Release 4.44.0
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
version = __version__ = " Unreleased\nChanged get_versions string to be more clear, removed canvas from return values, cwd is automatically set to the folder of the application being launched when execute_py_file is called with cwd=None, popup_get_file changed to set parent=None if running on Mac, better Button error handling when bad Unicode chars are used or bad colors, open GitHub issue GUI - added collapse button to top section, see-through mode in test harness changed to be a toggle, font parm for multiline update print cprint for char by char font control, clipboard_set & clipboard_get, Listbox visibility fix, Tree element expansion fixed, added new element_frame convention for elements that are in frames like the Listbox and Tree (need to check the other elements and add those that have frames), fix in debug print for font not being passed along, removed print, Combo size is not changed when updating unless user specifies a size, converted prints in the packer function into error popups, added Combo to the list of element capable of initially getting focus when default focus is used, popup_get_file gets history feature (NICE!), popup_get_file tooltip and message for clear history button, popup_get_folder gets the history options too, fix for get folder and get file without history, support for expand for other elements with frames like Tables (using element_frame member variable), Sizegrip automatically expands row now."
version = __version__ = "4.44.0 Released 13-Jun-2021"
__version__ = version.split()[0] # For PEP 396 and PEP 345
@ -1295,10 +1295,6 @@ class Element():
self.ParentRowFrame.pack(expand=expand_row, fill=fill)
if self.element_frame is not None:
self.element_frame.pack(expand=True, fill=fill)
# if self.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_LISTBOX:
# self.element_frame.pack(expand=True, fill=fill)
# elif self.Type == ELEM_TYPE_TREE:
# self.element_frame.pack(expand=True, fill=fill)
def set_cursor(self,cursor=None, cursor_color=None):
@ -2769,7 +2765,6 @@ class Multiline(Element):
tag = 'Multiline(' + str(text_color_for_value) + ','+ str(background_color_for_value)+ ',' + str(font_for_value) + ')'
if tag not in self.tags:
# print('adding tag', tag)
if background_color_for_value is not None:
self.TKText.tag_configure(tag, background=background_color_for_value)
if text_color_for_value is not None:
@ -13989,7 +13984,6 @@ def PackFormIntoFrame(form, containing_frame, toplevel_form):
row_should_expand = True
row_fill_direction = tk.BOTH
size_grip = None
# normally the widget would be packed here, but for the sizegrip, the pack happens after the window is created
# ------------------------- StatusBar placement element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_STATUSBAR:
# auto_size_text = element.AutoSizeText
@ -14085,8 +14079,6 @@ def PackFormIntoFrame(form, containing_frame, toplevel_form):
expand=row_should_expand, fill=row_fill_direction)
if form.BackgroundColor is not None and form.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
if size_grip:
size_grip.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, anchor='se', padx=0, pady=0)
@ -15865,8 +15857,9 @@ def theme_previewer_swatches():
chosen_color = ''
print('Copied to clipboard color = ', chosen_color)
# window.TKroot.clipboard_clear()
# window.TKroot.clipboard_append(chosen_color)
@ -16076,22 +16069,27 @@ def obj_to_string(obj, extra=' '):
def clipboard_set(new_value):
Sets the clipboard to a specific value
:param new_value:
Sets the clipboard to a specific value.
IMPORTANT NOTE - Your PySimpleGUI application needs to remain running until you've pasted
your clipboard. This is a tkinter limitation. A workaround was found for Windows, but you still
need to stay running for Linux systems.
:param new_value: value to set the clipboard to. Will be converted to a string
:type new_value: (str)
# Create and use a temp window
root = tk.Tk()
def clipboard_get():
Gets the clipboard current value
Gets the clipboard current value.
:return: The current value of the clipboard
:rtype: (str)
@ -20148,7 +20146,7 @@ def main_get_debug_data(suppress_popup=False):
Collect up and display the data needed to file GitHub issues.
This function will place the information on the clipboard.
You MUST paste the information from the clipboard prior to existing your application.
You MUST paste the information from the clipboard prior to existing your application (except on Windows).
