2018-11-05 17:54:37 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2019-10-23 20:10:03 +00:00
import PySimpleGUI as sg
2018-11-05 17:54:37 +00:00
from chatterbot import ChatBot
import chatterbot.utils
from gtts import gTTS
from pygame import mixer
import time
import os
A GUI wrapped arouind the Chatterbot package.
2019-06-26 15:09:42 +00:00
The GUI is used to show progress bars during the training process and
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to collect user input that is sent to the chatbot. The reply is displayed in the GUI window
# Create the 'Trainer GUI'
# The Trainer GUI consists of a lot of progress bars stacked on top of each other
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2018-11-05 17:54:37 +00:00
# sg.DebugWin()
MAX_PROG_BARS = 20 # number of training sessions
bars = []
texts = []
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training_layout = [[sg.Text('TRAINING PROGRESS', size=(20, 1), font=('Helvetica', 17))], ]
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for i in range(MAX_PROG_BARS):
bars.append(sg.ProgressBar(100, size=(30, 4)))
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texts.append(sg.Text(' ' * 20, size=(20, 1), justification='right'))
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training_layout += [[texts[i], bars[i]],] # add a single row
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training_window = sg.Window('Training', training_layout)
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current_bar = 0
# callback function for training runs
def print_progress_bar(description, iteration_counter, total_items, progress_bar_length=20):
global current_bar
global bars
global texts
global training_window
# update the window and the bars
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button, values = training_window.read(timeout=0)
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if button is None: # if user closed the window on us, exit
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if bars[current_bar].update_bar(iteration_counter, max=total_items) is False:
texts[current_bar].update(description) # show the training dataset name
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if iteration_counter == total_items:
current_bar += 1
def speak(text):
global i
tts = gTTS(text=text, lang='en',slow=False)
# playback the speech
# wait for playback to end
while mixer.music.get_busy():
i += 1
i = 0
# redefine the chatbot text based progress bar with a graphical one
chatterbot.utils.print_progress_bar = print_progress_bar
chatbot = ChatBot('Ron Obvious', trainer='chatterbot.trainers.ChatterBotCorpusTrainer')
# Train based on the english corpus
################# GUI #################
layout = [[sg.Output(size=(80, 20))],
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[sg.MLine(size=(70, 5), enter_submits=True),
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sg.Button('SEND', bind_return_key=True), sg.Button('EXIT')]]
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window = sg.Window('Chat Window', layout, default_element_size=(30, 2))
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# ---===--- Loop taking in user input and using it to query HowDoI web oracle --- #
while True:
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event, (value,) = window.read()
2019-06-26 15:09:42 +00:00
if event != 'SEND':
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string = value.rstrip()
print(' '+string)
# send the user input to chatbot to get a response
response = chatbot.get_response(value.rstrip())
2019-10-23 20:10:03 +00:00