More.... you guessed it... docstrings! Version
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
version = __version__ = " Unreleased - Anniversary Edition"
version = __version__ = " Unreleased - Anniversary Edition"
# 888888ba .d88888b oo dP .88888. dP dP dP
@ -3030,7 +3030,7 @@ class Graph(Element):
def Move(self, x_direction, y_direction):
Moves the entire drawing area (the canvas) by indicated number of ticks in your coordinate system
Moves the entire drawing area (the canvas) by some delta from the current position. Units are indicated in your coordinate system indicated number of ticks in your coordinate system
:param x_direction: Union[int, float] how far to move in the "X" direction in your coordinates
:param y_direction: Union[int, float] how far to move in the "Y" direction in your coordinates
@ -3044,13 +3044,14 @@ class Graph(Element):
return None
self._TKCanvas2.move('all', shift_amount[0], shift_amount[1])
def MoveFigure(self, figure, x_direction, y_direction):
Moves a previously drawn figure using a "delta" from current position
:param figure:
:param x_direction:
:param y_direction:
:param figure: (id) Previously obtained figure-id. These are returned from all Draw methods
:param x_direction: Union[int, float] delta to apply to position in the X direction
:param y_direction: Union[int, float] delta to apply to position in the Y direction
zero_converted = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(0, 0)
shift_converted = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(x_direction, y_direction)
@ -3063,12 +3064,14 @@ class Graph(Element):
def RelocateFigure(self, figure, x, y):
Move a previously made figure to an arbitrary (x,y) location. This differs from the Move methods because it
uses absolute coordinates versus relative for Move
:param figure:
:param x:
:param y:
:param figure: (id) Previously obtained figure-id. These are returned from all Draw methods
:param x: Union[int, float] location on X axis (in user coords) to move the upper left corner of the figure
:param y: Union[int, float] location on Y axis (in user coords) to move the upper left corner of the figure
zero_converted = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(0, 0)
shift_converted = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(x, y)
shift_amount = (shift_converted[0] - zero_converted[0], shift_converted[1] - zero_converted[1])
@ -3087,13 +3090,14 @@ class Graph(Element):
print('*** form = sg.Window("My Form").Layout(layout).Finalize() ***')
return self._TKCanvas2
# Realtime button release callback
# button release callback
def ButtonReleaseCallBack(self, event):
Not a user callable method. Used to get Graph click events. Called by tkinter when button is released
:param event:
:param event: (event) event info from tkinter. Note not used in this method
self.ClickPosition = (None, None)
self.LastButtonClickedWasRealtime = not self.DragSubmits
if self.Key is not None:
@ -3106,13 +3110,14 @@ class Graph(Element):
self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = None
self.MouseButtonDown = False
# Realtime button callback
# button callback
def ButtonPressCallBack(self, event):
Not a user callable method. Used to get Graph click events. Called by tkinter when button is released
:param event:
:param event: (event) event info from tkinter. Contains the x and y coordinates of a click
self.ClickPosition = self._convert_canvas_xy_to_xy(event.x, event.y)
self.ParentForm.LastButtonClickedWasRealtime = self.DragSubmits
if self.Key is not None:
@ -3123,13 +3128,14 @@ class Graph(Element):
self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() # kick out of loop if read was called
self.MouseButtonDown = True
# Realtime button callback
# button callback
def MotionCallBack(self, event):
Not a user callable method. Used to get Graph mouse motion events. Called by tkinter when mouse moved
:param event:
:param event: (event) event info from tkinter. Contains the x and y coordinates of a mouse
if not self.MouseButtonDown:
self.ClickPosition = self._convert_canvas_xy_to_xy(event.x, event.y)
@ -3142,7 +3148,12 @@ class Graph(Element):
self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() # kick out of loop if read was called
def SetFocus(self, force=False):
""" """
Sets the current focus to be on this Graph Element
:param force: (bool) if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set
if force:
@ -3161,28 +3172,29 @@ class Graph(Element):
# Frame #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Frame(Element):
""" """
A Frame Element that contains other Elements. Encloses with a line around elements and a text label.
def __init__(self, title, layout, title_color=None, background_color=None, title_location=None,
relief=DEFAULT_FRAME_RELIEF, size=(None, None), font=None, pad=None, border_width=None, key=None,
tooltip=None, right_click_menu=None, visible=True):
:param title: title for frame above
:param layout: layout of elements
:param title_color: ????????????????????????
