2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env Python3
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter . scrolledtext as tkst
import tkinter . font
from random import randint
import datetime
import sys
import textwrap
# ----====----====----==== Constants the use CAN safely change ====----====----====----#
DEFAULT_MARGINS = ( 10 , 5 ) # Margins for each LEFT/RIGHT margin is first term
DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PADDING = ( 5 , 3 ) # Padding between elements (row, col) in pixels
DEFAULT_FONT = ( " Helvetica " , 10 )
2018-07-15 23:21:06 +00:00
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_TIME = 3 # time in seconds to show an autoclose form
#################### COLOR STUFF ####################
BLUES = ( " #082567 " , " #0A37A3 " , " #00345B " )
PURPLES = ( " #480656 " , " #4F2398 " , " #380474 " )
GREENS = ( " #01826B " , " #40A860 " , " #96D2AB " , " #00A949 " , " #003532 " )
YELLOWS = ( " #F3FB62 " , " #F0F595 " )
TANS = ( " #FFF9D5 " , " #F4EFCF " , " #DDD8BA " )
NICE_BUTTON_COLORS = ( ( GREENS [ 3 ] , TANS [ 0 ] ) , ( ' #000000 ' , ' #FFFFFF ' ) , ( ' #FFFFFF ' , ' #000000 ' ) , ( YELLOWS [ 0 ] , PURPLES [ 1 ] ) ,
( YELLOWS [ 0 ] , GREENS [ 3 ] ) , ( YELLOWS [ 0 ] , BLUES [ 2 ] ) )
# DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = (YELLOWS[0], PURPLES[0]) # (Text, Background) or (Color "on", Color) as a way to remember
# DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = (GREENS[3], TANS[0]) # Foreground, Background (None, None) == System Default
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
# DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = (YELLOWS[0], GREENS[4]) # Foreground, Background (None, None) == System Default
DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = ( ' white ' , ' black ' ) # Foreground, Background (None, None) == System Default
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = (YELLOWS[0], PURPLES[2]) # Foreground, Background (None, None) == System Default
BarColor = ( )
# DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR = (GREENS[2], GREENS[0]) # a nice green progress bar
DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR = ( GREENS [ 3 ] , GREENS [ 3 ] ) # a nice green progress bar
# DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR = (BLUES[1], BLUES[1]) # a nice green progress bar
# DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR = (BLUES[0], BLUES[0]) # a nice green progress bar
# DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR = (PURPLES[1],PURPLES[0]) # a nice purple progress bar
DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE = ( 30 , 25 ) # Size of Progress Bar (characters for length, pixels for width)
# ----====----====----==== Constants the user should NOT f-with ====----====----====----#
ThisRow = 555666777 # magic number
# Progress Bar Relief Choices
# -relief
RAISED = ' raised '
SUNKEN = ' sunken '
FLAT = ' flat '
RIDGE = ' ridge '
GROOVE = ' groove '
SOLID = ' solid '
PROGRESS_BAR_STYLES = ( ' default ' , ' winnative ' , ' clam ' , ' alt ' , ' classic ' , ' vista ' , ' xpnative ' )
# a shameful global variable. This represents the top-level window information. Needed because opening a second window is different than opening the first.
class MyWindows ( ) :
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . NumOpenWindows = 0
self . user_defined_icon = None
_my_windows = MyWindows ( ) # terrible hack using globals... means need a class for collecing windows
# ====================================================================== #
# One-liner functions that are handy as f_ck #
# ====================================================================== #
def RGB ( red , green , blue ) : return ' # %02x %02x %02x ' % ( red , green , blue )
# ====================================================================== #
# Enums for types #
# ====================================================================== #
# ------------------------- Button types ------------------------- #
#todo Consider removing the Submit, Cancel types... they are just 'RETURN' type in reality
#uncomment this line and indent to go back to using Enums
# class ButtonType(Enum):
# ------------------------- Element types ------------------------- #
# class ElementType(Enum):
TEXT = 1
OUTPUT = 300
BLANK = 100
# ------------------------- MsgBox Buttons Types ------------------------- #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Cascading structure.... Objects get larger #
# Button #
# Element #
# Row #
# Form #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Element CLASS #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Element ( ) :
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def __init__ ( self , type , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , font = None ) :
self . Size = size
self . Type = type
self . AutoSizeText = auto_size_text
self . Scale = scale
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self . Font = font
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self . TKStringVar = None
self . TKIntVar = None
self . TKText = None
self . TKEntry = None
self . ParentForm = None
self . TextInputDefault = None
self . Position = ( 0 , 0 ) # Default position Row 0, Col 0
def __del__ ( self ) :
try :
self . TKStringVar . __del__ ( )
except :
try :
self . TKIntVar . __del__ ( )
except :
try :
self . TKText . __del__ ( )
except :
try :
self . TKEntry . __del__ ( )
except :
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Input Class #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class InputText ( Element ) :
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def __init__ ( self , default_text = ' ' , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None ) :
self . DefaultText = default_text
super ( ) . __init__ ( INPUT_TEXT , scale , size , auto_size_text )
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def ReturnKeyHandler ( self , event ) :
MyForm = self . ParentForm
# search through this form and find the first button that will exit the form
for row in MyForm . Rows :
for element in row . Elements :
if element . Type == BUTTON :
if element . BType == CLOSES_WIN or element . BType == READ_FORM :
element . ButtonCallBack ( )
def __del__ ( self ) :
super ( ) . __del__ ( )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Combo #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class InputCombo ( Element ) :
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def __init__ ( self , values , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None ) :
self . Values = values
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self . TKComboBox = None
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super ( ) . __init__ ( INPUT_COMBO , scale , size , auto_size_text )
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def __del__ ( self ) :
try :
self . TKComboBox . __del__ ( )
except :
super ( ) . __del__ ( )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Radio #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Radio ( Element ) :
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def __init__ ( self , text , group_id , default = False , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , font = None ) :
self . InitialState = default
self . Text = text
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self . TKRadio = None
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self . GroupID = group_id
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self . Value = None
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super ( ) . __init__ ( INPUT_RADIO , scale , size , auto_size_text , font )
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def __del__ ( self ) :
try :
self . TKRadio . __del__ ( )
except :
super ( ) . __del__ ( )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Checkbox #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Checkbox ( Element ) :
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def __init__ ( self , text , default = False , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , font = None ) :
self . Text = text
self . InitialState = default
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self . Value = None
self . TKCheckbox = None
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super ( ) . __init__ ( INPUT_CHECKBOX , scale , size , auto_size_text , font )
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def __del__ ( self ) :
try :
self . TKCheckbox . __del__ ( )
except :
super ( ) . __del__ ( )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Spin #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Spin ( Element ) :
# Values = None
# TKSpinBox = None
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def __init__ ( self , values , initial_value = None , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , font = None ) :
self . Values = values
self . DefaultValue = initial_value
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self . TKSpinBox = None
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super ( ) . __init__ ( INPUT_SPIN , scale , size , auto_size_text , font = font )
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def __del__ ( self ) :
try :
self . TKSpinBox . __del__ ( )
except :
super ( ) . __del__ ( )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Multiline #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Multiline ( Element ) :
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def __init__ ( self , default_text = ' ' , enter_submits = False , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None ) :
self . DefaultText = default_text
self . EnterSubmits = enter_submits
super ( ) . __init__ ( INPUT_MULTILINE , scale , size , auto_size_text )
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def ReturnKeyHandler ( self , event ) :
MyForm = self . ParentForm
# search through this form and find the first button that will exit the form
for row in MyForm . Rows :
for element in row . Elements :
if element . Type == BUTTON :
if element . BType == CLOSES_WIN or element . BType == READ_FORM :
element . ButtonCallBack ( )
def __del__ ( self ) :
super ( ) . __del__ ( )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Text #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Text ( Element ) :
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def __init__ ( self , text , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , font = None , text_color = None ) :
self . DisplayText = text
self . TextColor = text_color if text_color else ' black '
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# self.Font = Font if Font else DEFAULT_FONT
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# i=1/0
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super ( ) . __init__ ( TEXT , scale , size , auto_size_text , font = font if font else DEFAULT_FONT )
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def Update ( self , NewValue ) :
