2021-05-31 19:42:05 +00:00
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import math
Another simple Desktop Widget using PySimpleGUI
A Counter Widget . . . X out of Y
Maybe you ' re counting the number of classes left in a course you ' re
working your way through , or the number of pokemons left to capture .
Whatever it is , sometimes knowing your progress helps . This widget shows
you the current count and the total along with your % complete via a gauge .
( Again , thank you to Jason for the gauge ! )
Copyright 2021 PySimpleGUI
ALPHA = 0.9 # Initial alpha until user changes
THEME = ' Dark green 3 ' # Initial theme until user changes
refresh_font = sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -refresh font- ' , ' Courier 8 ' )
title_font = sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -title font- ' , ' Courier 8 ' )
main_number_font = sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -main number font- ' , ' Courier 70 ' )
main_info_size = ( 3 , 1 )
class Gauge ( ) :
def mapping ( func , sequence , * argc ) :
Map function with extra argument , not for tuple .
: Parameters
func - function to call .
sequence - list for iteration .
argc - more arguments for func .
: Return
list of func ( element of sequence , * argc )
if isinstance ( sequence , list ) :
return list ( map ( lambda i : func ( i , * argc ) , sequence ) )
else :
return func ( sequence , * argc )
def add ( number1 , number2 ) :
Add two number
: Parameter
number1 - number to add .
numeer2 - number to add .
: Return
Addition result for number1 and number2 .
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return number1 + number2
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def limit ( number ) :
Limit angle in range 0 ~ 360
: Parameter
number : angle degree .
: Return
angel degree in 0 ~ 360 , return 0 if number < 0 , 360 if number > 360.
return max ( min ( 360 , number ) , 0 )
class Clock ( ) :
Draw background circle or arc
All angles defined as clockwise from negative x - axis .
def __init__ ( self , center_x = 0 , center_y = 0 , radius = 100 , start_angle = 0 ,
stop_angle = 360 , fill_color = ' white ' , line_color = ' black ' , line_width = 2 , graph_elem = None ) :
instance = Gauge . mapping ( isinstance , [ center_x , center_y , radius , start_angle ,
stop_angle , line_width ] , ( int , float ) ) + Gauge . mapping ( isinstance ,
[ fill_color , line_color ] , str )
if False in instance :
raise ValueError
start_angle , stop_angle = Gauge . limit ( start_angle ) , Gauge . limit ( stop_angle )
self . all = [ center_x , center_y , radius , start_angle , stop_angle ,
fill_color , line_color , line_width ]
self . figure = [ ]
self . graph_elem = graph_elem
self . new ( )
def new ( self ) :
Draw Arc or circle
x , y , r , start , stop , fill , line , width = self . all
start , stop = ( 180 - start , 180 - stop ) if stop < start else ( 180 - stop , 180 - start )
if start == stop % 360 :
self . figure . append ( self . graph_elem . DrawCircle ( ( x , y ) , r , fill_color = fill ,
line_color = line , line_width = width ) )
else :
self . figure . append ( self . graph_elem . DrawArc ( ( x - r , y + r ) , ( x + r , y - r ) , stop - start ,
start , style = ' arc ' , arc_color = fill ) )
def move ( self , delta_x , delta_y ) :
Move circle or arc in clock by delta x , delta y
if False in Gauge . mapping ( isinstance , [ delta_x , delta_y ] , ( int , float ) ) :
raise ValueError
self . all [ 0 ] + = delta_x
self . all [ 1 ] + = delta_y
for figure in self . figure :
self . graph_elem . MoveFigure ( figure , delta_x , delta_y )
class Pointer ( ) :
Draw pointer of clock
All angles defined as clockwise from negative x - axis .
def __init__ ( self , center_x = 0 , center_y = 0 , angle = 0 , inner_radius = 20 ,
outer_radius = 80 , outer_color = ' white ' , pointer_color = ' blue ' ,
origin_color = ' black ' , line_width = 2 , graph_elem = None ) :
instance = Gauge . mapping ( isinstance , [ center_x , center_y , angle , inner_radius ,
outer_radius , line_width ] , ( int , float ) ) + Gauge . mapping ( isinstance ,
[ outer_color , pointer_color , origin_color ] , str )
if False in instance :
raise ValueError
self . all = [ center_x , center_y , angle , inner_radius , outer_radius ,
outer_color , pointer_color , origin_color , line_width ]
self . figure = [ ]
self . stop_angle = angle
self . graph_elem = graph_elem
self . new ( degree = angle )
def new ( self , degree = 0 ) :
Draw new pointer by angle , erase old pointer if exist
degree defined as clockwise from negative x - axis .
