| 2.0.0 | July 16, 2018 - ALL optional parameters renamed from CamelCase to all_lower_case
| 2.1.1 | July 18, 2018 - Global settings exposed, fixes
| 2.2.0| July 20, 2018 - Image Elements, Print output
| 2.3.0 | July 23, 2018 - Changed form.Read return codes, Slider Elements, Listbox element. Renamed some methods but left legacy calls in place for now.
| 2.4.0 | July 24, 2018 - Button images. Fixes so can run on Raspberry Pi
| 2.5.0 | July 26, 2018 - Colors. Listbox scrollbar. tkinter Progress Bar instead of homegrown.
| 2.6.0 | July 27, 2018 - auto_size_button setting. License changed to LGPL 3+
| 2.8.0 | Aug 9, 2018 - New None default option for Checkbox element, text color option for all elements, return values as a dictionary, setting focus, binding return key
| 2.9.0 | Aug 16,2018 - Screen flash fix, `do_not_clear` input field option, `autosize_text` defaults to `True` now, return values as ordered dict, removed text target from progress bar, rework of return values and initial return values, removed legacy Form.Refresh() method (replaced by Form.ReadNonBlockingForm()), COLUMN elements!!, colored text defaults
| 2.10.0 | Aug 25, 2018 - Keyboard & Mouse features (Return individual keys as if buttons, return mouse scroll-wheel as button, bind return-key to button, control over keyboard focus), SaveAs Button, Update & Get methods for InputText, Update for Listbox, Update & Get for Checkbox, Get for Multiline, Color options for Text Element Update, Progress bar Update can change max value, Update for Button to change text & colors, Update for Image Element, Update for Slider, Form level text justification, Turn off default focus, scroll bar for Listboxes, Images can be from filename or from in-RAM, Update for Image). Fixes - text wrapping in buttons, msg box, removed slider borders entirely and others
| 2.11.0 | Aug 29, 2018 - Lots of little changes that are needed for the demo programs to work. Buttons have their own default element size, fix for Mac default button color, padding support for all elements, option to immediately return if list box gets selected, FilesBrowse button, Canvas Element, Frame Element, Slider resolution option, Form.Refresh method, better text wrapping, 'SystemDefault' look and feel setting
| 2.20.0 | Sept 4, 2018 - Some sizable features this time around of interest to advanced users. Renaming of the MsgBox functions to Popup. Renaming GetFile, etc, to PopupGetFile. High-level windowing capabilities start with Popup, PopupNoWait/PopupNonblocking, PopupNoButtons, default icon, change_submits option for Listbox/Combobox/Slider/Spin/, New OptionMenu element, updating elements after shown, system default color option for progress bars, new button type (Dummy Button) that only closes a window, SCROLLABLE Columns!! (yea, playing in the Big League now), LayoutAndShow function removed, form.Fill - bulk updates to forms, FindElement - find element based on key value (ALL elements have keys now), no longer use grid packing for row elements (a potentially huge change), scrolled text box sizing changed, new look and feel themes (Dark, Dark2, Black, Tan, TanBlue, DarkTanBlue, DarkAmber, DarkBlue, Reds, Green)
| 2.30.0 | Sept 6, 2018 - Calendar Chooser (button), borderless windows, load/save form to disk
| 3.0.0 | Sept 7, 2018 - The "fix for poor choice of 2.x numbers" release. Color Chooser (button), "grab anywhere" windows are on by default, disable combo boxes, Input Element text justification (last part needed for 'tables'), Image Element changes to support OpenCV?, PopupGetFile and PopupGetFolder have better no_window option
| 3.01.01 | Sept 10, 2018 - Menus! (sort of a big deal)
| 3.01.02 | Step 11, 2018 - All Element.Update functions have a `disabled` parameter so they can be disabled. Renamed some parameters in Update function (sorry if I broke your code), fix for bug in Image.Update. Wasn't setting size correctly, changed grab_anywhere logic again,added grab anywhere option to PupupGetText (assumes disabled)
| 3.02.00 | Sept 14, 2018 - New Table Element (Beta release), MsgBox removed entirely, font setting for InputText Element, **packing change** risky change that allows some Elements to be resized,removed command parameter from Menu Element, new function names for ReadNonBlocking (Finalize, PreRead), change to text element autosizing and wrapping (yet again), lots of parameter additions to Popup functions (colors, etc).
| 3.03.00 | New feature - One Line Progress Meters, new display_row_numbers for Table Element, fixed bug in EasyProgresssMeters (function will soon go away), OneLine and Easy progress meters set to grab anywhere but can be turned off.
| 03,04.00 | Sept 18, 2018 - New features - Graph Element, Frame Element, more settings exposed to Popup calls. See notes below for more.
| 01.00.00 for 2.7 | Sept 25, 2018 - First release for 2.7
| 03.08.04 | Sept 30, 2018 - See release notes
| 03.09.00 | Oct 1, 2018 |
| 2.7 01.01.00 | Oct 1, 2018
| 2.7 01.01.02 | Oct 8, 2018
| 03.09.01 | Oct 8, 2018
| 3.9.3 & 1.1.3 | Oct 11, 2018
| 3.9.4 & 1.1.4 | Oct 16, 2018
| 3.10.1 & 1.2.1 | Oct 20, 2018
| 3.10.3 & 1.2.3 | Oct 23, 2018
| 3.11.0 & 1.11.0 | Oct 28, 2018
| 3.12.0 & 1.12.0 | Oct 28, 2018
| 3.13.0 & 1.13.0 | Oct 29, 2018
| 3.14.0 & 1.14.0 | Nov 2, 2018
| 3.15.0 & 1.15.0 | Nov 20, 2018
| 3.16.0 & 1.16.0 | Nov 26, 2018
| 3.17.0 & 1.17.0 | Dec 1, 2018
## Release Notes
2.3 - Sliders, Listbox's and Image elements (oh my!)
If using Progress Meters, avoid cancelling them when you have another window open. It could lead to future windows being blank. It's being worked on.
New debug printing capability. `sg.Print`
2.5 Discovered issue with scroll bar on `Output` elements. The bar will match size of ROW not the size of the element. Normally you never notice this due to where on a form the `Output` element goes.