self . DisplayText = NewValue
stringvar = self . TKStringVar
stringvar . set ( NewValue )
def __del__ ( self ) :
super ( ) . __del__ ( )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# TKProgressBar #
# Emulate the TK ProgressBar using canvas and rectangles
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class TKProgressBar ( ) :
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def __init__ ( self , root , max , length = 400 , width = 20 , highlightt = 0 , relief = ' sunken ' , border_width = 4 , orientation = ' horizontal ' , BarColor = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR ) :
self . Length = length
self . Width = width
self . Max = max
self . Orientation = orientation
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self . Count = None
self . PriorCount = 0
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if orientation [ 0 ] . lower ( ) == ' h ' :
self . TKCanvas = tk . Canvas ( root , width = length , height = width , highlightt = highlightt , relief = relief , borderwidth = border_width )
self . TKRect = self . TKCanvas . create_rectangle ( 0 , 0 , - ( length * 1.5 ) , width * 1.5 , fill = BarColor [ 0 ] , tags = ' bar ' )
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# self.canvas.pack(padx='10')
else :
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self . TKCanvas = tk . Canvas ( root , width = width , height = length , highlightt = highlightt , relief = relief , borderwidth = border_width )
self . TKRect = self . TKCanvas . create_rectangle ( width * 1.5 , 2 * length + 40 , 0 , length * .5 , fill = BarColor [ 0 ] , tags = ' bar ' )
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# self.canvas.pack()
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def Update ( self , count ) :
if count > self . Max : return
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if self . Orientation [ 0 ] . lower ( ) == ' h ' :
try :
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if count != self . PriorCount :
delta = count - self . PriorCount
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self . TKCanvas . move ( self . TKRect , delta * ( self . Length / self . Max ) , 0 )
if 0 : self . TKCanvas . update ( )
except :
return False # the window was closed by the user on us
else :
try :
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if count != self . PriorCount :
delta = count - self . PriorCount
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self . TKCanvas . move ( self . TKRect , 0 , delta * ( - self . Length / self . Max ) )
if 0 : self . TKCanvas . update ( )
except :
return False # the window was closed by the user on us
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self . PriorCount = count
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return True
def __del__ ( self ) :
try :
self . TKCanvas . __del__ ( )
self . TKRect . __del__ ( )
except :
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Output #
# New Type of Widget that's a Text Widget in disguise #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class TKOutput ( tk . Frame ) :
''' Demonstrate python interpreter output in Tkinter Text widget
type python expression in the entry , hit DoIt and see the results
in the text pane . '''
# previous_stderr = None
# previous_stdout = None
def __init__ ( self , parent , width , height , bd ) :
tk . Frame . __init__ ( self , parent )
self . output = tk . Text ( parent , width = width , height = height , bd = bd )
self . vsb = tk . Scrollbar ( parent , orient = " vertical " , command = self . output . yview )
self . vsb . pack ( side = " right " , fill = " y " )
self . output . configure ( yscrollcommand = self . vsb . set )
self . output . pack ( side = " left " , fill = " both " , expand = True )
self . previous_stdout = sys . stdout
self . previous_stderr = sys . stderr
sys . stdout = self
sys . stderr = self
self . pack ( )
def write ( self , txt ) :
try :
self . output . insert ( tk . END , str ( txt ) )
self . output . see ( tk . END )
except :
def Close ( self ) :
sys . stdout = self . previous_stdout
sys . stderr = self . previous_stderr
def flush ( self ) :
sys . stdout = self . previous_stdout
sys . stderr = self . previous_stderr
def __del__ ( self ) :
sys . stdout = self . previous_stdout
class Output ( Element ) :
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def __init__ ( self , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) ) :
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self . TKOut = None
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super ( ) . __init__ ( OUTPUT , scale , size )
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def __del__ ( self ) :
try :
self . TKOut . __del__ ( )
except :
super ( ) . __del__ ( )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Button Class #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Button ( Element ) :
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def __init__ ( self , button_type = CLOSES_WIN , target = ( None , None ) , button_text = ' ' , file_types = ( ( " ALL Files " , " *.* " ) , ) , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , button_color = None , font = None ) :
self . BType = button_type
self . FileTypes = file_types
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self . TKButton = None
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self . Target = target
self . ButtonText = button_text
self . ButtonColor = button_color if button_color else DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR
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self . UserData = None
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super ( ) . __init__ ( BUTTON , scale , size , auto_size_text , font = font )
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# ------- Button Callback ------- #
def ButtonCallBack ( self ) :
global _my_windows
# Buttons modify targets or return from the form
# If modifying target, get the element object at the target and modify its StrVar
target = self . Target
if target [ 0 ] == ThisRow :
target = [ self . Position [ 0 ] , target [ 1 ] ]
if target [ 1 ] < 0 :
target [ 1 ] = self . Position [ 1 ] + target [ 1 ]
strvar = None
if target [ 0 ] != None :
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if target [ 0 ] < 0 :
target = [ self . Position [ 0 ] + target [ 0 ] , target [ 1 ] ]
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target_element = self . ParentForm . GetElementAtLocation ( target )
try :
strvar = target_element . TKStringVar
except : pass
else :
strvar = None
filetypes = [ ] if self . FileTypes is None else self . FileTypes
if self . BType == BROWSE_FOLDER :
folder_name = tk . filedialog . askdirectory ( ) # show the 'get folder' dialog box
try :
strvar . set ( folder_name )
except : pass
elif self . BType == BROWSE_FILE :
file_name = tk . filedialog . askopenfilename ( filetypes = filetypes ) # show the 'get file' dialog box
strvar . set ( file_name )
elif self . BType == CLOSES_WIN : # this is a return type button so GET RESULTS and destroy window
# first, get the results table built
# modify the Results table in the parent FlexForm object
r , c = self . Position
self . ParentForm . Results [ r ] [ c ] = True # mark this button's location in results
# if the form is tabbed, must collect all form's results and destroy all forms
if self . ParentForm . IsTabbedForm :
self . ParentForm . UberParent . Close ( )
else :
self . ParentForm . Close ( )
self . ParentForm . TKroot . quit ( )
if self . ParentForm . NonBlocking :
self . ParentForm . TKroot . destroy ( )
_my_windows . NumOpenWindows - = 1 * ( _my_windows . NumOpenWindows != 0 ) # decrement if not 0
# first, get the results table built
# modify the Results table in the parent FlexForm object
r , c = self . Position
self . ParentForm . Results [ r ] [ c ] = True # mark this button's location in results
self . ParentForm . TKroot . quit ( ) # kick the users out of the mainloop
def ReturnKeyHandler ( self , event ) :
MyForm = self . ParentForm
# search through this form and find the first button that will exit the form
for row in MyForm . Rows :
for element in row . Elements :
if element . Type == BUTTON :
if element . BType == CLOSES_WIN or element . BType == READ_FORM :
element . ButtonCallBack ( )
def __del__ ( self ) :
try :
self . TKButton . __del__ ( )
except :
super ( ) . __del__ ( )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ProgreessBar #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class ProgressBar ( Element ) :
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def __init__ ( self , max_value , orientation = None , target = ( None , None ) , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , bar_color = ( None , None ) , style = None , broder_width = None , relief = None ) :
self . MaxValue = max_value
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self . TKProgressBar = None
self . Cancelled = False
self . NotRunning = True
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self . Orientation = orientation if orientation else DEFAULT_METER_ORIENTATION
self . BarColor = bar_color
self . BarStyle = style if style else DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE
self . Target = target
self . BorderWidth = broder_width if broder_width else DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_BORDER_WIDTH
self . Relief = relief if relief else DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_RELIEF
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self . BarExpired = False
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super ( ) . __init__ ( PROGRESS_BAR , scale , size , auto_size_text )
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def UpdateBar ( self , current_count ) :
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if self . ParentForm . TKrootDestroyed :
return False
target = self . Target
if target [ 0 ] != None : # if there's a target, get it and update the strvar
target_element = self . ParentForm . GetElementAtLocation ( target )
strvar = target_element . TKStringVar
rc = strvar . set ( self . TextToDisplay )
# update the progress bar counter
# self.TKProgressBar['value'] = self.CurrentValue
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self . TKProgressBar . Update ( current_count )
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try :
self . ParentForm . TKroot . update ( )
except :
_my_windows . NumOpenWindows - = 1 * ( _my_windows . NumOpenWindows != 0 ) # decrement if not 0
return False
return True
def __del__ ( self ) :
try :
self . TKProgressBar . __del__ ( )
except :
super ( ) . __del__ ( )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Row CLASS #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Row ( ) :
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def __init__ ( self , auto_size_text = None ) :
self . AutoSizeText = auto_size_text # Setting to override the form's policy on autosizing.
