Merge pull request #1221 from PySimpleGUI/Dev-latest
Release 0.18.0, Updated Demo Programs
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import PySimpleGUIWeb as sg
Color names courtesy of Big Daddy's Wiki-Python
Shows a big chart of colors... give it a few seconds to create it
Once large window is shown, you can click on any color and another window will popup
showing both white and black text on that color
COLORS = ['snow', 'ghost white', 'white smoke', 'gainsboro', 'floral white', 'old lace',
'linen', 'antique white', 'papaya whip', 'blanched almond', 'bisque', 'peach puff',
'navajo white', 'lemon chiffon', 'mint cream', 'azure', 'alice blue', 'lavender',
'lavender blush', 'misty rose', 'dark slate gray', 'dim gray', 'slate gray',
'light slate gray', 'gray', 'light gray', 'midnight blue', 'navy', 'cornflower blue', 'dark slate blue',
'slate blue', 'medium slate blue', 'light slate blue', 'medium blue', 'royal blue', 'blue',
'dodger blue', 'deep sky blue', 'sky blue', 'light sky blue', 'steel blue', 'light steel blue',
'light blue', 'powder blue', 'pale turquoise', 'dark turquoise', 'medium turquoise', 'turquoise',
'cyan', 'light cyan', 'cadet blue', 'medium aquamarine', 'aquamarine', 'dark green', 'dark olive green',
'dark sea green', 'sea green', 'medium sea green', 'light sea green', 'pale green', 'spring green',
'lawn green', 'medium spring green', 'green yellow', 'lime green', 'yellow green',
'forest green', 'olive drab', 'dark khaki', 'khaki', 'pale goldenrod', 'light goldenrod yellow',
'light yellow', 'yellow', 'gold', 'light goldenrod', 'goldenrod', 'dark goldenrod', 'rosy brown',
'indian red', 'saddle brown', 'sandy brown',
'dark salmon', 'salmon', 'light salmon', 'orange', 'dark orange',
'coral', 'light coral', 'tomato', 'orange red', 'red', 'hot pink', 'deep pink', 'pink', 'light pink',
'pale violet red', 'maroon', 'medium violet red', 'violet red',
'medium orchid', 'dark orchid', 'dark violet', 'blue violet', 'purple', 'medium purple',
'thistle', 'snow2', 'snow3',
'snow4', 'seashell2', 'seashell3', 'seashell4', 'AntiqueWhite1', 'AntiqueWhite2',
'AntiqueWhite3', 'AntiqueWhite4', 'bisque2', 'bisque3', 'bisque4', 'PeachPuff2',
'PeachPuff3', 'PeachPuff4', 'NavajoWhite2', 'NavajoWhite3', 'NavajoWhite4',
'LemonChiffon2', 'LemonChiffon3', 'LemonChiffon4', 'cornsilk2', 'cornsilk3',
'cornsilk4', 'ivory2', 'ivory3', 'ivory4', 'honeydew2', 'honeydew3', 'honeydew4',
'LavenderBlush2', 'LavenderBlush3', 'LavenderBlush4', 'MistyRose2', 'MistyRose3',
'MistyRose4', 'azure2', 'azure3', 'azure4', 'SlateBlue1', 'SlateBlue2', 'SlateBlue3',
'SlateBlue4', 'RoyalBlue1', 'RoyalBlue2', 'RoyalBlue3', 'RoyalBlue4', 'blue2', 'blue4',
'DodgerBlue2', 'DodgerBlue3', 'DodgerBlue4', 'SteelBlue1', 'SteelBlue2',
'SteelBlue3', 'SteelBlue4', 'DeepSkyBlue2', 'DeepSkyBlue3', 'DeepSkyBlue4',
'SkyBlue1', 'SkyBlue2', 'SkyBlue3', 'SkyBlue4', 'LightSkyBlue1', 'LightSkyBlue2',
'LightSkyBlue3', 'LightSkyBlue4', 'Slategray1', 'Slategray2', 'Slategray3',
'Slategray4', 'LightSteelBlue1', 'LightSteelBlue2', 'LightSteelBlue3',
'LightSteelBlue4', 'LightBlue1', 'LightBlue2', 'LightBlue3', 'LightBlue4',