Listboxes are still without scrollwheels. The mouse can drag to see more items. The mouse scrollwheel will also scroll the list and will `page up` and `page down` keys.
2.7 Is the "feature complete" release. Pretty much all features are done and in the code
2.8 More text color controls. The caller has more control over things like the focus and what buttons should be clicked when enter key is pressed. Return values as a dictionary! (NICE addition)
2.9 COLUMNS! This is the biggest feature and had the biggest impact on the code base. It was a difficult feature to add, but it was worth it. Can now make even more layouts. Almost any layout is possible with this addition.
.................. insert releases 2.9 to 2.30 .................
3.0 We've come a long way baby! Time for a major revision bump. One reason is that the numbers started to confuse people the latest release was 2.30, but some people read it as 2.3 and thought it went backwards. I kinda messed up the 2.x series of numbers, so why not start with a clean slate. A lot has happened anyway so it's well earned.
One change that will set PySimpleGUI apart is the parlor trick of being able to move the window by clicking on it anywhere. This is turned on by default. It's not a common way to interact with windows. Normally you have to move using the titlebar. Not so with PySimpleGUI. Now you can drag using any part of the window. You will want to turn off for windows with sliders. This feature is enabled in the Window call.
Related to the Grab Anywhere feature is the no_titlebar option, again found in the call to Window. Your window will be a spiffy, borderless window. It's a really interesting effect. Slight problem is that you do not have an icon on the taskbar with these types of windows, so if you don't supply a button to close the window, there's no way to close it other than task manager.
3.0.2 Still making changes to Update methods with many more ahead in the future. Continue to mess with grab anywhere option. Needed to disable in more places such as the PopupGetText function. Any time these is text input on a form, you generally want to turn off the grab anywhere feature.
#### 3.2.0
Biggest change was the addition of the Table Element. Trying to make changes so that form resizing is a possibility but unknown if will work in the long run. Removed all MsgBox, Get* functions and replaced with Popup functions. Popups had multiple new parameters added to change the look and feel of a popup.
#### 3.3.0
OneLineProgressMeter function added which gives you not only a one-line solution to progress meters, but it also gives you the ability to have more than 1 running at the same time, something not possible with the EasyProgressMeterCall
#### 3.4.0
* Frame - New Element - a labelled frame for grouping elements. Similar
to Column
* Graph (like a Canvas element except uses the caller's
coordinate system rather than tkinter's).
* initial_folder - sets starting folder for browsing type buttons (browse for file/folder).
* Buttons return key value rather than button text **If** a `key` is specified,
* Popup - changed ALL of the Popup calls to provide many more customization settings
* Popup
* PopupGetFolder
* PopupGetFile
* PopupGetText
* Popup
* PopupNoButtons
* PopupNonBlocking
* PopupNoTitlebar
* PopupAutoClose
* PopupCancel
* PopupOK
* PopupOKCancel
* PopupYesNo
#### 3.4.1
* Button.GetText - Button class method. Returns the current text being shown on a button.
* Menu - Tearoff option. Determines if menus should allow them to be torn off
* Help - Shorcut button. Like Submit, cancel, etc
* ReadButton - shortcut for ReadFormButton
#### 3.5.0
* Tool Tips for all elements
* Clickable text
* Text Element relief setting
* Keys as targets for buttons
* New names for buttons:
* Button = SimpleButton
* RButton = ReadButton = ReadFormButton
* Double clickable list entries
* Auto sizing table widths works now
* Feature DELETED - Scaling. Removed from all elements
#### 3.5.1
* Bug fix for broken PySimpleGUI if Python version <3.6(sorry!)
* LOTS of Readme changes
#### 3.5.2
* Made `Finalize()` in a way that it can be chained
* Fixed bug in return values from Frame Element contents
#### 3.6.0
* Renamed FlexForm to Window
* Removed LookAndFeel capability from Mac platform.
#### 3.8.0
* Tab and TabGroup Elements - awesome new capabilities
#### 1.0.0 Python 2.7
It's official. There is a 2.7 version of PySimpleGUI!
#### 3.8.2
* Exposed `TKOut` in Output Element
*`DrawText` added to Graph Elements
* Removed `Window.UpdateElements`
*`Window.grab_anywere` defaults to False
#### 3.8.3
* Listbox, Slider, Combobox, Checkbox, Spin, Tab Group - if change_submits is set, will return the Element's key rather than ''
* Added change_submits capability to Checkbox, Tab Group
* Combobox - Can set value to an Index into the Values table rather than the Value itself
* Warnings added to Drawing routines for Graph element (rather than crashing)
* Window - can "force top level" window to be used rather than a normal window. Means that instead of calling Tk to get a window, will call TopLevel to get the window
* Window Disable / Enable - Disables events (button clicks, etc) for a Window. Use this when you open a second window and want to disable the first window from doing anything. This will simulate a 'dialog box'
* Tab Group returns a value with Window is Read. Return value is the string of the selected tab
* Turned off grab_anywhere for Popups
* New parameter, default_extension, for PopupGetFile
* Keyboard shortcuts for menu items. Can hold ALT key to select items in men
* Removed old-style Tabs - Risky change because it hit fundamental window packing and creation. Will also break any old code using this style tab (sorry folks this is how progress happens)
#### 3.8.6
* Fix for Menus.
* Fixed table colors. Now they work
* Fixed returning keys for tabs
* Window Hide / UnHide methods
* Changed all Popups to remove context manager
* Error checking for Graphing objects and for Element Updates
### 3.9.0 & 1.1.0
* The FIRST UNIFIED version of the code!