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self . Elements = [ ] # List of Elements in this Rrow
# ------------------------- AddElement ------------------------- #
def AddElement ( self , element ) :
self . Elements . append ( element )
# ------------------------- Print ------------------------- #
def __str__ ( self ) :
outstr = ' '
for i , element in enumerate ( self . Elements ) :
outstr + = ' Element # %i = %s ' % ( i , element )
# outstr += f'Element #{i} = {element}'
return outstr
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# FlexForm CLASS #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class FlexForm :
Display a user defined for and return the filled in data
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def __init__ ( self , title , default_element_size = ( DEFAULT_ELEMENT_SIZE [ 0 ] , DEFAULT_ELEMENT_SIZE [ 1 ] ) , auto_size_text = DEFAULT_AUTOSIZE_TEXT , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , location = ( None , None ) , button_color = None , font = None , progress_bar_color = ( None , None ) , is_tabbed_form = False , border_depth = None , auto_close = False , auto_close_duration = DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_TIME , icon = DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON ) :
self . AutoSizeText = auto_size_text
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self . Title = title
self . Rows = [ ] # a list of ELEMENTS for this row
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self . DefaultElementSize = default_element_size
self . Size = size
self . Scale = scale
self . Location = location
self . ButtonColor = button_color if button_color else DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR
self . IsTabbedForm = is_tabbed_form
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self . ParentWindow = None
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self . Font = font if font else DEFAULT_FONT
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self . RadioDict = { }
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self . BorderDepth = border_depth
self . WindowIcon = icon if not _my_windows . user_defined_icon else _my_windows . user_defined_icon
self . AutoClose = auto_close
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self . NonBlocking = False
self . TKroot = None
self . TKrootDestroyed = False
self . TKAfterID = None
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self . ProgressBarColor = progress_bar_color
self . AutoCloseDuration = auto_close_duration
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self . UberParent = None
self . RootNeedsDestroying = False
self . Shown = False
self . ReturnValues = None
# ------------------------- Add ONE Row to Form ------------------------- #
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def AddRow ( self , * args , auto_size_text = None ) :
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''' Parms are a variable number of Elements '''
NumRows = len ( self . Rows ) # number of existing rows is our row number
CurrentRowNumber = NumRows # this row's number
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CurrentRow = Row ( auto_size_text ) # start with a blank row and build up
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# ------------------------- Add the elements to a row ------------------------- #
for i , element in enumerate ( args ) : # Loop through list of elements and add them to the row
element . Position = ( CurrentRowNumber , i )
CurrentRow . Elements . append ( element )
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CurrentRow . AutoSizeText = auto_size_text
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# ------------------------- Append the row to list of Rows ------------------------- #
self . Rows . append ( CurrentRow )
# ------------------------- Add Multiple Rows to Form ------------------------- #
def AddRows ( self , rows ) :
for row in rows :
self . AddRow ( * row )
def LayoutAndShow ( self , rows ) :
self . AddRows ( rows )
self . Show ( )
return self . ReturnValues
# ------------------------- ShowForm THIS IS IT! ------------------------- #
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def Show ( self , non_blocking = False ) :
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self . Shown = True
# Compute num rows & num cols (it'll come in handy debugging)
self . NumRows = len ( self . Rows )
self . NumCols = max ( len ( row . Elements ) for row in self . Rows )
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self . NonBlocking = non_blocking
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# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RUN the GUI -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ##
StartupTK ( self )
return self . ReturnValues
# ------------------------- SetIcon - set the window's fav icon ------------------------- #
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def SetIcon ( self , icon ) :
self . WindowIcon = icon
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
try :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
self . TKroot . iconbitmap ( icon )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
except : pass
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def GetElementAtLocation ( self , location ) :
( row_num , col_num ) = location
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
row = self . Rows [ row_num ]
element = row . Elements [ col_num ]
return element
def GetDefaultElementSize ( self ) :
return self . DefaultElementSize
def AutoCloseAlarmCallback ( self ) :
try :
if self . UberParent :
window = self . UberParent
else :
window = self
if window :
window . Close ( )
self . TKroot . quit ( )
self . RootNeedsDestroying = True
except :
def Read ( self ) :
if self . TKrootDestroyed : return None
if not self . TKrootDestroyed and not self . Shown :
self . Show ( )
elif not self . TKrootDestroyed :
self . TKroot . mainloop ( )
if self . RootNeedsDestroying :
self . TKroot . destroy ( )
return ( BuildResults ( self ) )
def OutputFlush ( self , Message = ' ' ) :
if self . TKrootDestroyed : return None
if Message :
print ( Message )
try :
self . TKroot . update ( )
except :
self . TKrootDestroyed = True
return ( BuildResults ( self ) )
def Close ( self ) :
try :
self . TKroot . update ( )
except : pass
results = BuildResults ( self )
if self . TKrootDestroyed :
return results
self . TKrootDestroyed = True
self . RootNeedsDestroying = True
return results
def OnClosingCallback ( self ) :
def __enter__ ( self ) :
return self
def __exit__ ( self , * a ) :
self . __del__ ( )
return self
def __del__ ( self ) :
for row in self . Rows :
for element in row . Elements :
element . __del__ ( )
try :
del ( self . TKroot )
except :
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# UberForm CLASS #
# Used to make forms into TABS (it's trick) #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class UberForm ( ) :
FormList = None # list of all the forms in this window
FormReturnValues = None
TKroot = None # tk root for the overall window
TKrootDestroyed = False
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . FormList = [ ]
self . FormReturnValues = [ ]
self . TKroot = None
self . TKrootDestroyed = False
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def AddForm ( self , form ) :
self . FormList . append ( form )
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def Close ( self ) :
self . FormReturnValues = [ ]
for form in self . FormList :
form . Close ( )
self . FormReturnValues . append ( form . ReturnValues )
if not self . TKrootDestroyed :
self . TKrootDestroyed = True
self . TKroot . destroy ( )
def __del__ ( self ) :
# ====================================================================== #
# BUTTON Lazy Functions #
# ====================================================================== #
# ------------------------- INPUT TEXT Element lazy functions ------------------------- #
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def In ( default_text = ' ' , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None ) :
return InputText ( default_text = default_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def Input ( default_text = ' ' , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None ) :
return InputText ( default_text = default_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ------------------------- TEXT Element lazy functions ------------------------- #
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def Txt ( display_text , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , font = None , text_color = None ) :
return Text ( display_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , font = font , text_color = text_color )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def T ( display_text , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , font = None , text_color = None ) :
return Text ( display_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , font = font , text_color = text_color )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ------------------------- FOLDER BROWSE Element lazy function ------------------------- #
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def FolderBrowse ( target = ( ThisRow , - 1 ) , button_text = ' Browse ' , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , button_color = None ) :
return Button ( BROWSE_FOLDER , target = target , button_text = button_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , button_color = button_color )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ------------------------- FILE BROWSE Element lazy function ------------------------- #
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def FileBrowse ( target = ( ThisRow , - 1 ) , file_types = ( ( " ALL Files " , " *.* " ) , ) , button_text = ' Browse ' , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , button_color = None ) :
return Button ( BROWSE_FILE , target , button_text = button_text , file_types = file_types , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , button_color = button_color )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ------------------------- SUBMIT BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- #
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def Submit ( button_text = ' Submit ' , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , button_color = None ) :
