = (13,1), key = 'linear'), sg.Text(' '), sg.InputText(size = (13,1), key = 'binary')],
[sg.ReadButton('Linear Search', size = (13,1)), sg.Text(' '), sg.ReadButton('Binary Search', size = (13,1))],
window = sg.Window('Search and Sort Demo').Layout(layout)
#names for Demo, could be loaded from a file
Names= ['Roberta', 'Kylie', 'Jenny', 'Helen',
'Andrea', 'Meredith','Deborah','Pauline',
'Belinda', 'Wendy']
#function to display list
def displayList(List):
global ListDisplayed #store list in Multiline text globally
ListDisplayed = List
display = ''
for l in List: #add list elements with new line
display = display + l + '\n'
#use inbuilt python sort
def default(Names):
L = Names[:]
L.sort() #inbuilt sort
#Selection sort - See Janson Ch 7
def selSort(Names):
L = Names[:]
for i in range(len(L)):
smallest = i
for j in range(i+1, len(L)):
if L[j] < L[smallest]: #find smallest value
smallest = j #swap it to front
L[smallest], L[i] = L[i], L[smallest] #repeat from next poistion
#Quick sort - See Janson Ch 7
def qsortHolder(Names):
L = Names[:] #pass List, first and last
quick_sort(L, 0, len(L) -1) #Start process
def quick_sort(L, first, last): #Quicksort is a partition sort
if first >= last:
return L
pivot = L[first]
low = first
high = last
while low < high:
while L[high] > pivot:
high = high -1
while L[low] < pivot:
low = low + 1
if low <= high:
L[high], L[low] = L[low], L[high]
low = low + 1
high = high -1
quick_sort(L, first, low -1) #continue splitting - sort small lsist
quick_sort(L, low, last)
#Linear Search - no need for Ordered list
def linearSearch():
L = Names[:]
found = False
for l in L:
if l == value['linear']: #Check each value
found = True
window.FindElement('display').Update('Linear search\n' + l + ' found.')
if not found:
window.FindElement('display').Update(value['linear'] + ' was \nNot found')
#Binary Search - only works fot ordered lists
def binarySearch():
L = ListDisplayed[:] #get List currently in multiline display
lo = 0
hi = len(L)-1
found = False #Start with found is Flase
while lo <= hi:
mid = (lo + hi) //2 #Start in middle
if L[mid] == value['binary']: #get the value from the search box
window.FindElement('display').Update('Binary search\n' + L[mid] + ' found.')
found = True #If found display
break #and stop
elif L[mid] < value['binary']:
lo = mid + 1 #Search in top half
hi = mid - 1 #Search in lower half
if not found: #If we get to end - display not found
window.FindElement('display').Update(value['binary'] + ' was \nNot found')
while True:
button, value = window.Read()
if button is not None:
if button == 'Original list':
if button == 'Default sort':
if button == 'Sort: selection':
if button == 'Sort: quick':
if button == 'Linear Search':
if button == 'Binary Search':

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#20/1/18 Oz date
from tkinter import *
def callback(event): #used to allow Return key as well as
calculate() # button press for mark entry
def calculate():
global i, total,name
name = entry_name.get() #get the name and prevent another
mark[i] = entry_mark.get()
label_name.configure(state = DISABLED)
entry_name.configure(state = DISABLED)
mark[i] = entry_mark.get() #get and store in mark list and clear entry
i = i + 1 #get total i - needs to be global
if i == 4: #if four marks - stop
button_done.configure(state = NORMAL)
button_calculate.configure(state = DISABLED)
def done():
total = 0
for m in mark: #total marks - convery to integer
total += int(m)
average = total/4 #calculate average
f = open(pathname, 'w')
print(name, file= f)
print(total, file= f) #write to file
print(average, file= f)
button_done.configure(state = DISABLED) #stop button being pressed again
button_display.configure(state = NORMAL)
def display():
#create list of three valuesand combine elemnets into one string - use \n for new line
data = [line.strip() for line in open(pathname)]
s= 'Name: ' + data[0] +'\nTotal: ' + str(data[1]) + '\nAverage: ' + str(data[2])
label_displayresults.configure(text = s)
root = Tk()
root.title('text files')
#set up controls
label_instructs = Label(justify = LEFT, padx = 10, pady=10,width = 30, height =4, text = 'Enter a Name then a Mark then press\nCalculate, do this 4 times.Then press\nDone to Save Name, Total and Average.')
label_name = Label(text='Name: ', width = 8)
entry_name = Entry(width = 8)
label_mark = Label(text='Mark: ', width = 8)
entry_mark = Entry(width = 8)
button_calculate = Button(text = 'Calculate', command=calculate)
button_done= Button(pady = 8, text='Done', command = done, state = DISABLED)
button_display = Button(pady =8,text = 'Display', command=display, state = DISABLED)
label_displaytext = Label(justify = LEFT, text='Press display to\nretrieve recent\nTotal & Average')
label_displayresults=Label(justify = LEFT, padx = 10, height = 5,)
#set up positioning of controls
label_instructs.grid(row = 0, columnspan = 3)
label_name.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
entry_name.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
label_mark.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
entry_mark.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
entry_mark.bind('<Return>', callback) #create binding for Return key for mark entry box
button_calculate.grid(row =3, column = 0)
button_done.grid(row = 3, column = 1)
button_display.grid(row = 4, column = 0)
label_displaytext.grid(row = 4, column = 1)
label_displayresults.grid(row = 5, columnspan = 2)
#global variables when used in more than one function
global i
global mark
global total
global average
mark = [0,0,0,0]
average = 0.0
entry_name.focus() #set initial focus
global pathname
pathname = "C:\\Users\\tcrewe\\Dropbox\\01 Teaching folders\\07 TCC Python stuff\\TCC py files\\TCC sample files\wordlist.txt"