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MikeTheWatchGuy 2018-07-11 22:35:36 -04:00
commit 00ca5808ee
1 changed files with 52 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -132,7 +132,11 @@ The differences tend to be the number and types of buttons. Here are the calls
import PySimpleGUI as SG
`SG.MsgBoxOK('This is an OK MsgBox')`
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> 0b28fa3a917c83d2101bee375a0aadd816948156
SG.MsgBoxOKCancel('This is an OK Cancel MsgBox')
@ -223,37 +227,37 @@ This is the code that **displays** the form, collects the information and return
## Return values
Return information from FlexForm, SG's primary form builder interface, is in this format:
(button, (value1, value2, ...))
Don't forget all those ()'s of your values won't be coreectly assigned.
If you have a SINGLE value being returned, it is written this way:
(button, (value1,))
Forgetting the comma will mess you up but good
Return information from FlexForm, SG's primary form builder interface, is in this format:
(button, (value1, value2, ...))
Don't forget all those ()'s of your values won't be coreectly assigned.
If you have a SINGLE value being returned, it is written this way:
(button, (value1,))
Forgetting the comma will mess you up but good
## All Widgets / Elements
This code utilizes as many of the elements in one form as possible.
with FlexForm('Everything bagel', AutoSizeText=True, DefaultElementSize=(30,1)) as form:
layout = [[Text('Here they all are!', Size=(30,1), Font=("Helvetica", 25), TextColor='red')],
[Text('Here is some text with font sizing', Font=("Helvetica", 15))],
[Checkbox('My first checkbox!'), Checkbox('My second checkbox!', Default=True)],
[Radio('My first Radio!', "RADIO1", Default=True), Radio('My second checkbox!', "RADIO1")],
[Multiline(DefaultText='This is the DEFAULT text should you decide not to type anything', Scale=(2, 10))],
[InputCombo(['choice 1', 'choice 2'], Size=(20, 3))],
[Text('_' * 90, Size=(60, 1))],
[Text('Choose Source and Destination Folders', Size=(35,1))],
[Text('Source Folder', Size=(15, 1), AutoSizeText=False), InputText('Source'), FolderBrowse()],
[Text('Destination Folder', Size=(15, 1), AutoSizeText=False), InputText('Dest'), FolderBrowse()],
[SimpleButton('Your Button with any text you want')],
[SimpleButton('Big Text', Size=(12,1), Font=("Helvetica", 20))],
[Submit(), Cancel()]]
with FlexForm('Everything bagel', AutoSizeText=True, DefaultElementSize=(30,1)) as form:
layout = [[Text('Here they all are!', Size=(30,1), Font=("Helvetica", 25), TextColor='red')],
[Text('Here is some text with font sizing', Font=("Helvetica", 15))],
[Checkbox('My first checkbox!'), Checkbox('My second checkbox!', Default=True)],
[Radio('My first Radio!', "RADIO1", Default=True), Radio('My second checkbox!', "RADIO1")],
[Multiline(DefaultText='This is the DEFAULT text should you decide not to type anything', Scale=(2, 10))],
[InputCombo(['choice 1', 'choice 2'], Size=(20, 3))],
[Text('_' * 90, Size=(60, 1))],
[Text('Choose Source and Destination Folders', Size=(35,1))],
[Text('Source Folder', Size=(15, 1), AutoSizeText=False), InputText('Source'), FolderBrowse()],
[Text('Destination Folder', Size=(15, 1), AutoSizeText=False), InputText('Dest'), FolderBrowse()],
[SimpleButton('Your Button with any text you want')],
[SimpleButton('Big Text', Size=(12,1), Font=("Helvetica", 20))],
[Submit(), Cancel()]]
(button, (values)) = form.LayoutAndShow(layout)
@ -269,26 +273,26 @@ Clicking Submit caused the form call to return and the call to MsgBox is made to
## Built With
## Contributing
A MikeTheWatchGuy production... entirely responsible for this code
## Versioning
1.0.9 - July 10, 2018 - Initial Release
## Authors
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the []( file for details
## Acknowledgments
## Built With
## Contributing
A MikeTheWatchGuy production... entirely responsible for this code
## Versioning
1.0.9 - July 10, 2018 - Initial Release
## Authors
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the []( file for details
## Acknowledgments
* Jorj McKie was the motivator behind the entire project. His wxsimpleGUI concepts sparked PySimpleGUI into existence