return Button ( CLOSES_WIN , button_text = button_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , button_color = button_color )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ------------------------- OK BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- #
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def OK ( button_text = ' OK ' , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , button_color = None ) :
return Button ( CLOSES_WIN , button_text = button_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , button_color = button_color )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ------------------------- YES BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- #
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def Ok ( button_text = ' Ok ' , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , button_color = None ) :
return Button ( CLOSES_WIN , button_text = button_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , button_color = button_color )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ------------------------- CANCEL BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- #
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def Cancel ( button_text = ' Cancel ' , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , button_color = None , font = None ) :
return Button ( CLOSES_WIN , button_text = button_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , button_color = button_color , font = font )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
2018-07-16 22:36:17 +00:00
# ------------------------- QUIT BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- #
def Quit ( button_text = ' Quit ' , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , button_color = None , font = None ) :
return Button ( CLOSES_WIN , button_text = button_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , button_color = button_color , font = font )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ------------------------- YES BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- #
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def Yes ( button_text = ' Yes ' , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , button_color = None ) :
return Button ( CLOSES_WIN , button_text = button_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , button_color = button_color )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ------------------------- NO BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- #
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def No ( button_text = ' No ' , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , button_color = None ) :
return Button ( CLOSES_WIN , button_text = button_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , button_color = button_color )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ------------------------- GENERIC BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- #
# this is the only button that REQUIRES button text field
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def SimpleButton ( button_text , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , button_color = None , font = None ) :
return Button ( CLOSES_WIN , button_text = button_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , button_color = button_color , font = font )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ------------------------- GENERIC BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- #
# this is the only button that REQUIRES button text field
2018-07-16 22:36:17 +00:00
def ReadFormButton ( button_text , scale = ( None , None ) , size = ( None , None ) , auto_size_text = None , button_color = None , font = None ) :
return Button ( READ_FORM , button_text = button_text , scale = scale , size = size , auto_size_text = auto_size_text , button_color = button_color , font = font )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ------- FUNCTION InitializeResults. Sets up form results matrix ------- #
def InitializeResults ( form ) :
# initial results for elements are:
# TEXT - None
# INPUT - Initial value
# Button - False
results = [ ]
return_vals = [ ]
for row_num , row in enumerate ( form . Rows ) :
r = [ ]
for element in row . Elements :
if element . Type == TEXT :
r . append ( None )
elif element . Type == INPUT_TEXT :
r . append ( element . TextInputDefault )
return_vals . append ( None )
elif element . Type == INPUT_MULTILINE :
r . append ( element . TextInputDefault )
return_vals . append ( None )
elif element . Type == BUTTON :
r . append ( False )
elif element . Type == PROGRESS_BAR :
r . append ( None )
elif element . Type == INPUT_CHECKBOX :
r . append ( element . InitialState )
return_vals . append ( element . InitialState )
elif element . Type == INPUT_RADIO :
r . append ( element . InitialState )
return_vals . append ( element . InitialState )
elif element . Type == INPUT_COMBO :
r . append ( element . TextInputDefault )
return_vals . append ( None )
elif element . Type == INPUT_SPIN :
r . append ( element . TextInputDefault )
return_vals . append ( None )
results . append ( r )
form . Results = results
form . ReturnValues = ( None , return_vals )
#===== Radio Button RadVar encoding and decoding =====#
#===== The value is simply the row * 1000 + col =====#
def DecodeRadioRowCol ( RadValue ) :
row = RadValue / / 1000
col = RadValue % 1000
return row , col
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def EncodeRadioRowCol ( row , col ) :
RadValue = row * 1000 + col
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
return RadValue
# ------- FUNCTION BuildResults. Form exiting so build the results to pass back ------- #
# format of return values is
# (Button Pressed, input_values)
def BuildResults ( form ) :
# Results for elements are:
# TEXT - Nothing
# INPUT - Read value from TK
# Button - Button Text and position as a Tuple
# Get the initialized results so we don't have to rebuild
results = form . Results
button_pressed_text = None
input_values = [ ]
for row_num , row in enumerate ( form . Rows ) :
for col_num , element in enumerate ( row . Elements ) :
if element . Type == INPUT_TEXT :
value = element . TKStringVar . get ( )
results [ row_num ] [ col_num ] = value
input_values . append ( value )
elif element . Type == INPUT_CHECKBOX :
value = element . TKIntVar . get ( )
results [ row_num ] [ col_num ] = value
input_values . append ( value != 0 )
elif element . Type == INPUT_RADIO :
RadVar = element . TKIntVar . get ( )
this_rowcol = EncodeRadioRowCol ( row_num , col_num )
value = RadVar == this_rowcol
results [ row_num ] [ col_num ] = value
input_values . append ( value )
elif element . Type == BUTTON :
if results [ row_num ] [ col_num ] is True :
2018-07-14 01:43:01 +00:00
button_pressed_text = element . ButtonText
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
results [ row_num ] [ col_num ] = False
elif element . Type == INPUT_COMBO :
value = element . TKStringVar . get ( )
results [ row_num ] [ col_num ] = value
input_values . append ( value )
elif element . Type == INPUT_SPIN :
try :
value = element . TKStringVar . get ( )
except :
value = 0
results [ row_num ] [ col_num ] = value
input_values . append ( value )
elif element . Type == INPUT_MULTILINE :
try :
value = element . TKText . get ( 1.0 , tk . END )
element . TKText . delete ( ' 1.0 ' , tk . END )
except :
value = None
results [ row_num ] [ col_num ] = value
input_values . append ( value )
return_value = ( button_pressed_text , input_values )
form . ReturnValues = return_value
form . ResultsBuilt = True
return return_value
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ===================================== TK CODE STARTS HERE ====================================================== #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
def ConvertFlexToTK ( MyFlexForm ) :
master = MyFlexForm . TKroot
# only set title on non-tabbed forms
if not MyFlexForm . IsTabbedForm :
master . title ( MyFlexForm . Title )
font = MyFlexForm . Font
InitializeResults ( MyFlexForm )
border_depth = MyFlexForm . BorderDepth if MyFlexForm . BorderDepth is not None else DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# **************** Use FlexForm to build the tkinter window ********** ----- #
# Building is done row by row. #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
focus_set = False
######################### LOOP THROUGH ROWS #########################
# *********** ------- Loop through ROWS ------- ***********#
for row_num , flex_row in enumerate ( MyFlexForm . Rows ) :
######################### LOOP THROUGH ELEMENTS ON ROW #########################
# *********** ------- Loop through ELEMENTS ------- ***********#
# *********** Make TK Row ***********#
tk_row_frame = tk . Frame ( master )
for col_num , element in enumerate ( flex_row . Elements ) :
element . ParentForm = MyFlexForm # save the button's parent form object
if MyFlexForm . Font and ( element . Font == DEFAULT_FONT or not element . Font ) :
font = MyFlexForm . Font
elif element . Font is not None :
font = element . Font
# ------- Determine Auto-Size setting on a cascading basis ------- #
if element . AutoSizeText is not None : # if element overide
auto_size_text = element . AutoSizeText
elif flex_row . AutoSizeText is not None : # if Row override
auto_size_text = flex_row . AutoSizeText
elif MyFlexForm . AutoSizeText is not None : # if form override
auto_size_text = MyFlexForm . AutoSizeText
else :
auto_size_text = DEFAULT_AUTOSIZE_TEXT
# Determine Element size
element_size = element . Size
if ( element_size == ( None , None ) ) : # user did not specify a size
element_size = MyFlexForm . DefaultElementSize
else : auto_size_text = False # if user has specified a size then it shouldn't autosize
# Apply scaling... Element scaling is higher priority than form level
if element . Scale != ( None , None ) :
element_size = ( int ( element_size [ 0 ] * element . Scale [ 0 ] ) , int ( element_size [ 1 ] * element . Scale [ 1 ] ) )
elif MyFlexForm . Scale != ( None , None ) :
element_size = ( int ( element_size [ 0 ] * MyFlexForm . Scale [ 0 ] ) , int ( element_size [ 1 ] * MyFlexForm . Scale [ 1 ] ) )
# ------------------------- TEXT element ------------------------- #
element_type = element . Type
if element_type == TEXT :
display_text = element . DisplayText # text to display
if auto_size_text is False :
width , height = element_size
