Version 2.9
This commit is contained in:
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ class Listbox(Element):
Listbox Element
:param values:
:param select_mode:
:param font:
:param scale: Adds multiplier to size (w,h)
:param size: Size of field in characters
@ -791,6 +791,7 @@ class Column(Element):
self.Rows = []
self.ParentForm = None
self.TKFrame = None
bg = background_color if background_color is not None else DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR
@ -1058,11 +1059,11 @@ class UberForm():
# ====================================================================== #
# ------------------------- INPUT TEXT Element lazy functions ------------------------- #
def In(default_text ='', scale=(None, None), size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, do_not_clear=False, focus=False, key=None):
return InputText(default_text=default_text, scale=scale, size=size, auto_size_text=auto_size_text, do_not_clear = do_not_clear, focus=focus, key=key)
def In(default_text ='', scale=(None, None), size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, password_char='', background_color=None, text_color=None, do_not_clear=False, key=None, focus=False):
return InputText(default_text=default_text, scale=scale, size=size, auto_size_text=auto_size_text, password_char=password_char, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, do_not_clear=do_not_clear, focus=focus, key=key)
def Input(default_text ='', scale=(None, None), size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, do_not_clear = False, focus=False, key=None):
return InputText(default_text=default_text, scale=scale, size=size, auto_size_text=auto_size_text, do_not_clear=do_not_clear, focus=focus, key=key)
def Input(default_text ='', scale=(None, None), size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, password_char='', background_color=None, text_color=None, do_not_clear=False, key=None, focus=False):
return InputText(default_text=default_text, scale=scale, size=size, auto_size_text=auto_size_text, password_char=password_char, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, do_not_clear=do_not_clear, focus=focus, key=key)
# ------------------------- INPUT COMBO Element lazy functions ------------------------- #
def Combo(values, scale=(None, None), size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, background_color=None):
@ -1311,7 +1312,7 @@ def PackFormIntoFrame(form, containing_frame, toplevel_form):
col_frame = tk.Frame(tk_row_frame)
PackFormIntoFrame(element, col_frame, toplevel_form)
if element.BackgroundColor is not None:
if element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT and element.BackgroundColor is not None:
col_frame.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor, highlightbackground=element.BackgroundColor, highlightcolor=element.BackgroundColor)
# ------------------------- TEXT element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_TEXT:
@ -1630,359 +1631,6 @@ def ConvertFlexToTK(MyFlexForm):
master.update_idletasks() # don't forget
def ConvertFlexToTKOld(MyFlexForm):
def CharWidthInPixels():
return tkinter.font.Font().measure('A') # single character width
master = MyFlexForm.TKroot
# only set title on non-tabbed forms
if not MyFlexForm.IsTabbedForm:
font = MyFlexForm.Font
border_depth = MyFlexForm.BorderDepth if MyFlexForm.BorderDepth is not None else DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# **************** Use FlexForm to build the tkinter window ********** ----- #
# Building is done row by row. #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
focus_set = False
######################### LOOP THROUGH ROWS #########################
# *********** ------- Loop through ROWS ------- ***********#
for row_num, flex_row in enumerate(MyFlexForm.Rows):
######################### LOOP THROUGH ELEMENTS ON ROW #########################
# *********** ------- Loop through ELEMENTS ------- ***********#
# *********** Make TK Row ***********#
tk_row_frame = tk.Frame(master)
for col_num, element in enumerate(flex_row):
element.ParentForm = MyFlexForm # save the button's parent form object
if MyFlexForm.Font and (element.Font == DEFAULT_FONT or not element.Font):
font = MyFlexForm.Font
elif element.Font is not None:
font = element.Font
# ------- Determine Auto-Size setting on a cascading basis ------- #
if element.AutoSizeText is not None: # if element overide
auto_size_text = element.AutoSizeText
elif MyFlexForm.AutoSizeText is not None: # if form override