'LightCyan2', 'LightCyan3', 'LightCyan4', 'PaleTurquoise1', 'PaleTurquoise2',
'PaleTurquoise3', 'PaleTurquoise4', 'CadetBlue1', 'CadetBlue2', 'CadetBlue3',
'CadetBlue4', 'turquoise1', 'turquoise2', 'turquoise3', 'turquoise4', 'cyan2', 'cyan3',
'cyan4', 'DarkSlategray1', 'DarkSlategray2', 'DarkSlategray3', 'DarkSlategray4',
'aquamarine2', 'aquamarine4', 'DarkSeaGreen1', 'DarkSeaGreen2', 'DarkSeaGreen3',
'DarkSeaGreen4', 'SeaGreen1', 'SeaGreen2', 'SeaGreen3', 'PaleGreen1', 'PaleGreen2',
'PaleGreen3', 'PaleGreen4', 'SpringGreen2', 'SpringGreen3', 'SpringGreen4',
'green2', 'green3', 'green4', 'chartreuse2', 'chartreuse3', 'chartreuse4',
'OliveDrab1', 'OliveDrab2', 'OliveDrab4', 'DarkOliveGreen1', 'DarkOliveGreen2',
'DarkOliveGreen3', 'DarkOliveGreen4', 'khaki1', 'khaki2', 'khaki3', 'khaki4',
'LightGoldenrod1', 'LightGoldenrod2', 'LightGoldenrod3', 'LightGoldenrod4',
'LightYellow2', 'LightYellow3', 'LightYellow4', 'yellow2', 'yellow3', 'yellow4',
'gold2', 'gold3', 'gold4', 'goldenrod1', 'goldenrod2', 'goldenrod3', 'goldenrod4',
'DarkGoldenrod1', 'DarkGoldenrod2', 'DarkGoldenrod3', 'DarkGoldenrod4',
'RosyBrown1', 'RosyBrown2', 'RosyBrown3', 'RosyBrown4', 'IndianRed1', 'IndianRed2',
'IndianRed3', 'IndianRed4', 'sienna1', 'sienna2', 'sienna3', 'sienna4', 'burlywood1',
'burlywood2', 'burlywood3', 'burlywood4', 'wheat1', 'wheat2', 'wheat3', 'wheat4', 'tan1',
'tan2', 'tan4', 'chocolate1', 'chocolate2', 'chocolate3', 'firebrick1', 'firebrick2',
'firebrick3', 'firebrick4', 'brown1', 'brown2', 'brown3', 'brown4', 'salmon1', 'salmon2',
'salmon3', 'salmon4', 'LightSalmon2', 'LightSalmon3', 'LightSalmon4', 'orange2',
'orange3', 'orange4', 'DarkOrange1', 'DarkOrange2', 'DarkOrange3', 'DarkOrange4',
'coral1', 'coral2', 'coral3', 'coral4', 'tomato2', 'tomato3', 'tomato4', 'OrangeRed2',
'OrangeRed3', 'OrangeRed4', 'red2', 'red3', 'red4', 'DeepPink2', 'DeepPink3', 'DeepPink4',
'HotPink1', 'HotPink2', 'HotPink3', 'HotPink4', 'pink1', 'pink2', 'pink3', 'pink4',
'LightPink1', 'LightPink2', 'LightPink3', 'LightPink4', 'PaleVioletRed1',
'PaleVioletRed2', 'PaleVioletRed3', 'PaleVioletRed4', 'maroon1', 'maroon2',
'maroon3', 'maroon4', 'VioletRed1', 'VioletRed2', 'VioletRed3', 'VioletRed4',
'magenta2', 'magenta3', 'magenta4', 'orchid1', 'orchid2', 'orchid3', 'orchid4', 'plum1',
'plum2', 'plum3', 'plum4', 'MediumOrchid1', 'MediumOrchid2', 'MediumOrchid3',
'MediumOrchid4', 'DarkOrchid1', 'DarkOrchid2', 'DarkOrchid3', 'DarkOrchid4',
'purple1', 'purple2', 'purple3', 'purple4', 'MediumPurple1', 'MediumPurple2',
'MediumPurple3', 'MediumPurple4', 'thistle1', 'thistle2', 'thistle3', 'thistle4',
'grey1', 'grey2', 'grey3', 'grey4', 'grey5', 'grey6', 'grey7', 'grey8', 'grey9', 'grey10',
'grey11', 'grey12', 'grey13', 'grey14', 'grey15', 'grey16', 'grey17', 'grey18', 'grey19',
'grey20', 'grey21', 'grey22', 'grey23', 'grey24', 'grey25', 'grey26', 'grey27', 'grey28',
'grey29', 'grey30', 'grey31', 'grey32', 'grey33', 'grey34', 'grey35', 'grey36', 'grey37',
'grey38', 'grey39', 'grey40', 'grey42', 'grey43', 'grey44', 'grey45', 'grey46', 'grey47',
'grey48', 'grey49', 'grey50', 'grey51', 'grey52', 'grey53', 'grey54', 'grey55', 'grey56',