else :
lines = display_text . split ( ' \n ' )
max_line_len = max ( [ len ( l ) for l in lines ] )
num_lines = len ( lines )
if max_line_len > element_size [ 0 ] : # if text exceeds element size, the will have to wrap
width = element_size [ 0 ]
else :
width = max_line_len
height = num_lines
# ---===--- LABEL widget create and place --- #
stringvar = tk . StringVar ( )
element . TKStringVar = stringvar
stringvar . set ( display_text )
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if auto_size_text :
width = 0
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
tktext_label = tk . Label ( tk_row_frame , anchor = tk . NW , textvariable = stringvar , width = width , height = height , justify = tk . LEFT , bd = border_depth , fg = element . TextColor )
# tktext_label = tk.Label(tk_row_frame,anchor=tk.NW, text=display_text, width=width, height=height, justify=tk.LEFT, bd=border_depth)
# Set wrap-length for text (in PIXELS) == PAIN IN THE ASS
wraplen = tktext_label . winfo_reqwidth ( ) # width of widget in Pixels
2018-07-15 23:21:06 +00:00
tktext_label . configure ( anchor = tk . NW , font = font , wraplen = wraplen * 2 ) # set wrap to width of widget
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
tktext_label . pack ( side = tk . LEFT )
# ------------------------- BUTTON element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == BUTTON :
element . Location = ( row_num , col_num )
2018-07-14 01:43:01 +00:00
btext = element . ButtonText
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
btype = element . BType
if auto_size_text is False : width = element_size [ 0 ]
else : width = 0
height = element_size [ 1 ]
lines = btext . split ( ' \n ' )
max_line_len = max ( [ len ( l ) for l in lines ] )
num_lines = len ( lines )
if element . ButtonColor != ( None , None ) and element . ButtonColor != DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR :
bc = element . ButtonColor
elif MyFlexForm . ButtonColor != ( None , None ) and MyFlexForm . ButtonColor != DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR :
bc = MyFlexForm . ButtonColor
else :
if bc == ' Random ' or bc == ' random ' :
bc = GetRandomColorPair ( )
tkbutton = tk . Button ( tk_row_frame , text = btext , width = width , height = height , command = element . ButtonCallBack , justify = tk . LEFT , foreground = bc [ 0 ] , background = bc [ 1 ] , bd = border_depth )
element . TKButton = tkbutton # not used yet but save the TK button in case
wraplen = tkbutton . winfo_reqwidth ( ) # width of widget in Pixels
tkbutton . configure ( wraplength = wraplen , font = font ) # set wrap to width of widget
tkbutton . pack ( side = tk . LEFT , padx = element . Pad [ 0 ] , pady = element . Pad [ 1 ] )
if not focus_set and btype == CLOSES_WIN :
focus_set = True
element . TKButton . bind ( ' <Return> ' , element . ReturnKeyHandler )
element . TKButton . focus_set ( )
MyFlexForm . TKroot . focus_force ( )
# ------------------------- INPUT (Single Line) element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == INPUT_TEXT :
default_text = element . DefaultText
element . TKStringVar = tk . StringVar ( )
element . TKStringVar . set ( default_text )
element . TKEntry = tk . Entry ( tk_row_frame , width = element_size [ 0 ] , textvariable = element . TKStringVar , bd = border_depth , font = font )
element . TKEntry . bind ( ' <Return> ' , element . ReturnKeyHandler )
element . TKEntry . pack ( side = tk . LEFT , padx = element . Pad [ 0 ] , pady = element . Pad [ 1 ] )
if not focus_set :
focus_set = True
element . TKEntry . focus_set ( )
# ------------------------- COMBO BOX (Drop Down) element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == INPUT_COMBO :
max_line_len = max ( [ len ( str ( l ) ) for l in element . Values ] )
if auto_size_text is False : width = element_size [ 0 ]
else : width = max_line_len
element . TKStringVar = tk . StringVar ( )
element . TKCombo = ttk . Combobox ( tk_row_frame , width = width , textvariable = element . TKStringVar , font = font )
element . TKCombo [ ' values ' ] = element . Values
element . TKCombo . pack ( side = tk . LEFT , padx = element . Pad [ 0 ] , pady = element . Pad [ 1 ] )
element . TKCombo . current ( 0 )
# ------------------------- INPUT MULTI LINE element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == INPUT_MULTILINE :
default_text = element . DefaultText
width , height = element_size
element . TKText = tk . scrolledtext . ScrolledText ( tk_row_frame , width = width , height = height , wrap = ' word ' , bd = border_depth , font = font )
element . TKText . insert ( 1.0 , default_text ) # set the default text
element . TKText . pack ( side = tk . LEFT , padx = element . Pad [ 0 ] , pady = element . Pad [ 1 ] )
if element . EnterSubmits :
element . TKText . bind ( ' <Return> ' , element . ReturnKeyHandler )
if not focus_set :
focus_set = True
element . TKText . focus_set ( )
# ------------------------- INPUT CHECKBOX element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == INPUT_CHECKBOX :
width = 0 if auto_size_text else element_size [ 0 ]
default_value = element . InitialState
element . TKIntVar = tk . IntVar ( )
element . TKIntVar . set ( default_value )
element . TKCheckbutton = tk . Checkbutton ( tk_row_frame , anchor = tk . NW , text = element . Text , width = width , variable = element . TKIntVar , bd = border_depth , font = font )
element . TKCheckbutton . pack ( side = tk . LEFT , padx = element . Pad [ 0 ] , pady = element . Pad [ 1 ] )
# ------------------------- PROGRESS BAR element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == PROGRESS_BAR :
# save this form because it must be 'updated' (refreshed) solely for the purpose of updating bar
width = element_size [ 0 ]
fnt = tkinter . font . Font ( )
char_width = fnt . measure ( ' A ' ) # single character width
progress_length = width * char_width
progress_width = element_size [ 1 ]
direction = element . Orientation
if element . BarColor == ' Random ' or element . BarColor == ' random ' :
bar_color = GetRandomColorPair ( )
elif element . BarColor != ( None , None ) : # if element has a bar color, use it
bar_color = element . BarColor
else :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
element . TKProgressBar = TKProgressBar ( tk_row_frame , element . MaxValue , progress_length , progress_width , orientation = direction , BarColor = bar_color , border_width = element . BorderWidth , relief = element . Relief )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
s = ttk . Style ( )
element . TKProgressBar . TKCanvas . pack ( side = tk . LEFT , padx = element . Pad [ 0 ] , pady = element . Pad [ 1 ] )
# ------------------------- INPUT RADIO BUTTON element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == INPUT_RADIO :
width = 0 if auto_size_text else element_size [ 0 ]
default_value = element . InitialState
ID = element . GroupID
# see if ID has already been placed
value = EncodeRadioRowCol ( row_num , col_num ) # value to set intvar to if this radio is selected
if ID in MyFlexForm . RadioDict :
RadVar = MyFlexForm . RadioDict [ ID ]
else :
RadVar = tk . IntVar ( )
MyFlexForm . RadioDict [ ID ] = RadVar
element . TKIntVar = RadVar # store the RadVar in Radio object
if default_value : # if this radio is the one selected, set RadVar to match
element . TKIntVar . set ( value )
element . TKRadio = tk . Radiobutton ( tk_row_frame , anchor = tk . NW , text = element . Text , width = width ,
variable = element . TKIntVar , value = value , bd = border_depth , font = font )
element . TKRadio . pack ( side = tk . LEFT , padx = element . Pad [ 0 ] , pady = element . Pad [ 1 ] )
# ------------------------- INPUT SPIN Box element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == INPUT_SPIN :
width , height = element_size
width = 0 if auto_size_text else element_size [ 0 ]
element . TKStringVar = tk . StringVar ( )
element . TKSpinBox = tk . Spinbox ( tk_row_frame , values = element . Values , textvariable = element . TKStringVar , width = width , bd = border_depth )
element . TKStringVar . set ( element . DefaultValue )
element . TKSpinBox . configure ( font = font ) # set wrap to width of widget
element . TKSpinBox . pack ( side = tk . LEFT , padx = element . Pad [ 0 ] , pady = element . Pad [ 1 ] )
# ------------------------- OUTPUT element ------------------------- #
elif element_type == OUTPUT :
width , height = element_size
element . TKOut = TKOutput ( tk_row_frame , width = width , height = height , bd = border_depth )
#............................DONE WITH ROW pack the row of widgets ..........................#
# done with row, pack the row of widgets
tk_row_frame . grid ( row = row_num + 2 , sticky = tk . W , padx = DEFAULT_MARGINS [ 0 ] )
if not MyFlexForm . IsTabbedForm :
MyFlexForm . TKroot . configure ( padx = DEFAULT_MARGINS [ 0 ] , pady = DEFAULT_MARGINS [ 1 ] )
else : MyFlexForm . ParentWindow . configure ( padx = DEFAULT_MARGINS [ 0 ] , pady = DEFAULT_MARGINS [ 1 ] )
#....................................... DONE creating and laying out window ..........................#
if MyFlexForm . IsTabbedForm :
master = MyFlexForm . ParentWindow
screen_width = master . winfo_screenwidth ( ) # get window info to move to middle of screen
screen_height = master . winfo_screenheight ( )
if MyFlexForm . Location != ( None , None ) :
loc = MyFlexForm . Location
x , y = MyFlexForm . Location
else :
master . update_idletasks ( ) # don't forget
win_width = master . winfo_width ( )
win_height = master . winfo_height ( )
x = screen_width / 2 - win_width / 2
y = screen_height / 2 - win_height / 2
if y + win_height > screen_height :
y = screen_height - win_height
if x + win_width > screen_width :
x = screen_width - win_width
move_string = ' + %i + %i ' % ( int ( x ) , int ( y ) )
master . geometry ( move_string )
master . update_idletasks ( ) # don't forget
# ----====----====----====----====----==== STARTUP TK ====----====----====----====----====----#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def ShowTabbedForm ( title , * args , auto_close = False , auto_close_duration = DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_TIME , fav_icon = DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON ) :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
global _my_windows
uber = UberForm ( )
root = tk . Tk ( )
uber . TKroot = root
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
if title is not None :