auto_size_text = MyFlexForm.AutoSizeText
auto_size_text = DEFAULT_AUTOSIZE_TEXT
# Determine Element size
element_size = element.Size
if (element_size == (None, None)): # user did not specify a size
element_size = MyFlexForm.DefaultElementSize
else: auto_size_text = False # if user has specified a size then it shouldn't autosize
# Apply scaling... Element scaling is higher priority than form level
if element.Scale != (None, None):
element_size = (int(element_size[0] * element.Scale[0]), int(element_size[1] * element.Scale[1]))
elif MyFlexForm.Scale != (None, None):
element_size = (int(element_size[0] * MyFlexForm.Scale[0]), int(element_size[1] * MyFlexForm.Scale[1]))
# Set foreground color
text_color = element.TextColor
# ------------------------- TEXT element ------------------------- #
element_type = element.Type
if element_type == ELEM_TYPE_TEXT:
display_text = element.DisplayText # text to display
if auto_size_text is False:
width, height=element_size
lines = display_text.split('\n')
max_line_len = max([len(l) for l in lines])
num_lines = len(lines)
if max_line_len > element_size[0]: # if text exceeds element size, the will have to wrap
width = element_size[0]
# ---===--- LABEL widget create and place --- #
stringvar = tk.StringVar()
element.TKStringVar = stringvar
if auto_size_text:
width = 0
justify = tk.LEFT if element.Justification == 'left' else tk.CENTER if element.Justification == 'center' else tk.RIGHT
anchor = tk.NW if element.Justification == 'left' else tk.N if element.Justification == 'center' else tk.NE
tktext_label = tk.Label(tk_row_frame, textvariable=stringvar, width=width, height=height, justify=justify, bd=border_depth)
# tktext_label = tk.Label(tk_row_frame,anchor=tk.NW, text=display_text, width=width, height=height, justify=tk.LEFT, bd=border_depth)
# Set wrap-length for text (in PIXELS) == PAIN IN THE ASS
wraplen = tktext_label.winfo_reqwidth() # width of widget in Pixels
tktext_label.configure(anchor=anchor, font=font, wraplen=wraplen*2 ) # set wrap to width of widget
if element.BackgroundColor is not None:
if element.TextColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT and element.TextColor is not None:
# ------------------------- BUTTON element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON:
element.Location = (row_num, col_num)
btext = element.ButtonText
btype = element.BType
if element.AutoSizeButton is not None:
auto_size = element.AutoSizeButton
else: auto_size = MyFlexForm.AutoSizeButtons
if auto_size is False: width=element_size[0]
else: width = 0
lines = btext.split('\n')
max_line_len = max([len(l) for l in lines])
num_lines = len(lines)
if element.ButtonColor != (None, None)and element.ButtonColor != DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR:
bc = element.ButtonColor
elif MyFlexForm.ButtonColor != (None, None) and MyFlexForm.ButtonColor != DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR:
bc = MyFlexForm.ButtonColor
border_depth = element.BorderWidth
tkbutton = tk.Button(tk_row_frame, text=btext, width=width, height=height,command=element.ButtonCallBack, justify=tk.LEFT, bd=border_depth)
tkbutton = tk.Button(tk_row_frame, text=btext, width=width, height=height, justify=tk.LEFT, bd=border_depth)
tkbutton.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', element.ButtonReleaseCallBack)
tkbutton.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', element.ButtonPressCallBack)
if bc != (None, None) and bc != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
tkbutton.config(foreground=bc[0], background=bc[1])
element.TKButton = tkbutton # not used yet but save the TK button in case
wraplen = tkbutton.winfo_reqwidth() # width of widget in Pixels
if element.ImageFilename: # if button has an image on it
photo = tk.PhotoImage(file=element.ImageFilename)
if element.ImageSize != (None, None):
width, height = element.ImageSize
if element.ImageSubsample:
photo = photo.subsample(element.ImageSubsample)
width, height = photo.width(), photo.height()
tkbutton.config(image=photo, width=width, height=height)
tkbutton.image = photo
tkbutton.configure(wraplength=wraplen+10, font=font) # set wrap to width of widget
tkbutton.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1])
if element.Focus is True or (MyFlexForm.UseDefaultFocus and not focus_set):
focus_set = True
element.TKButton.bind('<Return>', element.ReturnKeyHandler)
# ------------------------- INPUT (Single Line) element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_TEXT:
default_text = element.DefaultText