'grey57', 'grey58', 'grey59', 'grey60', 'grey61', 'grey62', 'grey63', 'grey64', 'grey65',
'grey66', 'grey67', 'grey68', 'grey69', 'grey70', 'grey71', 'grey72', 'grey73', 'grey74',
'grey75', 'grey76', 'grey77', 'grey78', 'grey79', 'grey80', 'grey81', 'grey82', 'grey83',
'grey84', 'grey85', 'grey86', 'grey87', 'grey88', 'grey89', 'grey90', 'grey91', 'grey92',
'grey93', 'grey94', 'grey95', 'grey97', 'grey98', 'grey99']
sg.SetOptions(button_element_size=(12,1), element_padding=(0,0), auto_size_buttons=False, border_width=0)
layout = [[sg.Text('Click on a color square to see both white and black text on that color', text_color='blue', font='Any 15')]]
row = []
layout = []
# -- Create primary color viewer window --
for rows in range(40):
row = []
for i in range(12):
color = COLORS[rows+40*i]
row.append(sg.Button(color, button_color=('black', color), key=color))
# for i, color in enumerate(COLORS):
# row.append(sg.Button(color, button_color=('black', color), key=color))
# if (i+1) % 12 == 0:
# layout.append(row)
# row = []
window = sg.Window('Color Viewer', grab_anywhere=False, font=('any 9')).Layout(layout)
# -- Event loop --
while True:
event, values = window.Read()
if event is None:
# -- Create a secondary window that shows white and black text on chosen color
layout2 =[[sg.DummyButton(event, button_color=('white', event)), sg.DummyButton(event, button_color=('black', event))]]
sg.Window('Buttons with white and black text', keep_on_top=True).Layout(layout2).Read(timeout=0)
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import PySimpleGUIWeb as sg
| _ \ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __
| |_) / _ \| '_ \| | | | '_ \
| __/ (_) | |_) | |_| | |_) |
|_| \___/| .__/ \__,_| .__/
|_| |_|
A Popup demonstration. A "Popup" window is shown over the main
window. Clicking OK will close the Popup and you return to main again.
print('Starting up...')
layout = [
[sg.Text('Your typed chars appear here:'), sg.Text('', key='_OUTPUT_')],
[sg.Input(do_not_clear=True, key='_IN_')],
[sg.Button('Show'), sg.Button('Exit'), sg.Button('Blank')]
window = sg.Window('Window Title').Layout(layout)
while True: # Event Loop
print('in event loop')
event, values = window.Read()
print(event, values)
if event is None or event == 'Exit':
if event == 'Show':
sg.Popup('A popup!', ' You typed ', values['_IN_'])
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import PySimpleGUIWeb as sg
def main():
layout = [
[sg.Text('This is a text element')],
[sg.Combo(['Combo 1'])],
[sg.Text('If you close the browser tab, the app will exit gracefully')],
[sg.InputText('Source', do_not_clear=True)],
[sg.InputText('Dest', do_not_clear=True)],
[sg.Ok(), sg.Cancel()]
window = sg.Window('Demo window..').Layout(layout)
i = 0
while True:
event, values = window.Read(timeout=1)
if event != sg.TIMEOUT_KEY:
print(event, values)
if event is None:
i += 1
print('Program terminating normally')
@ -2,6 +2,27 @@ import PySimpleGUIWeb as sg
import random
import random
import string
import string
ooooooooooooo .o8 oooo
8' 888 `8 "888 `888
888 .oooo. 888oooo. 888 .ooooo.