root . title ( title )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
if not len ( args ) :
( ' ******************* SHOW TABBED FORMS ERROR .... no arguments ' )
tab_control = ttk . Notebook ( root )
for num , x in enumerate ( args ) :
form , rows , tab_name = x
form . AddRows ( rows )
tab = ttk . Frame ( tab_control ) # Create tab 1
tab_control . add ( tab , text = tab_name ) # Add tab 1
# tab_control.configure(text='new text')
tab_control . grid ( row = 0 , sticky = tk . W )
form . TKTabControl = tab_control
form . TKroot = tab
form . IsTabbedForm = True
form . ParentWindow = root
ConvertFlexToTK ( form )
form . UberParent = uber
uber . AddForm ( form )
uber . FormReturnValues . append ( form . ReturnValues )
# dangerous?? or clever? use the final form as a callback for autoclose
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
id = root . after ( auto_close_duration * 1000 , form . AutoCloseAlarmCallback ) if auto_close else 0
icon = fav_icon if not _my_windows . user_defined_icon else _my_windows . user_defined_icon
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
try : uber . TKroot . iconbitmap ( icon )
except : pass
root . mainloop ( )
if id : root . after_cancel ( id )
uber . TKrootDestroyed = True
return uber . FormReturnValues
# ----====----====----====----====----==== STARTUP TK ====----====----====----====----====----#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def StartupTK ( my_flex_form ) :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
global _my_windows
ow = _my_windows . NumOpenWindows
root = tk . Tk ( ) if not ow else tk . Toplevel ( )
_my_windows . NumOpenWindows + = 1
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
my_flex_form . TKroot = root
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", MyFlexForm.DestroyedCallback())
# root.bind('<Destroy>', MyFlexForm.DestroyedCallback())
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
ConvertFlexToTK ( my_flex_form )
my_flex_form . SetIcon ( my_flex_form . WindowIcon )
if my_flex_form . AutoClose :
duration = DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_TIME if my_flex_form . AutoCloseDuration is None else my_flex_form . AutoCloseDuration
my_flex_form . TKAfterID = root . after ( duration * 1000 , my_flex_form . AutoCloseAlarmCallback )
if my_flex_form . NonBlocking :
my_flex_form . TKroot . protocol ( " WM_WINDOW_DESTROYED " , my_flex_form . OnClosingCallback ( ) )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
else : # it's a blocking form
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
my_flex_form . TKroot . mainloop ( )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
_my_windows . NumOpenWindows - = 1 * ( _my_windows . NumOpenWindows != 0 ) # decrement if not 0
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
if my_flex_form . RootNeedsDestroying :
my_flex_form . TKroot . destroy ( )
my_flex_form . RootNeedsDestroying = False
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ==============================_GetNumLinesNeeded ==#
# Helper function for determining how to wrap text #
# ===================================================#
def _GetNumLinesNeeded ( text , max_line_width ) :
if max_line_width == 0 :
return 1
lines = text . split ( ' \n ' )
num_lines = len ( lines ) # number of original lines of text
max_line_len = max ( [ len ( l ) for l in lines ] ) # longest line
lines_used = [ ]
for L in lines :
lines_used . append ( len ( L ) / / max_line_width + ( len ( L ) % max_line_width > 0 ) ) # fancy math to round up
total_lines_needed = sum ( lines_used )
return total_lines_needed
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ===================================== Upper PySimpleGUI ============================================================== #
# Pre-built dialog boxes for all your needs #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ==================================== MSG BOX =====#
# Display a message wrapping at 60 characters #
# Exits via an OK button2 press #
# Returns nothing #
# ===================================================#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def MsgBox ( * args , button_color = None , button_type = MSG_BOX_OK , auto_close = False , auto_close_duration = None , icon = DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON , line_width = MESSAGE_BOX_LINE_WIDTH , font = None ) :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
Show message box . Displays one line per user supplied argument . Takes any Type of variable to display .
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
: param args :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
: param button_color :
: param button_type :
: param auto_close :
: param auto_close_duration :
: param icon :
: param line_width :
: param font :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
: return :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
if not args :
args_to_print = [ ' ' ]
else :
args_to_print = args
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
with FlexForm ( args_to_print [ 0 ] , auto_size_text = True , button_color = button_color , auto_close = auto_close , auto_close_duration = auto_close_duration , icon = icon , font = font ) as form :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
max_line_total , total_lines = 0 , 0
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
for message in args_to_print :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# fancy code to check if string and convert if not is not need. Just always convert to string :-)
# if not isinstance(message, str): message = str(message)
message = str ( message )
2018-07-15 23:21:06 +00:00
if message . count ( ' \n ' ) :
message_wrapped = message
else :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
message_wrapped = textwrap . fill ( message , line_width )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
message_wrapped_lines = message_wrapped . count ( ' \n ' ) + 1
longest_line_len = max ( [ len ( l ) for l in message . split ( ' \n ' ) ] )
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
width_used = min ( longest_line_len , line_width )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
max_line_total = max ( max_line_total , width_used )
# height = _GetNumLinesNeeded(message, width_used)
height = message_wrapped_lines
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
form . AddRow ( Text ( message_wrapped , auto_size_text = True ) )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
total_lines + = height
pad = max_line_total - 15 if max_line_total > 15 else 1
pad = 1
# show either an OK or Yes/No depending on paramater
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
if button_type is MSG_BOX_YES_NO :
form . AddRow ( Text ( ' ' , size = ( pad , 1 ) , auto_size_text = False ) , Yes ( button_color = button_color ) , No (
button_color = button_color ) )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
( button_text , values ) = form . Show ( )
return button_text == ' Yes '
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
elif button_type is MSG_BOX_CANCELLED :
form . AddRow ( Text ( ' ' , size = ( pad , 1 ) , auto_size_text = False ) , SimpleButton ( ' Cancelled ' , button_color = button_color ) )
elif button_type is MSG_BOX_ERROR :
form . AddRow ( Text ( ' ' , size = ( pad , 1 ) , auto_size_text = False ) , SimpleButton ( ' ERROR ' , size = ( 5 , 1 ) , button_color = button_color ) )
elif button_type is MSG_BOX_OK_CANCEL :
form . AddRow ( Text ( ' ' , size = ( pad , 1 ) , auto_size_text = False ) , SimpleButton ( ' OK ' , size = ( 5 , 1 ) , button_color = button_color ) ,
SimpleButton ( ' Cancel ' , size = ( 5 , 1 ) , button_color = button_color ) )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
else :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
form . AddRow ( Text ( ' ' , size = ( pad , 1 ) , auto_size_text = False ) , SimpleButton ( ' OK ' , size = ( 5 , 1 ) , button_color = button_color ) )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
button , values = form . Show ( )
return button
# ============================== MsgBoxAutoClose====#
# Lazy function. Same as calling MsgBox with parms #
# ===================================================#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def MsgBoxAutoClose ( * args , button_color = None , auto_close = True , auto_close_duration = DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_TIME , font = None ) :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
Display a standard MsgBox that will automatically close after a specified amount of time
: param args :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
: param button_color :
: param auto_close :
: param auto_close_duration :
: param font :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
: return :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
MsgBox ( * args , button_color = button_color , auto_close = auto_close , auto_close_duration = auto_close_duration , font = font )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ============================== MsgBoxError =====#
# Like MsgBox but presents RED BUTTONS #
# ===================================================#
2018-07-16 22:36:17 +00:00
def MsgBoxError ( * args , button_color = DEFAULT_ERROR_BUTTON_COLOR , auto_close = False , auto_close_duration = None , font = None ) :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
Display a MsgBox with a red button
: param args :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
: param button_color :
: param auto_close :
: param auto_close_duration :
2018-07-16 22:36:17 +00:00
: param font :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
: return :
2018-07-16 22:36:17 +00:00
MsgBox ( * args , button_color = button_color , auto_close = auto_close , auto_close_duration = auto_close_duration , font = font )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ============================== MsgBoxCancel =====#
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
# #
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ===================================================#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def MsgBoxCancel ( * args , button_color = DEFAULT_CANCEL_BUTTON_COLOR , auto_close = False , auto_close_duration = None , font = None ) :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
Display a MsgBox with a single " Cancel " button .