( center_x , center_y , angle , inner_radius , outer_radius ,
outer_color , pointer_color , origin_color , line_width ) = self . all
if self . figure != [ ] :
for figure in self . figure :
self . graph_elem . DeleteFigure ( figure )
self . figure = [ ]
d = degree - 90
self . all [ 2 ] = degree
dx1 = int ( 2 * inner_radius * math . sin ( d / 180 * math . pi ) )
dy1 = int ( 2 * inner_radius * math . cos ( d / 180 * math . pi ) )
dx2 = int ( outer_radius * math . sin ( d / 180 * math . pi ) )
dy2 = int ( outer_radius * math . cos ( d / 180 * math . pi ) )
self . figure . append ( self . graph_elem . DrawLine ( ( center_x - dx1 , center_y - dy1 ) ,
( center_x + dx2 , center_y + dy2 ) ,
color = pointer_color , width = line_width ) )
self . figure . append ( self . graph_elem . DrawCircle ( ( center_x , center_y ) , inner_radius ,
fill_color = origin_color , line_color = outer_color , line_width = line_width ) )
def move ( self , delta_x , delta_y ) :
Move pointer with delta x and delta y
if False in Gauge . mapping ( isinstance , [ delta_x , delta_y ] , ( int , float ) ) :
raise ValueError
self . all [ : 2 ] = [ self . all [ 0 ] + delta_x , self . all [ 1 ] + delta_y ]
for figure in self . figure :
self . graph_elem . MoveFigure ( figure , delta_x , delta_y )
class Tick ( ) :
Create tick on click for minor tick , also for major tick
All angles defined as clockwise from negative x - axis .
def __init__ ( self , center_x = 0 , center_y = 0 , start_radius = 90 , stop_radius = 100 ,
start_angle = 0 , stop_angle = 360 , step = 6 , line_color = ' black ' , line_width = 2 , graph_elem = None ) :
instance = Gauge . mapping ( isinstance , [ center_x , center_y , start_radius ,
stop_radius , start_angle , stop_angle , step , line_width ] ,
( int , float ) ) + [ Gauge . mapping ( isinstance , line_color , ( list , str ) ) ]
if False in instance :
raise ValueError
start_angle , stop_angle = Gauge . limit ( start_angle ) , Gauge . limit ( stop_angle )
self . all = [ center_x , center_y , start_radius , stop_radius ,
start_angle , stop_angle , step , line_color , line_width ]
self . figure = [ ]
self . graph_elem = graph_elem
self . new ( )
def new ( self ) :
Draw ticks on clock
( x , y , start_radius , stop_radius , start_angle , stop_angle , step ,
line_color , line_width ) = self . all
start_angle , stop_angle = ( 180 - start_angle , 180 - stop_angle
) if stop_angle < start_angle else ( 180 - stop_angle , 180 - start_angle )
for i in range ( start_angle , stop_angle + 1 , step ) :
start_x = x + start_radius * math . cos ( i / 180 * math . pi )
start_y = y + start_radius * math . sin ( i / 180 * math . pi )
stop_x = x + stop_radius * math . cos ( i / 180 * math . pi )
stop_y = y + stop_radius * math . sin ( i / 180 * math . pi )
self . figure . append ( self . graph_elem . DrawLine ( ( start_x , start_y ) ,
( stop_x , stop_y ) , color = line_color , width = line_width ) )
def move ( self , delta_x , delta_y ) :
Move ticks by delta x and delta y
if False in Gauge . mapping ( isinstance , [ delta_x , delta_y ] , ( int , float ) ) :
raise ValueError
self . all [ 0 ] + = delta_x
self . all [ 1 ] + = delta_y
for figure in self . figure :
self . graph_elem . MoveFigure ( figure , delta_x , delta_y )
Create Gauge
All angles defined as count clockwise from negative x - axis .