element.TKStringVar = tk.StringVar()
show = element.PasswordCharacter if element.PasswordCharacter else ""
element.TKEntry = tk.Entry(tk_row_frame, width=element_size[0], textvariable=element.TKStringVar, bd=border_depth, font=font, show=show)
element.TKEntry.bind('<Return>', element.ReturnKeyHandler)
if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
element.TKEntry.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1])
if element.Focus is True or (MyFlexForm.UseDefaultFocus and not focus_set):
focus_set = True
# ------------------------- COMBO BOX (Drop Down) element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_COMBO:
max_line_len = max([len(str(l)) for l in element.Values])
if auto_size_text is False: width=element_size[0]
else: width = max_line_len
element.TKStringVar = tk.StringVar()
if element.BackgroundColor and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
combostyle = ttk.Style()
{'selectbackground': element.BackgroundColor,
'fieldbackground': element.BackgroundColor,
'foreground': text_color,
'background': element.BackgroundColor}
{'selectbackground': element.BackgroundColor,
'fieldbackground': element.BackgroundColor,
'foreground': text_color,
'background': element.BackgroundColor}
except: pass
# ATTENTION: this applies the new style 'combostyle' to all ttk.Combobox
element.TKCombo = ttk.Combobox(tk_row_frame, width=width, textvariable=element.TKStringVar,font=font )
# element.TKCombo['state']='readonly'
element.TKCombo['values'] = element.Values
# if element.BackgroundColor is not None:
# element.TKCombo.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor)
element.TKCombo.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1])
# ------------------------- LISTBOX element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_LISTBOX:
max_line_len = max([len(str(l)) for l in element.Values])
if auto_size_text is False: width=element_size[0]
else: width = max_line_len
element.TKStringVar = tk.StringVar()
element.TKListbox= tk.Listbox(tk_row_frame, height=element_size[1], width=width, selectmode=element.SelectMode, font=font)
for item in element.Values:
element.TKListbox.insert(tk.END, item)
if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
# vsb = tk.Scrollbar(tk_row_frame, orient="vertical", command=element.TKListbox.yview)
# element.TKListbox.configure(yscrollcommand=vsb.set)
element.TKListbox.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1])
# vsb.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill='y')
# ------------------------- INPUT MULTI LINE element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_MULTILINE:
default_text = element.DefaultText
width, height = element_size
element.TKText = tk.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(tk_row_frame, width=width, height=height, wrap='word', bd=border_depth,font=font)
element.TKText.insert(1.0, default_text) # set the default text
if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
element.TKText.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1])
if element.EnterSubmits:
element.TKText.bind('<Return>', element.ReturnKeyHandler)
if element.Focus is True or (MyFlexForm.UseDefaultFocus and not focus_set):
focus_set = True
if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
# ------------------------- INPUT CHECKBOX element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_CHECKBOX:
width = 0 if auto_size_text else element_size[0]
default_value = element.InitialState
element.TKIntVar = tk.IntVar()
element.TKIntVar.set(default_value if default_value is not None else 0)
element.TKCheckbutton = tk.Checkbutton(tk_row_frame, anchor=tk.NW, text=element.Text, width=width, variable=element.TKIntVar, bd=border_depth, font=font)
if default_value is None:
if element.BackgroundColor is not None:
if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
element.TKCheckbutton.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1])
# ------------------------- PROGRESS BAR element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_PROGRESS_BAR:
# save this form because it must be 'updated' (refreshed) solely for the purpose of updating bar
width = element_size[0]
fnt = tkinter.font.Font()
char_width = fnt.measure('A') # single character width
progress_length = width*char_width
progress_width = element_size[1]
direction = element.Orientation
if element.BarColor != (None, None): # if element has a bar color, use it
bar_color = element.BarColor
