Fix for Calendar Button

This commit is contained in:
PySimpleGUI 2020-08-22 15:27:07 -04:00
parent bac5a938eb
commit 8066b0edd5
1 changed files with 140 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
version = __version__ = " Unreleased 3-Aug-2020\nAdded a referesh to visiblity_changed (an existing function but blank), added Column.contents_changed which will update the scrollbar so corrently match the contents, separators expand only in 1 direction now, added SYBOOLS for arrows circle square, dark grey 8 theme, when closing window don't delete the tkroot variable and rows but instead set to None, dark grey 9 theme, replaced check for darkwin with try/except for wm_overrideredirect, fix for Column/window element justification, new vertical_alignment parm for Columns, vertical_alignment parm added to Frame, vertical_alignment added to pin func, vtop/vcenter/vbottom vertical alignment layout helper funcs, fixed statusbar expansion, added disabled button to theme previewer, grab anywhere stop motion was setting position to None and causing error. changed to event.x, expanded main to include popup tests, made vtop/vcenter/vbottom capable of taking an entire row as well as a single element, grab parameter for Text Element, added symbol left, added tclversion_detailed, all themes changed the progress bar definition that had a DEFAUT indicator because of bug it caused when swapping themes, added expand_x and expand_y to Columns"
version = __version__ = " Unreleased 3-Aug-2020\nAdded a referesh to visiblity_changed (an existing function but blank), added Column.contents_changed which will update the scrollbar so corrently match the contents, separators expand only in 1 direction now, added SYBOOLS for arrows circle square, dark grey 8 theme, when closing window don't delete the tkroot variable and rows but instead set to None, dark grey 9 theme, replaced check for darkwin with try/except for wm_overrideredirect, fix for Column/window element justification, new vertical_alignment parm for Columns, vertical_alignment parm added to Frame, vertical_alignment added to pin func, vtop/vcenter/vbottom vertical alignment layout helper funcs, fixed statusbar expansion, added disabled button to theme previewer, grab anywhere stop motion was setting position to None and causing error. changed to event.x, expanded main to include popup tests, made vtop/vcenter/vbottom capable of taking an entire row as well as a single element, grab parameter for Text Element, added symbol left, added tclversion_detailed, all themes changed the progress bar definition that had a DEFAUT indicator because of bug it caused when swapping themes, added expand_x and expand_y to Columns, fix for Calendar Button"
port = 'PySimpleGUI'
@ -3091,7 +3091,7 @@ class Button(Element):
self.calendar_month_names = None
self.calendar_day_abbreviations = None
self.calendar_title = ''
self.calendar_selection = None
self.calendar_selection = ''
self.InitialFolder = initial_folder
self.Disabled = disabled
self.ChangeSubmits = change_submits or enable_events
@ -3134,18 +3134,9 @@ class Button(Element):
# self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() # kick out of loop if read was called
# ------- Button Callback ------- #
def ButtonCallBack(self):
Not user callable! Called by tkinter when a button is clicked. This is where all the fun begins!
# global _my_windows
# print('Button callback')
# print(f'Button Callback - Parent = {self.ParentForm} Position = {self.Position}')
# Buttons modify targets or return from the form
# If modifying target, get the element object at the target and modify its StrVar
def _find_target(self):
target = self.Target
target_element = None
if target[0] == ThisRow:
@ -3172,6 +3163,49 @@ class Button(Element):
should_submit_window = True
return target_element, strvar, should_submit_window
# ------- Button Callback ------- #
def ButtonCallBack(self):
Not user callable! Called by tkinter when a button is clicked. This is where all the fun begins!
# global _my_windows
# print('Button callback')
# print(f'Button Callback - Parent = {self.ParentForm} Position = {self.Position}')
# Buttons modify targets or return from the form
# If modifying target, get the element object at the target and modify its StrVar
# target = self.Target
# target_element = None
# if target[0] == ThisRow:
# target = [self.Position[0], target[1]]
# if target[1] < 0:
# target[1] = self.Position[1] + target[1]
# strvar = None
# should_submit_window = False
# if target == (None, None):
# strvar = self.TKStringVar
# else:
# if not isinstance(target, str):
# if target[0] < 0:
# target = [self.Position[0] + target[0], target[1]]
# target_element = self.ParentContainer._GetElementAtLocation(target)
# else:
# target_element = self.ParentForm.FindElement(target)
# try:
# strvar = target_element.TKStringVar
# except:
# pass
# try:
# if target_element.ChangeSubmits:
# should_submit_window = True
# except:
# pass
target_element, strvar, should_submit_window = self._find_target()
filetypes = (("ALL Files", "*.*"),) if self.FileTypes is None else self.FileTypes
if sys.platform == 'darwin': # macs don't like seeing the parent window (go firgure)
@ -3256,30 +3290,34 @@ class Button(Element):
elif self.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_CALENDAR_CHOOSER: # this is a return type button so GET RESULTS and destroy window
# ------------ new chooser code -------------
if self.calendar_default_date_M_D_Y == (None, None, None):
now =
cur_month, cur_day, cur_year = now.month,, now.year
cur_month, cur_day, cur_year = self.calendar_default_date_M_D_Y
date_chosen = popup_get_date(start_mon=cur_month, start_day=cur_day, start_year=cur_year, close_when_chosen=self.calendar_close_when_chosen, no_titlebar=self.calendar_no_titlebar, begin_at_sunday_plus=self.calendar_begin_at_sunday_plus, locale=self.calendar_locale, location=self.calendar_location, month_names=self.calendar_month_names, day_abbreviations=self.calendar_day_abbreviations, title=self.calendar_title)
if date_chosen is not None:
month, day, year = date_chosen
now =
hour, minute, second = now.hour, now.minute, now.second
date_string = calendar.datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second).strftime(self.calendar_format)