:param suppress_popup: If True no popup window will be shown. The string will be only returned, not displayed
:type suppress_popup: (bool)
:returns: String containing the information to place into the GitHub Issue
@ -20161,14 +20159,14 @@ def main_get_debug_data(suppress_popup=False):
PySimpleGUI version: {}
PySimpleGUI filename: {}""".format(sys.version, tclversion_detailed, ver, __file__)
# create a temp window so that the clipboard can be set
root = tk.Tk()
# root.update_idletasks()
# root = tk.Tk()
# root.withdraw()
# root.clipboard_clear()
# root.clipboard_append(message)
# root.update()
# root.destroy()
if not suppress_popup:
popup_scrolled('*** Version information copied to your clipboard. Paste into your GitHub Issue. ***\n',
@ -20722,7 +20720,6 @@ def main():
# Don't use the debug window
# Print('', location=(0, 0), font='Courier 10', size=(100, 20), grab_anywhere=True)
# print(window.element_list())
while True: # Event Loop
event, values =
if event != TIMEOUT_KEY:
@ -5515,6 +5515,7 @@ print(args=*<1 or N object>,
text_color = None,
background_color = None,
justification = None,
font = None,
colors = None,
t = None,
b = None,
@ -5531,6 +5532,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str | text_color | The color of the text |
| str | background_color | The background color of the line |
| str | justification | text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element |
| str or (str, int) or (str, int, str) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc for the args being printed |
| str or str, str | colors | Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors |
| str | t | Color of the text |
| str | b | The background color of the line |
@ -5692,7 +5694,8 @@ update(value = None,
background_color_for_value = None,
visible = None,
autoscroll = None,
justification = None)
justification = None,
font_for_value = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -5702,7 +5705,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str | value | new text to display |
| bool | disabled | disable or enable state of the element |
| bool | append | if True then new value will be added onto the end of the current value. if False then contents will be replaced. |
| str or (str, int) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc |
| str or (str, int) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc for the entire element |
| str | text_color | color of the text |
| str | background_color | color of background |
| str | text_color_for_value | color of the new text being added (the value paramter) |
@ -5710,6 +5713,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| bool | visible | set visibility state of the element |
| bool | autoscroll | if True then contents of element are scrolled down when new text is added to the end |
| str | justification | text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element |
| str or (str, int) | font_for_value | specifies the font family, size, etc for the value being updated |
### visible
@ -5780,7 +5784,8 @@ Update(value = None,
background_color_for_value = None,
visible = None,
autoscroll = None,
justification = None)
justification = None,
font_for_value = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -5790,7 +5795,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str | value | new text to display |
| bool | disabled | disable or enable state of the element |
| bool | append | if True then new value will be added onto the end of the current value. if False then contents will be replaced. |
| str or (str, int) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc |
| str or (str, int) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc for the entire element |
| str | text_color | color of the text |
| str | background_color | color of background |
| str | text_color_for_value | color of the new text being added (the value paramter) |
@ -5798,6 +5803,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| bool | visible | set visibility state of the element |
| bool | autoscroll | if True then contents of element are scrolled down when new text is added to the end |
| str | justification | text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element |
| str or (str, int) | font_for_value | specifies the font family, size, etc for the value being updated |
@ -14014,6 +14020,7 @@ cprint(args=*<1 or N object>,
end = None,
sep = " ",
text_color = None,
font = None,
t = None,
background_color = None,
b = None,
@ -14030,6 +14037,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| Any | *args | stuff to output |
| str | text_color | Color of the text |
| str or (str, int) or (str, int, str) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc for the value being updated |
| str | background_color | The background color of the line |
| str or str, str | colors | Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors |
| str | t | Color of the text |
@ -14445,7 +14453,9 @@ popup_get_file(message,
initial_folder = None,
image = None,
files_delimiter = ";",
modal = True)
modal = True,
history = False,
history_setting_filename = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -14460,7 +14470,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| bool | multiple_files | if True, then allows multiple files to be selected that are returned with ';' between each filename |
| Tuple[Tuple[str,str]] | file_types | List of extensions to show using wildcards. All files (the default) = (("ALL Files", "*.*"),) |
| bool | no_window | if True, no PySimpleGUI window will be shown. Instead just the tkinter dialog is shown |
| (int, int) | size | (width, height) of the InputText Element |
| (int, int) | size | (width, height) of the InputText Element or Combo element if using history feature |
| (str, str) or str | button_color | Color of the button (text, background) |
| str | background_color | background color of the entire window |
| str | text_color | color of the text |
@ -14474,6 +14484,8 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str or bytes | image | Image to include at the top of the popup window |
| str | files_delimiter | String to place between files when multiple files are selected. Normally a ; |
| bool | modal | If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True |
| bool | history | If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided |
| str | history_setting_filename | Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file |
| str or None | **RETURN** | string representing the file(s) chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X
Display popup with text entry field and browse button so that a folder can be chosen.