element.TKProgressBar = TKProgressBar(tk_row_frame, element.MaxValue, progress_length, progress_width, orientation=direction, BarColor=bar_color, border_width=element.BorderWidth, relief=element.Relief, style=element.BarStyle )
# element.TKProgressBar = TKProgressBar(tk_row_frame, element.MaxValue, progress_length, progress_width, orientation=direction, BarColor=bar_color, border_width=element.BorderWidth, relief=element.Relief)
element.TKProgressBar.TKProgressBarForReal.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1])
# ------------------------- INPUT RADIO BUTTON element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_RADIO:
width = 0 if auto_size_text else element_size[0]
default_value = element.InitialState
ID = element.GroupID
# see if ID has already been placed
value = EncodeRadioRowCol(row_num, col_num) # value to set intvar to if this radio is selected
if ID in MyFlexForm.RadioDict:
RadVar = MyFlexForm.RadioDict[ID]
RadVar = tk.IntVar()
MyFlexForm.RadioDict[ID] = RadVar
element.TKIntVar = RadVar # store the RadVar in Radio object
if default_value: # if this radio is the one selected, set RadVar to match
element.TKRadio = tk.Radiobutton(tk_row_frame, anchor=tk.NW, text=element.Text, width=width,
variable=element.TKIntVar, value=value, bd=border_depth, font=font)
if element.BackgroundColor is not None:
if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
element.TKRadio.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0],pady=element.Pad[1])
# ------------------------- INPUT SPIN Box element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_SPIN:
width, height = element_size
width = 0 if auto_size_text else element_size[0]
element.TKStringVar = tk.StringVar()
element.TKSpinBox = tk.Spinbox(tk_row_frame, values=element.Values, textvariable=element.TKStringVar, width=width, bd=border_depth)
element.TKSpinBox.configure(font=font) # set wrap to width of widget
if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
element.TKSpinBox.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1])
if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
# ------------------------- OUTPUT element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_OUTPUT:
width, height = element_size
element.TKOut = TKOutput(tk_row_frame, width=width, height=height, bd=border_depth, background_color=element.BackgroundColor, text_color=text_color)
element.TKOut.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1])
# ------------------------- IMAGE Box element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_IMAGE:
photo = tk.PhotoImage(file=element.Filename)
if element_size == (None, None) or element_size == None or element_size == MyFlexForm.DefaultElementSize:
width, height = photo.width(), photo.height()
width, height = element_size
tktext_label = tk.Label(tk_row_frame, image=photo, width=width, height=height, bd=border_depth)
tktext_label.image = photo
# tktext_label.configure(anchor=tk.NW, image=photo)
# ------------------------- SLIDER Box element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_SLIDER:
slider_length = element_size[0] * CharWidthInPixels()
slider_width = element_size[1]
element.TKIntVar = tk.IntVar()
if element.Orientation[0] == 'v':
range_from = element.Range[1]
range_to = element.Range[0]
range_from = element.Range[0]
range_to = element.Range[1]
tkscale = tk.Scale(tk_row_frame, orient=element.Orientation, variable=element.TKIntVar, from_=range_from, to_=range_to, length=slider_length, width=slider_width , bd=element.BorderWidth, relief=element.Relief, font=font)
# tktext_label.configure(anchor=tk.NW, image=photo)
if element.BackgroundColor is not None:
if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
#............................DONE WITH ROW pack the row of widgets ..........................#
# done with row, pack the row of widgets
tk_row_frame.grid(row=row_num+2, sticky=tk.W, padx=DEFAULT_MARGINS[0])
if MyFlexForm.BackgroundColor is not None:
if not MyFlexForm.IsTabbedForm:
MyFlexForm.TKroot.configure(padx=DEFAULT_MARGINS[0], pady=DEFAULT_MARGINS[1])
else: MyFlexForm.ParentWindow.configure(padx=DEFAULT_MARGINS[0], pady=DEFAULT_MARGINS[1])
#....................................... DONE creating and laying out window ..........................#
if MyFlexForm.IsTabbedForm:
master = MyFlexForm.ParentWindow
master.attributes('-alpha', 0) # hide window while getting info and moving
screen_width = master.winfo_screenwidth() # get window info to move to middle of screen
screen_height = master.winfo_screenheight()
