2019-03-09 17:31:45 +00:00
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
2019-03-09 17:31:45 +00:00
# Rather than importing individual classes such as threading.Thread or queue.Queue, this
# program is doing a simple import and then indicating the package name when the functions
# are called. This seemed like a great way for the reader of the code to get an understanding
# as to exactly which package is being used. It's purely for educational and explicitness purposes
import queue
import threading
import time
import itertools
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
import PySimpleGUI as sg
DESIGN PATTERN - Multithreaded GUI
One method for running multiple threads in a PySimpleGUI environment.
2019-03-02 22:43:47 +00:00
The PySimpleGUI code, and thus the underlying GUI framework, runs as the primary, main thread
Other parts of the software are implemented as threads
A queue.Queue is used by the worker threads to communicate with code that calls PySimpleGUI directly.
The PySimpleGUI code is structured just like a typical PySimpleGUI program. A layout defined,
a Window is created, and an event loop is executed.
What's different is that within this otherwise normal PySimpleGUI Event Loop, there is a check for items
in the Queue. If there are items found, process them by making GUI changes, and continue.
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
2019-03-02 22:43:47 +00:00
This design pattern works for all of the flavors of PySimpleGUI including the Web and also repl.it
You'll find a repl.it version here: https://repl.it/@PySimpleGUI/Async-With-Queue-Communicationspy
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
2019-10-23 20:10:03 +00:00
# ######## ## ## ######## ######## ### ########
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# ## ## ## ## ## ## ######### ## ##
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2019-03-09 17:31:45 +00:00
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
def worker_thread(thread_name, run_freq, gui_queue):
A worker thrread that communicates with the GUI
These threads can call functions that block withouth affecting the GUI (a good thing)
2019-03-09 17:31:45 +00:00
Note that this function is the code started as each thread. All threads are identical in this way
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
:param thread_name: Text name used for displaying info
:param run_freq: How often the thread should run in milliseconds
:param gui_queue: Queue used to communicate with the GUI
2019-09-05 14:27:19 +00:00
print('Starting thread - {} that runs every {} ms'.format(thread_name, run_freq))
2019-03-09 17:31:45 +00:00
for i in itertools.count(): # loop forever, keeping count in i as it loops
time.sleep(run_freq/1000) # sleep for a while
2019-10-23 20:10:03 +00:00
# put a message into queue for GUI
gui_queue.put('{} - {}'.format(thread_name, i))
# ###### ## ## ####
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# ## ## ## ##
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# ## ## ## ## ##
# ## ## ## ## ##
# ###### ####### ####
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
def the_gui(gui_queue):
2019-03-09 17:31:45 +00:00
Starts and executes the GUI
Reads data from a Queue and displays the data to the window
Returns when the user exits / closes the window
(that means it does NOT return until the user exits the window)
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
:param gui_queue: Queue the GUI should read from
2019-10-23 20:10:03 +00:00
layout = [[sg.Text('Multithreaded Window Example')],
[sg.Text('', size=(15, 1), key='-OUTPUT-')],
[sg.Output(size=(40, 6))],
[sg.Button('Exit')], ]
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
2019-10-23 20:10:03 +00:00
window = sg.Window('Multithreaded Window', layout)
2019-03-09 17:31:45 +00:00
# --------------------- EVENT LOOP ---------------------
while True:
2019-10-23 20:10:03 +00:00
# wait for up to 100 ms for a GUI event
event, values = window.read(timeout=100)
if event in (None, 'Exit'):
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
2019-10-23 20:10:03 +00:00
# --------------- Loop through all messages coming in from threads ---------------
2019-03-02 22:43:47 +00:00
while True: # loop executes until runs out of messages in Queue
try: # see if something has been posted to Queue
message = gui_queue.get_nowait()
2019-03-09 17:31:45 +00:00
except queue.Empty: # get_nowait() will get exception when Queue is empty
2019-03-02 22:43:47 +00:00
break # break from the loop if no more messages are queued up
# if message received from queue, display the message in the Window
if message:
2019-10-23 20:10:03 +00:00
# do a refresh because could be showing multiple messages before next Read
2019-09-05 14:27:19 +00:00
2019-03-09 17:31:45 +00:00
# if user exits the window, then close the window and exit the GUI func
2019-10-23 20:10:03 +00:00
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
2019-03-09 17:31:45 +00:00
## ## ### #### ## ##
### ### ## ## ## ### ##
#### #### ## ## ## #### ##
## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
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## ## ## ## #### ## ##
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
2019-10-23 20:10:03 +00:00
# -- Create a Queue to communicate with GUI --
# queue used to communicate between the gui and the threads
gui_queue = queue.Queue()
# -- Start worker threads, one runs twice as often as the other
threading.Thread(target=worker_thread, args=(
'Thread 1', 500, gui_queue,), daemon=True).start()
threading.Thread(target=worker_thread, args=(
'Thread 2', 200, gui_queue,), daemon=True).start()
threading.Thread(target=worker_thread, args=(
'Thread 3', 1000, gui_queue,), daemon=True).start()
# -- Start the GUI passing in the Queue --
2019-03-02 18:31:34 +00:00
2019-10-23 20:10:03 +00:00
print('Exiting Program')