@ -14495,7 +14507,9 @@ popup_get_folder(message,
location = (None, None),
initial_folder = None,
image = None,
modal = True)
modal = True,
history = False,
history_setting_filename = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -14519,6 +14533,8 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str | initial_folder | location in filesystem to begin browsing |
| str or bytes | image | Image to include at the top of the popup window |
| bool | modal | If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True |
| bool | history | If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided |
| str | history_setting_filename | Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file |
| str or None | **RETURN** | string representing the path chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X
Display Popup with text entry field. Returns the text entered or None if closed / cancelled
@ -15435,7 +15451,9 @@ PopupGetFile(message,
initial_folder = None,
image = None,
files_delimiter = ";",
modal = True)
modal = True,
history = False,
history_setting_filename = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -15450,7 +15468,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| bool | multiple_files | if True, then allows multiple files to be selected that are returned with ';' between each filename |
| Tuple[Tuple[str,str]] | file_types | List of extensions to show using wildcards. All files (the default) = (("ALL Files", "*.*"),) |
| bool | no_window | if True, no PySimpleGUI window will be shown. Instead just the tkinter dialog is shown |
| (int, int) | size | (width, height) of the InputText Element |
| (int, int) | size | (width, height) of the InputText Element or Combo element if using history feature |
| (str, str) or str | button_color | Color of the button (text, background) |
| str | background_color | background color of the entire window |
| str | text_color | color of the text |
@ -15464,6 +15482,8 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str or bytes | image | Image to include at the top of the popup window |
| str | files_delimiter | String to place between files when multiple files are selected. Normally a ; |
| bool | modal | If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True |
| bool | history | If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided |
| str | history_setting_filename | Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file |
| str or None | **RETURN** | string representing the file(s) chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X
Display popup with text entry field and browse button so that a folder can be chosen.
@ -15485,7 +15505,9 @@ PopupGetFolder(message,
location = (None, None),
initial_folder = None,
image = None,
modal = True)
modal = True,
history = False,
history_setting_filename = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -15509,6 +15531,8 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str | initial_folder | location in filesystem to begin browsing |
| str or bytes | image | Image to include at the top of the popup window |
| bool | modal | If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True |
| bool | history | If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided |
| str | history_setting_filename | Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file |
| str or None | **RETURN** | string representing the path chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X
Display Popup with text entry field. Returns the text entered or None if closed / cancelled
@ -16153,7 +16177,7 @@ main()
Collect up and display the data needed to file GitHub issues.
This function will place the information on the clipboard.
You MUST paste the information from the clipboard prior to existing your application.
You MUST paste the information from the clipboard prior to existing your application (except on Windows).
main_get_debug_data(suppress_popup = False)
@ -16826,6 +16850,37 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| (subprocess.Popen) | subprocess_id | ID previously returned from Exec API calls that indicate this value is returned |
| bool | **RETURN** | True if the subproces is running
## Clipboard APIs
Note that this clipboard uses tkinter's clipboard. There is a known limitation that your application needs to remain running until you've pasted the contents. Managed to get around this limitation so that the clipboard stays set after you exit your application, but only have it working for Windows systems.
Gets the clipboard current value.
Parameter Descriptions:
| (str) | **RETURN** | The current value of the clipboard
Sets the clipboard to a specific value.
IMPORTANT NOTE - Your PySimpleGUI application needs to remain running until you've pasted
your clipboard. This is a tkinter limitation. A workaround was found for Windows, but you still
need to stay running for Linux systems.