* Python 2.7 got a TON of features . Look back to 1.0 release for the list
* Tab locations - Can place Tabs on top, bottom, left, right now instead of only the top
### 3.9.1 & 1.1.2
* Tab features
* Themes
* Enable / Disable
* Tab text colors
* Selected tab color
* New GetListValues method for Listbox
* Can now have multiple progress bars in 1 window
* Fix for closing debug-output window with other windows open
* Topanga Look and Feel setting
* User can create new look and feel settings / can access the look and feel table
* New PopupQuick call. Shows a non-blocking popup window with auto-close
* Tree Element partially done (don't use despite it showing up)
### 3.9.3 & 1.1.3
* Disabled setting when creating element for:
* Input
* Combo
* Option Menu
* Listbox
* Radio
* Checkbox
* Spinner
* Multiline
* Buttons
* Slider
* Doc strings on all Elements updated
* Buttons can take image data as well as image files
* Button Update can change images
* Images can have background color
* Table element new num_rows parameter
* Table Element new alternating_row_color parameter
* Tree Element
* Window Disappear / Reappear methods
* Popup buttons resized to same size
* Exposed look and feel table
### 3.9.4 & 1.1.4
* Parameter order change for Button.Update so that new button ext is at front
* New Graph.DrawArc method
* Slider tick interval parameter for labeling sliders
* Menu tearoff now disabled by default
* Tree Data printing simplified and made prettier
* Window resizable parameter. Defaults to not resizable
* Button images can have text over them now
* BUG fix in listbox double-click. First bug fix in months
* New Look And Feel capability. List predefined settings using ListOfLookAndFeelValues
### 3.10.1 & 1.2.1
* Combobox new readonly parameter in init and Update
* Better default sizes for Slider
* Read of Tables now returns which rows are selected (big damned deal feature)
* PARTIAL support of Table.Update with new values (use at your own peril)
* Alpha channel setting for Windows
* Timeout setting for Window.Read (big damned deal feature)
* Icon can be base64 image now in SetIcon call
* Window.FindElementWithFocus call
* Window.Move allows moving window anywhere on screen
* Window.Minimize will minimize to taskbar
* Button background color can be set to system default (i.e. not changed)
### 3.10.2 & 1.2.2
Emergency patch release... going out same day as previous release
* The timeout timer for the new Read with timer wasn't being properly shut down
* The Image.Update method appears to not have been written correctly. It didn't handle base64 images like the other elements that deal with images (buttons)
### 3.10.3 & 1.2.3
* New element - Vertical Separator
* New parameter for InputText - change_submits. If True will cause Read to return when a button fills in the InputText element
* Read with timeout = 0 is same as read non blocking and is the new preferred method
* Will return event == None if window closed
* New Close method will close all window types
* Scrollbars for Tables automatically added (no need for a Column Element)
* Table Update method complete
* Turned off expand when packing row frame... was accidentally turned on (primary reason for this release)
* Try added to Image Update so won't crash if bad image passed in
### 3.11.0 & 1.11.0
* Syncing up the second digit of the releases so that they stay in sync better. the 2.7 release is built literally from the 3.x code so they really are the same
* Reworked Read call... significantly.
* Realtime buttons work with timeouts or blocking read
* Removed default value parm on Buttons and Button Updates
* New Tree Element parm show_expanded. Causes Tree to be shown as fully expanded
* Tree Element now returns which rows are selected when Read
* New Window method BringToFront
* Shortcut buttons no longer close windows!
* Added CloseButton, CButton that closes the windows
### 3.12.0 & 1.12.0
* Changed Button to be the same as ReadButton which means it will no longer close the window
* All shortcut buttons no longer close the window
* Updating a table clears selected rows information in return values
* Progress meter uses new CloseButton
* Popups use new CloseButton
### 3.13.0 & 1.13.0
* Improved multiple window handling of Popups when the X is used to close
* Change submits added for:
* Multiline
* Input Text
* Table
* Option to close calendar chooser when date selected
* Update for Tree Element
* Scroll bars for Trees
### 3.14.0 & 1.14.0
* More windowing changes...
* using a hidden root windowing (Tk())
* all children are Toplevel() windows
* Read only setting for:
* Input Text
* Multiline
* Font setting for InputCombo, Multiline
* change_submits setting for Radio Element
* SetFocus for multiline, input elements
* Default mon, day, year for calendar chooser button
* Tree element update, added ability to change a single key
* Message parm removed from ReadNonBlocking
* Fix for closing windows using X
* CurrentLocation method for Windows
* Debug Window options
* location
* font
* no_button
* no_titlebar
* grab_anywhere
* keep_on_top
* New Print / EasyPrint options
* location
* font
* no_button
* no_titlebar
* grab_anywhere
* keep_on_top
* New popup, PopupQuickMessage
* PopupGetFolder, PopupGetFile new initial_folder parm
### 3.15.0 & 1.15.0
* Error checking for InputText.Get method
* Text color, background color added to multiline element.Update
* Update method for Output Element - gives ability to clear the output
* Graph Element - Read returns values if new flages set
* Change submits, drag submits
* Returns x,y coordinates
* Column element new parm vertical_scroll_only
* Table element new parm - bind return key - returns if return or double click
* New Window parms - size, disable_close
* "Better" multiwindow capabilities
* Window.Size property
* Popups - new title parm, custom_text
* title sets the window title
* custom_text - single string or tuple string sets text on button(s)
### 3.16.0 & 1.16.0
* Bug fix in PopupScrolled
* New `Element` shortcut function for `FindElement`
* Dummy Stretch Element made for backwards compatibility with Qt
* Timer function prints in milliseconds now, was seconds
### 3.17.0 &1.17.0 2-Dec-2018
3.17.0 2-Dec-2017
* Tooltip offset now programmable. Set variable DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_OFFSET. Defaults to (20,-20)
* Tooltips are always on top now
* Disable menu items
* Menu items can have keys
* StatusBar Element (preparing for a real status bar in Qt)
* enable_events parameter added to ALL Elements capable of generating events
* InputText.Update select parameter will select the input text
* Listbox.Update - set_to_index parameter will select a single items
* Menus can be updated!
* Menus have an entry in the return values
* LayoutAndRead depricated
* Multi-window support continues (X detection)
* PopupScrolled now has a location parameter
* row_height parameter to Table Element
* Stretch Element (DUMMY) so that can be source code compatible with Qt
* ButtonMenu Element (DUMMY) so can be source code compat with Qt. Will implement eventually
## 3.18.0 11-Dec-2018
NOTE - **Menus are broken** on version 2.7. Don't know how long they've been this way. Please get off legacy Python if that's what you're running.