:param background_color: color of background
:param title_location: ????????????????????????
:param relief: relief style. Values are same as progress meter relief values. Can be a constant or a string: `RELIEF_RAISED RELIEF_SUNKEN RELIEF_FLAT RELIEF_RIDGE RELIEF_GROOVE RELIEF_SOLID` (Default value = DEFAULT_FRAME_RELIEF)
:param size: (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
:param font: specifies the font family, size, etc
:param pad: Amount of padding to put around element
:param border_width: width of border around element
:param key: Used with window.FindElement and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
:param title: (str) text that is displayed as the Frame's "label" or title
:param layout: List[List[Elements]] The layout to put inside the Frame
:param title_color: (str) color of the title text
:param background_color: (str) background color of the Frame
:param relief: (enum) relief style. Values are same as other elements with reliefs.
:param size: Tuple(int, int) (width in characters, height in rows) (note this parameter may not always work)
:param font: Union[str, tuple] specifies the font family, size, etc
:param pad: (int, int) or ((int, int),(int,int)) Amount of padding to put around element (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom))
:param border_width: (int) width of border around element in pixels
:param key: (any) Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
:param tooltip: (str) text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
:param right_click_menu: List[List[str]] see "Right Click Menus" for format
:param visible: set visibility state of the element (Default = True)
:param visible: (bool) set visibility state of the element
self.UseDictionary = False
@ -3209,10 +3221,10 @@ class Frame(Element):
def AddRow(self, *args):
"""Parms are a variable number of Elements
:param *args:
Not recommended user call. Used to add rows of Elements to the Frame Element.
:param *args: List[Element] The list of elements for this row
NumRows = len(self.Rows) # number of existing rows is our row number
CurrentRowNumber = NumRows # this row's number
@ -3229,19 +3241,24 @@ class Frame(Element):
def Layout(self, rows):
Can use like the Window.Layout method, but it's better to use the layout parameter when creating
:param rows:
:param rows: List[List[Element]] The rows of Elements
:return: (Frame) Used for chaining
for row in rows:
return self
def _GetElementAtLocation(self, location):
Not user callable. Used to find the Element at a row, col position within the layout
:param location:
:param location: Tuple[int, int] (row, column) position of the element to find in layout
:return: (Element) The element found at the location
(row_num, col_num) = location
row = self.Rows[row_num]
element = row[col_num]
@ -3268,17 +3285,17 @@ class Frame(Element):
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Separator #
# Routes stdout, stderr to a scrolled window #
# Vertical Separator #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class VerticalSeparator(Element):
""" """
Vertical Separator Element draws a vertical line at the given location. It will span 1 "row". Usually paired with
Column Element if extra height is needed
def __init__(self, pad=None):
:param pad: Amount of padding to put around element
:param pad: (int, int) or ((int, int),(int,int)) Amount of padding to put around element (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom))
self.Orientation = 'vertical' # for now only vertical works
@ -3298,25 +3315,25 @@ VSep = VerticalSeparator
# Tab #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Tab(Element):
""" """
Tab Element is another "Container" element that holds a layout and displays a tab with text. Used with TabGroup only
def __init__(self, title, layout, title_color=None, background_color=None, font=None, pad=None, disabled=False,
border_width=None, key=None, tooltip=None, right_click_menu=None, visible=True):
:param title:
:param layout: ?????????????????????