Should create instance of clock , pointer , minor tick and major tick first .
def __init__ ( self , center = ( 0 , 0 ) , start_angle = 0 , stop_angle = 180 , major_tick_width = 5 , minor_tick_width = 2 , major_tick_start_radius = 90 , major_tick_stop_radius = 100 , major_tick_step = 30 , clock_radius = 100 , pointer_line_width = 5 , pointer_inner_radius = 10 , pointer_outer_radius = 75 , pointer_color = ' white ' , pointer_origin_color = ' black ' , pointer_outer_color = ' white ' , pointer_angle = 0 , degree = 0 , clock_color = ' white ' , major_tick_color = ' black ' , minor_tick_color = ' black ' , minor_tick_start_radius = 90 , minor_tick_stop_radius = 100 , graph_elem = None ) :
self . clock = Gauge . Clock ( start_angle = start_angle , stop_angle = stop_angle , fill_color = clock_color , radius = clock_radius , graph_elem = graph_elem )
self . minor_tick = Gauge . Tick ( start_angle = start_angle , stop_angle = stop_angle , line_width = minor_tick_width , line_color = minor_tick_color , start_radius = minor_tick_start_radius , stop_radius = minor_tick_stop_radius , graph_elem = graph_elem )
self . major_tick = Gauge . Tick ( start_angle = start_angle , stop_angle = stop_angle , line_width = major_tick_width , start_radius = major_tick_start_radius , stop_radius = major_tick_stop_radius , step = major_tick_step , line_color = major_tick_color , graph_elem = graph_elem )
self . pointer = Gauge . Pointer ( angle = pointer_angle , inner_radius = pointer_inner_radius , outer_radius = pointer_outer_radius , pointer_color = pointer_color , outer_color = pointer_outer_color , origin_color = pointer_origin_color , line_width = pointer_line_width , graph_elem = graph_elem )
self . center_x , self . center_y = self . center = center
self . degree = degree
self . dx = self . dy = 1
def move ( self , delta_x , delta_y ) :
Move gauge to move all componenets in gauge .
self . center_x , self . center_y = self . center = (
self . center_x + delta_x , self . center_y + delta_y )
if self . clock :
self . clock . move ( delta_x , delta_y )
if self . minor_tick :
self . minor_tick . move ( delta_x , delta_y )
if self . major_tick :
self . major_tick . move ( delta_x , delta_y )
if self . pointer :
self . pointer . move ( delta_x , delta_y )
def change ( self , degree = None , step = 1 ) :
Rotation of pointer
call it with degree and step to set initial options for rotation .
Without any option to start rotation .
if self . pointer :
if degree != None :
self . pointer . stop_degree = degree
self . pointer . step = step if self . pointer . all [ 2 ] < degree else - step
return True
now = self . pointer . all [ 2 ]
step = self . pointer . step
new_degree = now + step
if ( ( step > 0 and new_degree < self . pointer . stop_degree ) or
( step < 0 and new_degree > self . pointer . stop_degree ) ) :
self . pointer . new ( degree = new_degree )
return False
else :
self . pointer . new ( degree = self . pointer . stop_degree )
return True
GSIZE = ( 160 , 160 )
def choose_theme ( location ) :
layout = [ [ sg . Text ( f ' Current theme { sg . theme ( ) } ' ) ] ,
[ sg . Listbox ( values = sg . theme_list ( ) , size = ( 20 , 20 ) , key = ' -LIST- ' , enable_events = True ) ] ,
[ sg . OK ( ) , sg . Cancel ( ) ] ]
window = sg . Window ( ' Look and Feel Browser ' , layout , location = location , keep_on_top = True )
old_theme = sg . theme ( )
while True : # Event Loop
event , values = window . read ( )
if event in ( sg . WIN_CLOSED , ' Exit ' , ' OK ' , ' Cancel ' ) :
sg . theme ( values [ ' -LIST- ' ] [ 0 ] )
test_window = make_window ( location = ( location [ 0 ] - 200 , location [ 1 ] ) , test_window = True )
test_window . read ( close = True )
window . close ( )
if event == ' OK ' and values [ ' -LIST- ' ] :
sg . theme ( values [ ' -LIST- ' ] [ 0 ] )
sg . user_settings_set_entry ( ' -theme- ' , values [ ' -LIST- ' ] [ 0 ] )
return values [ ' -LIST- ' ] [ 0 ]
else :
sg . theme ( old_theme )
return None
def make_window ( location , test_window = False ) :