Parameter Descriptions:
| str | new_value | value to set the clipboard to. Will be converted to a string |
## Misc
Fills a window with values provided in a values dictionary { element_key : new_value }
@ -1720,7 +1720,9 @@ popup_get_file(message,
initial_folder = None,
image = None,
files_delimiter = ";",
modal = True)
modal = True,
history = False,
history_setting_filename = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -1735,7 +1737,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| bool | multiple_files | if True, then allows multiple files to be selected that are returned with ';' between each filename |
| Tuple[Tuple[str,str]] | file_types | List of extensions to show using wildcards. All files (the default) = (("ALL Files", "*.*"),) |
| bool | no_window | if True, no PySimpleGUI window will be shown. Instead just the tkinter dialog is shown |
| (int, int) | size | (width, height) of the InputText Element |
| (int, int) | size | (width, height) of the InputText Element or Combo element if using history feature |
| (str, str) or str | button_color | Color of the button (text, background) |
| str | background_color | background color of the entire window |
| str | text_color | color of the text |
@ -1749,6 +1751,8 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str or bytes | image | Image to include at the top of the popup window |
| str | files_delimiter | String to place between files when multiple files are selected. Normally a ; |
| bool | modal | If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True |
| bool | history | If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided |
| str | history_setting_filename | Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file |
| str or None | **RETURN** | string representing the file(s) chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X
If configured as an Open File Popup then (save_as is not True) the dialog box will look like this.
@ -1793,7 +1797,9 @@ popup_get_folder(message,
location = (None, None),
initial_folder = None,
image = None,
modal = True)
modal = True,
history = False,
history_setting_filename = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -1817,6 +1823,8 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str | initial_folder | location in filesystem to begin browsing |
| str or bytes | image | Image to include at the top of the popup window |
| bool | modal | If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True |
| bool | history | If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided |
| str | history_setting_filename | Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file |
| str or None | **RETURN** | string representing the path chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X
This is a typical call
@ -8756,6 +8764,39 @@ Window.ding() - because FUN is the #1 goal
* Window.ding() added - get your user's attention when errors happen or just for FUN
* Added Element.grab_anywhere_include - includes an element in grab_anywhere in case you have something like a Multiline element that you can to move the window using that element
## 4.44.0 PySimpleGUI 13-Jun-2021
popup with history
clipboard functions
fonts for printing
* Added clipboard_set and clipboard_get functions
* Known tkinter problem requires application to remain running until pasted. Found a workaround for Windows.
* History feature added to popup_get_file and popup_get_folder
* Set parameter history=True
* Your users will love it! (promise)
* font parameter added for Multiline-type of outputs so font can be changed on a per char basis. Added to:
* Multiline.print
* cprint
* Debug print - Print, easy_print
* Listbox visibility fix
* Tree, Table expansion fixed
* Combo size not changed unless the size parameter changes in the update call
* Canvas removed from return values
* Versions string returned from get_versions() is clearer
* cwd automatically set for folder of application being launched when execute_py_file is called with cwd=None
* Fix for Mac for popup_get_file
* Better button error handling when bad Unicode chars are used or bad colors provided
* Open GitHub Issue GUI improved. Added collapse button for top section
* See-through mode in test harness changed to be a toggle
* Several error messages changed to error popups with traceback
* Combo added to list of elements that initially get focus when default focus is used
* Sizegrip autoexpands row so that it anchors correctly to right hand side
* Button highlightthickness set to 0 if padding on the button is 0 in either x or y
* `__version__` fix for pip installed versions
* Release dedicated to Lester Moore
## Upcoming
The future for PySimpleGUI looks bright!
@ -1962,6 +1962,38 @@ Window.ding() - because FUN is the #1 goal
* Added Element.grab_anywhere_include - includes an element in grab_anywhere in case you have something like a Multiline element that you can to move the window using that element
## 4.44.0 PySimpleGUI 13-Jun-2021
popup with history
clipboard functions
fonts for printing
* Added clipboard_set and clipboard_get functions
* Known tkinter problem requires application to remain running until pasted. Found a workaround for Windows.
