Fix for column crash due to keyboard feature, struggling with message box sizes and wrapping
This commit is contained in:
@ -1351,9 +1351,12 @@ def BuildResultsForSubform(form, initialize_only, top_level_form):
AddToReturnList(form, value)
AddToReturnDictionary(top_level_form, element, value)
# if this is a column, then will fail so need to wrap with tr
if form.ReturnKeyboardEvents and form.LastKeyboardEvent is not None:
button_pressed_text = form.LastKeyboardEvent
form.LastKeyboardEvent = None
except: pass
form.ReturnValuesDictionary.pop(None, None) # clean up dictionary include None was included
@ -1455,12 +1458,13 @@ def PackFormIntoFrame(form, containing_frame, toplevel_form):
# tktext_label = tk.Label(tk_row_frame,anchor=tk.NW, text=display_text, width=width, height=height, justify=tk.LEFT, bd=border_depth)
# Set wrap-length for text (in PIXELS) == PAIN IN THE ASS
wraplen = tktext_label.winfo_reqwidth() # width of widget in Pixels
tktext_label.configure(anchor=anchor, font=font, wraplen=wraplen+10) # set wrap to width of widget
tktext_label.configure(anchor=anchor, font=font, wraplen=0) # set wrap to width of widget
if element.BackgroundColor is not None:
if element.TextColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT and element.TextColor is not None:
# print(f'Text element placed w = {width}, h = {height}, wrap = {wraplen}')
# ------------------------- BUTTON element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON:
element.Location = (row_num, col_num)
@ -1921,7 +1925,7 @@ def MsgBox(*args, button_color=None, button_type=MSG_BOX_OK, auto_close=False, a
max_line_total = max(max_line_total, width_used)
# height = _GetNumLinesNeeded(message, width_used)
height = message_wrapped_lines
form.AddRow(Text(message_wrapped, auto_size_text=True))
form.AddRow(Text(message_wrapped, auto_size_text=True, size=(width_used, height)))
total_lines += height
pad = max_line_total-15 if max_line_total > 15 else 1
@ -2665,7 +2669,7 @@ def ObjToString(obj, extra=' '):
def main():
with FlexForm('Demo form..') as form:
form_rows = [[Text('You are running the file itself')],
[Text('You should be importing it rather than running it\n')],
[Text('You should be importing it rather than running it', size=(50,2))],
[Text('Here is your sample input form....')],
[Text('Source Folder', size=(15, 1), justification='right'), InputText('Source', focus=True),FolderBrowse()],
[Text('Destination Folder', size=(15, 1), justification='right'), InputText('Dest'), FolderBrowse()],
Reference in New Issue