: param args :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
: param button_color :
: param auto_close :
: param auto_close_duration :
: param font :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
: return :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
MsgBox ( * args , button_type = MSG_BOX_CANCELLED , button_color = button_color , auto_close = auto_close , auto_close_duration = auto_close_duration , font = font )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ============================== MsgBoxOK =====#
# Like MsgBox but only 1 button #
# ===================================================#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def MsgBoxOK ( * args , button_color = ( ' white ' , ' black ' ) , auto_close = False , auto_close_duration = None , font = None ) :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
Display a MsgBox with a single buttoned labelled " OK "
: param args :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
: param button_color :
: param auto_close :
: param auto_close_duration :
: param font :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
: return :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
MsgBox ( * args , button_type = MSG_BOX_OK , button_color = button_color , auto_close = auto_close , auto_close_duration = auto_close_duration , font = font )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
# ============================== MsgBoxOKCancel ====#
# Like MsgBox but presents OK and Cancel buttons #
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ===================================================#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def MsgBoxOKCancel ( * args , button_color = None , auto_close = False , auto_close_duration = None , font = None ) :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
Display MsgBox with 2 buttons , " OK " and " Cancel "
: param args :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
: param button_color :
: param auto_close :
: param auto_close_duration :
: param font :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
: return :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
result = MsgBox ( * args , button_type = MSG_BOX_OK_CANCEL , button_color = button_color , auto_close = auto_close , auto_close_duration = auto_close_duration , font = font )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
return result
# ==================================== YesNoBox=====#
# Like MsgBox but presents Yes and No buttons #
# Returns True if Yes was pressed else False #
# ===================================================#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def MsgBoxYesNo ( * args , button_color = None , auto_close = False , auto_close_duration = None , font = None ) :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
Display MsgBox with 2 buttons , " Yes " and " No "
: param args :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
: param button_color :
: param auto_close :
: param auto_close_duration :
: param font :
2018-07-13 14:53:50 +00:00
: return :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
result = MsgBox ( * args , button_type = MSG_BOX_YES_NO , button_color = button_color , auto_close = auto_close , auto_close_duration = auto_close_duration , font = font )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
return result
# ============================== PROGRESS METER ========================================== #
def ConvertArgsToSingleString ( * args ) :
max_line_total , width_used , total_lines , = 0 , 0 , 0
single_line_message = ' '
# loop through args and built a SINGLE string from them
for message in args :
# fancy code to check if string and convert if not is not need. Just always convert to string :-)
# if not isinstance(message, str): message = str(message)
message = str ( message )
longest_line_len = max ( [ len ( l ) for l in message . split ( ' \n ' ) ] )
width_used = min ( longest_line_len , MESSAGE_BOX_LINE_WIDTH )
max_line_total = max ( max_line_total , width_used )
lines_needed = _GetNumLinesNeeded ( message , width_used )
total_lines + = lines_needed
single_line_message + = message + ' \n '
return single_line_message , width_used , total_lines
# ============================== ProgressMeter =====#
# ===================================================#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def ProgressMeter ( title , max_value , * args , Orientation = None , bar_color = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR , button_color = None , size = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE , scale = ( None , None ) , border_width = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_BORDER_WIDTH ) :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
Create and show a form on tbe caller ' s behalf.
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
: param title :
: param max_value :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
: param args : ANY number of arguments the caller wants to display
: param Orientation :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
: param bar_color :
: param size :
: param scale :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
: param Style :
: param StyleOffset :
: return : ProgressBar object that is in the form
orientation = DEFAULT_METER_ORIENTATION if Orientation is None else Orientation
target = ( 0 , 0 ) if orientation [ 0 ] . lower ( ) == ' h ' else ( 0 , 1 )
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
bar2 = ProgressBar ( max_value , orientation = orientation , size = size , bar_color = bar_color , scale = scale , target = target , broder_width = border_width )
form = FlexForm ( title , auto_size_text = True )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# Form using a horizontal bar
if orientation [ 0 ] . lower ( ) == ' h ' :
single_line_message , width , height = ConvertArgsToSingleString ( * args )
bar2 . TextToDisplay = single_line_message
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
bar2 . MaxValue = max_value
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
bar2 . CurrentValue = 0
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
form . AddRow ( Text ( single_line_message , size = ( width + 20 , height + 3 ) , auto_size_text = True ) )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
form . AddRow ( ( bar2 ) )
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
form . AddRow ( ( Cancel ( button_color = button_color ) ) )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
else :
single_line_message , width , height = ConvertArgsToSingleString ( * args )
bar2 . TextToDisplay = single_line_message
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
bar2 . MaxValue = max_value
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
bar2 . CurrentValue = 0
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
form . AddRow ( bar2 , Text ( single_line_message , size = ( width + 20 , height + 3 ) , auto_size_text = True ) )
form . AddRow ( ( Cancel ( button_color = button_color ) ) )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
form . NonBlocking = True
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
form . Show ( non_blocking = True )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
return bar2
# ============================== ProgressMeterUpdate =====#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def ProgressMeterUpdate ( bar , value , * args ) :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
Update the progress meter for a form
: param form : class ProgressBar
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
: param value : int
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
: return : True if not cancelled , OK . . . . False if Error
global _my_windows
if bar == None : return False
if bar . BarExpired : return False
message , w , h = ConvertArgsToSingleString ( * args )
bar . TextToDisplay = message
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
bar . CurrentValue = value
rc = bar . UpdateBar ( value )
if value > = bar . MaxValue or not rc :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
bar . BarExpired = True
bar . ParentForm . Close ( )
if bar . ParentForm . RootNeedsDestroying :
try :
bar . ParentForm . TKroot . destroy ( )
_my_windows . NumOpenWindows - = 1 * ( _my_windows . NumOpenWindows != 0 ) # decrement if not 0
except : pass
bar . ParentForm . RootNeedsDestroying = False
bar . ParentForm . __del__ ( )
return False
return rc
# ============================== EASY PROGRESS METER ========================================== #
# class to hold the easy meter info (a global variable essentialy)
class EasyProgressMeterDataClass ( ) :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def __init__ ( self , title = ' ' , current_value = 1 , max_value = 10 , start_time = None , stat_messages = ( ) ) :
self . Title = title
self . CurrentValue = current_value
self . MaxValue = max_value
self . StartTime = start_time
self . StatMessages = stat_messages
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
self . ParentForm = None
self . MeterID = None
# =========================== COMPUTE PROGRESS STATS ======================#
def ComputeProgressStats ( self ) :
utc = datetime . datetime . utcnow ( )
time_delta = utc - self . StartTime
total_seconds = time_delta . total_seconds ( )
if not total_seconds :
total_seconds = 1
try :
time_per_item = total_seconds / self . CurrentValue
except :
time_per_item = 1
seconds_remaining = ( self . MaxValue - self . CurrentValue ) * time_per_item
time_remaining = str ( datetime . timedelta ( seconds = seconds_remaining ) )
time_remaining_short = ( time_remaining ) . split ( " . " ) [ 0 ]
time_delta_short = str ( time_delta ) . split ( " . " ) [ 0 ]
total_time = time_delta + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = seconds_remaining )
total_time_short = str ( total_time ) . split ( " . " ) [ 0 ]
self . StatMessages = [
' {} of {} ' . format ( self . CurrentValue , self . MaxValue ) ,
' {} % ' . format ( 100 * self . CurrentValue / / self . MaxValue ) ,
' ' ,
' {:6.2f} Iterations per Second ' . format ( self . CurrentValue / total_seconds ) ,
' {:6.2f} Seconds per Iteration ' . format ( total_seconds / ( self . CurrentValue if self . CurrentValue else 1 ) ) ,
' ' ,
' {} Elapsed Time ' . format ( time_delta_short ) ,
' {} Time Remaining ' . format ( time_remaining_short ) ,
' {} Estimated Total Time ' . format ( total_time_short ) ]
# ============================== EasyProgressMeter =====#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def EasyProgressMeter ( title , current_value , max_value , * args , orientation = None , bar_color = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR , button_color = None , size = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE , scale = ( None , None ) , border_width = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_BORDER_WIDTH ) :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
A ONE - LINE progress meter . Add to your code where ever you need a meter . No need for a second
function call before your loop . You ' ve got enough code to write!
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
: param title : Title will be shown on the window
: param current_value : Current count of your items
: param max_value : Max value your count will ever reach . This indicates it should be closed
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
: param args : VARIABLE number of arguements . . . you request it , we ' ll print it no matter what the item!
