New Demo Program - Theme Color Swatches

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PySimpleGUI 2020-10-14 09:10:19 -04:00
parent 28eafd6a1a
commit 6aad056e0f
1 changed files with 96 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
import PySimpleGUI as sg
Demo Theme Color Swatches
Sometimes when working with themes, it's nice ot know all of the hex values
for the theme. Or, maybe you want to scroll through the list of themes and
look at the colors in the theme as groups of color swatches. Whatever thr
reason, this ia good candidate for you.
Thie program is interactive. In addition to showing you the swatches, you can
interact with them.
* If you hover with your mouse, you'll get a tooltip popup that tells you the hex value.
* If you left click, then the value it posted to the clipboard.
* If you right click a swatch, then the right clip menu will show you the hex value.
If you then select that menu item, it's copied to the clipbard.
The code has several examples you may want to try out in your prgorams. Everything from
using "Symbols" to make the swatches, so generating layouts, integrating (optionally) other
packages like pyperclip, moving a window based on the size of the window
This code's pattern is becoming more widespread lately:
* Have a "create_window' function where the layout and Window is defined
* Use a "main" program function where the event loop also lives
Copyright 2020
# Try and import pyperclip. Save if can be used or not.
import pyperclip
def create_window():
# Begin the layout with a header
layout = [[sg.Text('Themes as color swatches', text_color='white', background_color='black', font='Default 25')],
[sg.Text('Tooltip and right click a color to get the value', text_color='white', background_color='black', font='Default 15')],
[sg.Text('Left click a color to copy to clipboard (requires pyperclip)', text_color='white', background_color='black', font='Default 15')]]
layout =[[sg.Column(layout, element_justification='c', background_color='black')]]
# Create the pain part, the rows of Text with color swatches
for i, theme in enumerate(sg.theme_list()):
colors = [sg.theme_background_color(), sg.theme_text_color(), sg.theme_input_background_color(),
if sg.theme_button_color() != sg.COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
colors = list(set(colors)) # de-duplicate items
row = [sg.T(sg.theme(), background_color='black', text_color='white', size=(20,1), justification='r')]
for color in colors:
if color != sg.COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
row.append(sg.T(sg.SYMBOL_SQUARE, text_color=color, background_color='black', pad=(0,0), font='DEFAUlT 20', right_click_menu=['Nothing',[color]], tooltip=color, enable_events=True, key=(i,color)))
layout += [row]
# finish the layout by adding an exit button
layout += [[sg.B('Exit')]]
# place layout inside of a Column so that it's scrollable
layout = [[sg.Column(layout, scrollable=True,vertical_scroll_only=True, background_color='black')]]
# create and return Window that uses the layout
return sg.Window('Theme Color Swatches', layout, background_color='black', finalize=True)
def main():
sg.popup_quick_message('This is going to take a minute...', text_color='white', background_color='red', font='Default 20')
window = create_window()
if window.size[1] > 100:
window.size = (window.size[0], 1000)
window.move(window.get_screen_size()[0]//2-window.size[0]//2, window.get_screen_size()[1]//2-500)
while True: # Event Loop
event, values =
print(event, values)
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
if isinstance(event, tuple): # someone clicked a swatch
chosen_color = event[1]
if event[0] == '#': # someone right clicked
chosen_color = event
chosen_color = ''
if pyperclip_available:
sg.popup_auto_close(f'{chosen_color}\nColor copied to clipboard', auto_close_duration=1)
sg.popup_auto_close(f'pyperclip not installed\nPlease install pyperclip', auto_close_duration=3)
if __name__ == '__main__':