title_font = sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -title font- ' , ' Courier 8 ' )
title = sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -title- ' , ' ' )
main_number_font = sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -main number font- ' , ' Courier 70 ' )
if not test_window :
theme = sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -theme- ' , THEME )
sg . theme ( theme )
alpha = sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -alpha- ' , ALPHA )
# ------------------- Window Layout -------------------
# If this is a test window (for choosing theme), then uses some extra Text Elements to display theme info
# and also enables events for the elements to make the window easy to close
if test_window :
top_elements = [ [ sg . Text ( title , size = ( 20 , 1 ) , font = title_font , justification = ' c ' , k = ' -TITLE- ' , enable_events = True ) ] ,
[ sg . Text ( ' Click to close ' , font = title_font , enable_events = True ) ] ,
[ sg . Text ( ' This is theme ' , font = title_font , enable_events = True ) ] ,
[ sg . Text ( sg . theme ( ) , font = title_font , enable_events = True ) ] ]
right_click_menu = [ [ ' ' ] , [ ' Exit ' , ] ]
else :
top_elements = [ [ sg . Text ( title , size = ( 20 , 1 ) , font = title_font , justification = ' c ' , k = ' -TITLE- ' ) ] ]
right_click_menu = [ [ ' ' ] , [ ' Set Count ' , ' Set Goal ' , ' Choose Title ' , ' Edit Me ' , ' Change Theme ' , ' Save Location ' , ' Refresh ' , ' Set Title Font ' , ' Set Main Font ' , ' Alpha ' , [ str ( x ) for x in range ( 1 , 11 ) ] , ' Exit ' , ] ]
gsize = ( 100 , 55 )
layout = top_elements + \
[ [ sg . Text ( ' 0 ' , size = main_info_size , font = main_number_font , k = ' -MAIN INFO- ' , justification = ' c ' , enable_events = test_window ) ] ,
sg . vbottom ( [ sg . Text ( 0 , size = ( 3 , 1 ) , justification = ' r ' , font = ' courier 20 ' ) ,
sg . Graph ( gsize , ( - gsize [ 0 ] / / 2 , 0 ) , ( gsize [ 0 ] / / 2 , gsize [ 1 ] ) , key = ' -Graph- ' ) ,
sg . Text ( 0 , size = ( 3 , 1 ) , font = ' courier 20 ' , k = ' -GOAL- ' ) ] ) ,
try :
window = sg . Window ( ' Counter Widget ' , layout , location = location , no_titlebar = True , grab_anywhere = True , margins = ( 0 , 0 ) , element_justification = ' c ' , element_padding = ( 0 , 0 ) , alpha_channel = alpha , finalize = True , right_click_menu = right_click_menu , right_click_menu_tearoff = False , keep_on_top = True )
except Exception as e :
if sg . popup_yes_no ( ' Error creating your window ' , e , ' These are your current settings: ' , sg . user_settings ( ) , ' Do you want to delete your settings file? ' ) == ' Yes ' :
sg . user_settings_delete_filename ( )
sg . popup ( ' Settings deleted. ' , ' Please restart your program ' )
exit ( )
window = None
window . gauge = Gauge ( pointer_color = sg . theme_text_color ( ) , clock_color = sg . theme_text_color ( ) , major_tick_color = sg . theme_text_color ( ) ,
minor_tick_color = sg . theme_input_background_color ( ) , pointer_outer_color = sg . theme_text_color ( ) , major_tick_start_radius = 45 ,
minor_tick_start_radius = 45 , minor_tick_stop_radius = 50 , major_tick_stop_radius = 50 , major_tick_step = 30 , clock_radius = 50 , pointer_line_width = 3 , pointer_inner_radius = 10 , pointer_outer_radius = 50 , graph_elem = window [ ' -Graph- ' ] )
window . gauge . change ( degree = 0 )
return window
def main ( ) :
loc = sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -location- ' , ( None , None ) )
window = make_window ( loc )
try :
current_count = int ( sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -current count- ' , 0 ) )
current_goal = int ( sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -goal- ' , 100 ) )
current_goal = current_goal if current_goal != 0 else 100
except :
if sg . popup_yes_no ( ' Your count or goal number is not good. Do you want to delete your settings file? ' , location = window . current_location ( ) ) == ' Yes ' :
sg . user_settings_delete_filename ( )