:param title_color:
:param background_color: color of background
:param font: specifies the font family, size, etc
:param pad: Amount of padding to put around element
:param disabled: set disable state for element (Default = False)
:param border_width: width of border around element
:param key: Used with window.FindElement and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
:param title: (str) text to show on the tab
:param layout: List[List[Element]] The element layout that will be shown in the tab
:param title_color: (str) color of the tab text (note not currently working on tkinter)
:param background_color: (str) color of background of the entire layout
:param font: Union[str, Tuple[str, int]] specifies the font family, size, etc
:param pad: (int, int) or ((int, int),(int,int)) Amount of padding to put around element (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom))
:param disabled: (bool) If True button will be created disabled
:param border_width: (int) width of border around element in pixels
:param key: (any) Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
:param tooltip: (str) text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
:param right_click_menu: List[List[str]] see "Right Click Menus" for format
:param visible: set visibility state of the element (Default = True)
:param visible: (bool) set visibility state of the element
self.UseDictionary = False
@ -3343,10 +3360,10 @@ class Tab(Element):
def AddRow(self, *args):
"""Parms are a variable number of Elements
:param *args:
Not recommended use call. Used to add rows of Elements to the Frame Element.
:param *args: List[Element] The list of elements for this row
NumRows = len(self.Rows) # number of existing rows is our row number
CurrentRowNumber = NumRows # this row's number
@ -3363,10 +3380,12 @@ class Tab(Element):
def Layout(self, rows):
Not user callable. Use layout parameter instead. Creates the layout using the supplied rows of Elements
:param rows:
:param rows: List[List[Element]] The list of rows
:return: (Tab) used for chaining
for row in rows:
return self
@ -3392,10 +3411,12 @@ class Tab(Element):
def _GetElementAtLocation(self, location):
Not user callable. Used to find the Element at a row, col position within the layout
:param location:
:param location: Tuple[int, int] (row, column) position of the element to find in layout
:return: (Element) The element found at the location
(row_num, col_num) = location
row = self.Rows[row_num]
element = row[col_num]
@ -3413,28 +3434,28 @@ class Tab(Element):
# TabGroup #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class TabGroup(Element):
""" """
TabGroup Element groups together your tabs into the group of tabs you see displayed in your window
def __init__(self, layout, tab_location=None, title_color=None, selected_title_color=None, background_color=None,
font=None, change_submits=False, enable_events=False, pad=None, border_width=None, theme=None,
key=None, tooltip=None, visible=True):
:param layout:
:param tab_location:
:param title_color:
:param selected_title_color:
:param background_color: color of background
:param font: specifies the font family, size, etc
:param change_submits: If True, pressing Enter key submits window (Default = False)
:param enable_events: Turns on the element specific events.(Default = False)
:param pad: Amount of padding to put around element
:param border_width: width of border around element
:param theme:
:param key: Used with window.FindElement and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
:param layout: List[List[Tab]] Layout of Tabs. Different than normal layouts. ALL Tabs should be on first row
:param tab_location: (str) location that tabs will be displayed. Choices are left, right, top, bottom, lefttop, leftbottom, righttop, rightbottom, bottomleft, bottomright, topleft, topright
:param title_color: (str) color of text on tabs
:param selected_title_color: (str) color of tab when it is selected
:param background_color: (str) color of background of tabs
:param font: Union[str, Tuple[str, int]] specifies the font family, size, etc
:param change_submits: (bool) * DEPRICATED DO NOT USE! Same as enable_events
:param enable_events: (bool) If True then switching tabs will generate an Event
:param pad: (int, int) or ((int, int),(int,int)) Amount of padding to put around element (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom))
:param border_width: (int) width of border around element in pixels
:param theme: (enum) tabs can be 'themed'. These are the choices (some may not work on your OS): THEME_DEFAULT THEME_WINNATIVE THEME_CLAM THEME_ALT THEME_CLASSIC THEME_VISTA THEME_XPNATIVE
:param key: (any) Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
:param tooltip: (str) text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
:param visible: set visibility state of the element (Default = True)
:param visible: (bool) set visibility state of the element
self.UseDictionary = False
@ -3461,11 +3482,12 @@ class TabGroup(Element):
def AddRow(self, *args):
"""Parms are a variable number of Elements
:param *args:
Not recommended user call. Used to add rows of Elements to the Frame Element.
