
178 lines
8.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import PySimpleGUI as sg
import sys
import datetime
import PIL, PIL.Image, PIL.ImageTk
import random
import os
import io
Another simple Desktop Widget using PySimpleGUI
This one shows images from a folder of your choosing.
You can change the new "Standard Desktop Widget Settings"
* Theme, location, alpha channel, refresh info,
Specific to this Widget are
* Image size
* How long to show the image and if you wnt this time to vary semi-randomly
* Folder containing your image
Copyright 2021 PySimpleGUI
ALPHA = 0.9 # Initial alpha until user changes
THEME = 'Dark green 3' # Initial theme until user changes
refresh_font = sg.user_settings_get_entry('-refresh font-', 'Courier 8')
# May add ability to change theme from the user interface. For now forcing to constant
UPDATE_FREQUENCY_MILLISECONDS = 1000 * 60 * 60 # update every hour
def convert_to_bytes(file_or_bytes, resize=None):
image =
photo_img = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
return photo_img
def choose_theme(location):
layout = [[sg.Text(f'Current theme {sg.theme()}')],
[sg.Listbox(values=sg.theme_list(), size=(20, 20), key='-LIST-')],
[sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()]]
event, values = sg.Window('Look and Feel Browser', layout, location=location, keep_on_top=True).read(close=True)
if event == 'OK' and values['-LIST-']:
sg.user_settings_set_entry('-theme-', values['-LIST-'][0])
return values['-LIST-'][0]
return None
def make_window(location):
alpha = sg.user_settings_get_entry('-alpha-', ALPHA)
# ------------------- Window Layout -------------------
# If this is a test window (for choosing theme), then uses some extra Text Elements to display theme info
# and also enables events for the elements to make the window easy to close
right_click_menu = [[''], ['Choose Image Folder', 'Edit Me', 'Change Theme', 'Set Image Size',
'Set Time Per Image','Save Location', 'Refresh', 'Show Refresh Info', 'Hide Refresh Info', 'Alpha',
[str(x) for x in range(1, 11)], 'Exit', ]]
refresh_info = [[sg.T(size=(25, 1), font=refresh_font, k='-REFRESHED-', justification='c')],
[sg.T(size=(40,1), justification='c', font=refresh_font, k='-FOLDER-')],
[sg.T(size=(40,1), justification='c', font=refresh_font, k='-FILENAME-')]]
main_layout = [[sg.Image(k='-IMAGE-', enable_events=True)]]
layout = main_layout + \
[[, key='-REFRESH INFO-', element_justification='c', visible=sg.user_settings_get_entry('-show refresh-', True)))]]
window = sg.Window('Photo Frame', layout, location=location, no_titlebar=True, grab_anywhere=True, margins=(0, 0), element_justification='c', element_padding=(0, 0), alpha_channel=alpha, finalize=True, right_click_menu=right_click_menu, keep_on_top=True)
return window
def main():
loc = sg.user_settings_get_entry('-location-', (None, None))
sg.theme(sg.user_settings_get_entry('-theme-', None))
window = make_window(loc)
time_per_image = sg.user_settings_get_entry('-time per image-', 60)
vary_randomly = sg.user_settings_get_entry('-random time-', False)
width, height = sg.user_settings_get_entry('-image size-', (400,300))
image_folder = sg.user_settings_get_entry('-image_folder-', None)
os.listdir(image_folder) # Try reading the folder to check to see if it is read
image_folder = None
sg.user_settings_set_entry('-image_folder-', None)
if image_folder is None:
while True:
image_folder = sg.popup_get_folder('Choose location of your images', location=window.current_location(), keep_on_top=True)
if image_folder is not None:
sg.user_settings_set_entry('-image_folder-', image_folder)
if sg.popup_yes_no('No folder entered','Go you want to exit the program entirely?', keep_on_top=True) == 'Yes':
images = os.listdir(image_folder)
images = [i for i in images if i.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.gif'))]
while True: # Event Loop
# First update the status information
# for debugging show the last update date time
image_name =random.choice(images)
image_data = convert_to_bytes(os.path.join(image_folder, image_name), (width, height))
print(f'showing {image_name}')
window['-REFRESHED-'].update("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"))
# -------------- Start of normal event loop --------------
timeout = time_per_image * 1000 + (random.randint(int(-time_per_image * 500), int(time_per_image * 500)) if vary_randomly else 0)
event, values =
print(event, values)
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
if event == 'Edit Me':
elif event == 'Choose Image Folder':
folder = sg.popup_get_folder('Choose location of your images', default_path=image_folder, location=window.current_location(), keep_on_top=True)
if folder is not None:
image_folder = folder
sg.user_settings_set_entry('-image_folder-', image_folder)
images = os.listdir(image_folder)
images = [i for i in images if i.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.gif'))]
elif event == 'Set Time Per Image':
layout = [[sg.T('Enter number of seconds each image should be displayed')],
[sg.I(time_per_image, size=(5,1),k='-TIME PER IMAGE-')],
[sg.CB('Use some randomness', vary_randomly, k='-RANDOM TIME-')],
[sg.Ok(), sg.Cancel()]]
event, values = sg.Window('Display duration',layout, location=window.current_location(), keep_on_top=True, no_titlebar=True ).read(close=True)
if event == 'Ok':
time_per_image = int(values['-TIME PER IMAGE-'])
vary_randomly = values['-RANDOM TIME-']
sg.user_settings_set_entry('-time per image-', time_per_image)
sg.user_settings_set_entry('-random time-', values['-RANDOM TIME-'])
sg.popup_error('Bad number of seconds entered', location=window.current_location(), keep_on_top=True)
elif event == 'Set Image Size':
layout = [[sg.T('Enter size should be shown at in pixels (width, height)')],
[sg.I(width, size=(4,1),k='-W-'), sg.I(height, size=(4,1),k='-H-')],
[sg.Ok(), sg.Cancel()]]
event, values = sg.Window('Image Dimensions',layout, location=window.current_location(), keep_on_top=True, no_titlebar=True ).read(close=True)
if event == 'Ok':
w,h = int(values['-W-']), int(values['-H-'])
sg.user_settings_set_entry('-image size-', (w,h))
width, height = w,h
sg.popup_error('Bad size specified. Use integers only', location=window.current_location(), keep_on_top=True)
elif event == 'Show Refresh Info':
window['-REFRESH INFO-'].update(visible=True)
sg.user_settings_set_entry('-show refresh-', True)
elif event == 'Save Location':
sg.user_settings_set_entry('-location-', window.current_location())
elif event == 'Hide Refresh Info':
window['-REFRESH INFO-'].update(visible=False)
sg.user_settings_set_entry('-show refresh-', False)
elif event in [str(x) for x in range(1, 11)]:
window.set_alpha(int(event) / 10)
sg.user_settings_set_entry('-alpha-', int(event) / 10)
elif event == 'Change Theme':
loc = window.current_location()
if choose_theme(loc) is not None:
window = make_window(loc)
if __name__ == '__main__':