except Exception as e:
print('Bad format string', e)
date_string = 'Bad format string'
if target_element is not None:
self.calendar_selection = date_string
self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.Key # key should have been generated already if not set by user
self.ParentForm.FormRemainedOpen = True
should_submit_window = False
# if self.calendar_default_date_M_D_Y == (None, None, None):
# now =
# cur_month, cur_day, cur_year = now.month,, now.year
# else:
# cur_month, cur_day, cur_year = self.calendar_default_date_M_D_Y
# date_chosen = popup_get_date(start_mon=cur_month, start_day=cur_day, start_year=cur_year, close_when_chosen=self.calendar_close_when_chosen, no_titlebar=self.calendar_no_titlebar, begin_at_sunday_plus=self.calendar_begin_at_sunday_plus, locale=self.calendar_locale, location=self.calendar_location, month_names=self.calendar_month_names, day_abbreviations=self.calendar_day_abbreviations, title=self.calendar_title)
# if date_chosen is not None:
# month, day, year = date_chosen
# now =
# hour, minute, second = now.hour, now.minute, now.second
# try:
# date_string = calendar.datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second).strftime(self.calendar_format)
# except Exception as e:
# print('Bad format string', e)
# date_string = 'Bad format string'
# if target_element is not None:
# target_element.update(date_string)
# self.calendar_selection = date_string
# strvar.set(date_string)
# self.TKStringVar.set(date_string)
# ------------ old chooser code -------------
# should_submit_window = False
@ -7460,6 +7498,50 @@ class Window:
self.FormRemainedOpen = True
self.TKroot.quit() # kick the users out of the mainloop
def _calendar_chooser_button_clicked(self, elem):
:param elem:
target_element, strvar, should_submit_window = elem._find_target()
if elem.calendar_default_date_M_D_Y == (None, None, None):
now =
cur_month, cur_day, cur_year = now.month,, now.year
cur_month, cur_day, cur_year = elem.calendar_default_date_M_D_Y
date_chosen = popup_get_date(start_mon=cur_month, start_day=cur_day, start_year=cur_year, close_when_chosen=elem.calendar_close_when_chosen,
no_titlebar=elem.calendar_no_titlebar, begin_at_sunday_plus=elem.calendar_begin_at_sunday_plus,
locale=elem.calendar_locale, location=elem.calendar_location, month_names=elem.calendar_month_names,
day_abbreviations=elem.calendar_day_abbreviations, title=elem.calendar_title)
if date_chosen is not None:
month, day, year = date_chosen
now =
hour, minute, second = now.hour, now.minute, now.second
date_string = calendar.datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second).strftime(elem.calendar_format)
except Exception as e:
print('Bad format string in calendar chooser button', e)
date_string = 'Bad format string'
if target_element is not None and target_element != elem:
elif target_element == elem:
elem.calendar_selection = date_string
if should_submit_window:
self.LastButtonClicked = target_element.Key
results = _BuildResults(self, False, self)
should_submit_window = False
return should_submit_window
# @_timeit_summary
def Read(self, timeout=None, timeout_key=TIMEOUT_KEY, close=False):
@ -7481,7 +7563,24 @@ class Window:
Window._root_running_mainloop = self.TKroot
while True:
results = self._read(timeout=timeout, timeout_key=timeout_key)
# Post processing for Calendar Chooser Button
elem = self.find_element(results[0], silent_on_error=True) # get the element that caused the event
if elem.Type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON:
if self._calendar_chooser_button_clicked(elem): # returns True if should break out
# results[0] = self.LastButtonClicked
results = self.ReturnValues
break # wasn't a calendar button for sure
if close:
@ -10202,7 +10301,7 @@ def DummyButton(button_text, image_filename=None, image_data=None, image_size=(N
def CalendarButton(button_text, target=(ThisRow, -1), close_when_date_chosen=True, default_date_m_d_y=(None, None, None),
image_filename=None, image_data=None, image_size=(None, None),
image_subsample=None, tooltip=None, border_width=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None,
button_color=None, disabled=False, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None,
button_color=None, disabled=False, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, enable_events=None,
key=None, k=None, locale=None, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', begin_at_sunday_plus=0, month_names=None, day_abbreviations=None, title='Choose Date',
no_titlebar=True, location=(None, None), metadata=None):
@ -10270,7 +10369,7 @@ def CalendarButton(button_text, target=(ThisRow, -1), close_when_date_chosen=Tru
button = Button(button_text=button_text, button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CALENDAR_CHOOSER, target=target,
image_filename=image_filename, image_data=image_data, image_size=image_size,
image_subsample=image_subsample, border_width=border_width, tooltip=tooltip, size=size,
auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, disabled=disabled,
auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, disabled=disabled, enable_events=enable_events,
bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key, k=k, metadata=metadata)
button.calendar_close_when_chosen = close_when_date_chosen
button.calendar_default_date_M_D_Y = default_date_m_d_y
@ -10487,6 +10586,7 @@ def _BuildResultsForSubform(form, initialize_only, top_level_form):
if element.BType != BUTTON_TYPE_REALTIME: # Do not clear realtime buttons
top_level_form.LastButtonClicked = None
# value = None
value = element.calendar_selection
@ -10577,15 +10677,12 @@ def _BuildResultsForSubform(form, initialize_only, top_level_form):
AddToReturnList(form, value)
AddToReturnDictionary(top_level_form, element, value)
elif (element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON and
element.Target == (None, None)) or \
(element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON and
element.Target == (None, None)) or \
(element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON
and element.Key is not None and
AddToReturnList(form, value)
AddToReturnDictionary(top_level_form, element, value)