:param *args: List[Element] The list of elements for this row
NumRows = len(self.Rows) # number of existing rows is our row number
CurrentRowNumber = NumRows # this row's number
CurrentRow = [] # start with a blank row and build up
@ -3481,19 +3503,23 @@ class TabGroup(Element):
def Layout(self, rows):
Can use like the Window.Layout method, but it's better to use the layout parameter when creating
:param rows:
:param rows: List[List[Element]] The rows of Elements
:return: (Frame) Used for chaining
for row in rows:
return self
def _GetElementAtLocation(self, location):
Not user callable. Used to find the Element at a row, col position within the layout
:param location:
:param location: Tuple[int, int] (row, column) position of the element to find in layout
:return: (Element) The element found at the location
(row_num, col_num) = location
row = self.Rows[row_num]
element = row[col_num]
@ -3501,9 +3527,10 @@ class TabGroup(Element):
def FindKeyFromTabName(self, tab_name):
Searches through the layout to find the key that matches the text on the tab. Implies names should be unique
:param tab_name:
:return: Union[key, None] Returns the key or None if no key found
for row in self.Rows:
for element in row:
@ -3513,10 +3540,10 @@ class TabGroup(Element):
def SelectTab(self, index):
:param index:
Create a tkinter event that mimics user clicking on a tab
:param index: (int) indicates which Tab should be selected. Count starts at 0
except Exception as e:
@ -3534,7 +3561,9 @@ class TabGroup(Element):
# Slider #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Slider(Element):
""" """
A slider, horizontal or vertical
def __init__(self, range=(None, None), default_value=None, resolution=None, tick_interval=None, orientation=None,
disable_number_display=False, border_width=None, relief=None, change_submits=False,
@ -3542,26 +3571,25 @@ class Slider(Element):
text_color=None, key=None, pad=None, tooltip=None, visible=True):
:param range: (min, max) slider's range
:param default_value: default setting (within range)
:param resolution: how much each 'tick' should represent. Default = 1
:param tick_interval:
:param orientation: 'horizontal' or 'vertical' ('h' or 'v' work)
:param disable_number_display: (Default = False)
:param border_width: width of border around element
:param relief: relief style. Values are same as progress meter relief values. Can be a constant or a string: `RELIEF_RAISED RELIEF_SUNKEN RELIEF_FLAT RELIEF_RIDGE RELIEF_GROOVE RELIEF_SOLID`
:param change_submits: If True, pressing Enter key submits window (Default = False)
:param enable_events: Turns on the element specific events.(Default = False)
:param disabled: set disable state for element (Default = False)
:param size: (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high (Default = (None))
:param font: specifies the font family, size, etc
:param background_color: color of background
:param text_color: color of the text
:param key: Used with window.FindElement and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
:param pad: Amount of padding to put around element
:param range: Union[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float]] slider's range (min value, max value)
:param default_value: Union[int, float] starting value for the slider
:param resolution: Union[int, float] the smallest amount the slider can be moved
:param tick_interval: Union[int, float] how often a visible tick should be shown next to slider
:param orientation: (str) 'horizontal' or 'vertical' ('h' or 'v' also work)
:param disable_number_display: (bool) if True no number will be displayed by the Slider Element
:param border_width: (int) width of border around element in pixels
:param change_submits: (bool) * DEPRICATED DO NOT USE! Same as enable_events
:param enable_events: (bool) If True then moving the slider will generate an Event
:param disabled: (bool) set disable state for element
:param size: Tuple[int, int] (width in characters, height in rows)
:param font: Union[str, Tuple[str, int]] specifies the font family, size, etc
:param background_color: (str) color of slider's background
:param text_color: (str) color of the slider's text
:param key: (any) Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
:param pad: (int, int) or ((int, int),(int,int)) Amount of padding to put around element (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom))
:param tooltip: (str) text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
:param visible: set visibility state of the element (Default = True)
:param visible: (bool) set visibility state of the element
self.TKScale = None # type: tk.Scale
@ -3587,8 +3615,8 @@ class Slider(Element):
Changes some of the settings for the Slider Element. Must call `Window.Read` or `Window.Finalize` prior
:param value: set current selection to value new value in slider
:param range: new range in slider
:param value: Union[int, float] sets current slider value
:param range: Union[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float] Sets a new range for slider
:param disabled: (bool) disable or enable state of the element
:param visible: (bool) control visibility of element
@ -3613,12 +3641,11 @@ class Slider(Element):
def _SliderChangedHandler(self, event):
Not user callable. Callback function for when slider is moved.
