89 lines
4.7 KiB
89 lines
4.7 KiB
import PySimpleGUI as sg
def eBaySuperSearcherGUI():
# Drop Down list of options
configs = ('0 - Gruen - Started 2 days ago in Watches',
'1 - Gruen - Currently Active in Watches',
'2 - Alpina - Currently Active in Jewelry',
'3 - Gruen - Ends in 1 day in Watches',
'4 - Gruen - Completed in Watches',
'5 - Gruen - Advertising',
'6 - Gruen - Currently Active in Jewelry',
'7 - Gruen - Price Test',
'8 - Gruen - No brand name specified')
us_categories = ('Use Default with no change',
'All - 1',
'Jewelry - 281',
' Watches - 14324',
' Wristwatches - 31387',
' Pocket Watches - 3937',
'Advertising - 34',
' Watch Ads - 165254'
german_categories =('Use Default with no change',
'All - 1',
'Jewelry - 281',
' Watches - 14324',
' Wristwatches - 31387',
' Pocket Watches - 3937',
'Advertising - 1',
' Watch Ads - 19823'
# the form layout
with sg.FlexForm('EBay Super Searcher', auto_size_text=True) as form:
with sg.FlexForm('EBay Super Searcher') as form2:
layout_tab_1 = [[sg.Text('eBay Super Searcher!', size=(60,1), font=('helvetica', 15))],
[sg.Text('Choose base configuration to run')],
[sg.Text('_'*100, size=(80,1))],
[sg.InputText(),sg.Text('Choose Destination Folder'), sg.FolderBrowse(target=(sg.ThisRow,0))],
[sg.InputText(),sg.Text('Custom text to add to folder name')],
[sg.Text('_'*100, size=(80,1))],
[sg.Checkbox('US', default=True, size=(15, 1)), sg.Checkbox('German', size=(15, 1), default=True, )],
[sg.Radio('Active Listings','ActiveComplete', default = True,size=(15, 1)), sg.Radio('Completed Listings', 'ActiveComplete', size=(15, 1))],
[sg.Text('_'*100, size=(80,1))],
[sg.Checkbox('Save Images', size=(15,1)),sg.Checkbox('Save PDFs', size=(15,1)), sg.Checkbox('Extract PDFs', size=(15,1))],
[sg.Text('_'*100, size=(80,1))],
[sg.Text('Time Filters')],
[sg.Radio('No change','time', default=True),sg.Radio('ALL listings','time'),sg.Radio('Started 1 day ago','time', size=(15,1)),sg.Radio('Started 2 days ago','time', size=(15,1)), sg.Radio('Ends in 1 day','time', size=(15,1))],
[sg.Text('_'*100, size=(80,1))],
[sg.Text('Price Range'), sg.InputText(size=(10,1)),sg.Text('To'), sg.InputText(size=(10,1))],
[sg.Text('_'*100, size=(80,1))],
[sg.Submit(button_color=('red', 'yellow')), sg.Cancel(button_color=('white', 'blue')), sg.Text(f'{MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS} Threads will be started')]]
# First category is default (need to special case this)
layout_tab_2 = [[sg.Text('Choose Category')],
[sg.Text('US Categories'),sg.Text('German Categories')],
[sg.Radio(us_categories[0],'CATUS', default=True), sg.Radio(german_categories[0], 'CATDE', default=True)]]
for i,cat in enumerate(us_categories):
if i == 0: continue # skip first one
layout_tab_2.append([sg.Radio(cat,'CATUS'), sg.Radio(german_categories[i],'CATDE')])
layout_tab_2.append([sg.Text('_' * 100, size=(75, 1))])
layout_tab_2.append([sg.Text('US Search String Override')])
layout_tab_2.append([sg.Text('German Search String Override')])
layout_tab_2.append([sg.Text('Typical US Search String')])
layout_tab_2.append([sg.InputText(size=(100,1), default_text='gruen -sara -quarz -quartz -embassy -bob -robert -elephants -adidas -LED ')])
layout_tab_2.append([sg.Text('_' * 100, size=(75, 1))])
layout_tab_2.append([sg.Submit(button_color=('red', 'yellow'),auto_size_text=True), sg.Cancel(button_color=('white', 'blue'), auto_size_text=True)])
results = sg.ShowTabbedForm('eBay Super Searcher', (form,layout_tab_1,'Where To Save'), (form2, layout_tab_2, 'Categories & Search String'))
return results
if __name__ == '__main__':
results = eBaySuperSearcherGUI()
sg.MsgBox('Results', results)