New demo showing how to create an Excel-like table and use arrow keys to move around

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PySimpleGUI 2019-11-16 13:21:10 -05:00
parent a7faf9c1e9
commit 64b6ef95f5
1 changed files with 43 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import PySimpleGUI as sg
Another simple table created from Input Text Elements. This demo adds the ability to "navigate" around the drawing using
the arrow keys. The tab key works automatically, but the arrow keys are done in the code below.
sg.change_look_and_feel('Dark Brown 1') # No excuse for gray windows
# Create an Excel style window layout quickly and easily using list comprehensions
layout = [[sg.Text(' '*11)]+[sg.Text(s+ ' '*19) for s in 'ABCDE'] ] + \
[[sg.T(r)] + [sg.Input('0', justification='r', key=(r,c)) for c in range(MAX_COLS)] for r in range(MAX_ROWS)] + \
[[sg.Button('Table Values'), sg.Button('Exit')]]
# Create the window and show it
window = sg.Window('A Table Simulation', layout, default_element_size=(12,1), element_padding=(1,1), return_keyboard_events=True)
current_cell = (0,0)
while True: # Event Loop
event, values =
if event in (None, 'Exit'): # If user closed the window
current_cell = window.find_element_with_focus().Key
r,c = current_cell
# Process arrow keys
if event.startswith('Down'):
r = r + 1 * (r < MAX_ROWS-1)
if event.startswith('Left'):
c = c - 1 *(c > 0)
if event.startswith('Right'):
c = c + 1 *(c < MAX_COLS-1)
if event.startswith('Up'):
r = r - 1 * (r > 0)
# if the current cell changed, set focus on new cell
if current_cell != (r,c):
current_cell = r,c
window[current_cell].set_focus() # set the focus on the element moved to
window[current_cell].update(select=True) # when setting focus, also highlight the data in the element so typing overwrites
# if clicked button to dump the table's values
if event == 'Table Values':
table = [[values[(row,col)] for col in range(MAX_COLS)] for row in range(MAX_ROWS)]
print(f'table = {table}')