New demo! Multiline Element - how to use multiple colors for text

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PySimpleGUI 2019-12-01 15:54:29 -05:00
parent 47a43fa54a
commit 578ea55696
1 changed files with 35 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import PySimpleGUI as sg
# import PySimpleGUIQt as sg
Demonstration of how to work with multiple colors when outputting text to a multiline element
sg.change_look_and_feel('Dark Blue 3')
layout = [ [sg.Text('Demonstration of Multiline Element\'s ability to show multiple colors ')],
[sg.Multiline(size=(60,20), key=MLINE_KEY)],
[sg.B('Plain'), sg.Button('Text Blue Line'), sg.Button('Text Green Line'),sg.Button('Background Blue Line'),sg.Button('Background Green Line'), sg.B('White on Green')
] ]
window = sg.Window('Demonstration of Multicolored Multline Text', layout)
while True:
event, values = # type: (str, dict)
print(event, values)
if event in (None, 'Exit'):
if 'Text Blue' in event:
window[MLINE_KEY].update('This is blue text', text_color_for_value='blue', append=True)
if 'Text Green' in event:
window[MLINE_KEY].update('This is green text', text_color_for_value='green', append=True)
if 'Background Blue' in event:
window[MLINE_KEY].update('This is Blue Background', background_color_for_value='blue', append=True)
if 'Background Green' in event:
window[MLINE_KEY].update('This is Green Backgroundt', background_color_for_value='green', append=True)
if 'White on Green' in event:
window[MLINE_KEY].update('This is white text on a green background', text_color_for_value='white', background_color_for_value='green', append=True)
if event == 'Plain':
window[MLINE_KEY].update('This is plain text with no extra coloring', append=True)