* Default progress bar length changed to shorter
* Master window and tracking of num open windows moved from global to Window class variable
* Element visibility setting (when created and when Updating element)
* Input text visiblity
* Combo visiblity
* Combo replaces InputCombo as the primary class name
* Option menu visibility
* Listbox visiblity
* Listbox new SetFocus method
* Radio visibility
* Checkbox visibility
* Spin visiblity
* Spin new Get method returns current value
* Multiline visiblity
* Text visibility
* StatusBar visiblity
* Output visibility
* Button visibility
* Button SetFocus
* ProgressBar - New Update method (used only for visibility)
* PopupAnimated - A popup call for showing "loading" type of windows
# 3.25 & 1.25 20-Feb-2019
* Comments :-)
* Convert Text to string right away
* Caught exceptions when main program shut down with X
* Caught exceptions in all of the graphics primitives
* Added parameter exportselection=False to Listbox so can use multiple listboxes
* OneLineProgressMeter - Can now change the text on every call if desired
## 3.27.0 PySimpleGUI 31-Mar-2019
Mixup.... 3.26 changes don't appear to have been correctly released so releasing in 3.27 now
* do_not_clear now defaults to TRUE!!!
* Input Element
* Multiline Element
* Enable Radio Buttons to be in different containers
* Ability to modify Autoscroll setting in Multiline.Update call
* PopupGetFolder, PopupGetFile, PopupGetText - title defaults to message if none provided
* PopupAnimated - image_source can be a filename or bytes (base64)
* Option Menu can now have values updated
## 3.28.0 11-Apr-2019 PySimpleGUI
* NEW Window Parameter - layout - second parameter. Can pass in layout directly now!
* New shortcuts
* I = InputText
* B = Btn = Butt = Button
* Convert button text to string when creating buttons
* Buttons are returned now as well as input fields when searching for element with focus
## 3.29 22-Apr-2019
* New method for `Graph` - `RelocateFigure`
* Output Element no longer accepts focus
## 3.32.0 PySimpleGUI 24-May-2019
* Rework of ALLL Tooltips. Was always displaying at uttuper left part of element. Not displays closer to where mouse entered or edited
* New Element.Widget base class variable. Brings tkinter into the newer architecture of user accessibility to underlying GUI Frameworks' widgets
* New SetTooltip Element method. Means all Elements gain this method. Can set the tooltip on the fly now for all elements
* Include scroll bar when making visible / invisible Listbox Elements
* New Radio Element method - `Radio.ResetGroup()` sets all elements in the Radio Group to False* Added borderwidth to Multiline Element
*`Button.Click()` - new method - Generates a button click even as if a user clicked a button (at the tkinter level)
* Made a Graph.Images dictionary to keep track of images being used in a graph. When graph is deleted, all of the accociated images should be deleted too.'
* Added `Graph.SetFocus()` to give a Graph Element the focus just as you can input elements
* Table new parameter - `hide_vertical_scroll` if True will hide the table's vertical bars
* Window - new parameter - `transparent_color`. Causes a single color to become completely transparent such that you see through the window, you can click through the window. Its like tineows never was there.
* The new `Window.AllKeysDict = {}` has been adopted by all PySimpleGUI ports. It's a new method of automatically creating missing keys, storing and retrieving keys in general for a window.
* Changed how `window.Maximize` is implemented previously used the '-fullscreen' attribute. Now uses the 'zoomed' state
* Window gets a new `Normal()` method to return from Maximize state. Sets root.state('normal')
* Window.Close() now closes the special `Window.hidden_master_root` window when the "last" window is closed
*`Window.SetTransparentColor` method added. Same effect as if window was created with parameter set
* An Element's Widget stored in `.Widget` attribute
* Making ComboBox's ID unique by using it's Key
* Changed Multiline to be sunken and have a border depth setting now
* Removed a second canvas that was being used for Graph element.
* Changed how no titlebar is implemented running on Linux versus Windows. -type splash now used for Linux
* PopupScrolled - Added back using CloseButton to close the window
* Fixed PopupGetFolder to use correct PySimpleGUI program constructs (keys)
* PopupGetText populated values carrectly using the value variable, used keys
* PopupAnimated finally gets a completely transparent background
## 3.33.0 and 1.33 PySimpleGUI 25-May-2019
* Emergency fix due to debugger. Old bug was that Image Element was not testing for COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT correctly.
A combination of user requests, and needs of new `imwatchingyou` debugger
* New Debugger Icon for future built-in debugger
* Fixed bug in FindBoundReturnKey - needed to also check Panes
* NEW Window functions to turn on/off the Grab Anywhere feature
* New "Debugger" button that's built-in like other buttons. It's a TINY button with a logo. For future use when a debugger is built into PySimpleGUI itself (SOON!)
* Change Text Element Wrap Length calculation. Went fromn +40 pixels to +10 pixels in formula
* PopupGetFile has new parameter - `multiple_files`. If True then allows selection of multiple files
* The built-in debugger is HERE - might not WORK exactly yet, but a lot of code went into te PySimpleGUI.py file for this. At the moment, the `imwatchingyou` package is THE way to use a PySimpleGUI debugger. But soon enough you won't need that project in order to debug your program.
* Some strange code reformatting snuck in. There are 351 differences between this and previous release. I'm not sure what happened but am looking at every change by hand.
* New Calendar Button features
* locale, format - new parameters to TKCalendar call
* Use custom icon for window if one has been set
* New parameters to CalendarButton - `locale`, `format`
* The bulk of the built-in PySimpleGUI debugger has been added but is not yet "officially supported". Try pressing "break" or "ctrl+break" on your keyboard.
* New bindings for break / pause button and debugger
* New Debug button will launch debugger.
* New parameter `debugger_enabled` added to Window call. Default is __enabled__.
* Your progam's call to Read is all that's needed to refresh debugger
* New `Window` methods to control debugger access
*`EnableDebugger` - turns on HOTKEYS to debugger
*`DisableDebugger` - turns off HOTKEYS to debugger
* Restored wrap len for Text elements back from +10 to +40 pixels
*`PopupGetFolder`, `PopupGetFile` - fixed so that the "hidden" master window stays hidden (a Linux problem)
* Added support for Multiple Files to `PopupGetFiles` when no_window option has been set.