if MyFlexForm.Location != (None, None):
x,y = MyFlexForm.Location
master.update_idletasks() # don't forget
win_width = master.winfo_width()
win_height = master.winfo_height()
x = screen_width/2 -win_width/2
y = screen_height/2 - win_height/2
if y+win_height > screen_height:
y = screen_height-win_height
if x+win_width > screen_width:
x = screen_width-win_width
move_string = '+%i+%i'%(int(x),int(y))
master.attributes('-alpha', 255) # Make window visible again
master.update_idletasks() # don't forget
# ----====----====----====----====----==== STARTUP TK ====----====----====----====----====----#
def ShowTabbedForm(title, *args, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_TIME, fav_icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON):
@ -2815,13 +2463,23 @@ def ChangeLookAndFeel(index):
'GreenMono': {'BACKGROUND': '#A8C1B4', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#DDE0DE', 'SCROLL': '#E3E3E3','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black',
'BrownBlue': {'BACKGROUND': '#64778d', 'TEXT': 'white', 'INPUT': '#f0f3f7', 'SCROLL': '#A6B2BE','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black',
'BrownBlue': {'BACKGROUND': '#64778d', 'TEXT': 'white', 'INPUT': '#f0f3f7', 'SCROLL': '#A6B2BE','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#283b5b'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR},
'BrightColors': {'BACKGROUND': '#b4ffb4', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#ffff64','SCROLL': '#ffb482','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black',
'BrightColors': {'BACKGROUND': '#b4ffb4', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#ffff64','SCROLL': '#ffb482','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black', 'BUTTON': ('black', '#ffa0dc'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR},
'TealMono': {'BACKGROUND': '#a8cfdd', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#dfedf2','SCROLL': '#dfedf2', 'TEXT_INPUT' : 'black', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#3b7f97'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR}
'NeutralBlue': {'BACKGROUND': '#92aa9d', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#fcfff6',
'SCROLL': '#fcfff6', 'TEXT_INPUT': 'black', 'BUTTON': ('black', '#d0dbbd'),
'Kayak': {'BACKGROUND': '#a7ad7f', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#e6d3a8',
'SCROLL': '#e6d3a8', 'TEXT_INPUT': 'black', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#5d907d'),
'SandyBeach': {'BACKGROUND': '#efeccb', 'TEXT': '#012f2f', 'INPUT': '#e6d3a8',
'SCROLL': '#e6d3a8', 'TEXT_INPUT': '#012f2f', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#046380'),
'TealMono': {'BACKGROUND': '#a8cfdd', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#dfedf2','SCROLL': '#dfedf2', 'TEXT_INPUT' : 'black', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#183440'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR}
colors = look_and_feel[index]
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# PySimpleGUI
(Ver 2.8)
(Ver 2.9)
[Formatted ReadTheDocs Version of this Readme](
@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ A MikeTheWatchGuy production... entirely responsible for this code.... unless it
| 2.6.0 | July 27, 2018 - auto_size_button setting. License changed to LGPL 3+
| 2.7.0 | July 30, 2018 - realtime buttons, window_location default setting
| 2.8.0 | Aug 9, 2018 - New None default option for Checkbox element, text color option for all elements, return values as a dictionary, setting focus, binding return key
| 2.9.0 | Aug XX,2018 - Screen flash fix, `do_not_clear` input field option, `autosize_text` defaults to `True` now, return values as ordered dict, removed text target from progress bar, rework of return values and initial return values, removed legacy Form.Refresh() method (replaced by Form.ReadNonBlockingForm()), COLUMN elements!!,
| 2.9.0 | Aug 16,2018 - Screen flash fix, `do_not_clear` input field option, `autosize_text` defaults to `True` now, return values as ordered dict, removed text target from progress bar, rework of return values and initial return values, removed legacy Form.Refresh() method (replaced by Form.ReadNonBlockingForm()), COLUMN elements!!, colored text defaults
### Release Notes
@ -1670,14 +1670,15 @@ New debug printing capability. `sg.Print`
Listboxes are still without scrollwheels. The mouse can drag to see more items. The mouse scrollwheel will also scroll the list and will `page up` and `page down` keys.
