Merge pull request #4178 from PySimpleGUI/Dev-latest
Fix for TCL error in Col element (Nice Jason!)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
version = __version__ = "4.39.1 Released 11-Apr-2021"
version = __version__ = " Unreleased\nfix for TCL error when scrolling col element (Jason99020 scores again!)"
__version__ = version.split()[0] # For PEP 396 and PEP 345
@ -6280,6 +6280,7 @@ class TkScrollableFrame(tk.Frame):
# Chr0nic
self.TKFrame.bind("<Enter>", self.hookMouseWheel)
self.TKFrame.bind("<Leave>", self.unhookMouseWheel)
@ -19246,8 +19247,8 @@ If you've been programming for a month, the person answering your question can a
""" The steps to log an issue are:
1. Fill in the form
2. Click Post Issue """
layout = [
[T('Goals', font=heading_font, pad=(0,0))],
layout = [ [T('Goals', font=heading_font, pad=(0,0))],
[T('Why?', font=heading_font, pad=(0,0))],
@ -19257,8 +19258,8 @@ If you've been programming for a month, the person answering your question can a
[T('Steps', font=heading_font, pad=(0,0))],
Window('GitHub Issue GUI Help', layout, keep_on_top=True).read(close=True)
@ -19271,14 +19272,13 @@ def main_open_github_issue():
v_size = (15,1)
frame_versions = [[T('Python', size=v_size), In(sys.version, size=(20,1), k='-VER PYTHON-')],
[T('PySimpleGUI', size=v_size), In(ver, size=(20,1), k='-VER PSG-')],
[T('tkinter', size=v_size), In(tclversion_detailed, size=(20,1), k='-VER TK-')],]
[T('tkinter', size=v_size), In(tclversion_detailed, size=(20,1), k='-VER TK-')]]
frame_platforms = [ [T('OS '), T('Details')],
[Radio('Windows', 2, running_windows(), size=(8,1), k='-OS WIN-'), In(size=(8,1),k='-OS WIN VER-')],
[Radio('Linux', 2,running_linux(), size=(8,1), k='-OS LINUX-'), In(size=(8,1),k='-OS LINUX VER-')],
[Radio('Mac', 2, running_mac(), size=(8,1), k='-OS MAC-'), In(size=(8,1),k='-OS MAC VER-')],
[Radio('Other', 2, size=(8,1), k='-OS OTHER-'), In(size=(8,1),k='-OS OTHER VER-')],
[Radio('Other', 2, size=(8,1), k='-OS OTHER-'), In(size=(8,1),k='-OS OTHER VER-')]]
frame_experience = [[T('Optional Experience Info')],
@ -19288,8 +19288,7 @@ def main_open_github_issue():
[T('Share more if you want....')],
[In(size=(25,1), k='-EXP NOTES-')]]
checklist = (
('Searched main docs for your problem', ''),
checklist = ( ('Searched main docs for your problem', ''),
('Looked for Demo Programs that are similar to your goal ', ''),
('If not tkinter - looked for Demo Programs for specific port', ''),
('For non tkinter - Looked at readme for your specific port if not PySimpleGUI (Qt, WX, Remi)', ''),
@ -19305,22 +19304,20 @@ def main_open_github_issue():
top_layout = [ [Col([[Text('Open A GitHub Issue (* = Required Info)', font='_ 15')]], expand_x=True),
[Frame('Title *', [[Input(k='-TITLE-', size=(50,1), font='_ 14', focus=True)]], font=font_frame),
[Frame('Title *', [[Input(k='-TITLE-', size=(50,1), font='_ 14', focus=True)]], font=font_frame),
Frame('Platform *',frame_platforms, font=font_frame),
Frame('Type of Issue *',frame_type, font=font_frame),
Frame('Versions *',frame_versions, font=font_frame),
Frame('Experience',frame_experience, font=font_frame),
[Frame('Checklist * (note that you can click the links)',frame_checklist, font=font_frame)],
[T(SYMBOL_DOWN + ' If you need more room for details grab the dot and drag to expand', background_color='red', text_color='white')]]
bottom_layout = [
[TabGroup([[Tab('Details', frame_details), Tab('Code', frame_code), Tab('Markdown', frame_markdown)]], k='-TABGROUP-')],
[Text(size=(12,1), key='-OUT-')],
bottom_layout = [[TabGroup([[Tab('Details', frame_details), Tab('Code', frame_code), Tab('Markdown', frame_markdown)]], k='-TABGROUP-')],
[Text(size=(12,1), key='-OUT-')]]
layout_pane = Pane([Col(top_layout), Col(bottom_layout)], key='-PANE-')
@ -19328,6 +19325,7 @@ def main_open_github_issue():
[Col([[B('Post Issue'), B('Create Markdown Only'), B('Quit')]], expand_x=False, expand_y=False)]]
window = Window('Open A GitHub Issue', layout, finalize=True, resizable=True, enable_close_attempted_event=True)
for i in range(len(checklist)):
window['-TABGROUP-'].expand(True, True, True)
Reference in New Issue