Release 4.36.0
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
version = __version__ = " Unreleased\nUpdated debugger, Added checks for COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT to several element update methods, changed GreenTan theme to use black instead of the COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT setting, fix in button.update when subsample used, changed image update animation to start & stop at correct frame and added a return value for popup animated, bind event handling will add an item to a tuple rather than making an entirely new tuple (NOTE MAY BREAK SOME EXISTING APPLICATIONS...), theme will change gray to grey if needed, editor launcher - if spaces in the name then will auto add quotes if they don't already exist, scrollbar parm for Multiline element to enable turning off scrollbar, fix in execute_command_subprocess that fixed problem in 3.8, 3.9, 3.10., adding quotes in the exec subprocess func"
version = __version__ = "4.36.0 Released 14-Mar-2021"
__version__ = version.split()[0] # For PEP 396 and PEP 345
@ -13,33 +13,16 @@ except:
port = 'PySimpleGUI'
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Copyright 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Copyright 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 PySimpleGUI
Before getting into the details, let's talk about the high level goals of the PySimpleGUI project.
@ -1077,8 +1060,8 @@ class Element():
if isinstance(self.Key, str):
key = self.Key + str(key_suffix)
# key = (self.Key, key_suffix) # old way (pre 2021) was to make a brand new tuple
key = self.Key + (key_suffix,) # if key is a tuple, add one more item
key = (self.Key, key_suffix) # old way (pre 2021) was to make a brand new tuple
# key = self.Key + (key_suffix,) # in 2021 tried this. It will break existing applications though - if key is a tuple, add one more item
key = bind_string
@ -2821,8 +2804,16 @@ class Multiline(Element):
If this Widget is deleted, be sure and restore the old stdout, stderr
# These trys are here because found that if the init fails, then
# the variables holding the old stdout won't exist and will get an error
except Exception as e:
@ -2943,6 +2934,66 @@ class Text(Element):
return self.DisplayText
def char_width_in_pixels(cls, font, character='W'):
Get the with of the character "W" in pixels for the font being passed in or
the character of your choosing if "W" is not a good representative character.
Cannot be used until a window has been created.
If an error occurs, 0 will be returned
:param font: specifies the font family, size, etc, to be measured
:type font: (str or Tuple[str, int] or None)
:param character: specifies a SINGLE CHARACTER character to measure
:type character: (str)
:return: Width in pixels of "A"
:rtype: (int)
size = 0
size = tkinter.font.Font(font=font).measure(character) # single character width
except Exception as e:
print('Error retrieving font information', e)
return size
def char_height_in_pixels(cls, font):
Get the height of a string if using the supplied font in pixels.
Cannot be used until a window has been created.
If an error occurs, 0 will be returned
:param font: specifies the font family, size, etc, to be measured
:type font: (str or Tuple[str, int] or None)
:return: Height in pixels of "A"
:rtype: (int)
size = 0
size = tkinter.font.Font(font=font).metrics('linespace')
except Exception as e:
print('Error retrieving font information', e)
return size
def string_width_in_pixels(cls, font, string):
Get the with of the supplied string in pixels for the font being passed in.
Cannot be used until a window has been created.
If an error occurs, 0 will be returned
:param font: specifies the font family, size, etc, to be measured
:type font: (str or Tuple[str, int] or None)
:param string: the string to measure
:type string: str
:return: Width in pixels of string
:rtype: (int)
size = 0
size = tkinter.font.Font(font=font).measure(string) # string's width
except Exception as e:
print('Error retrieving font information', e)
return size
Get = get
@ -17733,21 +17784,16 @@ def execute_command_subprocess(command, *args, wait=False, cwd=None):
:rtype: (subprocess.Popen)
if _running_linux():
arg_string = ''
for arg in args:
arg_string += ' ' + str(arg)
sp = subprocess.Popen(str(command) + arg_string, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd)
if args is not None:
expanded_args = ' '.join(args)
# print('executing subprocess command:',command, 'args:',expanded_args)
if command[0] != '"' and ' ' in command:
command = '"'+command+'"'
# print('calling popen with:', command +' '+ expanded_args)
sp = subprocess.Popen(command +' '+ expanded_args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd)