2.7 Is the "feature complete" release. Pretty much all features are done and in the code
2.8 More text color controls. The caller has more control over things like the focus and what buttons should be clicked when enter key is pressed. Return values as a dictionary! (NICE addition)
2.9 COLUMNS! This is the biggest feature and had the biggest impact on the code base. It was a difficult feature to add, but it was worth it. Can now make even more layouts. Almost any layout is possible with this addition.
### Upcoming
Make suggestions people! Future release features
Columns. How multiple columns would be specified in the SDK interface are still being designed.
Port to other graphic engines. Hook up the front-end interface to a backend other than tkinter. Qt, WxPython, etc.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# PySimpleGUI
(Ver 2.8)
(Ver 2.9)
[Formatted ReadTheDocs Version of this Readme](
@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ A MikeTheWatchGuy production... entirely responsible for this code.... unless it
| 2.6.0 | July 27, 2018 - auto_size_button setting. License changed to LGPL 3+
| 2.7.0 | July 30, 2018 - realtime buttons, window_location default setting
| 2.8.0 | Aug 9, 2018 - New None default option for Checkbox element, text color option for all elements, return values as a dictionary, setting focus, binding return key
| 2.9.0 | Aug XX,2018 - Screen flash fix, `do_not_clear` input field option, `autosize_text` defaults to `True` now, return values as ordered dict, removed text target from progress bar, rework of return values and initial return values, removed legacy Form.Refresh() method (replaced by Form.ReadNonBlockingForm()), COLUMN elements!!,
| 2.9.0 | Aug 16,2018 - Screen flash fix, `do_not_clear` input field option, `autosize_text` defaults to `True` now, return values as ordered dict, removed text target from progress bar, rework of return values and initial return values, removed legacy Form.Refresh() method (replaced by Form.ReadNonBlockingForm()), COLUMN elements!!, colored text defaults
### Release Notes
@ -1670,14 +1670,15 @@ New debug printing capability. `sg.Print`
Listboxes are still without scrollwheels. The mouse can drag to see more items. The mouse scrollwheel will also scroll the list and will `page up` and `page down` keys.
2.7 Is the "feature complete" release. Pretty much all features are done and in the code
2.8 More text color controls. The caller has more control over things like the focus and what buttons should be clicked when enter key is pressed. Return values as a dictionary! (NICE addition)
2.9 COLUMNS! This is the biggest feature and had the biggest impact on the code base. It was a difficult feature to add, but it was worth it. Can now make even more layouts. Almost any layout is possible with this addition.
### Upcoming
Make suggestions people! Future release features
Columns. How multiple columns would be specified in the SDK interface are still being designed.
Port to other graphic engines. Hook up the front-end interface to a backend other than tkinter. Qt, WxPython, etc.
Reference in New Issue