:param event:
:param event: (event) the event data provided by tkinter. Unknown format. Not used.
# first, get the results table built
# modify the Results table in the parent FlexForm object
if self.Key is not None:
self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.Key
@ -3774,22 +3801,23 @@ class TkScrollableFrame(tk.Frame):
# Column #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Column(Element):
""" """
A container element that is used to create a layout within your window's layout
def __init__(self, layout, background_color=None, size=(None, None), pad=None, scrollable=False,
vertical_scroll_only=False, right_click_menu=None, key=None, visible=True):
:param layout: ????????????????????????
:param background_color: color of background
:param size: (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
:param pad: Amount of padding to put around element
:param scrollable: ???????????????????????? (Default = False)
:param vertical_scroll_only: ???????????????????????? (Default = False)
:param layout: List[List[Element]] Layout that will be shown in the Column container
:param background_color: (str) color of background of entire Column
:param size: Tuple[int, int] (width, height) size in pixels (doesn't work quite right, sometimes
only 1 dimension is set by tkinter
:param pad: (int, int) or ((int, int),(int,int)) Amount of padding to put around element (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom))
:param scrollable: (bool) if True then scrollbars will be added to the column
:param vertical_scroll_only: (bool) if Truen then no horizontal scrollbar will be shown
:param right_click_menu: List[List[str]] see "Right Click Menus" for format
:param key: Used with window.FindElement and with return values to uniquely identify this element
:param visible: set visibility state of the element (Default = True)
:param key: (any) Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
:param visible: (bool) set visibility state of the element
self.UseDictionary = False
@ -3814,11 +3842,12 @@ class Column(Element):
def AddRow(self, *args):
"""Parms are a variable number of Elements
:param *args:
Not recommended user call. Used to add rows of Elements to the Column Element.
:param *args: List[Element] The list of elements for this row
NumRows = len(self.Rows) # number of existing rows is our row number
CurrentRowNumber = NumRows # this row's number
CurrentRow = [] # start with a blank row and build up
@ -3834,24 +3863,30 @@ class Column(Element):
def Layout(self, rows):
Can use like the Window.Layout method, but it's better to use the layout parameter when creating
:param rows:
:param rows: List[List[Element]] The rows of Elements
:return: (Frame) Used for chaining
for row in rows:
return self
def _GetElementAtLocation(self, location):
Not user callable. Used to find the Element at a row, col position within the layout
:param location:
:param location: Tuple[int, int] (row, column) position of the element to find in layout
:return: (Element) The element found at the location
(row_num, col_num) = location
row = self.Rows[row_num]
element = row[col_num]
return element
def Update(self, visible=None):
Changes some of the settings for the Column Element. Must call `Window.Read` or `Window.Finalize` prior
@ -3882,11 +3917,15 @@ class Column(Element):
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Pane #
# Pane #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Pane(Element):
""" """
A sliding Pane that is unique to tkinter
def __init__(self, pane_list, background_color=None, size=(None, None), pad=None, orientation='vertical',
show_handle=True, relief=RELIEF_RAISED, handle_size=None, border_width=None, key=None, visible=True):
Reference in New Issue