# sp = subprocess.Popen([command,], expanded_args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd)
sp = subprocess.Popen([command, ], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd)
sp = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd)
if wait:
out, err = sp.communicate()
if out:
@ -17768,15 +17814,15 @@ def execute_py_file(pyfile, parms=None, cwd=None, interpreter_command=None, wait
2. global setting "-python command-"
3. the interpreter running running PySimpleGUI
:param pyfile: the file to run
:type : (str)
:type pyfile: (str)
:param parms: parameters to pass on the command line
:type :
:type parms: (str)
:param cwd: the working directory to use
:type :
:type cwd: (str)
:param interpreter_command: the command used to invoke the Python interpreter
:type :
:type interpreter_command: (str)
:param wait: the working directory to use
:type :
:type wait: (bool)
:return: Popen object
:rtype: (subprocess.Popen) | None
@ -17814,7 +17860,7 @@ def execute_editor(file_to_edit, line_number=None):
:return: Popen object
:rtype: (subprocess.Popen) | None
if _running_windows() and file_to_edit is not None and len(file_to_edit) != 0 and file_to_edit[0] not in ('\"', "\'") and ' ' in file_to_edit:
if file_to_edit is not None and len(file_to_edit) != 0 and file_to_edit[0] not in ('\"', "\'") and ' ' in file_to_edit:
file_to_edit = '"' + file_to_edit + '"'
editor_program = pysimplegui_user_settings.get('-editor program-', None)
@ -17934,8 +17980,8 @@ PSGDebugLogo = b'R0lGODlhMgAtAPcAAAAAADD/2akK/4yz0pSxyZWyy5u3zZ24zpW30pG52J250J+
COLOR_SCHEME = 'LightGreen'
COLOR_SCHEME = 'dark grey 13'
DEBUGGER_POPOUT_THEME = 'dark grey 13'
@ -18008,17 +18054,16 @@ class _Debugger():
col1 = [
# [Frame('Auto Watches', autowatch_frame+variable_values, title_color='blue')]
[Frame('Auto Watches', autowatch_frame + var_layout, title_color='blue')]
[Frame('Auto Watches', autowatch_frame + var_layout, title_color=theme_button_color()[0])]
col2 = [
[Frame('Variables or Expressions to Watch', variables_frame, title_color='blue'), ],
[Frame('REPL-Light - Press Enter To Execute Commands', interactive_frame, title_color='blue'), ]
[Frame('Variables or Expressions to Watch', variables_frame, title_color=theme_button_color()[0]), ],
[Frame('REPL-Light - Press Enter To Execute Commands', interactive_frame, title_color=theme_button_color()[0]), ]
# Tab based layout
layout = [[TabGroup([[Tab('Variables', col1), Tab('REPL & Watches', col2)]])],
[Button('', image_data=red_x, key='_EXIT_', button_color=None), ]]
layout = [[TabGroup([[Tab('Variables', col1), Tab('REPL & Watches', col2)]])]]
# ------------------------------- Create main window -------------------------------
window = Window("PySimpleGUI Debugger", layout, icon=PSGDebugLogo, margins=(0, 0), location=location, keep_on_top=True)
@ -18044,9 +18089,9 @@ class _Debugger():
if not self.watcher_window: # if there is no window setup, nothing to do
return False
event, values =
if event in (None, 'Exit', '_EXIT_'): # EXIT BUTTON / X BUTTON
if event in (None, 'Exit', '_EXIT_', '-EXIT-'): # EXIT BUTTON / X BUTTON
self.watcher_window = None
@ -18217,7 +18262,7 @@ class _Debugger():
# # # # # # # # ##### ###### ###### #### ## ## # # #
def _choose_auto_watches(self, my_locals):
num_cols = 3
output_text = ''
num_lines = 2
@ -18245,11 +18290,11 @@ class _Debugger():
layout += [
[Ok(), Cancel(), Button('Clear All'), Button('Select [almost] All', key='_AUTO_SELECT_')]]
window = Window('All Locals', layout, icon=PSGDebugLogo).Finalize()
window = Window('All Locals', layout, icon=PSGDebugLogo, finalize=True)
while True: # event loop
event, values =
if event in (None, 'Cancel'):
if event in (None, 'Cancel', '-EXIT-'):
elif event == 'Ok':
self.local_choices = values
@ -18296,7 +18341,7 @@ class _Debugger():
if self.popout_window: # if floating window already exists, close it first
num_cols = 2
width_var = 15
width_value = 30
@ -18326,8 +18371,7 @@ class _Debugger():
col = 0
if col != 0:
layout = [[Column(layout), Column(
[[Button('', key='_EXIT_', image_data=red_x, button_color=('#282923', '#282923'), border_width=0)]])]]
layout = [[T(SYMBOL_X, enable_events=True, key='-EXIT-', font='_ 7')],[Column(layout)]]
self.popout_window = Window('Floating', layout, alpha_channel=0, no_titlebar=True, grab_anywhere=True,
element_padding=(0, 0), margins=(0, 0), keep_on_top=True,
@ -18342,7 +18386,7 @@ class _Debugger():
self.popout_window.Move(screen_size[0] - self.popout_window.Size[0], 0)
# ChangeLookAndFeel('SystemDefault')
return True
@ -18377,7 +18421,7 @@ class _Debugger():
if key is not None and self.popout_window is not None:
self.popout_window.Element(key, silent_on_error=True).Update(self.locals.get(key))
event, values =
if event in (None, '_EXIT_', 'Exit::RightClick'):
if event in (None, '_EXIT_', 'Exit::RightClick', '-EXIT-'):
self.popout_window = None
elif event == 'Debugger::RightClick':
Reference in New Issue