sg . popup ( ' Settings deleted. ' , ' Please restart your program ' , location = window . current_location ( ) )
exit ( )
window [ ' -MAIN INFO- ' ] . update ( current_count )
window [ ' -GOAL- ' ] . update ( current_goal )
while True : # Event Loop
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window . gauge . change ( )
new_angle = current_count / current_goal * 180
window . gauge . change ( degree = new_angle , step = 180 )
window . gauge . change ( )
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window [ ' -GOAL- ' ] . update ( current_goal )
window [ ' -MAIN INFO- ' ] . update ( current_count )
# -------------- Start of normal event loop --------------
event , values = window . read ( )
print ( event , values )
if event == sg . WIN_CLOSED or event == ' Exit ' :
if event == ' Edit Me ' :
sg . execute_editor ( __file__ )
elif event == ' Set Count ' :
new_count = sg . popup_get_text ( ' Enter current count ' , default_text = current_count , location = window . current_location ( ) , keep_on_top = True )
if new_count is not None :
try :
current_count = int ( new_count )
except :
sg . popup_error ( ' Your count is not good. Ignoring input. ' , location = window . current_location ( ) )
sg . user_settings_set_entry ( ' -current count- ' , current_count )
elif event == ' Set Goal ' :
new_goal = sg . popup_get_text ( ' Enter Goal ' , default_text = current_goal , location = window . current_location ( ) , keep_on_top = True )
if new_goal is not None :
try :
current_goal = int ( new_goal )
except :
sg . popup_error ( ' Your goal number is not good. Ignoring input. ' , location = window . current_location ( ) )
current_goal = current_goal if current_goal != 0 else 100
sg . user_settings_set_entry ( ' -goal- ' , current_goal )
elif event == ' Choose Title ' :
2021-05-31 19:54:06 +00:00
new_title = sg . popup_get_text ( ' Choose a title for your date ' , default_text = sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -title- ' , ' ' ) , location = window . current_location ( ) , keep_on_top = True )
2021-05-31 19:42:05 +00:00
if new_title is not None :
window [ ' -TITLE- ' ] . update ( new_title )
sg . user_settings_set_entry ( ' -title- ' , new_title )
elif event == ' Save Location ' :
sg . user_settings_set_entry ( ' -location- ' , window . current_location ( ) )
elif event in [ str ( x ) for x in range ( 1 , 11 ) ] :
window . set_alpha ( int ( event ) / 10 )
sg . user_settings_set_entry ( ' -alpha- ' , int ( event ) / 10 )
elif event == ' Change Theme ' :
loc = window . current_location ( )
if choose_theme ( loc ) is not None :
# this is result of hacking code down to 99 lines in total. Not tried it before. Interesting test.
_ , window = window . close ( ) , make_window ( loc )
elif event == ' Set Main Font ' :
2021-05-31 19:51:26 +00:00
font = sg . popup_get_text ( ' Main Information Font and Size (e.g. courier 70) ' , default_text = sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -main number font- ' , main_number_font ) , location = window . current_location ( ) , keep_on_top = True )
2021-05-31 19:42:05 +00:00
if font :
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loc = window . current_location ( )
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sg . user_settings_set_entry ( ' -main number font- ' , font )
_ , window = window . close ( ) , make_window ( loc )
elif event == ' Set Title Font ' :
2021-05-31 19:51:26 +00:00
font = sg . popup_get_text ( ' Title Font and Size (e.g. courier 8) ' , default_text = sg . user_settings_get_entry ( ' -title font- ' , title_font ) , location = window . current_location ( ) , keep_on_top = True )
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if font :
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loc = window . current_location ( )
2021-05-31 19:42:05 +00:00
sg . user_settings_set_entry ( ' -title font- ' , font )
_ , window = window . close ( ) , make_window ( loc )
window . close ( )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
main ( )