## 3.38 PySimpleGUI, 1.38 PySimpleGUI27
* Multiline - now has a "read only" state if created as "Disabled"
* Multiline - If window is created as resizable, then Multiline Elements will now expand when the window is enlarged, a feature long asked for.
* Output Element expands in the Y Direction
* "Expandable Rows" option added to PackFormIntoFrame allowing future elements to also expand
* Error Element - silence_on_error option
* Text Element wrapping - FINALLY got it right? No more "Fudge factor" added
* PopupScrolled - Windows are now resizable
* Option to "launch built-in debugger" from the test harness
* Rememeber that the Debugger is still in this code! It may or may not be operational as it's one version back from the latest release of the `imwatchingyou` debugger code. This code needs to be integrated back in
NEVER has there been this long of a lag, sorry to all users!
Long time coming. Docstrings continue to be a focus.
* Version can be found using PySimpleGUI.version
* New bit of licensing info at the top of the file
* Types used in the doc strings. Also type hints in some comments. Because also running on 2.7 can't use full typing
* Added using of Warnings. Just getting started using this mechanism. May be great, maybe not. We'll see with this change
* Added TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND_COLOR which can be changed (it's tkinter only setting however so undertand this!)
* Graph.DrawText. Ability to set `text_location` when drawing text onto a Graph Element. Determines what part of the text will be located at the point you provide when you draw the text. Choices are:
* Flag ENABLE_TK_WINDOWS = False. If True, all windows will be made using only tk.Tk()
* SetFocus available for all elements now due to it being added to base class. May NOT work on all elements however
* Added Combo.GetSElectedItemsIndexes() - returns a list of all currently selected items
* Fixed Listbox.Update - set_to_index changed to be an int, list or tuple
* Added parent parameter to call to tkinter's askopenfilename, directory, filenames. Not sure why the root wasn't passed in before
* Button.Update - also sets the activebackground to the button's background color
* Graph - New parameter when creating. `float_values`. If True, then you're indicating that your coordinate system is float not int based
* Graph.Update - made background color optional parm so that visible only can be set
* Frame.Layout returns self now for chaining
* TabGroup.Layout returns self now for chaining
* Column.Layout returns self now for chaining
* Menu.Update menu_definition is now optional to allow for changing visibility only
* Added inivisiblity support for menu bars
* Table.Update supports setting alternating row color and row_colors (list of rows and the color to set)
* Set window.TimeoutKey to TIMEOUT_KEY initially
* Window - check for types for title (should be string) and layout (should be list) and warns user if not correct
* Window - renamed some methods by adding _ in front (like Show) as they are NOT user callable
* Another shortcut! Elem = Element = FindElement
* SaveToDisk - will not write buttons to file. Fixed problems due to buttons having keys
* Remapped Windowl.CloseNonBlockingForm, Window.CloseNonBlocking to be Window.CloseNonBlocking
* Fix for returning values from a combo list. Wasn't handling current value not in list of provided values
* Spin - Returns an actual value from list provided when Spin was created or updated
* Chaneged FillFormWithValues to use the new internal AllKeysDict dictionary
* Added try when creating combo. Problem happens when window is created twice. Prior window had already created the style
* Added list of table (tree) ids to the Table element
* Enabled autoclose to use fractions of a second
* Added a try around one of the destroys because it could fail if user aborted
* Popup - Icon is no longer set to default by default
* Fix for debugger trying to execute a REPL comand. The exec is only avilable in Python 3
* main() will display the version number in big letters when program is running
The cool lookup release! No more need for FindElement. You can continue to use FindElement.
However, your code will look weird and ancient. ;-) (i.e. readable)
MORE Docstring and main doc updates!
* Finally 2.7 gets an upgrade and with it doc strings. It however doesn't get a full-version bump like main PySimpleGUI as this may be its last release.
* Added a LOT of Look and Feel themes. Total <100now
* Doctring comments for some missing functions
* PEP8 bindings for button_rebound_collback, set_tooltip, set_focus
* Spin Element Update - shortened code
* Allow tk.PhotoImage objeft to be passed into Image.update as the data
* DrawRectangle - added line_width parameter. Defaults to 1
* Fix for Slider - was only setting the trough color if the background color was being set_focus
* Added a deiconify call to Window.Normal so it can be used to restore a window that has been minimized. Not working on Linux
* Combo - Fix for not allowing a "0" to be specified as the default
* Table - Saving the Frame that contains a table in the member variable table_frame. This will enable the frame to be changed to expandable in the future so that the table can be resized as a window expands.
* LOTS AND LOTS of Look and Feel themes!!!!
* Added SystemDefaultForReal to look and feel that will prodce 100% not styled windows
* Changed the "gray" strings in look and feel table into RGB strtings (e.g. gray25 = #404040). No all graphics subsystems
* Removed Mac restriction from Look and Feel setting changes. All color settings are changed EXCEPT for the button color now on a Mac
* "Fuzzy Logic" Look and Feel Theme Selection - No longer have to memorize every character and get the case right. Now can get "close enough" and it'll working
* New function - preview_all_look_and_feel_themes. Causes a window to be shown that shows all of the currently available look and feel themes
* Removed use of CloseButton in popup get file, folder, text. Was causing problems where input fields stopped working. See bug on GitHub
* Significant progress on using ttk widgets properly
* Added ttk buttons - MACS can use colored buttons again!! (Big damned deal)
* The existing ttk based Elements are now correctly being colored and styled
* Ability to set the ttk theme for individual windows or system-wide, but no longer on a single Element basis
* Ability to use ttk buttons on a selective basis for non-Mac systems
* port variable == 'PySimpleGUI' so that your code can determine which PySimpleGUI is running
* InputText new parameter - use_readonly_for_dsiable defaults to True enables user to switch between a true disable and readonly setting when disabling
* Rework of progress bar's ttk style name
* Button - new parameter use_ttk_buttons - True = force use, False = force not used, None = let PySimpleGUI determine use
* Macs are forced to use ttk buttons EXCEPT when an image is added to the button
* TabGroup - can no longer set ttk theme directly
* Window new parameters
* ttk_theme - sets the theme for the entire window
* use_ttk_buttons - sets ttk button use policy for the entire window
* More Window layout error checking - checks that rows are iterables (a list). If not, an error popup is shown to help user find error
* Fixed progessbars not getting a key auto assigned to theme
* New Window method - send_to_back (SendToBack) - sends the window to the bottom of stack of all windows
* Fixed normal tk button text - was left justifying instead of centering
* Fixed table colors - wasn't setting correctly due to bad ttk styling
* Fixed tree ccolors - wasn't setting correctly due to bad ttk styling
* TabGroups now function correction with colors including currently selected tab color and background color of non-tab area (next to the tabs)
* New set_options parameters
* use_ttk_buttons - sets system-wide policy for using ttk buttons. Needed for things like popups to work with ttk buttons
* ttk_theme - sets system-wide tth theme
* progress_meter_style parameter no longer used and generates a warning
* list_of_look_and_feel_values now sorts the list prior to returning
* Removed Mac restriction on Button colors from look and feel calls. Now can set button colors to anything!