* History feature added to popup_get_file and popup_get_folder
* Set parameter history=True
* Your users will love it! (promise)
* font parameter added for Multiline-type of outputs so font can be changed on a per char basis. Added to:
* Multiline.print
* cprint
* Debug print - Print, easy_print
* Listbox visibility fix
* Tree, Table expansion fixed
* Combo size not changed unless the size parameter changes in the update call
* Canvas removed from return values
* Versions string returned from get_versions() is clearer
* cwd automatically set for folder of application being launched when execute_py_file is called with cwd=None
* Fix for Mac for popup_get_file
* Better button error handling when bad Unicode chars are used or bad colors provided
* Open GitHub Issue GUI improved. Added collapse button for top section
* See-through mode in test harness changed to be a toggle
* Several error messages changed to error popups with traceback
* Combo added to list of elements that initially get focus when default focus is used
* Sizegrip autoexpands row so that it anchors correctly to right hand side
* Button highlightthickness set to 0 if padding on the button is 0 in either x or y
* `__version__` fix for pip installed versions
* Release dedicated to Lester Moore
## Upcoming
@ -3074,6 +3074,13 @@ These API calls are used to launch subprocesses.
<!-- <+func.execute_py_file+> -->
<!-- <+func.execute_subprocess_still_running+> -->
## Clipboard APIs
Note that this clipboard uses tkinter's clipboard. There is a known limitation that your application needs to remain running until you've pasted the contents. Managed to get around this limitation so that the clipboard stays set after you exit your application, but only have it working for Windows systems.
<!-- <+func.clipboard_get+> -->
<!-- <+func.clipboard_set+> -->
## Misc
@ -5515,6 +5515,7 @@ print(args=*<1 or N object>,
text_color = None,
background_color = None,
justification = None,
font = None,
colors = None,
t = None,
b = None,
@ -5531,6 +5532,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str | text_color | The color of the text |
| str | background_color | The background color of the line |
| str | justification | text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element |
| str or (str, int) or (str, int, str) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc for the args being printed |
| str or str, str | colors | Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors |
| str | t | Color of the text |
| str | b | The background color of the line |
@ -5692,7 +5694,8 @@ update(value = None,
background_color_for_value = None,
visible = None,
autoscroll = None,
justification = None)
justification = None,
font_for_value = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -5702,7 +5705,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str | value | new text to display |
| bool | disabled | disable or enable state of the element |
| bool | append | if True then new value will be added onto the end of the current value. if False then contents will be replaced. |
| str or (str, int) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc |
| str or (str, int) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc for the entire element |
| str | text_color | color of the text |
| str | background_color | color of background |
| str | text_color_for_value | color of the new text being added (the value paramter) |
@ -5710,6 +5713,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| bool | visible | set visibility state of the element |
| bool | autoscroll | if True then contents of element are scrolled down when new text is added to the end |
| str | justification | text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element |
| str or (str, int) | font_for_value | specifies the font family, size, etc for the value being updated |
### visible
@ -5780,7 +5784,8 @@ Update(value = None,
background_color_for_value = None,
visible = None,
autoscroll = None,
justification = None)
justification = None,
font_for_value = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -5790,7 +5795,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str | value | new text to display |
| bool | disabled | disable or enable state of the element |
| bool | append | if True then new value will be added onto the end of the current value. if False then contents will be replaced. |
| str or (str, int) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc |
| str or (str, int) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc for the entire element |
| str | text_color | color of the text |
| str | background_color | color of background |
| str | text_color_for_value | color of the new text being added (the value paramter) |
@ -5798,6 +5803,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| bool | visible | set visibility state of the element |
| bool | autoscroll | if True then contents of element are scrolled down when new text is added to the end |
| str | justification | text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element |
| str or (str, int) | font_for_value | specifies the font family, size, etc for the value being updated |
@ -14014,6 +14020,7 @@ cprint(args=*<1 or N object>,
end = None,
sep = " ",
text_color = None,
font = None,
t = None,
background_color = None,
b = None,
@ -14030,6 +14037,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| Any | *args | stuff to output |
| str | text_color | Color of the text |
| str or (str, int) or (str, int, str) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc for the value being updated |
| str | background_color | The background color of the line |
| str or str, str | colors | Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors |
| str | t | Color of the text |
@ -14445,7 +14453,9 @@ popup_get_file(message,
initial_folder = None,
image = None,
files_delimiter = ";",
modal = True)
modal = True,
history = False,
history_setting_filename = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -14460,7 +14470,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| bool | multiple_files | if True, then allows multiple files to be selected that are returned with ';' between each filename |
| Tuple[Tuple[str,str]] | file_types | List of extensions to show using wildcards. All files (the default) = (("ALL Files", "*.*"),) |
| bool | no_window | if True, no PySimpleGUI window will be shown. Instead just the tkinter dialog is shown |
| (int, int) | size | (width, height) of the InputText Element |
| (int, int) | size | (width, height) of the InputText Element or Combo element if using history feature |
| (str, str) or str | button_color | Color of the button (text, background) |
| str | background_color | background color of the entire window |
| str | text_color | color of the text |
@ -14474,6 +14484,8 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str or bytes | image | Image to include at the top of the popup window |
| str | files_delimiter | String to place between files when multiple files are selected. Normally a ; |
| bool | modal | If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True |
| bool | history | If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided |
| str | history_setting_filename | Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file |
| str or None | **RETURN** | string representing the file(s) chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X
Display popup with text entry field and browse button so that a folder can be chosen.