888 `P )88b d88' `88b 888 d88' `88b
888 .oP"888 888 888 888 888ooo888
888 d8( 888 888 888 888 888 .o
o888o `Y888""8o `Y8bod8P' o888o `Y8bod8P'
oooooooooooo oooo .
`888' `8 `888 .o8
888 888 .ooooo. ooo. .oo. .oo. .ooooo. ooo. .oo. .o888oo
888oooo8 888 d88' `88b `888P"Y88bP"Y88b d88' `88b `888P"Y88b 888
888 " 888 888ooo888 888 888 888 888ooo888 888 888 888
888 o 888 888 .o 888 888 888 888 .o 888 888 888 .
o888ooooood8 o888o `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o o888o `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o "888"
# ------------------ Create a fake table ------------------
# ------------------ Create a fake table ------------------
class Fake():
class Fake():
@ -40,6 +61,7 @@ window = sg.Window('Table Element Example').Layout(layout)
# ------------------ The Event Loop ------------------
# ------------------ The Event Loop ------------------
while True:
while True:
event, values = window.Read()
event, values = window.Read()
print(event, values)
if event in (None, 'Exit'):
if event in (None, 'Exit'):
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import sys
import PySimpleGUIWeb as sg
import os
import signal
import psutil
import operator
Utility to show running processes, CPU usage and provides way to kill processes.
Based on psutil package that is easily installed using pip
def kill_proc_tree(pid, sig=signal.SIGTERM, include_parent=True,
timeout=None, on_terminate=None):
"""Kill a process tree (including grandchildren) with signal
"sig" and return a (gone, still_alive) tuple.
"on_terminate", if specified, is a callabck function which is
called as soon as a child terminates.
if pid == os.getpid():
raise RuntimeError("I refuse to kill myself")
parent = psutil.Process(pid)
children = parent.children(recursive=True)
if include_parent:
for p in children:
gone, alive = psutil.wait_procs(children, timeout=timeout,
return (gone, alive)
def main():
# ---------------- Create Form ----------------
# sg.ChangeLookAndFeel('Topanga')
layout = [[sg.Text('Process Killer - Choose one or more processes',
size=(45,1), font=('Helvetica', 15), text_color='red')],
[sg.Listbox(values=[' '], size=(50, 30), select_mode=sg.SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED, font=('Courier', 12), key='_processes_')],
[sg.Text('Click refresh once or twice.. once for list, second to get CPU usage')],
[sg.T('Filter by typing name', font='ANY 14'), sg.In(size=(15,1), font='any 14', key='_filter_')],
[sg.Button('Sort by Name', ),
sg.Button('Sort by % CPU', button_color=('white', 'DarkOrange2')),
sg.Button('Kill', button_color=('white','red'), bind_return_key=True),
sg.Exit(button_color=('white', 'sea green'))]]
window = sg.Window('Process Killer',
display_list = None
# ---------------- main loop ----------------
while (True):
# --------- Read and update window --------
event, values = window.Read()
if event is None or event == 'Exit':
# skip mouse, control key and shift key events entirely
if 'Mouse' in event or 'Control' in event or 'Shift' in event:
print(event, values)
# --------- Do Button Operations --------
if event == 'Sort by Name':
procs = psutil.process_iter()
all_procs = [[proc.cpu_percent(),,] for proc in procs]
sorted_by_cpu_procs = sorted(all_procs, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=False)
display_list = []
for process in sorted_by_cpu_procs:
display_list.append('{:5d} {:5.2f} {}\n'.format(process[2], process[0]/10, process[1]))
elif event == 'Kill':
processes_to_kill = values['_processes_']
for proc in processes_to_kill:
pid = int(proc[0:5])
# if sg.PopupYesNo('About to kill {} {}'.format(pid, proc[12:]), keep_on_top=True) == 'Yes':
sg.PopupAutoClose('Error killing process', auto_close_duration=1)
elif event == 'Sort by % CPU':
procs = psutil.process_iter()
all_procs = [[proc.cpu_percent(),,] for proc in procs]
sorted_by_cpu_procs = sorted(all_procs, key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
display_list = []
for process in sorted_by_cpu_procs:
display_list.append('{:5d} {:5.2f} {}\n'.format(process[2], process[0]/10, process[1]))
else: # was a typed character
if display_list is not None:
new_output = []
for line in display_list:
if values['_filter_'] in line.lower():