* popup_scrolled new parameters - all popups need more parameters but these are for sure needed for the scrolled popup
* background_color
* text_color
* no_titlebar
* grab_anywhere
* keep_on_top
* font
* Test harness changes to help test new ttk stuff (want to shrink this window in the future so will fit on Trinket, Pi, etc
The "LONG time coming" release. System Tray, Read with close + loads more changes
Note - there is a known problem with the built-in debugger created when the new read with close was added
* System Tray - Simulates the System Tray feature currently in PySimpleGUIWx and PySimpleGUIQt. All calls are the same. The icon is located just above the system tray (bottom right corner)
* Window.read - NEW close parameter will close the window for you after the read completes. Can make a single line window using this
* Window.element_list - Returns a list of all elements in the window
* Element.unbind - can remove a previously created binding
* Element.set_size - retries using "length" if "height" setting fails
* Listbox.update - select_mode parameter added
* Listbox.update - no longer selects the first entry when all values are changed
* Listbox.get - new. use to get the current values. Will be the same as the read return dictionary
* Checkbox.update - added ability to change background and text colors. Uses the same combuted checkbox background color (may remove)
* Multiline.update - fix for when no value is specified
* Multiline - Check for None when creating. Ignores None rather than converting to string
* Text.update - added changing value to string. Assumed caller was passing in string previously.
* Text Element - justification can be specified with a single character. l=left, r=right, c=center. Previously had to fully spell out
* Input Element - justification can be specified with a single character. l=left, r=right, c=center. Previously had to fully spell out
* StatusBar Element - justification can be specified with a single character. l=left, r=right, c=center. Previously had to fully spell out
* Image Element - can specify no image when creating. Previously gave a warning and required filename = '' to indicate nothing set
* Table Element - justification can be specified as an "l" or "r" instead of full word left/right
* Tree Element - justification can be specified as an "l" or "r" instead of full word left/right
* Graph.draw_point - changed to using 1/2 the size rather than size. Set width = 0 so no outline will be drawn
* Graph.draw_polygon - new drawing method! Can now draw polygons that fill
* Layout error checking and reporting added for - Frame, Tab, TabGroup, Column, Window
* Menu - Ability to set the font for the menu items
* Debug window - fix for problem closing using the "Quit" button
* print_to_element - print-like call that can be used to output to a Multiline element as if it is an Output element
* Tree image caching happens at the element level now
* Window
* make_modal - new method to turn a window into a modal window
* modal parameter when window is created. Default is False
* write_event_value - new method that can be called by threads! This will "queue" an event and a value for the next window.read()
* Display an error popup if read a closed window 100+ times (stops you from eating 100% of the CPU time)
* was_closed method added - returns True if a window has been closed
* Combo - don't select first entry if updated with a new set of values
* Tooltip - fix for stuck-on tooltips
* New theme_previewer with scrollbars. 3 new parameters
* cprint - now has all parameters shown in docstring versus using *args **kwargs
* New global variable __tclversion_detailed__ - string with full tkinter version (3 numbers instead of 2)
* Warning is displayed if tcl version is found to be 8.5.
## 4.26.0 PySimpleGUI 18-Jul-2020
* Multi-threaded tkvar initialization location changed so that thread doesn't intialize it now
* Removed thread key - no longer needed
* Window.write_event_values - now requires both parms
* Upgrade button typo
## 4.27.4 PySimpleGUI 3-Aug-2020
Multi-window support done right!
New capabilities for printing, Multiline
Main app additions
Theme searching
* read_all_windows - function that reads all currently open windows.
* Finally the efficient multi-window solution
* No longer need to do round-robin type scheduling
* Easily convert existing programs from single to multi-windows
* Demo programs with multi-window design patterns all updated
* Ideal for "floating palette / toolbar" window adds-ons
* Can read with timeout including timeout=0
* theme_previewer
* search option
* button in main app
* reset to previous theme following preview
* Sponsor button in main app
* Theme previewer in main app
* Progress bar
* colors can use the single string "foreground on background" color format
* update_bar combined with update for a single update interface
* Better element key error handling
* 3 options to control how lookup errors are handled
* popup now shows
* file, function, line #, actual line of code with error
* erroneous key provided
* best matching key
* will automatically try to continue with best matching key
* can assert with key error if desired (true by default)
* fix for get item
* Up/down arrow bindings for spinner if enabling events
* Multiline
* new justification parameter on creation and update
* print - justification parameter added
* cprint - justification parameter added - note tricky to set color of single word but possible
* Added mousewheel for Linux return_keyboard_events enabled
* Added get_globals function for extending easier
* Refactored callbacks
* Image element - can clear image by not setting any parameters when calling update
* Column Element's Widget member variable now being set
* Window's starting window location saved
* Early experimental "Move all windows in sync" when using grab_anywhere (coming soon)
* Fix for 3.4 (can't use f-strings)
## 4.28.0 PySimpleGUI 3-Aug-2020
Element pinning for invisibility!