@ -14495,7 +14507,9 @@ popup_get_folder(message,
location = (None, None),
initial_folder = None,
image = None,
modal = True)
modal = True,
history = False,
history_setting_filename = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -14519,6 +14533,8 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str | initial_folder | location in filesystem to begin browsing |
| str or bytes | image | Image to include at the top of the popup window |
| bool | modal | If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True |
| bool | history | If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided |
| str | history_setting_filename | Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file |
| str or None | **RETURN** | string representing the path chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X
Display Popup with text entry field. Returns the text entered or None if closed / cancelled
@ -15435,7 +15451,9 @@ PopupGetFile(message,
initial_folder = None,
image = None,
files_delimiter = ";",
modal = True)
modal = True,
history = False,
history_setting_filename = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -15450,7 +15468,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| bool | multiple_files | if True, then allows multiple files to be selected that are returned with ';' between each filename |
| Tuple[Tuple[str,str]] | file_types | List of extensions to show using wildcards. All files (the default) = (("ALL Files", "*.*"),) |
| bool | no_window | if True, no PySimpleGUI window will be shown. Instead just the tkinter dialog is shown |
| (int, int) | size | (width, height) of the InputText Element |
| (int, int) | size | (width, height) of the InputText Element or Combo element if using history feature |
| (str, str) or str | button_color | Color of the button (text, background) |
| str | background_color | background color of the entire window |
| str | text_color | color of the text |
@ -15464,6 +15482,8 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str or bytes | image | Image to include at the top of the popup window |
| str | files_delimiter | String to place between files when multiple files are selected. Normally a ; |
| bool | modal | If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True |
| bool | history | If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided |
| str | history_setting_filename | Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file |
| str or None | **RETURN** | string representing the file(s) chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X
Display popup with text entry field and browse button so that a folder can be chosen.
@ -15485,7 +15505,9 @@ PopupGetFolder(message,
location = (None, None),
initial_folder = None,
image = None,
modal = True)
modal = True,
history = False,
history_setting_filename = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -15509,6 +15531,8 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str | initial_folder | location in filesystem to begin browsing |
| str or bytes | image | Image to include at the top of the popup window |
| bool | modal | If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True |
| bool | history | If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided |
| str | history_setting_filename | Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file |
| str or None | **RETURN** | string representing the path chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X
Display Popup with text entry field. Returns the text entered or None if closed / cancelled
@ -16153,7 +16177,7 @@ main()
Collect up and display the data needed to file GitHub issues.
This function will place the information on the clipboard.
You MUST paste the information from the clipboard prior to existing your application.
You MUST paste the information from the clipboard prior to existing your application (except on Windows).
main_get_debug_data(suppress_popup = False)
@ -16826,6 +16850,37 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| (subprocess.Popen) | subprocess_id | ID previously returned from Exec API calls that indicate this value is returned |
| bool | **RETURN** | True if the subproces is running
## Clipboard APIs
Note that this clipboard uses tkinter's clipboard. There is a known limitation that your application needs to remain running until you've pasted the contents. Managed to get around this limitation so that the clipboard stays set after you exit your application, but only have it working for Windows systems.