if __name__ == "__main__":
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.6 KiB |
@ -2316,7 +2316,7 @@ class Menu(Element):
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Table(Element):
class Table(Element):
def __init__(self, values, headings=None, visible_column_map=None, col_widths=None, def_col_width=10,
def __init__(self, values, headings=None, visible_column_map=None, col_widths=None, def_col_width=10,
auto_size_columns=True, max_col_width=20, select_mode=None, display_row_numbers=False, row_header_text='Row', num_rows=None, row_height=None, font=None, justification='right', text_color=None, background_color=None, alternating_row_color=None, row_colors=None, vertical_scroll_only=True, disabled=False,
auto_size_columns=True, max_col_width=20, select_mode=None, display_row_numbers=False, row_header_text='Row', starting_row_num=0, num_rows=None, row_height=None, font=None, justification='right', text_color=None, background_color=None, alternating_row_color=None, row_colors=None, vertical_scroll_only=True, disabled=False,
size=(None, None), change_submits=False, enable_events=False, bind_return_key=False, pad=None, key=None, tooltip=None, right_click_menu=None, visible=True, size_px=(None, None)):
size=(None, None), change_submits=False, enable_events=False, bind_return_key=False, pad=None, key=None, tooltip=None, right_click_menu=None, visible=True, size_px=(None, None)):
@ -2367,7 +2367,7 @@ class Table(Element):
self.SelectedRows = []
self.SelectedRows = []
self.ChangeSubmits = change_submits or enable_events
self.ChangeSubmits = change_submits or enable_events
self.BindReturnKey = bind_return_key
self.BindReturnKey = bind_return_key
self.StartingRowNumber = 0 # When displaying row numbers, where to start
self.StartingRowNumber = starting_row_num # When displaying row numbers, where to start
self.RowHeaderText = row_header_text
self.RowHeaderText = row_header_text
self.RightClickMenu = right_click_menu
self.RightClickMenu = right_click_menu
self.RowColors = row_colors
self.RowColors = row_colors
@ -3234,11 +3234,11 @@ class Window:
self.window = userdata2 # type: Window
self.window = userdata2 # type: Window
self.master_widget = None
self.master_widget = None
self.window.App = self
if userdata2 is None:
if userdata2 is None:
res_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
res_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# print('res path', res_path)
# print('res path', res_path)
super(Window.MyApp, self).__init__(*args, static_file_path={'C':'c:','c':'c:','D':'d:', 'd':'d:', 'E':'e:', 'e':'e:', 'dot':'.', '.':'.'})
super(Window.MyApp, self).__init__(*args, static_file_path={'C':'c:','c':'c:','D':'d:', 'd':'d:', 'E':'e:', 'e':'e:', 'dot':'.', '.':'.'})
self.window.App = self
def main(self, name='world'):
def main(self, name='world'):
# margin 0px auto allows to center the app to the screen
# margin 0px auto allows to center the app to the screen
@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ def PackFormIntoFrame(form, containing_frame, toplevel_form):
for row_num, row in enumerate(element.Values): # convert entire table to strings
for row_num, row in enumerate(element.Values): # convert entire table to strings
new_row= [str(item) for item in row]
new_row= [str(item) for item in row]
if element.DisplayRowNumbers:
if element.DisplayRowNumbers:
new_row = [element.RowHeaderText if row_num == 0 else str(row_num) ,] + new_row
new_row = [element.RowHeaderText if row_num == 0 else str(row_num+element.StartingRowNumber) ,] + new_row
element.Widget = remi.gui.Table.new_from_list(new_table)
element.Widget = remi.gui.Table.new_from_list(new_table)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@




@ -264,6 +264,12 @@ New features
* Can get the value of the item clicked using Table.SelectedItem. Can be coded as window.Element('_table_').SelectedItem
* Can get the value of the item clicked using Table.SelectedItem. Can be coded as window.Element('_table_').SelectedItem
## 0.18.0 15-Mar-2019
* Hotfix for bug that causes Popups / secondary windows to crash
* Table gets `starting_row_num` parameter
# Design
# Design
# Author
# Author
Reference in New Issue