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
: param orientation :
: param bar_color :
: param size :
: param scale :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
: param Style :
: param StyleOffset :
: return : False if should stop the meter
# This is a very clever form of static variable using a function attribute
# If the variable doesn't yet exist, then it will create it and initialize with the 3rd parameter
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData = getattr ( EasyProgressMeter , ' EasyProgressMeterData ' , EasyProgressMeterDataClass ( ) )
# if no meter currently running
if EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MeterID is None : # Starting a new meter
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
if int ( current_value ) > = int ( max_value ) :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
return False
del ( EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData )
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData = EasyProgressMeterDataClass ( title , 1 , int ( max_value ) , datetime . datetime . utcnow ( ) , [ ] )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . ComputeProgressStats ( )
message = " \n " . join ( [ line for line in EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . StatMessages ] )
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MeterID = ProgressMeter ( title , int ( max_value ) , message , * args , Orientation = orientation , bar_color = bar_color , size = size , scale = scale , button_color = button_color , border_width = border_width )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . ParentForm = EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MeterID . ParentForm
return True
# if exactly the same values as before, then ignore.
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
if EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MaxValue == max_value and EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . CurrentValue == current_value :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
return True
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
if EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MaxValue != int ( max_value ) :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MeterID = None
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . ParentForm = None
del ( EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData )
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData = EasyProgressMeterDataClass ( ) # setup a new progress meter
return True # HAVE to return TRUE or else the new meter will thing IT is failing when it hasn't
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . CurrentValue = int ( current_value )
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MaxValue = int ( max_value )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . ComputeProgressStats ( )
message = ' '
for line in EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . StatMessages :
message = message + str ( line ) + ' \n '
message = " \n " . join ( EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . StatMessages )
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
rc = ProgressMeterUpdate ( EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MeterID , current_value , * args , message )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# if counter >= max then the progress meter is all done. Indicate none running
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
if current_value > = EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MaxValue or not rc :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MeterID = None
del ( EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData )
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData = EasyProgressMeterDataClass ( ) # setup a new progress meter
return False # even though at the end, return True so don't cause error with the app
return rc # return whatever the update told us
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def EasyProgressMeterCancel ( title , * args ) :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData = getattr ( EasyProgressMeter , ' EasyProgressMeterData ' , EasyProgressMeterDataClass ( ) )
if EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MeterID is not None :
# tell the normal meter update that we're at max value which will close the meter
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
rc = EasyProgressMeter ( title , EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MaxValue , EasyProgressMeter . EasyProgressMeterData . MaxValue , ' *** CANCELLING *** ' , ' Caller requested a cancel ' , * args )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
return rc
return True
def GetRandomColor ( ) :
nums = randint ( 0 , 255 ) , randint ( 0 , 255 ) , randint ( 0 , 255 )
color_code = ' # ' + ' ' . join ( ' {:02X} ' . format ( a ) for a in nums )
return color_code
def GetRandomColorPair ( ) :
fg = GetRandomColor ( )
bg = GetComplimentaryHex ( fg )
color_code = ( fg , bg )
return color_code
# input is #RRGGBB
# output is #RRGGBB
def GetComplimentaryHex ( color ) :
# strip the # from the beginning
color = color [ 1 : ]
# convert the string into hex
color = int ( color , 16 )
# invert the three bytes
# as good as substracting each of RGB component by 255(FF)
comp_color = 0xFFFFFF ^ color
# convert the color back to hex by prefixing a #
comp_color = " # %06X " % comp_color
# return the result
return comp_color
# ======================== Scrolled Text Box =====#
# ===================================================#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def ScrolledTextBox ( * args , button_color = None , yes_no = False , auto_close = False , auto_close_duration = None , height = None ) :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
if not args : return
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
with FlexForm ( args [ 0 ] , auto_size_text = True , button_color = button_color , auto_close = auto_close , auto_close_duration = auto_close_duration ) as form :
max_line_total , max_line_width , total_lines , height_computed = 0 , 0 , 0 , 0
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
complete_output = ' '
for message in args :
# fancy code to check if string and convert if not is not need. Just always convert to string :-)
# if not isinstance(message, str): message = str(message)
message = str ( message )
longest_line_len = max ( [ len ( l ) for l in message . split ( ' \n ' ) ] )
width_used = min ( longest_line_len , MESSAGE_BOX_LINE_WIDTH )
max_line_total = max ( max_line_total , width_used )
max_line_width = MESSAGE_BOX_LINE_WIDTH
lines_needed = _GetNumLinesNeeded ( message , width_used )
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
height_computed + = lines_needed
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
complete_output + = message + ' \n '
total_lines + = lines_needed
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
height_computed = MAX_SCROLLED_TEXT_BOX_HEIGHT if height_computed > MAX_SCROLLED_TEXT_BOX_HEIGHT else height_computed
if height :
height_computed = height
form . AddRow ( Multiline ( complete_output , size = ( max_line_width , height_computed ) ) , auto_size_text = True )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
pad = max_line_total - 15 if max_line_total > 15 else 1
# show either an OK or Yes/No depending on paramater
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
if yes_no :
form . AddRow ( Text ( ' ' , size = ( pad , 1 ) , auto_size_text = False ) , Yes ( ) , No ( ) )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
( button_text , values ) = form . Show ( )
return button_text == ' Yes '
else :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
form . AddRow ( Text ( ' ' , size = ( pad , 1 ) , auto_size_text = False ) , SimpleButton ( ' OK ' , size = ( 5 , 1 ) , button_color = button_color ) )
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
form . Show ( )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# GetPathBox #
# Pre-made dialog that looks like this roughly #
# __________________________ #
# |__________________________| (BROWSE) #
# RETURNS two values: #
# True/False, path #
# (True if Submit was pressed, false otherwise) #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def GetPathBox ( title , message , default_path = ' ' , button_color = None , size = ( None , None ) ) :
with FlexForm ( title , auto_size_text = True , button_color = button_color ) as form :
layout = [ [ Text ( message , auto_size_text = True ) ] ,
[ InputText ( default_text = default_path , size = size ) , FolderBrowse ( ) ] ,
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
[ Submit ( ) , Cancel ( ) ] ]
( button , input_values ) = form . LayoutAndShow ( layout )
if button != ' Submit ' :
return False , None
else :
path = input_values [ 0 ]
return True , path
# ============================== GetFileBox =========#
# Like the Get folder box but for files #
# ===================================================#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def GetFileBox ( title , message , default_path = ' ' , file_types = ( ( " ALL Files " , " *.* " ) , ) , button_color = None , size = ( None , None ) ) :
with FlexForm ( title , auto_size_text = True , button_color = button_color ) as form :
layout = [ [ Text ( message , auto_size_text = True ) ] ,
[ InputText ( default_text = default_path , size = size ) , FileBrowse ( file_types = file_types ) ] ,
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
[ Submit ( ) , Cancel ( ) ] ]
( button , input_values ) = form . LayoutAndShow ( layout )
if button != ' Submit ' :
return False , None
else :
path = input_values [ 0 ]
return True , path
# ============================== GetTextBox =========#
# Get a single line of text #
# ===================================================#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def GetTextBox ( title , message , Default = ' ' , button_color = None , size = ( None , None ) ) :
with FlexForm ( title , auto_size_text = True , button_color = button_color ) as form :
layout = [ [ Text ( message , auto_size_text = True ) ] ,
[ InputText ( default_text = Default , size = size ) ] ,
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
[ Submit ( ) , Cancel ( ) ] ]
( button , input_values ) = form . LayoutAndShow ( layout )
if button != ' Submit ' :
return False , None
else :
return True , input_values [ 0 ]
# ============================== SetGlobalIcon ======#
# Sets the icon to be used by default #
# ===================================================#
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
def SetGlobalIcon ( icon ) :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
global _my_windows
try :
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
with open ( icon , ' r ' ) as icon_file :
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
except :
raise FileNotFoundError
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
_my_windows . user_defined_icon = icon
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
return True
2018-07-16 18:52:16 +00:00
# ============================== SetButtonColor =====#
# Sets the defaul button color #
2018-07-11 19:19:24 +00:00
# ===================================================#
def SetButtonColor ( foreground , background ) :
DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = ( foreground , background )
# ============================== sprint ======#
# Is identical to the Scrolled Text Box #
# Provides a crude 'print' mechanism but in a #
# GUI environment #
# ============================================#
sprint = ScrolledTextBox