NEW demo program - Fourier Transform. Updated Calendar demo

This commit is contained in:
PySimpleGUI 2020-03-31 18:16:37 -04:00
parent feacb6103b
commit 3c7525dd3b
3 changed files with 76 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import PySimpleGUI as sg
Simple test harness to demonstate how to use the CalendarButton and the get date popup
sg.theme('Dark Red')
layout = [[sg.Text('Date Chooser Test Harness', key='-TXT-')],
[sg.Input(key='-IN-', size=(20,1)), sg.CalendarButton('Cal US No Buttons Location (0,0)', close_when_date_chosen=True, target='-IN-', location=(0,0))],
[sg.Input(key='-IN3-', size=(20,1)), sg.CalendarButton('Cal US Monday', close_when_date_chosen=False, target='-IN3-', begin_at_sunday_plus=1)],
[sg.Input(key='-IN2-', size=(20,1)), sg.CalendarButton('Cal German Feb 2020', target='-IN2-', default_date_m_d_y=(2,None,2020), locale='de_DE', begin_at_sunday_plus=1 )],
[sg.Input(key='-IN-', size=(20,1)), sg.CalendarButton('Cal US No Buttons Location (0,0)', close_when_date_chosen=True, target='-IN-', location=(0,0), no_titlebar=False, )],
[sg.Input(key='-IN3-', size=(20,1)), sg.CalendarButton('Cal Monday', title='Pick a date any date', no_titlebar=True, close_when_date_chosen=False, target='-IN3-', begin_at_sunday_plus=1, month_names=('студзень', 'люты', 'сакавік', 'красавік', 'май', 'чэрвень', 'ліпень', 'жнівень', 'верасень', 'кастрычнік', 'лістапад', 'снежань'), day_abbreviations=('Дш', 'Шш', 'Шр', 'Бш', 'Жм', 'Иш', 'Жш'))],
[sg.Input(key='-IN2-', size=(20,1)), sg.CalendarButton('Cal German Feb 2020', target='-IN2-', default_date_m_d_y=(2,None,2020), locale='de DE', begin_at_sunday_plus=1 )],
[sg.Input(key='-IN4-', size=(20,1)), sg.CalendarButton('Cal Format %m-%d Jan 2020', target='-IN4-', format='%m-%d', default_date_m_d_y=(1,None,2020), )],
[sg.Button('Read'), sg.Button('Date Popup'), sg.Exit()]]

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import math
import numpy as np
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import time
Fourier Transform Animated Graph
A fun demonstration of the Graph Element and the drawing primitive draw_lines
Written by Jason Yang, by an innovative PySimpleGUI user that has created a number
of impressive animations using PySimpleGUI.
Copyright 2020 Jason Yang
def push(v):
if len(buffer)==size:
del buffer[-1]
buffer[0:0] = [v]
def update(i):
x1 = x0 + r1*math.cos(v1*i*rad)
y1 = y0 + r1*math.sin(v1*i*rad)
x2 = x1 + r2*math.cos(v2*i*rad)
y2 = y1 + r2*math.sin(v2*i*rad)
x3 = x2 + r3*math.cos(v3*i*rad)
y3 = y2 + r3*math.sin(v3*i*rad)
draw.DrawCircle((x0, y0), r1, line_color='blue')
draw.DrawCircle((x1, y1), r2, line_color='yellow')
draw.DrawCircle((x2, y2), r3, line_color='red')
draw.DrawLine((x0, y0), (x1, y1), color='magenta')
draw.DrawLine((x1, y1), (x2, y2), color='white')
draw.DrawLine((x2, y2), (x3, y3), color='white')
draw.DrawLine((x3, y3), (x[0]+xx, buffer[0]), color='ivory')
draw.DrawPoint((x3, y3), size=10, color='red')
lines = ((x[i]+xx, y) for i, y in enumerate(buffer))
draw.DrawLines(lines, color='green1')
size = 720
distance = 100
r0, r1, r2, r3 = 90, 90, 30, 18
rad = math.pi/180
v1, v2, v3 = 1, 3, 5
x = np.array(list(range(size)))
x0 = y0 = r1+r2+r3
xx = x0*2 + distance
buffer = []
win_size = (xx+size, 2*x0)
layout = [[sg.Graph(canvas_size=win_size, graph_bottom_left=(0, 0),
graph_top_right=win_size, key='-GRAPH-')]]
window = sg.Window('Fourier', layout=layout, finalize=True)
draw = window['-GRAPH-']
i = 0
timeout = refresh_interval = 10 # Target refresh interval = 10 milliseconds
while True:
start_time = time.time()
event, values =
if event == None:
i = i+1 if i<359 else 0
timeout = max(0, (refresh_interval - (time.time()-start_time)*1000))

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@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
import PySimpleGUI as sg
from threading import Thread
import ping
import time
# Yet another usage of Graph element.
SAMPLES = 6000
CANVAS_SIZE = (6000, 500)
# globale used to communicate with thread.. yea yea... it's working fine
g_exit = False
g_response_time = None
def ping_thread(args):
global g_exit, g_response_time
while not g_exit:
g_response_time = ping.quiet_ping('', timeout=1000)
def main():
global g_exit, g_response_time
# start ping measurement thread
thread = Thread(target=ping_thread, args=(None,))
sg.set_options(element_padding=(0, 0))
layout = [[sg.Text('Ping times to', font='Any 12'),
sg.Quit(pad=((100, 0), 0), button_color=('white', 'black'))],
[sg.Graph(CANVAS_SIZE, (0, 0), (SAMPLES, 500),
background_color='black', key='graph')]
form = sg.FlexForm('Canvas test', layout, grab_anywhere=True, background_color='black',
no_titlebar=False, use_default_focus=False, finalize=True)
graph = form['graph']
prev_response_time = None
i = 0
prev_x, prev_y = 0, 0
while True:
button, values = form.ReadNonBlocking()
if button == 'Quit' or values is None:
if g_response_time is None or prev_response_time == g_response_time:
new_x, new_y = i, g_response_time[0]
prev_response_time = g_response_time
if i >= SAMPLES:
graph.move(-STEP_SIZE, 0)
prev_x = prev_x - STEP_SIZE
graph.draw_line((prev_x, prev_y), (new_x, new_y), color='white')
# form['graph'].draw_point((new_x, new_y), color='red')
prev_x, prev_y = new_x, new_y
i += STEP_SIZE if i < SAMPLES else 0
# tell thread we're done. wait for thread to exit
g_exit = True
if __name__ == '__main__':