Gets the clipboard current value.
Parameter Descriptions:
| (str) | **RETURN** | The current value of the clipboard
Sets the clipboard to a specific value.
IMPORTANT NOTE - Your PySimpleGUI application needs to remain running until you've pasted
your clipboard. This is a tkinter limitation. A workaround was found for Windows, but you still
need to stay running for Linux systems.
Parameter Descriptions:
| str | new_value | value to set the clipboard to. Will be converted to a string |
## Misc
Fills a window with values provided in a values dictionary { element_key : new_value }
@ -1720,7 +1720,9 @@ popup_get_file(message,
initial_folder = None,
image = None,
files_delimiter = ";",
modal = True)
modal = True,
history = False,
history_setting_filename = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -1735,7 +1737,7 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| bool | multiple_files | if True, then allows multiple files to be selected that are returned with ';' between each filename |
| Tuple[Tuple[str,str]] | file_types | List of extensions to show using wildcards. All files (the default) = (("ALL Files", "*.*"),) |
| bool | no_window | if True, no PySimpleGUI window will be shown. Instead just the tkinter dialog is shown |
| (int, int) | size | (width, height) of the InputText Element |
| (int, int) | size | (width, height) of the InputText Element or Combo element if using history feature |
| (str, str) or str | button_color | Color of the button (text, background) |
| str | background_color | background color of the entire window |
| str | text_color | color of the text |
@ -1749,6 +1751,8 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str or bytes | image | Image to include at the top of the popup window |
| str | files_delimiter | String to place between files when multiple files are selected. Normally a ; |
| bool | modal | If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True |
| bool | history | If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided |
| str | history_setting_filename | Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file |
| str or None | **RETURN** | string representing the file(s) chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X
If configured as an Open File Popup then (save_as is not True) the dialog box will look like this.
@ -1793,7 +1797,9 @@ popup_get_folder(message,
location = (None, None),
initial_folder = None,
image = None,
modal = True)
modal = True,
history = False,
history_setting_filename = None)
Parameter Descriptions:
@ -1817,6 +1823,8 @@ Parameter Descriptions:
| str | initial_folder | location in filesystem to begin browsing |
| str or bytes | image | Image to include at the top of the popup window |
| bool | modal | If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True |
| bool | history | If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided |
| str | history_setting_filename | Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file |
| str or None | **RETURN** | string representing the path chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X
This is a typical call
@ -8756,6 +8764,39 @@ Window.ding() - because FUN is the #1 goal
* Window.ding() added - get your user's attention when errors happen or just for FUN
* Added Element.grab_anywhere_include - includes an element in grab_anywhere in case you have something like a Multiline element that you can to move the window using that element
## 4.44.0 PySimpleGUI 13-Jun-2021
popup with history
clipboard functions
fonts for printing
* Added clipboard_set and clipboard_get functions
* Known tkinter problem requires application to remain running until pasted. Found a workaround for Windows.
* History feature added to popup_get_file and popup_get_folder
* Set parameter history=True
* Your users will love it! (promise)
* font parameter added for Multiline-type of outputs so font can be changed on a per char basis. Added to:
* Multiline.print
* cprint
* Debug print - Print, easy_print
* Listbox visibility fix
* Tree, Table expansion fixed
* Combo size not changed unless the size parameter changes in the update call
* Canvas removed from return values
* Versions string returned from get_versions() is clearer
* cwd automatically set for folder of application being launched when execute_py_file is called with cwd=None
* Fix for Mac for popup_get_file
* Better button error handling when bad Unicode chars are used or bad colors provided
* Open GitHub Issue GUI improved. Added collapse button for top section
* See-through mode in test harness changed to be a toggle
* Several error messages changed to error popups with traceback
* Combo added to list of elements that initially get focus when default focus is used
* Sizegrip autoexpands row so that it anchors correctly to right hand side
* Button highlightthickness set to 0 if padding on the button is 0 in either x or y
* `__version__` fix for pip installed versions
* Release dedicated to Lester Moore
## Upcoming
The future for PySimpleGUI looks bright!
Reference in New Issue