Addition of wrapper for OneLineProgressMeter
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ from time import sleep
Demonstration of simple and multiple OneLineProgressMeter's as well as the Progress Meter Element
Demonstration of simple and multiple OneLineProgressMeter's as well as the Progress Meter Element
There are 3 demos
There are 4 demos
1. Manually updated progress bar
1. Manually updated progress bar
2. Custom progress bar built into your window, updated in a loop
2. Custom progress bar built into your window, updated in a loop
3. OneLineProgressMeters, nested meters showing how 2 can be run at the same time.
3. OneLineProgressMeters, nested meters showing how 2 can be run at the same time.
4. An "iterable" style progress meter - a wrapper for OneLineProgressMeters
If the software determined that a meter should be cancelled early,
If the software determined that a meter should be cancelled early,
calling OneLineProgresMeterCancel(key) will cancel the meter with the matching key
calling OneLineProgresMeterCancel(key) will cancel the meter with the matching key
@ -138,6 +139,64 @@ def custom_meter_example():
A Wrapper for OneLineProgressMeter that combines your iterable with a progress meter into a single interface. For this you need 2 functions:
def progress_bar(key, iterable, *args, title='', **kwargs):
Takes your iterable and adds a progress meter onto it
:param key: Progress Meter key
:param iterable: your iterable
:param args: To be shown in one line progress meter
:param title: Title shown in meter window
:param kwargs: Other arguments to pass to OneLineProgressMeter
sg.OneLineProgressMeter(title, 0, len(iterable), key, *args, **kwargs)
for i, val in enumerate(iterable):
yield val
if not sg.OneLineProgressMeter(title, i+1, len(iterable), key, *args, **kwargs):
def progress_bar_range(key, start, stop, step=1, *args, **kwargs):
Acts like the range() function but with a progress meter built-into it
:param key: progess meter's key
:param start: low end of the range
:param stop: Uppder end of range
:param step:
:param args:
:param kwargs:
return progress_bar(key, range(start, stop, step), *args, **kwargs)
# -------------------- Demo Usage --------------------
def demo_iterable_progress_bar():
my_list = list(range(1000)) # start with a list of 100 integers as the user's list
# first form takes an iterable and a key and will return a value from your iterable
# and bump the progress meter at the same time
for value in progress_bar('bar1', my_list):
# do something useful with value, a value from your list.
# Since the progress_bar is an iterator, you can use it within a list comprehension
my_list = [x for x in progress_bar('bar1', my_list)]
# The second form will act like a range function and provide a set of integers while also
# incrementing a progress meter
for i in progress_bar_range('bar2', 1000, 2000, title='Range progress bar'):
# do something with i
Reference in New Issue