2019-10-29 09:14:18 +00:00
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import textwrap
Notification Window Demo Program
Shamelessly stolen from PySimpleGUI user ncotrb
Displays a small informational window with an Icon and a message in the lower right corner of the display
Option to fade in/out or immediatealy display.
2020-01-17 17:48:51 +00:00
You can click on the notification window to speed things along. The idea is that if you click while fading in, you should immediately see the info. If
you click while info is displaying or while fading out, the window closes immediately.
2019-10-29 09:14:18 +00:00
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants, defaults, Base64 icons
# colors
WIN_COLOR = "#282828"
TEXT_COLOR = "#ffffff"
# Base64 Images to use as icons in the window
img_error = b'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACAAAAAgCAMAAABEpIrGAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAACXBIWXMAAADlAAAA5QGP5Zs8AAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQB3d3cuaW5rc2NhcGUub3Jnm+48GgAAAIpQTFRF////20lt30Bg30pg4FJc409g4FBe4E9f4U9f4U9g4U9f4E9g31Bf4E9f4E9f4E9f4E9f4E9f4FFh4Vdm4lhn42Bv5GNx5W575nJ/6HqH6HyI6YCM6YGM6YGN6oaR8Kev9MPI9cbM9snO9s3R+Nfb+dzg+d/i++vt/O7v/fb3/vj5//z8//7+////KofnuQAAABF0Uk5TAAcIGBktSYSXmMHI2uPy8/XVqDFbAAAA8UlEQVQ4y4VT15LCMBBTQkgPYem9d9D//x4P2I7vILN68kj2WtsAhyDO8rKuyzyLA3wjSnvi0Eujf3KY9OUP+kno651CvlB0Gr1byQ9UXff+py5SmRhhIS0oPj4SaUUCAJHxP9+tLb/ezU0uEYDUsCc+l5/T8smTIVMgsPXZkvepiMj0Tm5txQLENu7gSF7HIuMreRxYNkbmHI0u5Hk4PJOXkSMz5I3nyY08HMjbpOFylF5WswdJPmYeVaL28968yNfGZ2r9gvqFalJNUy2UWmq1Wa7di/3Kxl3tF1671YHRR04dWn3s9cXRV09f3vb1fwPD7z9j1WgeRgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=='
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
2020-01-17 17:48:51 +00:00
def display_notification(title, message, icon, display_duration_in_ms=DEFAULT_DISPLAY_DURATION_IN_MILLISECONDS, use_fade_in=True, alpha=0.9, location=None):
2019-10-29 09:14:18 +00:00
Function that will create, fade in and out, a small window that displays a message with an icon
The graphic design is similar to other system/program notification windows seen in Windows / Linux
:param title: (str) Title displayed at top of notification
:param message: (str) Main body of the noficiation
:param icon: (str) Base64 icon to use. 2 are supplied by default
:param display_duration_in_ms: (int) duration for the window to be shown
:param use_fade_in: (bool) if True, the window will fade in and fade out
2020-01-17 17:48:51 +00:00
:param alpha: (float) Amount of Alpha Channel to use. 0 = invisible, 1 = fully visible
:param location: Tuple[int, int] location of the upper left corner of window. Default is lower right corner of screen
2019-10-29 09:14:18 +00:00
# Compute location and size of the window
message = textwrap.fill(message, 50)
win_msg_lines = message.count("\n") + 1
screen_res_x, screen_res_y = sg.Window.get_screen_size()
win_margin = WIN_MARGIN # distance from screen edges
win_width, win_height = 364, 66 + (14.8 * win_msg_lines)
win_location = location if location is not None else (screen_res_x - win_width - win_margin, screen_res_y - win_height - win_margin)
layout = [[sg.Graph(canvas_size=(win_width, win_height), graph_bottom_left=(0, win_height), graph_top_right=(win_width, 0), key="-GRAPH-",
background_color=WIN_COLOR, enable_events=True)]]
window = sg.Window(title, layout, background_color=WIN_COLOR, no_titlebar=True,
location=win_location, keep_on_top=True, alpha_channel=0, margins=(0, 0), element_padding=(0, 0),
window["-GRAPH-"].draw_rectangle((win_width, win_height), (-win_width, -win_height), fill_color=WIN_COLOR, line_color=WIN_COLOR)
window["-GRAPH-"].draw_image(data=icon, location=(20, 20))
window["-GRAPH-"].draw_text(title, location=(64, 20), color=TEXT_COLOR, font=("Arial", 12, "bold"), text_location=sg.TEXT_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT)
window["-GRAPH-"].draw_text(message, location=(64, 44), color=TEXT_COLOR, font=("Arial", 9), text_location=sg.TEXT_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT)
2020-01-17 17:48:51 +00:00
# change the cursor into a "hand" when hovering over the window to give user hint that clicking does something
2019-10-29 09:14:18 +00:00
if use_fade_in == True:
2020-01-17 17:48:51 +00:00
for i in range(1,int(alpha*100)): # fade in
event, values = window.read(timeout=20)
if event != sg.TIMEOUT_KEY:
2019-10-29 09:14:18 +00:00
event, values = window(timeout=display_duration_in_ms)
2020-01-17 17:48:51 +00:00
if event == sg.TIMEOUT_KEY:
for i in range(int(alpha*100),1,-1): # fade out
event, values = window.read(timeout=20)
if event != sg.TIMEOUT_KEY:
2019-10-29 09:14:18 +00:00
2020-01-17 17:48:51 +00:00
2019-10-29 09:14:18 +00:00
event, values = window(timeout=display_duration_in_ms)
if __name__ == '__main__':
title = "Action completed successfully"
message = "This message is intended to inform you that the action you have performed has been successful. There is no need for further action."
2020-01-17 17:48:51 +00:00
display_notification(title, message, img_success, 10000, use_fade_in=True)