* Better visible/invisible handling
* pin - new function to place an element in a layout that will hold its position
* border_width added to Canvas and Graph (so that they will default to 0)
* Combobox
* button color will match theme's button color
* background color set correctly when readonly indicated
* Spin element
* spin button color set to background color of spinner
* spin arrow color automatically set to text color
* Bad element key popup - fix for displaying correct line info in some situations
## 4.29.0 PySimpleGUI 25-Aug-2020
Custom titlebar capabilities (several new features required)
Better Alignment
Calendar button works again
* Window.visiblity_changed now refreshes the window
* Added Column.contents_changed which will update the scrollbar so corrently match the contents
* Separators expand only in 1 direction now
* Added 8 SYMBOLS:
SYMBOL_X = '❎'
* New dark themes - dark grey 8, dark grey 9, dark green 9, dark purple 7
* When closing window no longer deletes the tkroot variable and rows but instead set to None
* Changd no-titlebar code to use try/except. Previously removed for Mac due to tk 8.6.10 errors calling wm_overrideredirect
* Fix for Column/window element justification
* New vertical_alignment parm for Column, Frame, pin
* New layout helper functions - vtop/vcenter/vbottom - Can pass an element or a row of elements
* Fixed statusbar expansion
* Added disabled button to theme previewer
* Fixed grab anywhere stop motion bug - was setting position to None and causing error changed to event.x
* Expanded main to include popup tests, theme tests, ability to hide tabs
* Grab parameter for Text Element, Column Element
* Added tclversion_detailed to get the detailed tkinter version
* All themes changed the progress bar definition that had a "DEFAULT" indicator. New constant DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COMPUTE indicates the other theme colors should be used to create the progess bar colors.
* Added expand_x and expand_y parameters to Columns
* Fix for Calendar Button. Still needs to be fixed for read_all_windows
* Force focus when no-titlebar window. Needed for Raspberry Pi
* Added Window.force_focus
* No longer closes the hidden master window. Closing it caused a memory leak within tkinter
* Disable close on one_line_progress_meter. There is a cancel button that will close the window
* Changed back toplevel to no parent - was causing problems with timeout=0 windows
## 4.30.0 PySimpleGUI 14-Oct-2020
User Settings APIs, lots more themes, theme swatch previewer, test harness additions
* Added shrink parameter to pin,
* added variable Window.maximized,
* added main_sdk_help_window function,
* New themes - DarkGrey10,DarkGrey11 DarkGrey12 DarkGrey13 DarkGrey14, Python, DarkBrown7
* Highlight Thickness for Button, Radio, Input elements
* Set to 1 now instead of 0 so that focus can be seen
* Color is automatically set for buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons
* Color can be manually set for Buttons using `highlight_colors` parameter
* Only used by Linux
* user_settings APIs
* Whole new set of API calls for handling "user settings"
* Settings are saved to json file
* For more info, see the documentation
* Radio.update - added text, background & text colors parameters
* Multiline & Output Elements:
* added parameter echo_stdout_stderr
* if True then stdout & stderr will go to the console AND to the Multiline
* Needed in order to resize windows that doesn't have a titlebar
* Place as the last element on the last row of your layout
* New MenubarCustom Element
* Needed when using a custom Titlebar
* Provides the ability to have a window that is entirely themed
* Without it, was not possible to have a custom Titlebar with a menubar
* Works like the traditional Menu Element (the item chosen is returned as the event)
* Added new elements to the SDK Reference built into PySimpleGUI and in the call reference documentation online
* Grab Anywhere
* Finally got the appropriate elements and widgets excluded! Yeah!
* Now Multiline, Input, Slider, Pane, Sizegrip, active scrollbars will not move the window
* Additionally, a new method Element.grab_anywhere_exclude() will exclude your element from being grabbed
* Useful for Graph elements
* Sometimes you'll have a window with graphs that you can to be able to move using Graph element
* Other times, you are using your Graph element with drag option set. In this case, you will want to exclude it.
* Improved torn-off menu placement. Now places them at the window's location
* Combo element new bind_return_key parameter - if set, when return key is pressed and element is focused, then event will be generated. Works like the Listbox's bind_return_key
* expand_x - if True, then the element will expand in the X direction
* expand_y - if True, then the element will expand in the Y direction
* replaces the need to perform: window['-MULTILINE KEY-'].expand(True, True, True)
* Defaults to FALSE to be backward compatible
* popup_scrolled
* changed to be resizable by default and expands the multline too
* if no_titlebar is set, then a Sizegrip will be added, unless no_sizerip parm = True
* easy_print(sg.Print)
* changed to be resizable by default and exands the multiline too
* if no_titlebar is set, then a Sizegrip will be added
* Window.ding() added - get your user's attention when errors happen or just for FUN
* Added Element.grab_anywhere_include - includes an element in grab_anywhere in case you have something like a Multiline element that you can to move the window using that element
McRelease - Lots of Mac changes including new Mac patch control panel in global settings
expand_x, expand_y in the constructors
docstrings reformatted
Text Elements really autosize now
Multiline.print & cprint
* Added autoscroll parameter - defaults to True (backward compatible)
* will now take a single color and use as text color
Text element - autosize with size of None, None creates an expanding Label widget with size and width of None and wraplen=0 (truely autosizing it appears!),
* use font for button as menu font if none is supplied
* fixed mutible problem - makes a copy of menu definition when making ButtonMenu
* made menu definition optional so can change only some other settings
* New window added to control the patches and feature disables. Access by calling main_mac_feature_control or through the global settings window from main()
* Disables grab anywhere if a titlebar is present
* Right click menu bound to Button2 which is the right button on a Mac (Button3 for all other systems)
* FINALLY found the no-titlebar problem - weird tkinter bug. Can't set alpha channel while making window if no titlebar on Mac (credit to Tanay for this find!!)
* Allowed Modal windows again
* Will not try to apply no titlebar patch if tkinter version >= 8.6.10 regardless of user settings
* Disable the alpha chan to zero if the no titlebar patch is set on the Mac. Will see the window move to center of screen for these windows.
