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import PySimpleGUI as sg
Demo Restart Window (sorta reopen)
Once a window is closed, you can't do anything with it. You can't read it. You can't "re-open" it.
The only choice is to recreate the window. It's important that you use a "Fresh Layout" every time.
You can't pass the same layout from one indow to another. You will get a popup error infomrning you
that you've attempted to resuse a layout.
The purpose of this demo is to show you the simple "make window" design pattern. It simply makes a
window using a layout that's defined in that function and returns the Window object. It's not a bad
way to encapsulate windows if your application is getting a little larger than the typical small data
entry window.
Copyright 2020, 2023
def make_window():
Defines a window layout and createws a indow using this layout. The newly made Window
is returned to the caller.
:return: Window that is created using the layout defined in the function
:rtype: Window
layout = [[sg.Text('The program will only exit using the "Quit Program" button.')],
[sg.Text('Closing the window or using Exit button will cause a new window to be created.')],
[sg.Button('Does Nothing'), sg.Button('Exit'), sg.Button('Quit Program')]]
return sg.Window('Window that restarts on exit', layout)
def main():
window = make_window()
while True: # Event Loop
event, values =
print(event, values)
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
window = make_window()
elif event == 'Quit Program': # The Quit Program button break out of event loop and exits program
if __name__ == '__main__':