* Added no-titlebar batch to toolore neetips
Fixed problem with titles on some Linux systems - set class_ for Toplevel windows
Menu defintion bug fix - when menu shortcut char in first pos and item is disabled !&Item
Sizegrip - fixed expansion problem
Added kill application button to error popup
* keep_on_top parameter added
* no_button parameter added so that no cancel button is shown
Deprication warning added to FindElement as first step of moving out of non-PEP8 world,
Added TabGroup.add_tab to add new tab to TabGroup at runtime
* set cwd='.' if dir not found
* check for file exists
Right click menu
* added to Radio Checkbox Tabgroup Spin Slider
* Elements that don't have a right_click_menu parm now pick up the default from the Window
* Added a right click menu callback to cover portions of the window that don't have an element on them
* Changed Button binding for Mac to Button2 (the right button rather than middle on the other systems)
* Made right click menus based on button release (MUCH better)
* Reformatted all docstrings to line up the desriptions for better readability
* Added type and rtype to docstrings that were missing any entries
* Updated all font entires in docstrings to include list as well as string
Added stderr to Debug print if rerouting stdout
expand_x and expand_y now in the constructor of all elements. No longer need to call Element.expand after finalizing window if using these.
Added Window.perform_long_operation to automatically run users functions as threads
Fixed Text.get() was returning not the latest value when set by another element
Set cursor color to the same as the text color for Input Combo Spin Multiline Output
Added echo_stdout to debug print so that stdout can be captured when run as a subprocess
Addition of autosave parameter for UserSettings
Test harness
Made progress meter shorter so that the test harness fit better on smaller screens (a constant battle)
Compacted Test Harness significantly so it's 690x670
Added Sizegrip to Debug Window
New Grab Anywhere move code
Move all windows at the same timed if using grab_anywhere (experimental) (set Window._move_all_windows = True)
Table element - set the headers to stretch if expand_x is True
Element.set_size - if Graph element then also set the member variable CanvasSize
added exception details when making window with 0 alpha
Check for no color setting when setting the cursor color for inputs (must test for gray gray gray theme in the future regression tests)
Added exception details if have a problem with the wm_overriderediect
Addition of "project information" to the issue - your opportunity to share something about what you're making
It's a recipe for success if done right. PySimpleGUI has completed the "Make it run" phase. It's far from "right" in many ways. These are being worked on. The module has historically been particularly poor for PEP8 compliance. It was a learning exercise that turned into a somewhat complete GUI solution for lightweight problems.
While the internals to PySimpleGUI are a tad sketchy, the public interfaces into the SDK are more strictly defined and comply with PEP8 naming conventions. A set of "PEP8 Bindings" was released in summer of 2019 to ensure the externally facing interfaces all adhere to PEP8 names.
Please log bugs and suggestions **only on the PySimpleGUI GitHub**! It will only make the code stronger and better in the end, a good thing for us all, right? Logging them elsewhere doesn't enable the core developer and other PySimpleGUI users to help. To make matters worse, you may get bad advice from other sites because there are simply not many PySimpleGUI experts, yet.
A moment about the design-spirit of `PySimpleGUI`. From the beginning, this package was meant to take advantage of Python's capabilities with the goal of programming ease.
**Single File**
While not the best programming practice, the implementation resulted in a single file solution. Only one file is needed, PySimpleGUI.py. You can post this file, email it, and easily import it using one statement.
**Functions as objects**
In Python, functions behave just like object. When you're placing a Text Element into your form, you may be sometimes calling a function and other times declaring an object. If you use the word Text, then you're getting an object. If you're using `Txt`, then you're calling a function that returns a `Text` object.
It seemed quite natural to use Python's powerful list constructs when possible. The form is specified as a series of lists. Each "row" of the GUI is represented as a list of Elements.
Want to view your form's results as a dictionary instead of a list... no problem, just use the `key` keyword on your elements. For complex forms with a lot of values that need to be changed frequently, this is by far the best way of consuming the results.
You can also look up elements using their keys. This is an excellent way to update elements in reaction to another element. Call `form.FindElement(key)` to get the Element.
**Named / Optional Parameters**
This is a language feature that is featured **heavily** in all of the API calls, both functions and classes. Elements are configured, in-place, by setting one or more optional parameters. For example, a Text element's color is chosen by setting the optional `text_color` parameter.
tkinter is the "official" GUI that Python supports. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac. It was chosen as the first target GUI framework due to its ***ubiquity***. Nearly all Python installations, with the exception of Ubuntu Linux, come pre-loaded with tkinter. It is the "simplest" of the GUI frameworks to get up an running (among Qt, WxPython, Kivy, etc).
From the start of the PSG project, tkinter was not meant to be the only underlying GUI framework for PySimpleGUI. It is merely a starting point. All journeys begin with one step forward and choosing tkinter was the first of many steps for PySimpleGUI. Now there are 4 ports up and running - tkinter, WxPython, Qt and Remi (web support)
There are a number of people that have been key contributors to this project both directly and indirectly. Paid professional help has been deployed a number of critical times in the project's history. This happens in the life of software development from time to time.
If you've helped, I sure hope that you feel like you've been properly thanked. That you have been recognized. If not, then say something.... drop an email to comments@PySimpleGUI.org.
In response to a number of email contacts from individuals and corporations that are using PySimpleGUI that wanted to financially support the project a "Support" Button was added to the GitHub site. This support button is connected with a PayPal account. If you wish to help support this currently freely supplied software and free technical support, then follow this link: www.paypal.me/psgui .
The project is self-funded and there are ongoing costs just to offer the software (URLs, ReadTheDocs, etc). If you're a corporate user and find that PySimpleGUI is helping you financially, that's awesome. If you want to help ensure PySimpleGUI has a future, you now have that option to help. It's likely that at some point the costs will become too high for the project to continue to be free or perhaps continue at all, but until then we'll all enjoy the successes we're having.
All documentation in this file and in the PySimpleGUI GitHub account are copyright 2021 by PySimpleGUI Inc. The PySimpleGUI code, the demo programs and other source code in the PySimpleGUI account also have a copyright owned by PySimpleGUI Inc.
The name "PySimpleGUI" and the PySimpleGUI logo are Trademarked